1. D/L of 12/17/15 re Invitations

  2. Cover Letter of 12/17/15

  3. Invitation of 12/17/15 re Claims of Innocence, Notice re Priorities, Complaint form, Invitation to Resign

Robert J. More

P.O. Box 6926

Chicago, IL, 60680

608 445-5181,


To: Judge M.A. Mason,

Judge Mason, included in this collection of documents is an invitation for you to "demonstrate innocence", a "notice", an invitation to "resign...." and a complaint form via which complaints can be filed and prosecuted against ISMA members.

On behalf of everything warm-blooded, but obviously not by any express designation in re whereto, remaining committed to fighting the “no warmblooded throat left unslit agenda” unto my last breath,

Robert J. More Rom. 12:18-21 #2

Invitation of 12/17/15 to M.A. Mason for her to Demonstrate Non-incurrment of Sinful Culpability/Criminal Liability/Tort Liability/Liability for Duty Breaches Too Grave to Leave Perogative to Execute the Authority of a Judicial Office/Law License/Government Office in a position of public trust intact and operative, Via 1.) Adjudication of CCCC, IL, Case # 10 CH 26622 by Judge Mary Ann Mason ("MAM") via the execution of various affirmative acts, a more complete enumeration of which may or may not be provided in the near future, but which present enumeration would have to begin with her dismissal of Case # 10 CH 26622, w/o the provision of any explanation demonstrating that such ruling did not consitute (a) deprivation of (a) Right Guaranteed by the Constitution of the u.s. of A. ... under the Color of Law,

The recipient of this document, is herein invited to demonstrate that none of the activity conducted by her in regard to the matters this document concerns was a.) gravely sinful and/or venially sinful, and b.) not non-criminal in character as violating among other provisions of the U.S. Code, that of 18 USC 242 and of the Illinois Compiled Statutes, that of 720 ILCS 5/33-3 and c.) not non-tortious and correlatively, actionable, via either 42 USC 1983, and/or malicious adjudication of a civil case.

Any response provided to this document would be presented to the Federal Grand Jury for the ND of IL, to the extent of R.J. More's capacity to present evidence whereto.


Notice of 12/17/15 of Priority that No Safeguard Necessary to the Ensurement of the Adequate Protection of Any Legitimate Reliance Interest Would Ever have been nor, be, Left Out, of Any Institute of St. Michael the Archangel ("ISMA") Project Including that in Regard to which this Document is a Component Part, Including that No Unjustified Quid Pro Quo Ever Have Ended up in Any Such Type Project, Notwithstanding the Impossibility Inherent in the (Fallen) Human Condition that There Would be "Incidental Interconnectedness" in and of Various Agendas, Project Scripts and/or Matters in General

Notice of the type referenced in the title to this document is herein provided. Any input in regard to the matters concerned can be transmitted to any of the contact information instruments referenced on the home page for the website whose URL is included in the ULC of this document.


Complaint Form re Activity Conducted by ISMA Members

Complaint Form re Activity Conducted by ISMA Members are accessible at the URL listed in the ULC of this document and all ISMA members are supposed to have copies of such available at all times.

Lamentably, attributable to the measure of corruption and criminality by which most all government activity in regard to which the members of the Exec. Committee of ISMA is plagued at this juncture in Amerika's continued descent into an ever deeper Talmudic-barbarity, evidence of alleged offenses attributed to any given ISMA member(s) cannot be presented by any ISMA member to any entity responsible for the prosecution of crime, as any participation in any such type endeavor would render any ISMA member(s) who would have to attend to such type matter(s) incapable of remaining fully engaged in fighting the Talmudic-barbaric crime (the as-of-yet unpunished components of which, of course, go back centuries) which has all but entirely destroyed not just this Country, but the world.


Invitation to Resign of 12/17/15 and to voluntarily relinquish any claim to any pension funds accrued

On behalf of each and all of the victims of the defraudments of legitimate reliance interests referenced in the "Invitation of 12/17/15 to Demonstrate...." each of the individuals referenced in such document is herein invited to resign his or her office as of 12/17/15 and to voluntarily relinquish any claim to any pension funds accrued from activity conducted in such office and to voluntarily remit his or her law license to the ARDC.