www.matt11-12.tripod.com/lblmtr85 1. Document List of 8/5/11 (D/L of 8/5/11) 2. Proposed Order of 11/9/11 3. Motion to Reconsider Order of 8/5/11 www.matt11-12.tripod.com/lblmtr85 CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, CHANCERY DIVISION Robert J. More (“RJM”) V CASE NO. 08 CH 9977 La Blanc et al Initial Component of Proposed Order of 11/9/11, Regarding Motion to Reconsider of 8/11/11 The Order entered in the case this document concerns (“this case”) of 7/12/11 dismissing this case is herein summarily reversed and/or vacated, as inter alia, the Complaint pending in this case on 7/12/11 most definitely did not lack factual predicates nor any demand for relief which would have had to have been present wherein to state a cause of action for defamation per se in the State of IL, and this case is reinstated and the issues which RJM had presented to this Court but was prevented from procuring the adjudication of according to any standard of adjudication recognized as being legitimate throughout the history of English and American Jurisprudence, prior to 7/12/11 at 10:30 p.m. will be adjudicated according to a formula not incompatible with such standards according to the following formula _____________________, ____________________ www.matt11-12.tripod.com/lblmtr85 CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, CHANCERY DIVISION Robert J. More (“RJM”) V CASE NO. 08 CH 9977 La Blanc et al Initial Component of Motion to Reconsider of 8/5/11, Postdated to 8/11/11 to Be Superseded As Necessary Plaintiff (“RJM’s”) Motion of 8/5/11 to Reconsider Order Entered on 7/12/11 in this Case and to 1. Address all of the Issues Presented to this Court Prior to 7/12/11 in the Adjudication of this Case and then Either Summarily Vacate Judgment of 7/12/11 Entered Wherein, or to Establish a Briefing Schedule Whereupon, Postdated to 8/11/11, Set for 11/9/11 or the First Week Day Whereafter Now comes RJM to move this Court to provide the consideration referenced in the title to this motion which will be augmented &/or superseded et al as Providence permits Respectfully submitted, Robert J. More