
Document List of 4/14/15 - Rojas FGJ

1. D/L of 41415 - Rojas FGJ X

2. Petition of 4/14/15 for Indictment(s) of CPO D. Rojas to Federal Grand Jury Foreperson/U.S. Attorney for Northern Dist. of IL ("NDIL")/Chief Judge of USDC for NDIL of 4/14/15, FBI for NDIL, Clerk for USDC for NDIL, limited to first Three Counts with Further Counts to Follow X

3. Proposed True Bill re Rojas 4/17/10 Illegal Seizures et al, Limited to First Three Counts .... X

4. List of URL's for Documents Referenced in Documents Included in Collection of Documents for Rojas FGJ of 41415

5., 6., - Reserved

7. Definition of Constitutionally Protected Right to Superimpose Structure Into and Upon Any and All Government Activity Necessary to get Anyone Involved Wherein "Locked in" Regarding a.) Factual Predicates of Interaction, b.) Alleged Legal Basis for Activity, c.) Competent Evidence Available Regarding Actual State of Mind of Governmernt Official(s) at Various Stages of Development of Activity Ever In Issue

8. Running Bivens/18 USC 242, 1346, 1503, 1961 et seq, 2384 Complaint in Regard to Any & All Un-constitutional Deprivations Which Might be Encountered in the Processing of these Documents

9. Formal Admission from Govt. Official in Any Arrangement in which Consideration Ever Sought from any Government Entity in Any Given Instance ('IAGI") would not be Provided Wherein, that Such Consideration Could Not have been Procured Regardless of Time of Delivery of Initial Demand Wherefore Nor Content of any Petition in such Regard, w/o the At the Very Least, the Type of Capacity and Commitment to Resort to the Use of Force to Effect the Accommodation of Any and All Legitimate Reliance Interests at Stake IAGI Demonstrated in re the Institution of the Magna Charta on 6/15/1215

10. & 11. Proposed Stipulation to USDOJ of 4/14/15 In Regard To Any and All Matters Relating to the Rojas 4/17/10 Siezures that RJM Need not Mail Any Documents to Any USDOJ Office or Official in Order to a.) Get Criminal Charges Instituted in Re Whereto, Provided that Any and All Documents Which RJM Could have Mailed in re Whereto, Would Have Been Adequately Posted to a URL and Notice of Such Posting to Any Such URL would have been Adequately Provided IAGI, and b.) Retain Any and All Claims Accruing in Regard to the Deprivation of the Right to Procure the Utility an Indepedent Grand Jury would Provide in Re These Matters

12. Invitations to Demonstrate Non-Criminality and/or Non-Tortousness of the Positing of Interference w/ the Functioning of the FGJ as its Own Branch of Government, Entirely Independent, Except for Administrative and Security Aspects, of Any Member of any Other Branch Whereof

13. Demand that Either Docket containing links to Document Entries or at least a reference including a link to a site at which such Materials would be Posted be posted in the websites of the City of Chicago, the USDOJ, Office of the U.S. Attorney for the NDIL, USMS, Office of the USMS for the NDIL, USDC for the NDIL and Any & All Inspector Generals Concerned

14. Record of Auditing of Activity of Any and All Government Entities and/or Officials Whose Activity Would have been Encountered in Regard to the Matters this Document Concerns to The Extent Such Objective Would have been Accomplishable at the Any Given Such Junctures, Inter Alia, So that Whatever Posterity Providence Might Permit and the "Committed to Using AR-15's As Might Be Necessary to Stop the Genocide in Progress Component of the FEMA Red and Blue Listers" Can Adequately Accurately Ascertain the Priorities According to Which Any and All Such Activity Would have been Conducted in re the Matters Concerned

15. Document Delivered to Implicated Parties Referencing Documents Delivered to FGJFP on 4/14/14 by RJM

16. Notification to D. Rojas of Endeavor to get him Indicted

17. Chronicling of Endeavors to Notify D. Rojas re Endeavor to Get Him Indicted

18. Notice and Demand to City of Chicago Inspector General of 4/14/15

19. Notice and Demand to USDOJ* Inspector General of 4/14/15

* Acknowledging that the use of letter "J" in the title referenced herein has been used solely for entity identification without any intention to imply that such entity's agenda could ever be legitimately associated with anything remotely resembling "justice" accompanied by apologies to the countless victims of such agenda - which is the "Talmudic-barbaric Genocide of the Goyim Agenda" - for whatever would constitute "RJM's share of the blame" for their incurrment of detriment from the implementation of measures emanating from such agendas.

Initial Component of 4/14/15 of Petition of 4/14/15 to Federal Grand Jury Foreperson for Northern District of IL ("NDIL") for Indictment of City of Chicago Police Officer Danilo Rojas Regarding Siezures Executed by Him on 4/17/10 Upon Robert J. More/Demand to USDC NDIL Chief Judge & USMS, Office of U.S. Attorney, and FBI for the Northern District of IL before 1300 CST on 4/14/15 to be Superseded As Often As Would Be Necessary In Order to Ensure the Just Rectification of the Crimes this Document Concerns, Postings of which Superseding Documents Can be Accessed Via Either the Table of Contents of the ISMA website at: ", or at:, in Regard to Which Supersession, One of the Most Important Functions of this Document Is and Will Continue to be to Prevent any of those Involved in the Processing of the Matters this Document Concerns ("these matters") from Ever Being Capable of Legitimately Claiming that At Any Given Juncture(s) in Such Processing that (s)(t)he(y) Would Have Been Incapable of Procuring and Assessing What At Any Given Juncture Would Constitute the "Most Recent Supersession of Any Given Document Which Would Ever Constitute A Component Part of the Collection of Documents of Which the Project of which This Conveyance Constitutes a Component Part" Consists

Robert J. More ("RJM")

P.O. Box 6926

Chicago, IL 60680, (863) 688-9880 lv msg

Federal Grand Jury Foreperson

Federal Grand Jury for the United States District Court, Northern District of IL

Federal Building

219 S. Dearborn St.

Chicago IL, 60604

Chief Judge of United States District Court for the Northern District of IL (USDC-NDIL),

Chambers of the Chief Judge of the USDC-NDIL,

Federal Building

219 S. Dearborn St.

Chicago IL, 60604

United States Marshal Service

Federal Building

219 S. Dearborn St.

Chicago IL, 60604

Office of the United State's Attorney for the Northen District of IN

Federal Building

219 S. Dearborn St.

Chicago IL, 60604

Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representative of the U.S. Congress

Office Building

Washington, DC - via email

United States Senator for KY, Rand Paul - via email

United States Senator for TX, Theodore Cruz - via email

FEMA Red and Blue Listers, Children Under the Age of Reason, Whatever Posterity Providence would Permit and Anyone Interested in the Matters Concerned, in General - via posting to website whose URL is included herein


Dear Federal Grand Jury Foreperson (FGJFP), and Undear Chief Judge of the USDC-NDIL, . (Chief Judge) and Whatever Member(s) of the USMS (is) (are) responsible for the maintenance of the arrangement presently prevailing in the geographical area constituting the Northern District of IL (NDIL) for purpose(s) of the delineation of the jurisdiction of the federal judiciary in regard to such area, in which citizens have been interminably prevented via notification from Representatives of the USMS of the intent of the USMS to endeavor to effect arrest in regard to any initiative(s) undertaken to present evidence of alleged and/or actual violations of provisions of the United States Code and/or the Constitution of the u.s. of A. in which is contained provision for criminal prosecution and punishment by any activity conductor who would not be a government official and Office of the United State's Attorney for the Northern District of IL, and Asst. U.S. Attorney Thomas Walsh,

On 4/14/14, Robert J. More ("RJM") will, Providence permitting, have delivered documents of which this document constitutes a component document to the Federal Gand Jury ("FGJ") Foreperson ("FGJF") for the NDIL to the extent such task could be accomplisehd w/o RJM's being subjectd to any attempt to arrest and/or sieze him, an inchoate documentation of which is accessible here: "". RJM will then, Providence permitting have delivered a script consisting of questions and demands for 4/14/15 to be presented to the USMS and US Atty's Office for NDIL on 4/14/15 which can be accessed here: ".../undfgjquesdem41415.html" for the purpose of getting evidence re the Rojas 4/17/10 Siezures Federal Crimes presented to the FGJ in Chicago, IL, asap. A documentation of RJM's endeavors to get such URLS to the US Atty and USMS of the NDIL on 4/14/15 will be posted here, asap : The phone number to the Off of Inspec General for the DOJ which RJM called on 4/14/15, for the purpose of the procurement of authorization to access the FGJF in Chicago, Il, is 202 514 3435. RJM will have sent his bcc list an email on 4/14/15 by 16:45 CST as a "militia alert re possibility of government violence" according to the definition in the Summa Theologica's Treatise on Law of the term "violence" as consisting of, among other arrangements, any law which would be incompatible with the natural law, which clarification has been provided in order to satisfy the ISMA COC's requirement to always refrain from exaggerating anything.

RJM has yet to procure identification of whatever constitutes the alleged source of legal promulgation ("SLP") purporting &/or alleging to authorize the positing of interference to citizen access to the Federal Grand Jury. RJM herein posits the following questions to either the US Atty or USMS or both: 1. "If it could possibly be justifiably claimed that interference with citizen access to and the independence of the FGJ, could possibly be justified, what exactly would constitute any supposed justification wherefore?" 2. If it could possibly be justifiably claimed that interference with the constitutionally protected right of any and all citizens to posit questions and/or make complaints to government officials in order to procure information and/or provide notice of detriment ever being incurred (inter alia so as to ensure the adequate coverage of one's moral burden to endeavor to prevent the incurrment of detriment to ones prospects for a Favorable Eternal Disposition of Soul ("FEDS"), in any arrangement in which such endeavor would in the balance have been morally mandated) from govt activity could possibly be justified, what exactly would constitute any supposed justification wherefore? 3. If it could possibly be justifiably claimed that the positing of interference with the constitutionally protected right of any and all citizens to lock government officials into claims regarding factual predicates in regard to any given component of government activity at the juncture at which any given component of such type activity would have been conducted, inter alia, so as to prevent any unjustified modification of such from what such originally would have been in any given instance, what exactly would constitute any supposed justification wherefore? 4. How in light of the ruling in ACLU v Alvarez could any government official ever legitimately execute affirmative acts ordered to the prevention of the production of an audio and/or audio-video record of any interaction between any citizen and any government official?

RJM complains that the deprivation of citizen access to the FGJ and the independence of the grand jury as its own fourth branch of government, independent of any of the three branches of the Government of the u.s. of A. referenced in the first three articles of the Constitution of the u.s. of A. constitutes (a) federal felon(y)(ies) in violation of the provisions of 18 USC 242, and 18 USC 2381, 2383 and 2384, in that such deprivation deprives the people of the u.s. of A of the protection of the Presentment Clause of the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the u.s. of A., namely the capacity to prosecute government crime free from any detrimental effects of conflicts of interest to which any government prosecutor and/or judge would ever be subjected.

In U.S. v Williams (_U.S._) these matters were thoroughly enough addressed by SCOTUS Justice A. Scalia in the ratio decendi of the Opinion issued in such case that it is the informed understanding of RJM that no sane person could inculpably not understand the issue of the Independence of the Federal Grand Jury and that such independence has been adequately promulgated according to the threshold referenced in Parrat v Taylor (_U.S. _) and/or Harlow v Fitzgerald (_U.S._) in terms of binding government officials to the definitions of the scope of legitimate reliance interests [regarding measures of consideration protected by various provisions of the Constitution of the u.s. of A.,]] delineated by the jurisprudence of the SCOTUS that no one could ever legitimately claim invincible ignorance in regard to the definition whereof. It is RJM's informed understanding that the definition of such scope in any given instance for 42 USC 1983 purposes correlates to Federal Bivens purposes and that such scope for Bivens purposes most definitely correlates to the same scope for 18 USC 242 purposes.

On behalf of everything warmblooded and in particular the world's entirely innocent children and posterity, but obviously not by any express designation in re whereto, RJM now demands that the Office of the U.S. Attorney, either institute (an) information(s) or execute what acts would have to be executed in order to get indictments for the crimes whose factual predicates have been included herein infra and/or which will be included in future superseding components of this document submitted to the FGJ on 4/14/15 or as soon as it would be necessary to get such documents whereto in order to prevent any expiration of any untolled Statute of Limitations ("SOL").

Amongst the multiple ways via which criminal process can be instituted in regard to these matters, whether it be via the presentment to the FGJ of the collection of the documents of which this demand is a component part, via the authority of 18 USC 3332(a) or via any other legitimate means RJM finds it necessary that such process now be instituted w/o delay and that RJM be notified of any and all developments in such regard, which notification in turn, RJM can provide to all of those entitled to consideration of various types, in various measures from RJM.

To reiterate, the purpose of the submission of the documents RJM endeavored to submit on 4/14/15 to the FGJ via the intermediaries referenced herein supra was to get criminal charges instituted in regard to the activity referenced herein infra and which will also be included in proposed "True Bills" which will be posted and delivered as soon as such would be complete in the coming days, which collection of documents will be posted as referenced herein supra.

As there is a statute of limitation ("SOL") set to expire on 4/17/15 in regard to the matters this letter concerns, unless such would be tolled whether via the remission of the consent of the targets of the prospective indictment(s) sought herein or via the operation of any given tolling principle which would necessarily emanate in the Divine Order of matters transpiring under the authority of Him to Whom all authority, both in heaven and upon earth has been conferred (Matt. 28:20) from the arrangement present in regard to the matters this document concerns, at present; RJM found it necessary to transmit this document to the FGJFP and all others sources referenced herein today, in order that an indictment against D. Rojas can be issued by 4/17/15.

The SOL's for any criminal liability incurred after 4/17/10 in regard to these matter are set to expire at various future dates which matter will be addressed when RJM can get around to addressing such matter, all of what has been postulated herein supra and infra having been postulated herein for the purpose of at the very least, ensuring the retention of the claim which it is RJM's informed understanding is indisputably now possessed by RJM and everything warmblooded to resort to the use of (a) contra-predatory vigilante remed(y)(ies) for the purpose of adequately vindicating and protecting the interests which are supposed to be vindicated and protected via the criminal prosecution, conviction and punishment of Federal crimes committed in the u.s. of A. (but which cannot be vindicated and protected given what RJM understands to constitute the patently criminal and tortious control of the FGJ at this juncture in history by the Executive and Judicial Branches of the Federal Government), which is to state so that adequate rectification and retribution can be adequately effected entirely independently of any Committee of 300 owned, influenced and operated government entity.

To the FGJ Foreperson, if and when he would receive a copy of this document - At this juncture, time constraints being what they are, RJM proposes that the designated recipient(s) of this document ("DRD", "DRD's") in the FGJ simply read the proposed True Bill ("PTB") which this letter accompanies or which will be included in superseding components of this document, discuss such matters along with the rest of the FGJ members presently serving on the FGJ conducting evidence assessments and issuing true bills in the NDIL, and sign a copy of the true bill to be included therein or some such similar type document by the end of the day on 4/17/15, and execute whatever other affirmative acts would have to be executed by such time in order to get criminal charges for violations of 18 USC 242 instituted by the end of such day, against D. Rojas, and that the Chief Judge, United State's Attorney and/or United States' Marshal Service execute whatever affirmative acts would have to be executed in order to ensure that criminal charges would be instituted in regard to the matters this document concerns within any untolled statues of limitations operative in regard whereto. In the coming months documents similar to this one will be transmitted to all of those to whom this document is being transmitted and RJM demands the provision of opportunity to audit the processing whereof by each and all of those addressed herein.

Because of whatever conflict of interest it would be to which the Office of the U.S. Attorney would be subjected in regard to the matters this document concerns which is evidently present from the fact that such Attorney would be functioning as a subordinate of the Present Occupant, howsoever unjustifiably, of the Office of the President of the u.s. of A. , Mr. Barry Soetoro, regarding the prosecution of a member of an entity - the CPD - which has reportedly never even so much as interviewed him in regard to the Bland, Young and Spencer murders of 2007, in regard to which murders, Donald Young's mother has received warnings from various warmblooded members of the CPD to keep herself protected from any endeavor which might be implented to silence her in re whereto, RJM finds it necessary to herein demand that the Chief Judge appoint a special prosecutor in regard to the matters this document concerns pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 592.

From what has been included herein supra and/or infra, it is RJM's certain conviction that grand jurors would possess no legitimate alternative except to conclude that: 1.) RJM was seized in violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the u.s. of A. on 4/17/10 at least twice, and that in being subjected to having had a firearm drawn and aimed at him in the same incident involving such seizures, w/o any justification wherefore, that he was subjected to an 18 USC 242 violation of his Ninth and Fourteenth Amendment Rights to not be subjected to any unjustified exercise of government force.

In regard to the matters this conveyance concerns ("these matters"), it is RJM's informed understanding that the evidence included in the "Facts" Section of the Complaint filed in Case # 11 M1 012530 in April of 2011 substantially satisfies the quantum of evidence burden which would have to be present in regard to these matters for probable cause of (a) violation(s) of 18 USC 242 to be present in re whereto. In fact it is RJM's informed understanding that the reception of the evidence presented herein of such violation(s) to the Federal Grand Jury in Northern IL by such entity, will have left such entity without any legitimate alternative except to issue (a) presentment(s) according to the "Presentment Clause" of the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the u.s. of A. in regard to these matters so that indictments can then be issued in regard whereto.

For the record, in case this matter has not already been adequately clarified, activity that is subject to civil prosecution and damages pursuant to 42 USC 1983 is correlatively subject to criminal prosecution and punishment via 18 USC 242, so that any civil counts pled in the collection of documents of which this document constitutes a component part as being actionable via 42 USC 1983 are prosecutable and punishable via 18 USC 242. Indictments upon the base(s) of violations of the provisions of 18 USC 1346 can be added to any indictments issued pursuant to the provisions of 18 USC 242, provided the factual predicates necessary for any counts included on those base(s) would have been included in any indictments issued pursuant to the provisions of 18 USC 242.

Thus, it is the considerably informed understanding of RJM in regard to the matters this document concerns, that the issuance of presentments and then indictments in regard to the government activity referenced herein which includes CPD Officer D. Rojas activity which was conducted under the color of law and via a "pretext of legitimacy" is not just one option amongst several legitimate alternatives in regard to these matters, but rather constitutes a moral imperative in such regard - in other words, that this FGJ possesses no legitimate alternative except to issue presentments and indictments regarding these matters against D. Rojas as a perpetrator of the crimes referenced herein supra, according to the principles present in the axiom "Fiat Justicia Ruat Caelum" and "Qui Nocentibus Parcit, Innocentibus Punit", regardless of whatever and howsoever much pressure might ever be applied to such FGJ to disregard such moral imperative, from whatever source proximately emanating.

As the crimes this document concerns cannot justifiably be left unpunished, such crimes will have to be punished via the activity of the FGJ of Northern IL, in re whereto, or independently and in spite, whereof, according to the principle present in that unassailable axiom "Qui nocentibus parcit, innocentibus punit" ("he who spares the guilty punishes the innocent"). As was demonstrated out in NV a year ago, this month, Rothschild (which is to say, ultimately - Luciferian) controlled entities are very far from possessing invincibility, and the burden imposed by the Fourth Commandment of the Decalogue upon the citizenry of a country to use whatever morally legitimate means and methods would ever have to be used in any given instance in order to ensure the adequate protection of the legitimate interests of one's family, neighbors, community and country from predatory government activity is itself, in no way any type of "option amongst various alternatives" but rather constitutes, to use a term used herein supra, again, a "moral imperative".

Should the members of the FGJ for Northern IL, be subjected to any type of attempted intimidation or should any such member(s) become cognizant of any endeavor undertaken and/or activity otherwide conducted by any individual and/or entity for the purpose of preventing the issuance of the presentments and indictments referenced herein , any member subjected to any such type activity and/or cognizant of any such type activity is invited to contact the author of this document as well as CSPOA, Oathkeepers, LGNA, and/or any militia and/or paramilitary entity presently conducting activity in this Country for the purpose of protecting it from Rothschild controlled government violence and rescuing the Non-counterfeit Version of the Rule of Law from the Rothschild's Consumation of the Enslavement of the "To Be Retaineds" / Extermination of Rest of, the Goyim, Agenda.

In the past members of various U.S. Attorney's Offices, U.S. Marshal's Service Offices and Officials of various Chief Judges Offices, including various such Judges, have incurred felony and indeed, treason, liability, via their positing of interference with the independence of the FGJ and the process of bringing such predation perpetrators to justice remains in progress as this document is being composed. The members of the FGJ and anyone else who might read this document can take heart in the fact that so long as the entrances to the underground cities built for the protection of the Rothschild's Genocidists ("RG") from the recompense their demonically instigated activities have earned them remain susceptible to demolition, the fall-back of their resorting to the "Nuclear/Chemical/Biological Alternative" for the completion of the destruction of the u.s. of A., should an attempt to implode the electrical/governmental grid and impose martial law backfire, has been considered too high a risk for the RG's to be willing to completely implode such grid and impose martial law- yet, that is. If any member(s) of the FGJ in Northern IN would be interested in procuring protection from intimidation and/or retaliation from the RG's and their lower level minions of the type(s) which in several instances, this document itself, concerns would be invited to "procure sanctuary" in a format somewhat similar to the "Federal Witness Protection Program" except in this instance, what would be provided would be true protection from violence and not any type of scheme in which one seeking protection would be exposed to violence from those claiming to protect them, as is so deplorably the case in regard to any protection offered by any Rothschild controlled entity (see, for examples in this regard, Will Grigg's Pro Libertate Blog, in this regard).

So howsoever appalling, deplorable, violent, criminal and treasonous has been the track record of most, but by no means, all, of the Federal Judges in the u.s. of A. and of the majority, but by no means, all, of members of the Department of "Justice" ("DOJ") in regard to whose records of activity RJM is cognizant, over the past 100 years and howsoever much the disrespect and distrust in which such type individuals are generally held has been thoroughly earned, there is every reason to presume that such violence, criminality and treason ("violence") is in the process of being brought to an end, and it is RJM's intention that the submission of this document and any and all documents which would ever have to be processed in regard to the processing of it will contribute substantially to the expediting of the effecting of such end. So again, it is herein acknowledged that any and all concerns of members of the FGJ that the adequate bearing of the burdens of the offices in which such members have been installed will subject them to violence are eminently well grounded, but such reality in no way dispenses anyone from the bearing of the burdens of the grand juror's office which have been undertaken and there are millions of armed warmblooded Americans who can bring any perpetrator(s) of violence in regard to these matters in any given instance, should such perpetrator(s) be D. Rojas, any other member(s) of the CPD, any of the Rothschilds and/or anyone else of malicious and depraved heart - son or daughter servant of Lucifer and instrument of iniquity (Jn. 8:44) whomsoever he or she might be, whether representatives of the DOJ or any other Federal alphabet soup gang, private assassins for hire of whatever sort and/or anyone else who would participate in any given component of violence, to justice or ensure that justice would be brought to them, in regard to any violence that might be attempted against any member of the FGJ in Northern IL. The kicking in of the doors, busting of the heads, bashing in of the faces and slitting of the throats, of the warmblooded component of the population of this Country and the world with impunity has got to come to an end, and again, it is for the purpose of the effecting of such end that this document has been submitted. At the very least, the composition and processing of this document provides further evidence beyond the mountains already in existence of the lengths to which the warmblooded component of the population of this Country has gone in order to rescue the Non-counterfeit Version of the Rule of Law without having to resort to the use of force, before resorting to such use in individual instances and/or in a large or full - scale open insurrection for the purpose of the accomplishment of such objective.

The ISMA's presently operative "Notice to Government Officials" is accessible here:

Notice to governent officials et al, and details in regard to various atrocity avengement and captive ransoming endeavors in which the ISMA is presently involved can be accessed here: ".../rothscnot42314.html" which document is titled: "Have the World's Children Received the Consideration to Which They Have Been Entitled from ISMA Br. #4, AAA, RJM In the Audit Period Consisting of ...-...?"]

On Behalf of Everything Warmblooded, but Obviously, not by Any Express Designation, Robert J. More - Rom. 12:18-21

Proposed True Bill re Rojas 2010 Federal Crimes

United States of America


1. City of Chicago Police Officer ("CPO") Danilo Rojas, 2. CPO's John and Jane Does #1-5




At all times material to the Indictment:

1. Each of the Defendants referenced in the caption of this document was conducting activity pursuant to the authority of and/or was employed by the City of Chicago, IL, a political subdivision of the State of IL, all within the scope and meaning of 18 USC 241 and 242.

2. Excerpts from the Complaint RJM has filed in the Cook County, IL State Court which received the number "11 M1 012530" which are included herein infra as "Factual Predicates for Indictment(s) of 4/14/15", are incorporated herein as factual predicates for the purpose of the effecting of the issuance of (an) indictment(s) and/or information(s) before the deadlines referenced herein supra arrive.

Note #1. It is RJM's informed understanding that all that is needed in order to get criminal process issued in regard to the matters this document concerns is the presentation of evidence in regard to the specific violations of Federal Criminal Laws ("FCL") that would cause men of ordinary prudence to conclude that a crime had been committed" (citation to authority yet to be added) in regard to the evidence included in any submission for the issuance of criminal process in the form of an indictment and/or information, and RJM is entirely convinced that the evidence included herein easily traverses that threshold (ie. "probable cause") and could explain the basis for such conviction if any demand and/or proposal would be made upon RJM to provide any such type explanation and/or provide documentation in support of any such type explanation.

Note #2. The inclusion in a given legal document of material that could ever legitimately be claimed to constitute "surplussage" can never legitimately constitute a basis for the disregard of any material ever contained in any given document which would not ever be legitimately considered to constitute such, and thus the inclusion of any conclusions, legal conclusions, opinions, adjectival phrases and/or rhetorical devices not indispensably necessary in a given instance to effect a given legitimate end can never legtimately be utilized to disregard any and all legally competent and admissible evidence in the form of averments and/or otherwise, which would ever be utilized in order to effect any legitimate end.

Note #3. RJM herein informs those to whom this document has been addressed ("addressees") that RJM remains available to testify in regard to any and all of the matters referenced in this document and that he is proceeding as expeditiously as he can continue to proceed in regard to the matter of providing the transcripts of the CCDC to each and all of such addressees as soon as such objective can be accomplished.

Note #4. The issue of the tolling and/or estopping of any such applicable SOL will be addressed in future submissions made relating to the matters referenced herein.

Note #5. The form in which this document has been presented has been produced off of a template derived in regard to the issuance of a "True Bill" in Case # 07-872 in the USDC for the District of New Mexico in all respects which RJM understood it was necessary to ensure the accomplishment of procedural compliance in re whereto, in regard to which RJM has been capable of accomplishing such compliance.

Note #6. All factual averments included herein in the "Factual Predicates...." component of this document have been so included under penalty of perjury pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 1746 - Robert J. More, 5/2/14

IV. Barest minimum of factual predicates necessary to get criminal charges instituted in re the Counts included in this document, with more such type predicates and counts to be included in any superseding components of this document produced and delivered: Barest minimum of factual predicates necessary ...:

1. On 4/17/2010 at or about 10:40 a.m. there was a green tarp and some travel bags of various sorts in which was evidently contained some type of entity in the shape of a human body under a loading dock which is attached to a building in existence on the southwest corner of the property of St. Mary of the Angels Parish, the address of which is: the 1800 block of N. Wood St., Chicago, IL, 60.…, which was not within either any line of vision nor 50 yards of, any doorway in which a double-doored door assembly was present and/or upon or over which there is any sign of any type.

2. Police vehicle # 7011 was driven to within 8 feet of such dock at that time.

3. A COC PDO (“CPD PO”) exited such vehicle.

4. He issued a command to anyone present under such tarp as has been described herein supra which consisted substantially as follows: “Hey you, get out here!”

5. There was movement underneath such tarp and the face of a man whose description is contained herein supra (“human activity conductor“, “HAC“) appeared from whereunder.

6. Some comment was made to such HAC by CPD PO.

7. Such HAC addressed CPD PO as follows: “This is private property, why are you bothering me?”

8. CPD PO responded: “What the [fuck]* does that matter?”

9. Such HAC then stated: “Objection language”.

10. CPD PO then stated to him, “ I tell you what to do, you don’t tell me what to do!”

11. Such HAC then moved one and/or both of his hands in a non-sudden and unexcited manner into the top of the front of whatever clothing it was in which he was then attired.

12. CPD PO drew his firearm and pointed it at HAC, from a distance of about six feet.

13. With the firearm pointed towards his chest, CPD PO informed HAC to place his hands in a location CPD PO could see them and to exit the area beneath the dock herein described supra.

14. The HAC exited such dock area with his hands extended away from his body and was at such time, standing in front of the dock.

15. With his gun in his right hand, CPD PO then commanded HAC to turn around.

16. HAC complied with such command.

17. HAC was then attired in longsleeve garments on the upper area of his body and gym shorts on the lower area of his body.

17. HAC then proposed: “Why don’t I just remove my clothing,” (motioning towards the clothes attiring his upper body), “and set it here” (motioning toward the dock), “so that you can see that I have no weapon upon me?

18. CPD PO commanded HAC to turn towards the dock and put his hands thereupon.

19. The HAC complied.

20. CPD PO conducted a frisk of HAC’s person.

21. While CPD PO was conducting such, the HAC inquired of him, “What is the articulable fact giving rise to reasonable suspicion that a crime has been, is being or is about to be, committed?”

22. CPD PO replied, “You know this game.”

23. HAC responded: “What is the basis of this encounter?” or something to this effect and continued, “I have permission from Pastor Mahaney to be on this property, what is yours?”

24. Either immediately thereafter or shortly thereafter with or without some other exchange of statements and/or questions, CPD PO stated to HAC that: “Father Hillary gave you permission to sleep here for the winter, winter is over.”

25. HAC responded, “ Who told you that?”

26. CPD PO replied, “Stanley, I think his name was.”

27. CPD PO then (dialed a phone number on a cell phone in his hand) or in the alternative (made a gesture that indicated that he was dialing a phone number on his cell phone.

28. HAC then stated: “There was no sunset clause ever included in any permission granted me by Pastor Mahaney.”

29. CPD PO then spoke into such phone.

30. CPD PO then addressed HAC: “You need to get a letter of permission to be here,”

31. HAC responded: “Why do I need any letter to be on private property, according to who?”

32. CPD PO replied, “Like I said, you need to get a letter to be on this property. “

33. RJM responded, “ I am not going to impose any burden upon Pastor Mahaney beyond that already imposed by his graciousness (hospitality or something to this effect) in permitting me to remain here.”

34. HAC then put his upper body clothing back on and crawled back under the dock and into the tarp.

35. CPD PO stated to him, “Don’t get comfortable under there.”

36. HAC mumbled something and pulled the tarp over him.

37. CPD PO then entered vehicle marked “7011” and departed the area and the parish property.

38.Some member(s) of the CPD accessed the East Side of the SMAP property adjacent to the Parish Office area within 150 minutes of this occurrence on 4/17/10 according to a woman playing with 3 children on the playground on such East side during that time, who informed RJM of such development on that date.

39. Since very shortly after 4/17/10 and in the summer of ’10 and more recently since 3/21/11, RJM has continued to endeavor to procure the name and badge # of the CPD PO responsible for having perpetrated the torts referenced in Counts #1-4 included herein supra, but RJM has met nothing but the type of stone-walling for which the COC has so distinguished its activity regarding its liability for torts committed by its representatives as the activity of such individuals and entities effectively has deprived RJM of the right to get the driver of Car #7011 identified and named as a Defendant in this lawsuit. RJM has made numerous trips to the CPD 14th District, has addressed the CPD Police Board re the matter and other details referencing this stonewalling can be ascertained in the email string of 4/12/11 which accompanies this document as the document coded (SMAPems4-12-11).

Running narrative from 12/8/09 – 4/17/10 and into May of 2010 - see accompanying pages from Complaint in Case # 11 M1 012530

Count #1 of Indictment - D. Rojas

1. The contents of the paragraphs included herein supra which chronicle the activity surrounding and including RJM's involuntary interaction with CPO D. Rojas on 4/17/10 are herein referenced as the factual predicate basis for this count.

2. On or about 4/17/10 in Cook County, IL, in the State of IL, within the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of IL ("USDCNDI"), the defendant(s) referenced herein while acting under the color of the laws of the State of IL did, deprive RJM of among other rights secured and protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States, those to a.) not be deprived of liberty without due process of law and b.) not be seized absent the presence of probable cause that a crime had been committed by him, which deprivations were perpetrated by (one) (what may have constituted several) activity conductors conducting activity under the color of law.

In violation of 18 U.S.C. 242 (and 2)

Count #2 of Indictment - CPO D. Rojas

1. The contents of the paragraphs included herein supra which chronicle RJM's interaction with D. Rojas on 4/17/10 are herein referenced as the factual predicate basis for this count.

2. On or about 4/17/10 in Cook County, IL, in the State of IL, within the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of IL ("USDCNDI"), the defendant(s) referenced herein while acting under the color of the laws of the State of IL did, deprive RJM of among other rights secured and protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States, those to a.) not be deprived of liberty without due process of law and b.) not be seized nor searched absent the presence of probable cause that a crime had been committed by him, which deprivations were perpetrated by (one) activity conductor conducting activity under the color of law.

In violation of 18 U.S.C. 242 (and 2)

Count #3 of Indictment - CPO D. Rojas

1. The contents of the paragraphs included herein supra which reference the activity of the drawing and pointing of a firearm w/o just cause are herein referenced as the factual predicate basis for this count.

2. On or about 4/17/10 in Cook County, IL, in the State of IL, within the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of IL ("USDCNDI"), the defendant(s) referenced herein while acting under the color of the laws of the State of IL did orchestrate and/or effect the subjection of RJM to an unjustified demonstration of force, and in so doing, did deprive such person, of the rights secured and protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States to a.) not be deprived of liberty without due process of law and b.) not be deprived of the consideration the Ninth Amendment to such Constitution provides to not be subjected to any unjustified use of force by any government entity, which deprivations were perpetrated by (one) (several) activity conductors conducting activity under the color of law.

In violation of 18 U.S.C. 242 (and 2)



Foreperson of the Grand Jury - 1037 a.m.