Thirst For Justice Website


Category 17


Bounty Fund Project, Fundamental Distinction Between the Principle of The Rule of Law & that of The Reign of TerrorAccess Formula, Ground Rules for Litigation in an Environment that Must be Treated as if it were a a "Reign of Terror Environment" Even if it is not, in Order to Cover a Conjectural Worst Case Scenario, Reliance Formula, Declaration of Non-legitimacy/Non-finality or "How to Preserve a Meritorious Claim Regardless of What Occurs in Any Court Proceeding(s)",Not-so-dear Craven, Corrupt, Criminal, Cannibalistic Judge (or Other Official) What is it that You do not Understand in the Expression/Conveyance "No Legitimacy, No Finality"? Frivolousness Antidote/Counteroffensive, Conditions & Prerequisites that Govern the Filing/Non-filing of Criminal Complaints Access Formula, Why the Principle Promulgated in Canon 2200.2 of the 1917 Roman Catholic Code of Canon Law is an Indispenable "Lynch Pin" in the Indemnification of Pro se Claims from the Dangers to Which They are Exposed in any Court Proceeding(s) Conducted According to the "Reign of Terror Standard" & why not Entering the Issue into the Case Record of any Given Case would be to Unecessarily Risk the Loss of any Meritorious Claim at Issue,The Identification of a "Threshold Level Standard for Culpability in Malefactions & Crimes" & Other Weapons & Tactics with Which the DNRCPN Hopes to Assist Everyone in any Type Need of Assistance Whom for Whatever Reason Ends up in the DNRCPN's Path as it Continues to Head Through All of the Adversities & Afflictions, Tribulations & Turbulence & Just Plain Difficulties that Characterize for Every Sojourner (Both Individual & Collective) Here Below, the "Way Through the Wilderness from "Egypt" to the "Promised Land" (cf. Ex.8:28, 14:11, 16:3, 17:1, et al), aka "The Royal Road of the Holy Cross" - Howsoever Bitter it May Be - Which Alone Holds Forth the Prospect of Arriving at the Only Destination Ultimately Worth Arriving at - the Heavenly Homeland, for its Rendevous with that Avenging Fire (Dt 4:23)at the Ultimate Accountability Appointment at Which Juncture No Accounts Will be Left Either Un- or Unjustly, Settled.



BOUNTIES TO BE COLLECTED – ANOTHER MODEST PROPOSAL TO HOPEFULLY RENDER THE TYPE OF DOMESTIC INSURRECTION, JUSTICE SCALIA ENCOURAGED (GREGORIAN UNIVERSITY, 1996), UNECESSARY. A Bounty on the successful criminal prosecution &/or removal from office of (fill in the name here )….provided no not morally justifiable means would ever be used to accomplish the objective, & that neither civilly unlawful (according to the present status of the civil law – last updated 9/26/02) means not including the utilization of physical force nor civilly unlawful means including the utilization of physical force, nor until public declaration could be adequately promulgated {ie at a threshold level of compliance in regard to the requirements of such type promulgation (cf. DDE, Just War Doctrine, Pope Leo XIII’s prohibition on weapons based dueling )} to the contrary in this regard – lawful - means including the utilization of physical force - would be employed to accomplish the objective –pending confirmation of the legality of such arrangement from appropriate civil authorities or an explanation explaining why such arrangement would not be legally permissible, given the seriousness of the problems of judicial & other governmental & of lawyer & corporate criminality that presently plague this God-forsaken, all but entirely heartless, abominable & despicable country, with all of the destructive & dreadful consequences that result to the members of society & to the social order corresponding to the commission of felonies with impunity approach that is now the customary modus operandi of most of the activity of such entities - that is promulgated such that any such explanation as that to which reference has been made supra demonstrate that any arrangement emanating from any consideration of this proposal would be established & maintained at what can be identified to constitute a threshold level of compliance with the requirements of the moral law standard & not just what has now (9/26/02) become the customary practice of government responses to petitions for the redress of grievances – token or no consideration, evasion of the responsibility to consider the problems addressed, scandalous manifestations of an entirely unjustified concern to protect one’s own hide regardless of how much dereliction of duty is involved in accomplishing the objective & the general despicable ostrich with head-in-sand, Pontious Pilate washing of the hands of one’s own responsibility for the problems that ever increasingly are dragging this country ever deeper into the abyss of no return. The bounty funds will be paid out of wrongful death insurance on Robert J More, should RJM no longer be on the earth to fight the treachery, treason, barbarism, cannibalism against which this arrangement has been established. The bounty funds will be paid out of funds held in an account for the purposes of making such type payments to those who provide society the great service of eliminating from public office, the conducting of activity in certain spheres of activity &/or societal circulation, the likes of the Hitler’s Stalins, Clinton’s, (name your despotic judge, bureaucrat, iniquity-enforcement officer, or neighborhood legal practitioner here …… if you are just waking up to the problem you can check & from there, several other websites to obtain dossiers on some of the worst offenders) et al that have been inflicting such incalculable damage on society for so long & whose activity poses such an ominous threat to the welfare of all children under seven (the innocent) & beyond that, to everything not both cold-blooded & venomous & to everything God does not outrightly hate, & beyond that to every principle upon which the very concept of a civilized society is based, if RJM is still alive at the time of the accomplishment of the objective identified supra, & can obtain funding for the enterprise, or the payments will at least be pledged out of the monetary awards that will eventually be obtained either before or after RJM’s death, from several civil rights suits, which in a minimally adequately aligned system would be cannot lose suits, but which in any court under the jurisdiction of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, may take twenty years to win, even several years after RJM’s death, & which awards may have to be obtained from settlements from the World Court or via vigilante-based confiscations &/or via domestic insurrection, if ultimately after all avenues of redress other than such avenues are exhausted, recovery still has not been accomplished, as the non-recovery of such awards is simply not an option. To emphasize & re-emphasize – these bounty awards will be paid, one way or another or at the very least, no one will ever see RJM doing anything unless & until each & every award earned is paid in full. To anyone who would take on the burden of helping clean up the disastrous mess that is the governmental structure of this country, & the legal & corporate spheres via participation in this program, entirely gratuitously, all the more blessings to him or her – he or she can send any bounties earned to other soldiers elsewhere in battle as the war for re-liberation of this country will not be something other than a long drawn-out engagement – indeed, in truth it has been for those who have fought it & always will, be a never ending struggle until Christ returns. All complaints against any government actor, attorney, banker or corporate director will be docketed so that others can contribute to a given bounty, provide further information on the individual bountied, join their own complaints to a given dossier & join in a given bounty pursuit. Every confidence will be kept, as the highest single priority, after avoiding violating the requirements of God’s law, of the enterprise. Any & all observations & suggestions as to how combatting & eliminating the problems herein addressed might be accomplished more easily &/or expeditiously than by the agenda/proposal contained herein would be most well-received, as this proposal is only one individual’s response to the monstrously abominable & now entirely intolerable conditions in government & society, especially in the judiciary, in the legal profession & in corporate circles that he has encountered. To the still timid or covetous who would hold onto some niggardly connection to a home or car or job – RJM invites each to remember the case of Lot’s wife & that matters are much worse than the gratification seekers could possibly apprehend. “Soylent Green” is people & the U.S is no longer a non-slavery country – this is a simple fact at this point. Obviously, the larger the donations to such type fund that would be provided, the more barbarians & cannibals can be removed & punished, but this fund will never have a remorseful donor – any donation ever made will be refundable until a given bounty is paid, & after that repaid out of any contributions that might ever be later received. Too much is too much – the time has long since passed for passively countenancing the types of abuses, crimes & atrocities to which American citizens are daily subjected in the presently prevailing demonically dominated status quo. Again to reiterate - Any & all bounties will be as fully indemnified as can be accomplished, except if a party to whose possessions &/or prerogatives &/or privileges a bounty of one sort or another had been affixed would be found to be physically injured or deceased, in which case a claimant to such conjectural bounty would have to establish innocence of any connection to such development at a standard of not having been convicted of any crime corresponding to such conjectural condition & would have any bounty paid subject to recall upon such type conviction. Vengeance is God's & He will repay in due time (Rom. 12:19, Heb. 12:30). The DNRCPN seeks only justice, in this case the component type part to which reference is made as "retributive justice", & the restoring of the conditions damaged by duty breaches & crimes, precluding any motiviations of revenge for such wrongs committed, whatsoever. Co-stewards are presently being sought to co-steward the funds involved in this venture (More responsible stewards reduces Lucifer’s prospects of corrupting the venture). (This venture has been submitted &/or will be submitted shortly to various civil authorities for comment & approval or notification of the denial of approval).

Please check back at a later date for updated information.



