Master Document List of 10/1/06, Last Revised on 12/23/13 from prior successive revisions of 1/1/12, 10/26/13

(Including Doctrinal Basis for Activity and Forms)

mdl - 3/17/11 - davis, police state/nwo, Spanish Civil War, Ukraine

Definitions and Acronyms Used In this Document and Notes in Regard to the Contents Whereof

ST” – “Short Title”

UT” – Unabbreviated Title

SIP” - Second in Preeminence

TIP” - Third in Preeminence

..IP” - …In Preeminence

IM” – ISMA Member

All URL’s present in the documents enumerated herein supra, have the same address content prior to the front slash (“/”) that is included in the URL present in the ULC of this document, unless a different entry in such area would be included herein correlative to and adjacent to, a given entry.

Note – the pre-eminence of documents numbered 3-… is presumed to correspond to the number preceding a given entry, excepting the Anchor document. Pre-eminence, as the term is used herein, does not necessarily correlate to any religious, moral and/or historical importance of any given document as the author of this list understands such, but for the purposes for which such list is being used, has been determined according to evident utility relative to the [accomplishment of the objectives corresponding to the purpose] to which the contents of the Anchor document included herein, relates, which is the execution of such affirmative acts and implementations of such measures as would have to be executed, and implemented, respectively, in a given instance in order for a given participant in any given injustice rectification project to retain a claim to participate in the use of a contra-predatory vigilante ("CPV" "military") remedy for a given unjustifiably caused injury (injustice).

Master Document List of 2/25/13

Flagship Document – Apology and Accounting to Posterity ("A&ATP") , (ST)

Flagship Document – Apology and Accounting to Posterity, (UT) - if There Will Be Any, to be Made Available to Anyone, Who Howsoever Unlikely It Might Be that Anyone Ever Would be Interested Wherein, Might Ever Be Interested Wherein on 11/1/2062, Postponeable to 11/1/2072 Or Later If Certain Conditions Would not be Present on 11/1/2062, cced to Exec Comm. Of ISMA, ISMA Archivist, Pre-eminent Court of ISMA CLT 2.

Anchor Document – RCDRC – Civil, RCDRC – Criminal

Document Second in Preeminence ("IP") - Accounting to Exec Committee of ISMA

TIP – Final Adjudicative Ruling and Opinion of Supreme Court of ISMA CLT

FIP - Nihil Obstat or Refusal to Provide Nihil Obstat from ISMA CLT

Escort Document for a Given Legal Case (ST), which may have to be Modified into a “Complaint (Case) upon the Complaint (Case)” and Filed and Adjudicated as the Original Complaint in a Given Case would be in the Process of Being Adjudicated

Escort Document for a Given Legal Case which may have to be Modified into a “Complaint (Case) upon the Complaint (Case)” and Filed and Adjudicated as the Original Complaint in a Given Case would be in the Process of Being Adjudicated (UT)


On Settling One’s Accounts of Conscience - Preparation for Death - St. Alphonsus Liguori,

The six degrees of mortal sin, Summa Theologica – Q…, Art…., RO… St. Thomas Aquinas (“STA”)

On Epikiea, Summa Theologica – Q…, Art…., RO… , STA

On An Unjust Law Being a Form of Violence – Q. 93, Art. 3, RO2, Summa Theologica - STA

Catechism of “Catholic” Church – Entries 1885-1888,

Elevation of St. Alphonsus to Doctor of the Church

Objective, Strategy and Method of Civil Litigation in a Talmudic/Barbaric Police State Such as What Presently Exists in What is Now the Former u.s. of A.

Objective, Strategy and Method of Defense of Predatory Criminal Prosecution in a Talmudic/Barbaric Police State Such as That Which Presently Exists in What is Now the Former u.s. of A.

Explanation of objective of participation in litigation –civil or criminal in a Talmudic/Barbaric Police State from 2005

Common Sense Revisited – the Differences between a Surrogate and Indigenous Authority Exercise & Resource Distribution (“Power”) Structure

Flagship w/n Flagship document – petition for commissioning/recommissioning to Exec Committee of ISMA accompanied by report(s). in regard to:

to which is subordinate -petition to ISMA CLT for issuance of nihil obstat in re–

To which is subordinate – petitions to legislative bodies of the owned and operated by the Committee of 300 former u.s. of A.. – proposed bills and demands for appointments of investigators and special prosecutors

To which is subordinate petitions to highest tribunals in adjudicative hierarchy of owned and operated by the Committee of 300 puppet govt of former u.s. of A

To which is subordinate petitions to lower tribunals of the owned and operated by the Committee of 300 puppet govt of former u.s. of A

To which is subordinate proposed stipulations, settlement proposals, requests for admissions, invitations to demonstrate non-incurrment of criminal liability in re…., invitations to demonstrate non-incurrment of tort liability etc.

Invitation to avail oneself of instrument available to accomplish purging of detriment allegedly caused. (“IAPDAC”)

grigg - nadler, james otis - writs of assistance, off grid 21..13 - DHS preparing for war, Evensen - 2...13, grigg - bachelder

First 15 docs –


RCDRC, a modest proposal …problems, presently operative settlement proposal, notice of non-provision of consent and objection to: , npodc, macro complaint against ..,…, state of … and u.s. of A. and all members of club of 300 and bohemian grove club, both crim and civil, (us as a corporation subject to criminal liability) criminal complaint, civil complaint, dec of unconst, HOS nom, pr.oposed waiver of 5th amend, lock-in document, proposed ground rules, stipulation re non-summonsong of members of policing entities, Borchard declaratory judgment /Notice to members of policing entities, ccc on sources of errors in conscience, Davis DCCLP, civil case against RJM, Prospective Criminal complaint against RJM from members of posterity,

Evident Fatal deficiencies in claim that “you must, are and/or will be held to the same standard as an attorney”

NPODC - Notice of Provision of Opportunity to Demonstrate Cause - such opportunity having been available independent of any such type notice of any provision whereof

Notice of Proposal re waiver of 5th amendment rights, proposed waiver, bet accompanied by notice of intent to abide by any legitimate elements of any wagering statute which it might ever be claimed would be applicable and commitment to procure declaration of unconstitutionality of any element whereof which would not possess legitimacy at all and/or in regard to any application whereof to any given affirmative act ever executed – .;declaration of non-legitimacy non-finality

letter to SCOTUS of ..., .amicus curiae DEi

measure of demonic dominance

Lawsuit against RJM from world’s children,

Napolitano – Govt not your friend

Entire Theologia Moralis

Comparatively enormous destructiveness and measure of detriment otherwise caused by activity conducted by governments & government actors at all levels in IL at this juncture in the country’s continued accelerating descent into an ever deeper Talmudic-barbarity – Leo Sachs – Tulane, Judge Napolitano,

Abbreviated master document list of 8/1/11 submitted to Court – JL Dunford on 8/1/11 in Akal and 8/2/11 in Rivera

[Document List of 8/1/11 & 8/2/11

Document List of 8/1/11, 8/2/11]



RCDRC 10/10, Anchor

ISMA 5/22/11 – PWCS, -Litigation Script

PGR 6-10-11, -Standard and Method of Adjudication

Il Sup. Ct. Rule 383,


Errors of Conscience,


Dec. of Unconst.

Expression of Concern that the burden of the exercise of the authority of the office, license,... of .. . has not been adequately borne (has been left unborne , or in a condition other than one in which such burden would have been adequately borne), to the unjustified detriment of... and posterity.

Complaint that the burden of the exercise of the authority of the office, license,..., of .. . has not been adequately borne, to the unjustified detriment of... and posterity


Abbreviated master document list of 8/20/11

Document List of 8/24/11


RCDRC - Anchor

ISMA 5/22/11 – PWCS, Litigation Script

PGR 6-10-11, Standard and Method of Adjudication

Il Sup. Ct. Rule 383,

ROL/ROT - Anchor

Errors of Conscience,


Dec. of Unconst.

10.(apology of 8/15/11 which was not included)

11. Examination of Conscience – Macro-Script

12. A Modest Proposal – Historical Context

14 Operation Straight Jacket Lucifer… make world safe for innocence…

Flagship document – petition for commissioning/recommissioning to Exec Committee of ISMA accompanied by report(s). in regard to:

to which is subordinate -petition to ISMA CLT for issuance of nihil obstat in re–

To which is subordinate – petitions to legislative bodies of the owned and operated by the Committee of 300 former u.s. of A.. – proposed bills and demands for appointments of investigators and special prosecutors

To which is subordinate petitions to highest tribunals in adjudicative hierarchy of owned and operated by the Committee of 300 puppet govt of former u.s. of A

To which is subordinate petitions to lower tribunals of the owned and operated by the Committee of 300 puppet govt of former u.s. of A

To which is subordinate proposed stipulations, settlement proposals, requests for admissions, invitations to demonstrate non-incurrment of criminal liability in re…., invitations to demonstrate non-incurrment of tort liability etc.

Examination of conscience of …

Magnum opus lawsuit to abolish federal state and local governments, recover assets stolen via the use of the federal reserve act, adequately punish any and all traitors

Distinctions between arrangement in which party involved in a legal adjudication is ultimately committed to the acceptance of the resolution of a given dispute by some tribunal established and exercising authority under the claim to authority of the present Talmudic-barbaric (“TB”) governent of the u.s. of A. or any politicial subdivision whereof on the one hand, and on the other, that in which a party involved wherein is ultimately committed to do what would in a given instance evidently have to be done (such determination never being made w/o at least as much oversight, input and provision for punishment for any culpable non-compliance in regard to the determination re "what would evidently have to be done") in order to ensure the just resolution of a given dispute, regardless of what the disposition of any given TB controlled tribunal would be in regard whereto. and ramnifications in regard to measures of consideration which (a) court(s) would have to provide in any adjudication whereof, in order not to incur any criminal and/or tort liability in any adjudication whereof.

add edgar suter’s they want us dead + RJM's additions whereto and add suppression of technology to MDL,

disclaimer of 9/7, 8 9 of 2011 to RBD, AG for participation in extended manner in cooperative projects – disclaimers of 9/12/11 and funding projects of 9/12/11 and billtax…

Disclaimer –

Introduction - Within the restrictions in effect from the strict prohibitions upon fraternizing and proselytizing promulgated in the ISMA code of conduct upon its members, apology is herein conveyed for the time and energy consumed in anyone’s reading this disclaimer, if such should not ultimately redound to the improvement of the prospects for the eternal salvation of a given soul. Without the use of this disclaimer, RJM fears that progress in the completion of various cooperative ventures in which … and RJM would ever be mutually involved would have to be interrupted frequently in order for RJM to make the seemingly never ending collection of clarifications and corrections which RJM has had to make in the past in order to avoid the evident incurrment of complicity in the evident sin(s) of another, in situations similar to those which this conveyance concerns, above all in situations in which anyone would convey information in which one of the presumptions implicitly present wherein would be that it would be possible for a soul to be saved without its possessing sanctifying grace at the moment of its entrance into eternity and/or that sanctifying grace could ever be possessed by anyone who at any given juncture at which any assessment of the matters concerned would ever be conducted, would not be adhering to the entirety of the Doctrinal Promulgations of the Demonstrably Non-inauthentic Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church to a measure at which the moral liability of a given soul would not have been left in any condition other than one of having been "adequately covered", and hence, be a member whereof .

AG, RBD – periodic notification to anyone and everyone involved in any and all cooperative venture(s) in which RJM would ever be involved, issued for the purpose of RJM’s endeavoring to ensure that the aggregate consequence(s) of RJM’s overall record of activity in matters concerning ……… would not be that RJM would have incurred culpability for any sin, much less any grave sin attributable to RJM’s not having been concerned enough about the eternal salvation of the soul of … to have required himself to make any and all fraternal corrections which evidently would have ever been required by the requirements of the moral law in a given instance and in every instance – “It is the comparatively informed understanding of RJM that your soul has been “abandoned by God” and that activity conducted by you has continued to be conducted in the condition created by such abandonment. The evidentiary basis for this conclusion is as follows:….

AG, RBD – periodic notification issued for the purpose of RJM’s endeavoring to ensure that, at the very least, the aggregate consequence(s) of RJM’s overall record of activity in matters concerning ……… would not be that RJM would have incurred culpability for any sin, much less any grave sin attributable to RJM’s not having been concerned enough about the eternal salvation of the soul of … to have required himself to make any and all fraternal corrections which evidently would have ever been required by the requirements of the moral law in a given instance and in every instance – “It is the comparatively informed understanding of RJM that your soul has not been entirely “abandoned by God” but that any expenditures of non unlimited time and/or resources which might be expended for the purpose of endeavoring to convince you of areas in which you would have to modify those components of the modus operandi according to which activity conducted by you in regard to which RJM is cognizant has been conducted in order for you to prevent the ultimate catastrophic loss - that of your eternal soul other than prayers, penances and sacrifices (what is known in credible moral theology manuals as the “interior apostolate”) would constitute an unjustified expenditure of non unlimited time and resources which evidently could have been more fruitfully used in other theatres and in the completion of other projects as RJM continues to labor to make a contribution to the fulfillment of the mandate referenced in Jn. 21:15 and Matt. 28:20, as the parameters of such have been defined by the contents of credible moral theology texts and a number of encyclicals issued by various Popes over the past several centuries – ( that is a contribution to what Pope Pius XI in the 1935 encyclical “Ad Sacerdoti Catholici” referenced as the “Catholic Cause”) sufficiently substantial to enable RJM to escape the issuance of the judicial determination and sentencing referenced in Matt. 25:41, and that activity conducted by you has continued to be conducted in the condition created by such not complete abandonment. The evidentiary basis for this conclusion is as follows:….

AG, RBD – periodic notification issued for the purpose of RJM’s endeavoring to ensure that the aggregate consequence(s) of RJM’s overall record of activity in matters concerning ……… would not be that RJM would have incurred culpability for any sin, much less any grave sin attributable to RJM’s not having been concerned enough about the eternal salvation of the soul of … to have required himself to make any and all fraternal corrections which evidently would have ever been required by the requirements of the moral law in a given instance and in every instance – “It is the comparatively informed understanding of RJM that your soul has not been entirely “abandoned by God” and that activity conducted by you has continued to be conducted in the condition created by such abandonment. The evidentiary basis for this conclusion is as follows:….

2/27/13 19:36 p.m.

AG, RBD – from time to time – “It is the comparatively informed understanding of RJM that your soul has been “abandoned by God” and that activity conducted by you has continually been``` conducted in the condition created by such abandonment.


Notice of purging of detriment allegedly caused. (“NPDAC”)

Master Document List of 8/20/11

Operation Straight Jacket Lucifer… make world safe for innocence…


Notice of purging of detriment allegedly caused. (“NPDAC”)

First 15 docs –

RCDRC, a modest proposal …problems, presently operative settlement proposal, notice of non-provision of consent and objection to: , npodc, macro complaint against ..,…, state of … and u.s. of A. and all members of club of 300 and bohemian grove club, both crim and civil, (us as a corporation subject to criminal liability) criminal complaint, civil complaint, dec of unconst, HOS nom, proposed waiver of 5th amend, lock-in document, proposed ground rules, stipulation re non-summonsong of members of policing entities, Borchard declaratory judgment /Notice to members of policing entities, ccc on sources of errors in conscience, Davis DCCLP

that under conditions described herein:… RJM could procure a criminal conviction and a civil conviction

Any questions re period of 4/7/1960 to 1/3/85 are entered and continued until PS2062

Get The Copy That Had 135 Entiries Off Jump Drive

In The ______________________________________________________________________



V. Case No



Document List For _______________________


1. Notice Of Pending Lawsuit…

2. Motion Of ….

3. Proposed Order Of

4. Document List For ….

5. Notice Of Motion/Certificate Of Service

6. Scotus Rule 20 Petition To Enjoin…Usdc For Ndi And Usca For The 7th Circuit

7. Scotus Rule 20 Petition To Enjoin… All State Courts Conducting Activity In Cook County, Il

8. Proposed Declaration Of Unconstitutionality As Applied…_______

9. Annual Apology Of Year _________/Explanation To The World's Children

10. A Modest Proposal

11. Roman Catholic Dispute Resolution Chart

12. Nihil Dificiens Declaration

13. Nihil Obstat Order

.14. Nihil Obstat Petition

15. Proposed Ground Rules

16. Proposed Arrest Statute

17. Proposed Audio-Recording Statute

18. Proposed Disarming Of Members Of Court Security Statute

19. Motion To Reconsider

20. Proposed Order Of


41. Explanation To Any Children Not Possessing The Use Of Reason Of Anyone Who Would Ever End Up Permanently Disabled Or Dead Due To Any Activity In Which Any ISMA Member (“IM”) Would Ever Have Been A Direct Participant And/Or Sponsor, To The Children Of The World Not Possessing The Use Of Reason, and to Whatever Members of Posterity there Might Be, Explaining The Reasoning According To Which Any IM Would Have Directly Participated In And/Or Sponsored, Such Type Activity(Ies). ;

42. Sponsorship Of Contra-Predatory Projects Proposal

4.3. List Of Contra-Predatory Projects Sponsored

44. Notice To Any And All Judge(S) Who NPODC

Notice of Proposal re waiver of 5th amendment rights, proposed waiver, bet accompanied by notice of intent to abide by any legitimate elements of any wagering statute which it might ever be claimed would be applicable and commitment to procure declaration of unconstitutionality of any element whereof which would not possess legitimacy at all and/or in regard to any application whereof to any given affirmative act ever executed – declaration of non-legitimacy non-finality.

Would Have Presided Over The Adjudication Of A Given Case, After Petition for a Nihil Obstat would have been sought …. Given Vigilante Injustice- Rectification Would Have Been Of provision for Opportunity For Any Such Type Actors To Petition Isma For The Denial Of A Given Nihil Dificiens

45. List Of Emails In Obama Case In Nov. 2007 to Judge Moran

46. Pledges Made

47. Pledges Honored

48. Pledges Failed

49. Rolrot

50. Complaints Regarding Any Given ISMA Member’s Ending Up In Purgatory Rather than Hell When He Enters Eternity

51. Superior Service Testimonials For Members Of ISMA

52. Petition To Have A Given Charge Retracted/Purged For Those Against Whom Causes Would Have Been Filed By Members Of ISMA

53. Petition For Clemency For Those Against Whom Causes Would Have Been Filed By Members Of ISMA

Complaint(s) of Predation Perpetrations of Similar Character Allegedly Perpetrated by …. Or Entity as Factor(s) to be Considered in Injustice Rectification Project Prioritizing

54. Complaint Form For Purposes Of Sanctioning Of Members Of ISMA

55. Setlement Proposal To The Adversary(Ies) Directly Involved In A Given Case

56. Settlement Proposal To The Members Of The Ten Edomite Banking Families (The Committee of 300) And The Slavemaster Class Sychophants Who Implement The Terms And Conditions Of Their Genocide Agenda

57. Relief Enumerated In Crim Motion Of 8/13 ---- /08

58. Proposed Verified Statements

59. Verified Statement Of ISMA Member

60. Checklist

61. H. Davis, SJ – Duties Of Certain Classes Of Laypersons

62. Nature And Grace Bk 3, Ch. 54 And Ch.55, From The Imitation Of Christ

63. Motion To Stay Sentencing Pending Appeal In Contempt

64. Motion For Clerk To File Notice Of Appeal

Petition for Federal Habeas Corpus Pursuant to the Provisions of 28 USC 2241

65. Notable Examples Of Forbearance From the Use of Force Until Adequate Certainty of Its Necessity in a Given Instance Could have been Procured.

Notable Examples of Demonstration of Respect For Requirements Of God’s Law In the Use Of Force

66. Noteable Examples Of The Disastrous Consequences Of A Combination Of An Unjustifiably Conciliatory Approach To A Given Conflict And/Or The Making Of Unjustified Concessions and/or of a given individual's having waited too long to counteract and engage violence with force.…

67. Injunction To Enjoin Disbursement Of Funds Disbursed For Compensation And Benefit Package

68. Civil Suits In Other Theatres That Relate To The Cause Sub Judice

69. Criminal Charges Pending That Relate To The Cause Sub Judice

70. Proposal Re Waiver Of Right To Not Be Indicted in Re Any Alleged Federal Felony and to have Probable Cause Hearing Before Judge … Conducted

71. Petition For Appt. Of Special Prosecutor

72. Petition To Procure Injunction Seeking Enjoinment Of Condition Of Continued Openness And Operation Of ….

73 False Light Suit

75. Defense For Members Of Policing Entities And/Or Any Other Government Officials ("PEGO") To Be Used Against Adverse Responses Which Might Ever Be Encountered From Superiors ("SUP") , And/Or Others Who Would Endeavor To Exercise Control Over a Given PEGO's Activity For a Given PEGO's Refusal To Enforce Any Order In A Given Instance Because The Enforcement Thereof could Not Evidently (Be) (Have Been) Morally Justified In Such Instance

76. Proposal That Member Of Policing Entity And/Or Any Other Type Government Official Who Would Confirm That He Or She Would Be Committed To the Implementation of Any Measure And/Or Performance of Any Act Which He Or She Would Have Been Informed In A Given Instance That In Regard To Which, It Would Have Been The Opinion Of A Given Person Ever Complaining Of Any Arrogation, Usurpation, Encroachment And/Or Deprivation Of A Legally Protected Right In Regard Whereto, That The Implementation Of Such Type Measure In Such Instance as is Referenced herein Would Constitute Such Type Of Arrogation…, Either Demonstrate That If He Or She Would, In Such Circumstances Be Claiming That The Non-Filing Of Criminal Charges, Claims For Damages, Decertification, Disbarment And Suchlike Would Be Justified In Regard To The Conduct In Regard To Which This Type of Proposal Would Have Been Presented, Exactly How And Why The Non-Implementation Of Such Measures Could Allegedly Be Justified Regarding The Scenario Which Would Be Present In Such Instance as is Referenced herein ("ARH"), And That The Profferer Of Such Type Proposal Would Be Required, Should The Recipient Of This Proposal In Such Given Instance, ARH, Not Provide Any Answer To Such Inquiry, To Present Evidence Of Whatever Response Would Have Been Provided Or That in any Arrangment in which No Response would be Provided that No Response Would Have Been Provided To A Jury Of Persons Who Could Be Injured By The Type of Activity In Regard To Which Complaint Was Ever Being Made In Order To Prevent Activity That Would Be Demonstrably Predatory In A Given Instance From Remaining Not Adequately Punished, Inter Alia, So As To Ensure That The Interests Implicated In The Axiom Qui Nocentibus Parcit, Innocentibus Punit, Would Not Remain Not Adequately Accommodated In The Particular Instance In Regard To Which A Given Proposal Would Have Been Presented

77. Supplement To Proposed Ground Rules Of …

7.8. Notice Regarding The Possible Need To Preserve Evidence .

79. Notice Of Non-Legitimacy/Non-Finality

80. Dr. Vieira Regarding For… Terri Schiavo …Bell Tolls

Confirmation Of Tribunal Presider That Such Presider Has Been Informed That It Would Be The Position Of ___________

81. Confirmation Of Tribunal Presider That Such Presider Has Been Informed That It Would Be The Position Of ___________ That Unless The Relief Which __________ Would Have Sought In A Given Instance Would Have Been Granted Without The Need To Have Everything In Support Of A Given Petition Which ____________ Would Have Filed In Such Given Instance if He Would Have Been Informed or Otherwise Understood, that the Filing Whereof Would have been Indispensably Necessary in Such Given Instance as is Reference Herein Supra, Read And Adequately Understood, That It Would Not Be The Case That Any Disposition Incompatible With A Given Measure Of Relief Which ____________ Would Have Sought In Such Instance Would Ever (Be) (Have Been) Issued Unless And Until Everything Which ________Would Have Submitted In A Given Case Would Have Been Read and a “Confirmation of Non-consciousness of Any Lack of Understanding" Whereof would have been Provided by the Tribunal Presider Presiding Over the Adjudication of the Given Matter Referenced Herein

82. A Matter Of Justice Flier

83. Code Of Chivalry

84. Spiritual And Corporal Works Of Mercy

85. Verse 2:15 Of Gospel Of St John, Magna Charta Clause 61, Christmas Message Of P.Pius XII Of 1956

86. Statement Of Judge(s) Involved In Adjudication Of A Given Cause Regarding Ranking Of Performance Of _________ Regarding Measure Of Concern Demonstrated To Ensure That No Legitimate Interest Implicated In ______________(Case #) Would Have Remained in any Condition other than one in which No such type legitimate interest would not have been Adequately Accommodated

87. Common Law Trial By Jury Article – D-Oudney

88. Article Regarding (Un)Constitutionality Of Summary Judgment - S. Thomas

89. Article Regarding (Un) Constitutionality Of Modern Motion To Dismiss As Distinct From Common Law Demurrer - S. Thomas

90. Links To Webb V Webb, Illinois V Gates, Illinois Supreme Court Rules 18 And 19

Links To Illinois Supreme Court Rules 18 And 19


91. Mandate According To Which IM Understands That Activity Conducted by IM Regarding The Matters This Document Concerns Must Be Conducted For Such to Possess Legitimacy

92. Solzenhitzyn’s Lamentation From The Gulag for not Using Force to Resist Stalin's Purge

.93. Solzenhitzyn’s Lamentation Regarding The Consequences Of The Dearth Of Courage In The West

94. Demonstration Of Concern Of King Henry V Regarding Issue Of Coverage Of His Moral Liability re Battle of Agincourt Castle.

Counsel of King St. Louis IX to His Son On His Deathbed re Method of Dispute Adjudication

95. Settlement Proposal Of ________ To Adversary ____________.

96. Tribunal Presider’s Overall Performance Assessment (TPOPA) Of Activity Conducted by IM Regarding Resolution Of The Claims This Document Concerns (“RCTDC”)

96. TPOPA Special Assessment Regarding Frugality To The Categorical Exclusion Of Profligacy, Parsimony, Deployment Of The Polish Cavalry Against The German Wermacht Type Approach, Demonstrated In RCTDC.

97. TPOPA Special Assessment Regarding Commitment Demonstrated To Ensure No Legitimate Reliance Interest Would Not Remain Not Adequately Accommodated In RCTDC, With Particular Focus Upon Endeavors Undertaken To Spare ___________Grief And Shield _______________From Harm Without The Making Of Any Unjustified Concessions In So Doing

98. Five Stories Which Cannot But Invigorate The Not-Yet-Completely Morally Comatose

99. Sources Of Errors Of Conscience And Other Postulations From The Catechism Of The “Catholic” Church

100. ISMA Gallaxy Of Satellites

101. Catholic Second Amendment - Kopel

.102. Are Cops Constitutional – Roots.

103. If It Is Not A Runaway Grand Jury…. – Roots

104. The Lost Right To Petition – Wolfgram

105. The Law P.1 – Frederick Bastiat

106. Testimonial Of Adversary/Landlord/Employer/Etc. Regarding Efforts, Resources Expended To …Spare Grief And Shield From Harm Without The Making Of Any Unjustified Concessions In So Doing

107. Letter To The Honorable USCA For The Eleventh C.C.A. Judge Charles Wilson

108. St. John Chrysostom Quote re Judging

Frederick Douglass Quote re Toleration of Oppression

109. Invitation To Resign To ____________

110. Presentation Of Evidence To Special Grand Jury Pursuant To The Provisions Of 18 USC 3332(A)

111. Proposed Stipulation Regarding Waiver Of Right Not To Be Prosecuted For The Alleged &/or Actual Commission Of A Felony Violation of any Federal Law Except Via Presentment or Indictment By A Grand Jury

112. Proposed Stipulation Regarding the Provision/Expression of Consent To Have Someone Not A Licensed Attorney Prosecute A Given Criminal Complaint Ever Filed Against Anyone Concerning The Matters This Case Concerns

113. Examination Of Conscience

114. Necessity Defense

115. Checklist Of Prerequisites For Filing Of Petition For Issuance Of Nihil Obstat

116. Checklist Of Prerequisites For Filing Of Petition For Issuance Of Nihil Dificiens

117. 28 Additional To Proposed Ground Rules

118. Proposal Regarding Appointment Of The Presenter Of This Document Or Some Other Person Not A Licensed Attorney To Serve In The Role Of Special Prosecutor In The Presentation Of Evidence To Any Given Grand Jury and/or Special Grand Jury And/Or The Prosecution Of Any Indictment Returned And/Or Crime Charged In Regard To __________________

120. Petition To His Omnipotence, Christus Rex, That __________________ Be Permitted At The Particular And/Or General Judgment (According To What Would Be Possible In A Given Case) Of ______________ At Which The Record Of Activity Conducted By ____________________ Will Be Assessed, To Address The Tribunal Of His Omnipotence In Regard To The Consequences Of The Activity Conducted By ______________ In The Period In Which He Or She Was Conducting Activity In The Theatre Of Earthly Existence, Regarding The Ultimate Disposition Of The Soul(s) Of ________________.

121. Supereminent Priority

122. Schiavo Advance Directive

123. CCA 5 Judge E. Jones – Courts Are Corrupt Beyond All Recognition

124. 125. The Suicide Note Of CCA 5 Clerk J. Peterson Regarding The Disposition Of Documents Never Read by Any Judge

126. Nothing but Other than not –Adequately Reciprocated Provisions of Utility/No Negative Balances

127. Notice Of Non-Legitimacy, Non-Finality

128. Invitation To Demonstrate That There Would Be Just Cause For _____________, In Regard To _____________, To Not At This Juncture, A.) Present Evidence To A Grand Jury, Or File Criminal Charges, B.) Criminally Prosecute, C.) Sue Civilly, D.) Seek To Have __________ Decertified, Disrobed, Disbarred, ________________, E.) Conduct An Escape And/Or Rescue In Which ______________ If He Or She Would Endeavor To Interfere Therewith Might Be Seriously Injured, Permanently Disabled, Or Killed, F.) Participate in the Making of A Contra-predatory Home Visit To The Residence Of __________________ In Regard To Such Matters.

129. Proposed Stipulations Regarding Having Waived Right To Not Be Prosecuted For An Alleged Felony Violation Of Federal Law Except Via Presentment or Indictment Pursuant To The Provisions Correlative to Such Issue Of The Fifth Amendment To The U.S. Constitution

130. Biblical/Historical Quotes & Anecdotes Regarding The Legitimate And Illegitimate Practice Of Law

131. Biblical/Historical Quotes & Anecdotes Regarding Legitimate And Illegitimate Vigilantism

130. Biblical Quotes Regarding Consideration Owed Legitimate Exercises Of Authority/Duty to Disobey Unjust Laws and Orders

131. Biblical Quotes Condemning Predatory Exercises Of Authority

132. Anecdotes Of Executions Of Individuals For Treason – Protective And Justifiable/Predatory And Unjustifiable – Public Officials, Private Citizens

133. List Of The 43 Judges King Edward III Executed

134. Proposal To Judges And Other Public Officials Regarding Provision Of Security By ISMA To Prevent The Types Of Assassinations, Abductions, Incarcerations And Appropriations Of Property Which Have Enabled The Edomites To Procure Ownership And Control Over The Entirety Of The Countries Of Europe And Of The Countries Colonized By European Countries

135. Salute To Six Heroes Of The Twentieth Century – Michael Collins, Claus Von Stauffenberg, Humberto Versace, Lance Corporal Grable, Padre Pio, Terrence Yeakey

Salute To Ten Heroes Of The Twenty-First Century – Brad Duochette & the Barksdale Nine

2/28/13 -

136. 1. Notice Of Presentation Of Evidence To A Grand Jury ("GJ") or Special Grand Jury (“SGJ”) Regarding Conduct Of The Addressee Thereof, & 2. Notice Of Possibility Of Addressee’s Procuring A Retraction Thereof Under Certain Terms And Conditions, & 3. Petition For The Retraction Of Such Type Presentation(S)

137. Bypass The Edomite's Supremacist Movement Owned And Operated (“Edomite O&O”) Court System With Its Genocide/Consumation of Enslavement Agenda, Entirely, Alternative Method of Procuring A Nihil Obstat

138. The Cost Of Predatory Vigilantism – Being The Tragic & Rotten Fruit Of The Criminal Prosecution Of Contra-predatory Vigilantism – E. Rudolph –Atlanta Olympics, T. Mcveigh, S. Tapia, B. Ross, Joe Jackson, C. Dorner

139. The Cost Of The Making Of Unjustified Concessions To Edomite O&O Systems

140. Proposed Constitutional Amendment Criminalizing Printing, Distribution and Sale of Pornography

141. Proposed Constitutional Amendment Declaring the u.S. of A. to be a Roman Catholic Nation

142. Project Vigilant Sentinel

134. Proposal To Judges And Other Public Officials Regarding Provision Of Security By ISMA To Prevent The Types Of Assassinations, Incarcerations And Appropriations Of Property Which Have Enabled The Edomites To Procure Ownership And Control Over The Entirety Of The Countries Of Europe And Of The Countries Colonized By European Countries

135. Salute To Six Heroes Of The Twentieth Century – Claus Von Stauffenberg, Humberto Versace, Lance Corporal Grable, Padre Pio, Terrence Yeakey

143. Invitation to Dr. E. Vieira Online

144. Observations and/or Suggestions

145. Invitation to Present an SST and/or ND in Regard to Another or Oneself

146. . Invitation to Present an Invitation to Resign to…

147. Template for SST

148. Template for ND

149. Presentation of Evidence of Treason &/or Other High Crimes of Tribunal Presider, Prosecutor, Defense Counsel, Clerks &/or Security Officers of ISMA Common Law Tribunal (“CLT”) to Special Grand Jury Installed to Monitor and Regulate Activity of ISMA CLT

150. Petition for Retraction of Evidence Presented to Special Grand Jury Regarding ISMA CLT Officials

151. Presentation of Evidence of Treason &/or Other High Crimes of Tribunal Presider, Prosecutor, Defense Counsel, Clerks &/or Security Officers of ISMA Common Law Tribunal (“CLT”) to Special Grand Jury Installed to Monitor and Regulate Activity of SGJ Installed to Monitor ISMA CLT

152. Petition for Retraction of Evidence Presented to Special Grand Jury Installed to Monitor and Regulate the Activity of the SGJ Installed to Monitor and Regulate the Activity of ISMA CLT Officials

153-- formula via which … can conduct activity so as to procure indemnification that IM will not file criminal charges, sue civilly, participate in any decertification proceedings, participate in any vigilante injustice rectification projects concerning activity ever conducted by….

154-- - notice of intent to present evidence to a.) grand jury, b.) special grand jury

155 - Modifications of IL, __________, (enter state) Crim Code – jury nullification instruction, provision for trial in abstencia when necessity/contra-predatory vigilantism defense is asserted, procedural history of case to jury, proposed concordance that … will not summons any member(s) of any policing entity(ies) for purposes of the interposition of any interference (will not endeavor to interfere) with the application of any property confiscation/destruction measures which it might be found would have to be implemented in order….

156 - Queen v Tooley and Ed Burke Quote - Pro Libertate 8/3/2013,

157. Government Custody - Permanent Disability/Death Sentence - Cases of Mayoral v Sheahan, Richman v Sheahan, Kenneth Trentadue, George Hansen, Ed Brown, Danny Riley, New Mexico recluse, Regaldo, countless other cases of failure to keep body out of custody of government entities - result - death, torture and/or permanent disability - demonstrating legitimacy of Davis'es positions and how understated of actual hazard/danger that such positions indisputably are

158. Kristin A. Hall First Amendment Scope of Protection

The tragic story of the Rodney Stitch Defraudment – the end result of a demonstration of a composite commitment to seek remedy of injuries unjustifiably incurred solely through the Talmudic-Barbaric Court System operative in the u.s. of A. over the past 50 years and to unlimitedly abstain from the use of contra-predatory vigilante remedies.

159. Supplement to Davis re vincible ignorance

160. Stipulation as to state of mind for incurrment of culpability for (any) violation(s) of 18 USC 242, 720 ILCS 5/33-3

161. Notice to Affiliate Contra-genocidists of non-objection to any given CG with threshold level adequate references purchasing life insurance upon RJM, in light of existing and operative laws applicable to such type matter and/or any endeavor which would ever be undertaken to modify, or rescind any such type law(s).

162. Invitation to C of 300, Members of the Upper Tier Slavemasters, Middle Tier Slave Masters, Lower Tier, Slavemaster Class, to confess commission of/incurrment of culpability for various crimes and procure whatever clemency/commutation of sentence could evidently justifiably be provided in any given instance before such would no longer be procurable.




The tragic story of the Teresa Schiavo Atrocity– the end result of a demonstration of a composite of a commitment to seek remedy of injuries unjustifiably incurred solely through the Talmudic-Barbaric Court System operative in the u.s. of A. and to unlimitedly abstain from contra-predatory vigilantism

Formula proposal re what .. policing entity has to do in order to procure an assurance that he or she will not be sued or criminally prosecuted, decertified, encounter vigilante means of property confiscation/destruction and/or any home visit

What a …. Has to do in order to ….


1. First Priority

2. What it is that IM is supposed to do – identify the priorities, criteria, agendas, methods, standards, points of reference, but above all the priorities according to which the activity of …. has been conducted


5. Proposed verified statements, invitations and proposed orders and confirmations of receptions of notice – URL, myspace

6. Notification of availability/accessibility to anyone of IM’s confessor so that ….





9. Why it is that ISMA postulates that everyone who did not succeed in rescuing Theresa Schiavo is a suspect coward and that those who did not even bother to go to FL are suspect heartless as well

Proposed Referendum For Implementation of Some Measures Necessary to Stop the Genocide Presently in Progress, and for that Matter Any and All Murders Being Perpetrated Via Euthanasia, Assassination and Abortion


11. Armed Defense of Liberty – A Keyes

Evidently Conflicting claims posited upon a given activity conductor’s capacity to select a course of action from amongst various alternatives in a given instance/enforcement or disobedience to facially valid laws/court orders

Formula Distinguishing Rule of Law from Reign of Terror Standards treatment in IM/TTICCC of 2/9/06

Magna Charta Clause 61

Quod Numquam

Solzenhitzyn – On Use of Force Against Stalins’ Operatives to Prevent Apprehension

Solzenhitzyn – How the West Was Lost

Text of Justifiable Use of Self Defense in State of IL, NY ….

Edith Jones – The American Court System is Corrupt Beyond All Recognition

Andrew Napolitano – Constitutional Chaos

H. Davis Moral Theology in Four Volumes – Duties of Certain Classes of Lay People Including Judges, Attorneys, Witnesses and Parties in Court Cases, Sheed and Ward, NewYork, 1958


Excerpts on Conscience and Errors of Conscience from Catechism of the “Catholic” Church with correction re knowledge/(in)vincibility of ignorance

Quotes on conscience from Apostolic Digest

Daniel Ch. 13 – Example of the Measure of Consideration that Courts Must Provide in –, Exchange for a Given Wronged Individual’s Temporarily Voluntarily Abstaining From Use of Force to Defeat Evils and Rectify Injustices - treatment in IM/TTICCC mot 2/9/06

Imitation of Christ Book III, Ch. 54 – The Movements of Nature and Grace

Laguardia Quote on Corruption of Courts

Burdens of Citizenship

When Everyone Was Catholic

Text of 42 USC 1986 and any statute requiring judges to report commission of crimes


Nihil Obstat Program

Proposal to adversaries and the court to promulgate standard and to suggest outside parties to whom IM might submit proposal for issuance of nihil obstat

Keyes on Conflict for Govt. Actors

Ben Freedman on Jews – Facts are Facts

Militia – 1 p

Richman v Sheahan 270 F. 3d 430 – Judge Bauer – No Citizen’s right to not be killed in court proceeding if “court protocols” would be compromised in honoring such a claim to consideration

Biblical quotes

Invitation to resign to ….

<<<<<<Assessment of extent to which a given individual and/or entity has been preserved from and or has held up against, what are the indisputably enormous dehumanizing influences in this all-but-entirely God-forsaken society – record of capitulation and non-capitulation

<<<<<<<<IM claims that the consideration to which … has been entitled has been provided to … and the consideration via an arrogation of a quantum of authority by the court to which the court could posit no legitimate claim


Pictures from koernke what it is we are trying to prevent, jew watch picture of corpses, St. Michael and Spanish hierarchy and Spanish civil war

Molon Labe

1. Federal Rule of Evidence 106 Relevance – substanceless verbiage

2. rejection of all forms of violence – pacifism as much as unjustified belligerence/unjust aggression

3. Richmond v Sheahan

Judge Castillo – immoral, mean, dark – just the use of adjectives for illegitimate political and financial agendas or a not-altogether fully explicated reference to an objective moral standard. Seagal 11/29 or 11/30/05

justified use of force statute

proposed rule changes of 2007 and addendum of 1/2/07 and 1/14/07

<<<<1. Notice that IM understands that there would be no justification for his ever again participating in any unmonitored govt. activity, given the horrors of the Teresa Schiavo torture and murder, of the 9/11/2001 FFA, of Roe v Wade, of the U.S.S. Liberty Treachery, of the Major Assassinations and Attempted Assassinations over the past 200 years, of the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, of the eight genocides of the 20 th Century, the two world wars orchestrated to complete the destruction of what was left of Christendom from the Revolt of Martin Luther in 1519 and of Henry VIII….__, and of all other horrors which have been in substantial part caused by unmonitored govt. activity and/or could not have been perpetrated without it, as the basis upon which IM would participate only under the most indignant protest in any proceeding not adequately monitored __.

1. Master Checklist of Documents

2. Certificate of Service

3. Proposed Order of ________

4. Checklist of service upon –

Court File

Courtesy Copy for Judge


Other Interested Parties – List here

______________________,________________, _________________,__________________

5. proposed verified statements

6. confirmation of reception of service – 12/19/11

7. settlement proposal of ________________



6. Starvation of the Disarmed Ukranians

7. Spanish Civil War Results in Temporary Defeat of the Devil and Talmudism by Catholics Adequately Armed to Ensure Their Moral Liability was not Left Uncovered in that Case

8. Addendum to Proposed …of 2007….


10. Record of Time Consumed by IM which For All Eternity Will Never be Regained in the Composition and Service of the Documents and/or Media Entities Which Are Listed in this List __

17. Settlement Proposal of

the two world wars orchestrated to complete the destruction of what was left of Christendom from the Revolt of Martin Luther in 1519 and of Henry VIII….__


Andrew Napolitano – Constitutional Chaos

H. Davis Moral Theology in Four Volumes – Duties of Certain Classes of Lay People Sheed and Ward, NewYork, 1958

Excerpts on Conscience and Errors of Conscience from Catechism of the “Catholic” Church with correction re knowledge

Citations from Come Lord Jesus, Synagogue of Satan and Money Masters


Core Temporal Problem

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<It is the informed, but necessarily limited and non-infallible understanding of …, that the least burdensome form of remedy for the vast majority of individuals whose interests would be at stake in the matter defined as the “just remedying of an injury unjustifiably caused”, for an injury that has truly been unjustifiably caused, would be the use of a contra-predatory vigilante remedy – in any arrangement in which no summonsing of the collective force of the body politic (“CFBP”) would result from the execution of the affirmative acts whose execution would have been necessary to eliminate detriment unjustifiably caused in a given instance, incapacitate predation perpetrators responsible for the causing of a given such type injury, and administer the justly deserved retribution a given predation perpetration would have necessitated in order to ensure the leaving in place of (a) sufficient disincentive(s) to a given type of predation perpetration that a given malefactor and other potential malefactors would be deterred from the execution of similar type predation perpetrations at any period after which such type remedy would have been utilized to a measure of apportionment evidently constituting the result of the difference between conditions left in place subsequent to the completion of a given CVR and whatever conditions would have been left in place had no CVR been utilized in any given instance, thus leaving a given predation perpetration unpunished and its consequences unremedied, but in any arrangement in which the utilization of such type remedy would result in the summonsing of the CFBP, an assessment of the relative burdensomeness to all concerned regarding the use of such type remedy requires an analysis of the component factors involved which determine the moral character of the matter at issue, which would be considerably more extensive than any analysis of the moral character of the use of such type remedy referenced in the first of the two alternatives referenced herein.

Notice of Creation of an Email Account re this Case

Trial Court Record File Maintained in R. Daley Ctr Room 802 List of Documents as of 3/14/11

Hall of Shame Nomination of IM

Judicial Questionnaire

Complaint form re Activity Conducted by ISMA Members

Confirmation of Adequate Diligence in the Prosecution of this Case

Online Case Docket

Motion to examine court upop with audio recording device

NDAA Sections 1021 and 1022 on Unlimited Interrogation and Detention....

AFP 3/25/12 - FBI on Assassinations of u.s. Citizens inside u.s. of A.

van Irion - Present government systems worse than anarchy

Government officials and private contractors conducting activity in a quasi-governmental roles and/or pursuant to the terms of (a) given contract(s) involving any given government entity, in general, members of policing and military entities, prosecutors and other government attorneys, and judges, in particular - one of the most important functions of this document is to prevent you from succeeding in ever participating in any treasonous, rapacious, userous, extortionistic, murderous, genocidal, cannibalistic, and/or otherwise gravely sinful activity of whatever exact particular type without having to deal with what would constitute the foreseeable consequences of the participation wherein in a given instance were it the case that the members of the Slavekeeper Class (Committee of 300) and that component of the Slavemaster Class above your position in the Enslavement and Extermination of the Goyim Apparatus presently in place upon all of the Countries of the Occident, would, attributable to whatever combination of causes and/or elements of a given agenda

<<<<<<<<<<Government officials and private contractors conducting activity in a quasi-governmental roles and/or pursuant to the terms of (a) given contract(s) involving any given government entity, in general, members of policing and military entities, prosecutors and other government attorneys, and judges, in particular - one of the most important functions of this document is to prevent you from succeeding in ever participating in any treasonous, rapacious, userous, extortionistic, torture-involving, murderous, genocidal, cannibalistic, and/or otherwise gravely sinful activity of whatever exact particular type without having to deal with what would constitute the foreseeable "justly deserved" consequences of the participation wherein in a given instance should it be or become the case that the members of the Slavekeeper Class (Committee of 300) and that component of the Slavemaster Class above your position in the Enslavement and Extermination of the Goyim Apparatus presently in place upon all of the Countries of the Occident, would, attributable to whatever combination of causes and/or elements of a given agenda either prove to be incapable of protecting you from such type consequences or decide that they would not possess an interest in keeping you protected from such type consequences. Indispensably important in any contra-predatory vigilante remedy ever utilized to ensure the accomplishment of the demonstrable "ends of justice" in a given instance is the proof that it could never be legitimately claimed that the designated target activity of a given such type remedy in any given instance could ever have been conducted in "invincible ignorance" of the actual moral character whereof.

<<<<<As an individual conducting activity in a governmental or quasi-governmental role, you are subject to an ongoing obligation to continually investigate the moral character of any and all actvit(y)(ies) in which you would ever be a participant and to refuse to participate in any type activit(y)(ies) whose moral legitimacy would not be free and clear from doubt. If this document and the collection of documents providing explanations of the contents whereof would not for whatever reason be available in the webpage whose URL is included herein supra, and the issue of the measure of care exercised by you before your participating in and/or during any participation conducted by you in any activity in regard to which any given CPVR would ever be implemented, would ever be raised by any participant in a CPVR, you are herein notified that unless you as a representative of a given government entity (which is the preparing party to the contract, compact and/or charter which the Constitution of the u.s. of A. constitutes, and as such is subject to have the terms whereof strictly construed whereagainst and liberally construed against the non-preparer - the citizen(s) not conducting activity in any given matter as representatives of any government entity) can demonstrate the possession of a claim that would be clear and free from doubt to (have) conduct(ed) activity which would in any substantial matter and manner either (have) necessitate(d) and/or (have) be(en) in conflict with the implementation of a given CPVR, that it will be presumed that any activity conducted by you ever in issue would have been conducted according to a morally illegitimate standard and/or method.

It is the understanding and correlative position of the author of this document that the non-provision of a record documenting efforts made by you for the purpose of the procurement of a minimally adequate understanding of the moral character of any activity in which you would ever participate of a character this document concerns, upon your receiving a demand wherefore, will absent the provision of an explanation demonstrating that the non-production whereof would possess legitimacy, constitute evidence of a dereliction of the duty to investigate the moral character of any project and/or activity in which you would ever have been a participant, before participating and during any participation, wherein.

"Knowledge will be imputed against the actor who neglects to investigate evidence easily within his reach." (paraphrase) (Wecker v Natl Enameling and Stapling Co. (_U.S._))

any given activity in regard to which a CPVR would ever have been a participant, which