updated but not revised from 2010 hos nom note: the necessity to keep certain information and matters out of the purview of Gods enemies has necessitated leaving out of this nomination a number of matters which might in deference to the requirements of the moral law regarding the record of activity of the subject of this nomination (nominee) constitute either factors which may in fact mitigate culpability for sin in a given instance, or in a given case, factors exculpating the nominee from culpability for sin altogether, at least from a given juncture, as it can be infallibly inferred from the canonizations of various saints that as the altogether innocent do not even incur culpability for grave or in some instances, for any, sin, for every offence against God and unjustified injury caused to a given creature of His in a given instance not prevented during a given innocents tour of duty in the war theatre of earthly existence, it is like wise the case that the truly penitent can only conduct activity within the limits of the fallen human condition of each and that true humility enables one to keep his or her activity within the actual limitations of his or her fallen condition. ISMA Hall of Shame Nominations for: 2010 5. ISMA AAA of Branch #4 Robert J. More Initial component of Nomination of 3/1/11 to be Superceded not Before the Feast of the Ascension of 2011, of Robert J. More into the ISMA Hall of Shame While the T. Schiavo, 9/11/01 and Ok. City, atrocities, and the murders and/or assassinations of G. Kahl, Sam and Vicki Weaver, T. Yeakey, J. ONeill, B. Duochette, P. Tillman, Hurricane Katrina, the Barksdale Nine, have all , etc. etc. etc., remain unavenged, while ten Edomite banking families have continued to deprive the citizens of the u.S. of A. of the protection of the purchasing power of the currency commonly recognized as constituting the currency of the realm in the u.S. of A. guaranteed in Art. 1 Section 8, Clause 5 of the Constitution of the u. S. of A. , while Ed and Elaine Brown were kidnapped by Representatives of the Edomite (Apoc. 2:9) Reign of Terror and Christopher Bollyn was convicted in a sham trial of a number of concocted charges in Rolling Meadows, IL, and while, Richard Simkanin, Irwin Schiff, Sherry P. Jackson, Eddie Kahn and Wesley Snipes, Robert Kelliher and Rick Stanley, etc. etc. etc. have never been rescued from the patently unjust incarcerations to which each has been subjected, respectively; RJM has in various instances demonstrated such priorities as to have made references to various judges who have never demonstrated any activity in re which RJM has been cognizant, as rendering him or her in a given instance as being deserving of the title Your Honor as Your Honor, spent countless hours composing and transmitting documents which it evidently would not have been reasonable for anyone to believe would ever be accorded any more consideration than were petitions submitted by Dred Scott for the 19 years between the filing of Scott v Emerson in 1846 and the passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the u. S. of A., (ie the consideration which could be defined as any type of legitimate adjudication), has not directly prevented so much as one adoption of any infant or child by a known sexual pervert, has not dropped a single abortion clinic into its footprint, has failed to participate in the procurement of a single conviction of any predation perpetrating judge, prosecutor, attorney, banker, assassin, murderer, and/or member of a policing entity, has failed to recover any damages in several cases in which in a minimally adequately functioning court system a given case would have been worth and would still be worth hundreds of thousands or even millions, of dollars, has been an individual during whose tour of duty in the theatre of earthly existence (TODTE) (which began upon his reaching age 7 in 1967), the Roman Catholic Church which it is RJMs not altogether uninformed and necessarily non-infallible (RJM may have missed or otherwise not adequately considered some factor(s) or other(s) which would have had to have been adequately considered in order for RJMs position to adequately represent the truth in this matter at the level of an infallible understanding protected by the promise contained in Matt. 16:18 and 28:20) understanding was displaced sometime between August of 1958 and June of 1966, by a Nominally Catholic, de facto Protestant church, has still not been returned to its appropriate station and posture, and in which on 5/17/09, beneath the shadow of a statute of the Immaculately Conceived, Blessed Ever Virgin Mother of God, the first openly pro-infanticide claimant to the Office of the POTUS had conferred upon him the highest honor a certain institution whose name probably ought not be articulated given the abomination it has become, which was established and sustained for over 100 years upon the sacrifices of individuals who would never so much as spit on a rabbit much less participate in any way in the insertion of a scissors into the skull of a human infant, could have conferred upon such Servant of Lucifer, Child of the Curse, Vessel of Perdition, Son of Darkness and Menace to Everything His Majesty, Christus Rex can still justify not hating, with such Statute as has been referenced herein still remaining where it was on such infamous day as of this very day, and in which the descent into categorical Talmudic, cannibalistic, barbarity of the u.S. of A. and the world has only continued to accelerate and in which there has otherwise been so comparatively little which has otherwise been contributed to what Pope Pius XI referenced as the Catholic Cause from the activity of RJM, that RJM has been left in a condition in which he very much fears that he will be forever consigned to hell for how comparatively little has been contributed by activity conducted by RJM to such CC (Matt. 25: 36 et seq.) , during the duration of his tour of duty in the theatre of earthly existence {all of this arrangement being present during a period in which RJM could have learned the lessons of among other Causes never condemned by the Catholic Church those of the Uprising in the Vendee in 1794, the Liberation of Ireland in 1921 and the Cristeros heroic insurgency in the 1920s (RJM has not, based upon reports bearing some substantial indicia of reliability, been altogether culpable in regard to the matter of the learning the lessons of the Lexington Bridge Battle in 1775 or the Harpers Ferry Insurgency in 1859, or the Spanish conquest of the Edomite genocide agenda in Spain in 1936-39)}. Comment: How much more evidence could possibly be needed to convict RJM of shamelessness, than what has been included herein supra? But if anyone would seek anymore, petition wherefore can be made to the URL listed in the ULC herein supra. Is RJM really anything more than a disgrace of a selfish coward? What would Claus von Stauffenberg, Guy Fawkes, or St. Isaac Jogues think of RJMs overall performance in the earthly theatre? Note: Given the need to keep Gods enemies from benefitting from information to which they are not entitled, the actual record of RJMs activity for the year 2010 is not available to anyone except various individuals possessing various ISMA Security Clearances. Such record will be provided in regard to any request received by ISMA from anyone possessing a security clearance of a high enough level to effect the provision of such. For all of the reasons, referenced herein supra, and for reasons a more complete explication of which would for now, be beyond the scope of this document, Mr. Robert J. More is herein nominated for admission into the ISMA Hall of Shame. _________________________, ________________ Update 3/7/11 RJM, having been apprised of the submission of the nomination referenced herein and that his former probationary status in ISMA has been downgraded even below what it was prior to the submission of this nomination, has issued a formal apology to among other individuals: 1. God, 2. The Mother of God, 3. All the Angels and Saints, 4. The Souls in Purgatory, 5. All possessors of sanctifying grace presently conducting activity in the theatre of earthly existence, 6. All activity conductors presently conducting activity in the theatre of earthly existence, not in possession of the use of reason, (acknowledging that there is an area of commonality including members of both #s 5 & 6) 7. All adherents to the Categorical Sanctity of Human Life Position not already included in entry #5 herein supra, 7. Everything warm-blooded, 8.. All of Gods enemies, and has pledged himself to produce a pledge of amendment by Easter Sunday of 2011, which will be posted alongherewith, to the extent such pledge can be posted without in so doing providing any advantage to Gods enemies which they would not have in the absence of the provision of such. 2009 - Hall of Shame - nominees - 1. SCOTUS C.J. J Roberts both swore into office and shook the hand of the first openly pro-infanticide claimant to the office of the POTUS on inauguration day of 2009. See URL in ULC supra. ++++ Q9 2E "%+ ]^gd7h 2"#$ %   nH sH tH   sH tH  l  N0EH-J@%ǎǢ|ș$زULTB l,3;r ØJB+$G]7O٭V$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIg uSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAσV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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