
Invitation of 10/17/12 re Grif... to Demonstrate Non-incurrment of Sinful Culpability/Criminal Liability/Tort Liability/Liability for Duty Breaches Too Grave to Leave Perogative to Execute the Authority of a Judicial Office/Law License/Government Office in a position of public trust intact and operative, Via 1.) Adjudication of Case # 11 CH 12339 Attributable to Activity of Judge Leroy Martin, Jr. ("JLM") via the execution of innumerable affirmative acts, an enumeration of which will be provided in the near future, but which enumeration would have to begin with his refusal to adjudicate RJM's Motion to Stay Case Pending Procurment of Criminal Prosecution via 18 USC 242, and his denial of RJM's Motion for Appointement of Special Prosecutor w/o providing any explanation demonstrating that either of such rulings did not consitute (a) deprivation(s) of (a) Right Guarantted by the Constitution ... under Color of Law, Providence permitting, 2.) any and all contribution to any and all deprivations of legitimate reliance interests perpetrated in the adjudication of 11 CH 12339 attributable to any and all activity conducted by the Law Clerk of JLM who has been conducting activity from June of 2011 until this date, in Room 2008 of the R. Daley Center, 3.) Defense of Case #11 CH 12339 Attributable to Asst. IAG Sean Conway, IAG Supervisor Gary Griffin and Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, 4.) Defense of Case #11 CH 12339 Attributable to Asst. Cook County, IL State's Attorney ("CCSA") Eric Garcia, Asst. CCSA, Paul Groah, CCSA Supervisor Patrick Driscoll (if Driscoll has been the Supervisor of the Civil Torts Defense Section of the Office of the CCSA since March of 2011), CCSA Anita Alvarez and in Particular the Lying to the Court by Attorneys Asst. CCSA P. Groah and Asst. IAG S. Conway on 5/29/12, and Conway again later when Groah was not present, claiming that RJM had never filed the amended complaint which RJM later proved had been filed and seeking to prevent RJM from receiving the utility of the actual filing whereof, or in any case conducting activity such that the forseeable consequences whereof, would consist of such effect, and Garcia and Conway's positing opposition to RJM's Motion for Appointment of a Special Prosecutor in an arrangement in which the CCSA was representing individuals RJM was endeavoring to get adequately criminally punished and was otherwise subject to a substantial conflict of interest, and any and all supervisors responsible for such lying, and attempt to prevent the appointment of a special prosecutor, and for innumerable other offenses to be chronicled as circumstances permit.

Each of the recipients of this document, respectively,   is herein invited to demonstrate that none of the activity conducted by each, respectively, in regard to the matters this document concerns was a.) gravely sinful and/or venially sinful, and b.) not non-criminal in character as violating among other provisions of  the U.S. Code, those of  18 USC 242 and 720 ILCS 5/33-3 and c.) not non-tortious and correlatively, actionable, via either 42 USC 1983, and/or malicious defense of a civil case, tortious inference with various claims to consideration, abuse of process and/or otherwise tortious in ways the explication of which would necessarily be beyond the scope of this document.

The invitation(s) referenced herein (is) (are) extended until 10:00 a.m. on 10/19/12 for Judge Martin, his clerk, the representatives of the IAG and the CCSA referenced wherein to provide responses to the Invites and Proposed Stips or in the alternative, to request another 24 hours w/n which to provide such, renewable for good cause shown, indefinitely.


Notice of 10/17/12 of Priority that No Safeguard Necessary to the Ensurement of the Adequate Protection of Any Legitimate Reliance Interest Would Ever have been nor, be, Left Out, of Any Instititute of St. Michael the Archangel ("ISMA") Project Including that in Regard to which this Document is a Component Part, Including that No Unjustified Quid Pro Quo Ever Have Ended up in Any Such Type Project, Notwithstanding the Impossibility Inherent in the (Fallen) Human Condition that There Would be "Incidental Interconnectedness" in and of Various Agendas, Project Scripts and/or Matters in General

Notice of the type referenced in the title to this document is herein provided. Any input in regard to the matters concerned can be transmitted to any of the contact information instruments referenced on the home page for the website whose URL is included in the ULC of this document.


/grifpropstipindict101612d's.html                                        #3                                            #

Proposed Stipulation re Waiver of   U.S. Const., 5th Amendment Right to  not be Criminally Prosecuted for any Alleged and/or Actual Federal Felony Except via Indictment

Pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure #6, anyone accused of  the commission of any federal crime possesses the authority to waive his or her 5th Amendment Right to  not be Criminally Prosecuted for any Alleged and/or Actual Federal Felon(y)(ies) Except via Indictment and to instead be subject to any given criminal prosecution via the conducting of a probable cause audience by a Federal Judge in regard to any given claim of criminal activity.

If  any of the recipients of this document are confident that no criminal liability has been incurred in the participation in the activity this document concerns by him or her, respectively, or even if any of such activity conductors are not confident of such, it is herein proposed that the waiver referenced in F.R. Crim. Proc. #6 be utilized in regard to the matters this document concerns and that a probable cause audience be conducted by CCA  7 Senior Judge, D. Manion in regard to such matter(s).

I, _________________________, (name), _______________________, (title), do herein stipulate to waive my constitutionally protected, 5th Amendment, right to not be criminally prosecuted for the commission of any alleged and/or actual federal felon(y)(ies) except via indictment in regard to the matters this document concerns, and in lieu of such consideration do stipulate to have CCA 7, Judge D. Manion adjudicate a probable cause audience in regard to the matters referenced in the "Invitation of 10/17/12 to Demonstrate...." which this document accompanies, which contravened the provisions of 18 USC 242.______________________________, ____________________

Signature                                                             Date


Invitation to Resign of 10/17/12 and to voluntarily relinquish any claim to any pension funds accrued

On behalf of each and all of the victims of the defraudments of legitimate reliance interests referenced in the "Invitation of 10/17/12 to Demonstrate...." each of the individuals referenced in such document is herein invited to resign his or her office as of 10/17/12 and to voluntarily relinquish any claim to any pension funds accrued from activity conducted in such office and to voluntarily remit his or her law license to the ARDC.

.../grifjw101712.html #5

Notice of Clemency Petition Processing Officer ("CPPO") Proposal for Matters Referenced in "Invitation of 10/17/12... re Grif...."

Attributable to the Comparatively Enormous Concern that no Legitimate Reliance Interest Ever Remain Unaccommodated and that the prospects for eternal salvation of anyone never be injured by any activity condcted by any representative of ISMA, which is supposed to characterize all ISMA activity, RJM has delivered copies of the entirety of the documents referenced in the "D/L of 10/17/12 - Grif ...." to former CCCC, IL Judge J. Ward. Though one of the purposes of the transmission of the documents referenced in that document list to those to whom it has been transmitted in regard to the matters this document concerns is to enable the most thorough presentation to a Federal Grand Jury and/or to (a) Special Prosecutor(s) and/or a State Grand Jury, of activity apprehended to be criminal by any given presenter whereof which can reasonably be presented in every instance in which any evidence in regard to such would ever be presented, via the notification of those whose activity has been understood to have been incompatible with some provision of a given criminal code, federal or state, respectively, so that he, she or they would be provided an opportunity to present a defense of any activity conducted by him, her or them which has been what some concerned individual would have been concerned would have been criminal in character, in a given instance, recourse to existing operative government systems to remedy harms unjustifiably caused to individuals and/or society at large in a given instance is not restricted solely to such means of remedy. On the contrary, inter alia, to protect interests deserving of protection, remed(y)(ies) (has) (have) to be available to ensure the adequate coverage of moral liability in instances and/or conditions in which legitimate resolutions of matters are not available through and from the activity of existing and operative governmental systems and it is for the accommodation of this moral and societal concern of the utmost importance that Common Law Tribunals such as the "ISMA CLT" have been established. Since those referenced in the "Invitation of 10/17/12...Grif" might not be comfortable addressing such tribunal nor ISMA, in general, in any way, in order to petition to prevent the presentation to a grand jury and/or a special prosecutor, of a given component of evidence, RJM has invited Judge John Ward to consider serving in the role of CPPO in regard to the matters this document concerns. Anyone listed in the "Invitation of 10/17/12...Grif" might consider communicating any concerns this document concerns to him. RJM will have delivered this and the documents it accompanies to him by 10/17/12. Unless RJM would receive notice from him of his unwillingness to contribute to the project this document concerns in the manner herein referenced, RJM will not issue any disclaimer in regard to such matter in the future.

Email of 10/16/12, transmitted to various attorneys for purpose of the selection of an individual to Conduct Activity in Role of clemency petition processing officer ("CPPO") if any of those referenced in the "Invitation of 10/17/12 to Demonstrate...."

Given that it has long since become painfully obvious to RJM how difficult it is to get government perpetrated crime adequately prosecuted and punished, and the paramount importance of accomplishing such obective in numerous instances, one of the many facets of the government crime punishment project ISMA has developed and instituted has remained opportunity for anyone accused of any crime to convince an adequately disinterested, educated and licensed party whom any member of ISMA has reported to have demonstrated a conspicuous commitment to keep activity conducted by him or her restricted to morally legitimate courses of conduct in the exercise of his or her profession, of his or her innocence. Since former CCCC,IL Judge J. Ward works a block from the RDC in Chicago, IL, he would likely be about as good a candidate for a clemency petition officer as can be found at this juncture.

If any of the recipients of this email would consider it incompatible with Judge Ward's more, rather than less, favorable, prospects for eternal salvation to participate wherein, based upon this conveyance and your limited knowledge of the ISMA CLT project, if you would provide RJM input in such regard which RJM can transmit to him in re whereto, RJM would be most appreciative and endeavor ot put such to good utility.

judge ward as ...- for various reasons....


Demand of RJM of 10/17/12 re effecting of distribution to each and all individuals referenced in the "Invitation of 10/17/12...." of this document and the documents which this document accompanies, and provision of confirmation in re whereto, or provision of means via which RJM can deliver each and all such, respectively and procure a confirmation of the reception whereof in regard to each and every such individual within 7 days time as of the transmission of this demand

RJM herein demands the consideration referenced in the title to this document


Complaint Form re Activity Conducted by ISMA Members

Complaint Form re Activity Conducted by ISMA Members are accessible at the URL listed in the ULC of this document and all ISMA members are supposed to have copies of such available at all times.

Lamentably, attributable to the measure of corruption and criminality by which most all government activity in regard to which the members of the Exec. Committee of ISMA is plagued at this juncture in Amerika's continued descent into an ever deeper Talmudic-barbarity, evidence of alleged offenses attributed to any given ISMA member(s) cannot be presented by any ISMA member to any entity responsible for the prosecution of crime, as any participation in any such type endeavor would render any ISMA member(s) who would have to attend to such type matter(s) incapable of remaining fully engaged in fighting the Talmudic-barbaric crime (the as-of-yet unpunished components of which, of course, go back centuries) which has all but entirely destroyed not just this Country, but the world.


Notice of 10/17/12 Intent to: Present Evidence to a Federal Grand Jury, and to a State Grand Jury, Petition for the Appointment of (a) Special Prosecutor(s) and/or for the Institution of Criminal Charges Not Requiring an Indictment for the Institution Whereof, File JIB Complaint, ARDC Complaint(s), Complaints to Offices of Inspector Generals of Various Entities, and to file an "Escort Lawsuit" in the CCCC in Regard to the adjudication and defense of 11 CH 12339 pending wherein....

Given the activity RJM has encountered in the activity conducted by RJM in the prosecution of Case # 11 CH 12339 in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL, ("CCCC") RJM cannot ascertain any morally legitimate basis upon which it might be claimed that RJM could justify not filing

.../grifdlinv101712.html #1

Document List of 10/17/12 - Grif, FGJ and Escort Comp

1. D/L of 10/17/12 - Grif, FGJ & Escort

2. Invitation of 10/17/12 to Demonstrate Non-incurment of culpability for sin/criminal liability/civil liability

3. Proposed Stipulation re Waiver of 5th Amendment Right....

4. Demand re Confirmation of Reception of Delivery of Documents and Distribution Whereof to Sup's

5. Provision for Consideration of Any Petition to Purge...Presented to Former CCCC, IL Judge J. Ward...

6. Notice of Intent to Present Evidence to.../file an Escort Lawsuit....of 10/17/12

7.Complaint Form re Activity Conducted by ISMA Members

8. Record of time and Resources Consumed - 10/17/12 19:00 - 21:00 21:30 - 23:00

9. Record of Delivery Reception Confirmation/Refusal to Provide Confirmation of DR

10. Invitation to Resign

11. Letter to Foreperson of Federal Grand Jury for NDIL, ARDC, JIB, of 10/18/12

12. Notice of 10/17/12 of Priority that No Safeguard Necessary ....


Verifications Regarding Liability/Non-liability of Supervisors and Affiliates in re Matters Referenced in "Invitation of 10/17/12...." Whereafter

Under penalty of perjury pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 1746 and 735 ILCS 5/1-109, I aver that either (strike inapplicable or circle applicable), a.) no supervisor nor any affiliate was involved in the matters this document concerns, or that the following supervisors and/or affiliates were involved in the execution of such matters: _______________, ___________________, ____________________, and b.) that no principal (ie Defendant - Party) was involved in the matters such document concerns, or that the following principal(s) were involved in the execution of such matters: _________________________. ___________________, ____________________.

________________________, _________________.

Signature Date


Confirmation of Reception of Delivery (“ROD”)/ Refusal to Provide Confirmation of ROD/ Service List - grifdlinv101712.html

Confirmation of reception of the document this confirmation accompanies:

I have received a copy of each of the documents listed in the “Document List of 10/17/12...Grif” which his document accompanies (Name)________________, (Title) ____________________, (Address)________________ , (Date) ________________refused to sign______________________

Certificate of Service

Under penalties of perjury pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 1746, and 735 ILCS 5/1-109, I (Robert J. More), ________________________, herein aver that I did leave a copy of the documents this certificate accompanies, which are referenced herein supra, with ____________________________, at the _______________________________________and did access the

______________________________ and speak with ______________________ on ____________, who refused to provide any signature confirming the reception whereof.

Robert J. More, P.O. Box 6926, Chicago, IL 60680,, (863) 688-9880 –lv msg

__________________, _______________________, _________________, ______________

Service List:

Judge L. Martin

Room 2008

R. Daley Center

50 W. Washington St.

Chicago, IL, 60601

Chicago, IL, 60601 – via hand delivery

Law Clerk of Judge L. Martin

Room 2008

R. Daley Center

50 W. Washington St.

Chicago, IL, 60601

Chicago, IL, 60601 – via hand delivery

Posted to URL listed herein supra by 10/20/12

All documents referenced in the "D/L of 10/17/12...Grif" re grifdlinv101712.html were emailed before 9:30 a.m. on 10/18/12 to Asst. IAG S. Conway, G. Griffin and Asst. CCSA P. Groah and CCSD AA - C McFadden with demand of transmission to CCSD Counsel P. Kramer at the email addresses provided for each, respectively

notice of intent