4/1/14 tues 15:45 to 17:30 composing initial Grif D/L and motion, then repeatedly revising it and composing Lablanc, Jack, Zeeh, and kelly reading motion of 3/2/14 for 3/4/14 and deliberating re final version and what all to try to get filed on 4/2/14 including PVS'es etc. till 2300 -

4/2/14 - 4/2/14 RJM departed LAF about 14:40 to Fed Ex Wells - spent $.72 on Grif and $.26 on Jack, Zeeh, Lablanc and Kelly, respectively, arrived in CL - 113? at 15:38 - initially Lt Marundi said it was too late, RJM explained that he could complete by 16:00 and she relented,..., griffith got numbered 11 CH 12338 not (9) and put on cal #59 as bridgeview bank ..Levon, both Jack and Zeeh had to be set for 7/3/14 and Zeeh had nothing in space for "motion", RJM discovered these defects at CCPO at 16:45 on 4/2/14, - RJM would have had to make trip to CCPO and ESS regardless of having to access RDC so travel time related to CCPO and ESS not assessable against those only responsible for the injurites that these 5 cases concern.

4/3/14 - prepare NOM and motion in Grif, NOM in Zeeh and Jack - at LAF -14:50 - Depart from LAF to RDC - for absolutely no reason other than to remedy what might have been claimed to constitute defects in Grif - wrong case number and wrong calendar - by J. Martin and/or in Jack and Zeeh by J. Jones - set for 7/3/13 which was 91 days, Superseding NOM set at 90 days. arrive RDC at 15:35,wait to 15:42 or abouts clean shaven deputy misrepresented conveyance of Lt Marundi, Sgt Reder gets escort - file docs and depart - left RDC at about 15:55, to ATF at 16:15,

total time assessed against J. S. Jones as attributable to order issued by him in 11 M1 013782 in September of 2013 - 85 minutes plus another 10 to get back to LAF

Combined Verification of (Reception of) Delivery of ...and all Documents Listed in the "D/L 4/2/14" Included Herein on 4/2/14 at ... and Verified Statment of Robert J. More ("RJM"), CCSD Lt Marundi, ("CCSLM") Regarding Activity Conducted Since 12/2/13 in Regard to RJM's Accessing Various Locations in the RDC, in Regard to the CCSD's enforcement of order(s) Issued in Case # 11 M1 013782 and related Matters

Under penalties of perjury pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 1746 and 735 ILCS 5/1-109, I, Robert J. More, CCSL Marundi, herein aver that copies of all of the documents listed in the title of this document and/or in the "D/L 4/2/14" ("D/L"), adjacent to which there is an "X" included herein infra, were served upon the CCSD on 4/2/14.

_______________________, _______________

Name Title

Robert J. More, P.O. Box 6926, Chicago, IL 60680, (863) 688-9880,

Document List of 4/2/14 (D/L 4/2/14)

1. D/L 4/2/14 X

2. …Proposed Verified Statement of Lt Marundi of 4/2/14 …. X

3. Proposed Verified Statement of Sgt Garrett of 4/2/14

4. Combined Verification of ...D/L of 4/2/14.... X

5. Chronicling of Document Production, Bldg Access, Interactions, Filing, Delivery of Documents and Website Posting(s) of 4/2/14

6. Internet Docket for the Dispute Resolution Project this Document Concerns (grifdock.html, jackdock.html, zeehdock.html, lblncdock.html, kelldock.html)

7. List of Accronyms and URL's used in Documents Included in this List and Notice re Accessibility of Documents Referenced in Any Such Documents X

8. Commentary re Moral and Legal Significance of PVS of 4/2/14 and Demands of 4/2/14

9. Demands of RJM of 4/2/14 X

10. Notice of 4/2/14 of Incurrment of Damages and Burden to Mitigate Damages Upon RJM X

11. Time and Expense Record for Composition and Processing of this document - 4/1/14 - 15:50 already - 1/2 hour to make and post videos and ..., plus printing and service X

All Documents adjacent to which an “X” is included herein supra have been delivered to CCSD &/or CCSD Lt Marundi and/or Sgt Garrett on 4/2/14 to Extent RJM Would Not Have Been prevented from effecting any given delivery whereof.

Accronym, Phrase Abbreviation and URL List for D/L of 4/2/14 Doc. # 5 in D/L of 4/2/14

1. Authority in Support of this Proposition Yet to be Included Herein - ("AYTBI").

2. CCSD - Cook County, IL, Sheriff's Dept.

3. RDC - Richard Daley Center

4. CCCC - Circuit Court of Cook County, IL

5. The Matters referenced herein ("these matters" - "TM")

6. The case this document concerns ("this case" - "TC")

7. 18 USC 242 - 242

8. 720 ILCS 5/33-3 - 33-3

9. PVS - Proposed Verified Statement

Proposed Verified Statement(s) ("PVS") of CCSD Sgt. Garrett ("SG"), (Robert J. More -("RJM))of 4/2/14 in Regard to Interactions Between SG and RJM of 11/21/13 and 11/26/13 and of Delivery of this Document on 4/2/14

I, Sgt. Garrett, _______________ obviously being over 18 years of age and being a (Sgt)(...) in the CCSD, stationed at the RDC in Chicago, IL (Robert J. More -("RJM))(resident of Chicago, IL w/o any residence) under penalties provided by law pursuant to the provisions of 28 US C 1746, and 735 ILCS 5/109, certify that I possess percipient knowledge(that is – knowledge of evidence procured through any of the 5 senses) of the developments, events, transactions and communications which transpired in regard to the matters referenced in the title and/or in the body of this document and that if called to testify under oath or affirmation in regard thereto, that I could testify competently in such regard:

1. On some date after 12/2/13, a 69 1/2" 182 lb (likely smaller by now) caucasian male, who had previously identified himself as Robert J. More, attired in Winter Coat and Sweat Pants or Green Corduroys, accessed Room CL 132 of the RDC.

2. He informed whomever was stationed at the counter of such room that he had in his possession a collection of documents which had to be filed and/or delivered to various locations in the RDC.

3. This Document concerns a recapitulation of the developments transpiring in the interactions of between RJM and Sgt. Garrett on such date.

4. RJM's initial recapitulation of such interactions are not yet posted.

5. Sgt Garrett addressed RJM as "buddy" several times in the interaction this document concerns.

6. RJM was unarmed at such juncture as can be proven from the fact that he passed thru the magnometer successfully w/o departing the building after such interactions if RJM's memory serves him adequately in regard to whether RJM actually proceeded wherethru on such occasion.

7. I have received notice that RJM is claiming that he and everyone entitled to consideration of whatever sort and measure from RJM (has) (have) been deprived of a number of unalienable natural law rights, protected by the Constitution of the u.s. of A. in regard to the matters this document concerns and that any demands which accompanies this document has been posited in order to prevent the deprivation of any such type rights in the future via the elimination of the conditions and priorities, the existence of which evidently resulted in the deprivations referenced herein supra.

_________________________, __________________

Name Date