Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God (Mt. 5-7)…but the merciful need have no fear of judgment(Ja 2:13). …but have stored up something against the wrath to come(cf Rom 2:5, Heb10:30 et al).

Pope Felix III: "Not to oppose error, is to approve it, and not to defend truth is to suppress it, and indeed to neglect to confound evil men when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them."

Saint Catherine of Siena : "We've had enough of exhortations to be silent! Cry out with a hundred tongues. I see that the world is rotten because of silence.

None is so enslaved as he who falsely believes that he is free - von Goethe

At least, if nothing else, promise the Just & Ultimately, Consumately Avenging, Righteous, God, & all those to whom you owe duties of  care, including  your own person, this: never to  permit yourself to become so mean, so base, so ignoble, so niggardly, so petty, so shriveled up, so, in a phrase -  deep-down despicable - as to no longer be ashamed to die, without having made your contribution, howsoever  little it might be, even if it is comparatively, nothing more than  a proverbial widow’s mite, to the eventual, definitive,  irrevocable & all-encompassing, obliteration of  iniquity  by righteousness, the dispelling of  darkness by light, the conquest of  evil by good: in other words, while you are in this vale of  tears, it is not your place to wonder why, it is your place to continue to fight or die – the eternal death or salvation of  the soul, of  course being the ultimate object in regard to which the whole competition that characterizes the ordeal of  earthly existence for every Child of  Eve is permitted by His Omniscient, Omnipotence to continue, with all of  the apparently senseless,  unjustifiable & humanly  inexplicable developments that characterize its procession right up until the final moment at which His Majesty, Christ the King returns & squares all unsquared accounts.


This list, partial as it admittedly is,  is provided by the Demonstratively Non-counterfeit Roman Catholic Protection Network on behalf  of  all burden-bearing, Rule of  Law abiding or partially abiding, private sector & anti-abortion, anti-sodomy, anti-pedohilia, anti-treason & anti-cannibalism public sector, producer/protector/providers & “whistleblowers” presently incapable of  producing &/or providing what absent the violence, abuses, & crimes perpetrated upon “them”, “they” would be capable in given cases of  producing & providing in terms of  the making of  contributions to what can be identified to constitute the “true temporal & eternal welfare”, & corresponding “common good” of  the individual members of which the social order & society is composed; in order that those who have committed felonies can be apprehended, charged, prosecuted, & if convicted incarcerated & required to make restitution to the victims of  any & all felonies committed.


Partial list of  individuals who have at any juncture in the past five years resided or operated in the territorial area in the State of  Illinois that is under the jurisdiction of  the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of IL, or conducted activity which has left them subject to the jurisdiction of such office, in regard to whose activities, Robert J. More (“RJM”)is cognizant of  there presumptively existing, according to the understanding of  criminal law possessed by RJM & other members of  the DNRCPN,  felony liability on various grounds & in violation of  various promulgated criminal statutes included in the officially promulgated United States Code regarding activity conducted from the period of  March of  1998 until _________________ 8/29/02. This list is updated at least every six months &  information  corresponding to it is provided the U.S. Attorney’s Office on a regular basis.

Chicago IL based Attorney Floyd Babbitt

Chicago IL based Attorney Richard Bruen

Chicago IL based Attorney Sheryll Allenson

Chicago IL based Attorney Michael Collins

Chicago IL based Attorney Arthur Sternberg

Illinois Appellate Court Judges Shelvin LM Hall, David Cerda, Warren NW GH?

Chicago IL based Attorneys Lisa Lopatka, Catherine Voght, John Relias,   & Michael Warner Jr.

Chicago Police Officer Glenn Dvorsky

Chicago Police Officer M. Hammond

Chicago Police Officer Marto

Chicago Police Dept. Detective James Adams

Chicago Police Dept Lt. Dahlberg

Chicago Police Dept. Sgt Keane

Chicago Police Dept Sgt. DeYoung

Cook County State’s Attorney Richard Devine, - based upon a presumption of  the accomplishment of service of documents.

Chicago Police Officer Huerta

Asst. Cook County State’s Attorney Jennifer (“Jenni”) Sheck

Asst. Cook County State’s Attorney Karin Swanson

Asst. Cook County State’s Attorney Brandi King

Asst. Cook County State’s Attorney Jane Doe

Cook County Circuit Court Judge Katheen McGurvey

Cook County Circuit Court Judge Joan Pucillo

Cook County Circuit Court Judge Allen Goldberg

C Cook County Circuit Court Judge Jeff Jordzak

Cook County Circuit Court Judge Mary Mulhern

Cook County Circuit Court Judge Walter Williams

Cook County Circuit Court Judge Edward Antonietti

Cook County Circuit Court Judge Randeye Kogan

Cook County Circuit Court Judge Lambros Kubitis

Cook County Circuit Court Judge Alexander White

Cook County Circuit Court Judge Marvin Luckman

Former Chief Cook County Circuit Court Judge Donald O’Connell

Seventh Circuit Court of  Appeals Judge Richard Posner

Seventh Circuit Court of  Appeals Judge Diane Wood

U.S. District Court Judge David Coar

U.S. District Court Judge William Hart

U.S. District Court Judge Joan Gottschall

U.S. Magistrate Judge Arlander Keys  

U.S. District Court Judge Rebecca Pallmeyer

Chicago IL based Attorney Thomas Carney

Berwyn IL based Attorney John Toman

North Riverside Police Officer Frank Schmalze

R&L Carriers Chicago IL, Terminal Manager Todd Smith

Chicago IL based business persons Frank Espinoza, & John Tautkus.

Chicago IL based business person Nate Williams

State of  IL employees William Naurich, Celeste Haley (IDES)

State of  IL employees Margaret Faust, & Valerie Puccini (IDOL)

State of  IL employees Claudia Manley, & Mary Nagy (IDOL)

Occupational Safety & Health Representatives Roy Reese, Gary Anderson, Diane Turk, OALJ Judge John Holmes, USDOL Officials Cynthi Atwood  & David Beverly,.

All Chicago Police Dept. & City of  Chicago Employees involved in the towing of RJM’s car in November of 1998.

R&L Carriers Employee Frank Sheldon




All Chicago Police Dept. & City of  Chicago Employees involved in the several entirely fraudulent & feloniously issued, parking tickets issued to any car that RJM was at any given juncture driving over the past 4 & ˝ years.

Partial list of  individuals, who have at any juncture in the past five years resided or operated in the territorial area in the State of  Illinois that is under the jurisdiction of  the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of IL, or conducted activity which has left them subject to the jurisdiction of such office, in regard to whose activities, Robert J. More, cannot in presumptive good faith continue to refrain from providing notice,  based upon information & belief,  that  there exists,  according to the understanding of  criminal law possessed by RJM, presumptively felonious criminal liability on various grounds in some particular elements &/or implementations of  such activities, & in violation of  various promulgated criminal statutes included in the officially promulgated United States Code regarding activity conducted from the period of  March of  1998 until _________________ 8/29/02.

North Riverside Police Chief  Krativil

North Riverside Village Manager Wayne Pezak

Illinois State Senator John Cullerton

Chicago IL based Attorney John Green

All managing partners at the Querry & Harrow Law Firm

All managing partners at the Fagel & Haber Law Firm

J.B. Hunt President Kirk Thompson

J.B. Hunt Vice President Craig Harper

R&L Carriers President Ralph Roberts

R&L Carriers Vice President Michael Murray

Chicago IL based Attorney James Franczyk

Various other John & Jane Does representing the Chicago Police Department, whose names for now remain unknown.

Every individual included in the lists included supra, has demonstrated a measure of pertinacity in his or her conduct, which has left RJM without any choice except to include each name enumerated supra, if  he hopes to retain any claim to have accomplished compliance with the identifiable requirements of  God’s law in the circumstances in various cases encountered.

The following individuals are suspected by RJM to have committed federal felonies, but RJM lacks sufficient information to definitively include them in either of  the two lists included supra.

Guadalupe Lugo.

Chicago Police Officer Males

Reports have it that the U.S. Attorney, Patrick Fitzgerald is supposedly not just the same sad old story. RJM reserves judgment on such matter, even as the jury is still out on every human person still having the use of  reason , but will be providing assessments periodically of  his impressions in the website address included infra.

For whatever it might be worth,  RJM herein again goes on record as acknowledging that he possesses competent evidence that supports the claim that the Circuit Court of Cook County does not deserve to be classified as a non-criminal enterprise, that neither can the Chicago Police Department or several Courtrooms in the Dirksen Federal Building  be  classified as other than criminal enterprises & that the Seventh Circuit Court of  Appeals also has a number of  felons conducting activity in it. In a nutshell, Chicago IL is a God-forsaken disaster area from which maybe, one or two, maybe three, souls may still be saved. Other than that, it is all what Augustine would refer to as the massa damnata.

Indeed, it is not the case that any of  the specimens whose names are listed supra, are by any means individuals that mean anyone well, on the contrary each such specimen has demonstrated a malice & that he or she or they in fact, mean(s) the Catholic Church, its preeminent progeny in the temporal




order –the principle of  The Rule of Law or Lex Rex, all that is good & noble & decent & true & beyond that, everything not both cold-blooded & venomous – harm (at least to the extent that a reckless & wanton disregard  for the requirements of  the moral law in a given case must be said to contain an implicit intent to harm – defined off the lack of  the acknowledgment  of  appropriate duties of  care that would be present in a well–meaning person, in that a disregard for the requirements of  the moral law necessarily harms one’s neighbor, even if not always directly, at least indirectly by implicitly denying both the right of  God to command compliance with his law(s) & that an accounting will have to be given of  the effects of  one’s conduct on his neighbors – in other words, what is due one’s neighbor in justice is necessarily something more than a lack of concern in regard to what happens to him here below & here after – the very refusal to acknowledge the duty to do no harm, necessarily harms one’s neighbor – apathy in regard to God’s possessions, which every human person is, harms such person(s) – to explain the matter  one more way – the absence of  an intention of malice specifically targeted at a given neighbor is not a threshold level human disposition – it is in fact something far less because God’s answer to the Cain’s question, “am I my brother’s keeper?” is an unequivocal yes, written indelibly into every human nature created in the image of  God’s own Trinitarian life) in some cases, serious harm – as much harm as in a given case, he (she) (they) can get away with perpetrating without having to overcome the opposition of  the utilization of physical force to accomplish the objective. Even in the least offensive of cases of  those listed, there is still a presumptive malice present according to the principle upon which such presumptive presence can be ascertained, which is Canon 2200.1 of  the 1917 Roman Catholic Code of Canon Law.

What has to be accomplished  in this district is the elimination of  the ban on concealed weapons, the disarnament & then the dismantling & elimination of  the CPD, & FBI & the rest of  the alphabet soup gang standing armies, which as the authors of  the Federalist Papers & others so presciently foresaw, has accomplished nothing but the enslavement of  the common people to the members of  the lawyer class, including the corruption of  the judiciary to such an extent that there in fact is hardly a tribunal in which any common citizen can get any dispute resolved upon its merits.  Judges, Corporate Directors & Attorneys use these standing armies to facilitate the commission of  felonies with impunity, because they know that almost no member of  such armies  will ever oppose the preservation of  the status quo approach to law (iniquity) enforcement. Round up the usual suspects. It is almost always the business as usual approach that prevails, the facts, equity & any concerns of consciences not completely deadened notwithstanding. Indeed, treason charges must be filed against ennumerable members of  the judiciary, corporate directors, attorneys & any hessians that have abused authority in any substantial manner,  who all must then be tried & when convicted, permanently removed from office. Abortion, of course, must be ended immediately. These measures are just for starters, but they are at least  a start, an indispensable start if  anything of  the U.S. of A. is to still be salvaged.

Ad lucem, per crucem,   spe (the preposition “in”  is contained in the object thereof), en defenso de Christianorum per aeternitatem, per praesidio de Coram Immaculatum de Beatae Maria, Mater Dei, Semper Virgenem,

Robert J. More -

Associate Administrative Assistant to  the Chief Accountability Monitor pro tem of  the Demonstratively Non-counterfeit Roman Catholic Protection Network

2008 S. Blue Island #39

Chicago, IL, 60608


Under penalty of perjury pursuant to all pertinent federal laws, I aver that I did serve a copy of  this document on the Office of   the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of  IL, at the Dirksen Federal Building, at 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, IL on 8/30/02. RJM