Document List of 5/21/14 - CCSA 6309 FGJ
1. D/L of 52114 CCSA 6309 FGJ X
2. Petition of 5/21/14 for Indictment(s) to Federal Grand Jury Foreperson/U.S. Attorney for Northern Dist. of IL ("NDIL")/Chief Judge of USDC for NDIL of 4/29/14, FBI for NDIL, Clerk for USDC for NDIL, limited to first Three Counts in Original Matter, Plus Count for 18 USC 242 & 2384 violation of Interfering with independence of FGJ, with Further Counts to Follow X
3. Proposed True Bill re 6/3/09 Illegal Seizure, Denial of Right to Petition..., Denial of Due Process, et al Limited to First Three Counts ....
4. List of URL's for Documents Referenced in Documents Included in Collection of Documents for UND FGJ of 52114
5. Complaint in CCCC, IL in Case # 11 M1 013782 of 6/1/11 - X
Initial Component of 5/21/14 of Petition of 5/21/14 to Federal Grand Jury Foreperson/Demand to USDC NDIL Chief Judge & USMS, Office of U.S. Attorney, and FBI for the Northern District of IL of 1500-1600 CST on 5/22/14, to be Superseded As Often As Would Be Necessary In Order to Ensure the Just Rectification of the Crimes this Document Concerns, Postings of which Superseding Documents Can be Accessed Via Either the Table of Contents of the ISMA website at: ", or at:, (the First Superseding Component Whereof is scheduled to be posted at: "" by 7:00 CST on 5/27/14 and subsequent Supersessions will be periodically posted in the same indexes and dockets)...
Robert J. More ("RJM")
P.O. Box 6926
Chicago, IL 60680, (863) 688-9880 lv msg
Federal Grand Jury Foreperson
Federal Grand Jury for the United States District Court, Northern District of IL
Dirksen Federal Building
219 S. Dearborn St.
Chicago, IL, 60604
Dear Federal Grand Jury Foreperson (FGJFP), and Undear Chief Judge of the USDC-NDIL, . (Chief Judge) and Whatever Member(s) of the USMS (is) (are) responsible for the maintenance of the arrangement presently prevailing in the geographical area constituting the Northern District of IL (NDIL) for purpose(s) of the delineation of the jurisdiction of the federal judiciary in regard to such area, in which citizens are prevented from presenting evidence of alleged and/or actual violations of provisions of the United States Code and/or the Constitution of the u.s. of A. in which is contained provision for criminal prosecution to the FGJFP,
Accompanying this document is a "Complaint of 6/1/11 in CCCC, IL Case # 11 M1 013782" in which are included paragraphs referencing the illegal siezure and other deprivations of rights guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the u.s. of A. as acre criminally prosecutable via the provisions of 18 USC 242.
The consideration of the "Introduction" component of such complaint might provide some insights into the government crime tsunami in Cook County, IL, one of the principle causes of which is the present condition of deprivation of the independence of the FGJ. Consideration of paragraph #'s 18-30 and 37-38 would provide more than enough evidence for a determination that probable cause is present in regard to the matters this document concerns ("these matters") that a violation of 18 USC 242 was perpetrated on 6/3/09 in regard to these matters.
Future superseding components of this document will include a chronicling of innumerable other violations of 18 USC 242, 1346, and 1961 et seq perpetrated by innumerable other government officials, emanating from the initial predation perpetration referenced herein, but for now, the pre-eminent priority in this regard is to get the predation perptrator of 6/3/09 this document concerns indicted by 6/3/14.
By simply indicting "all caucasian males, 30-50 years old, 67-74" tall, and 155-240 lbs who were employed by the Office of the Cook County State's Attorney in any role in which any such employee might claim the authority to order persons to depart CCSA Offices and/or Cook County, IL property on 6/3/09, a process can be commenced via which to ensure that the actual perpetrator does not evade the just recompense for the crime(s) committed as referenced herein via the use of the systems the nominal governments in this Country are supposed to provide, the provision of which consideration would render the use of a contra-predatory vigilante remedy unnecessary.
To be continued, superseded, possibly even retracted as might be necessary in order to ensure the adequate coverage of what RJM understands to constitution his "moral liability" in regard to the matters concerned. Petitions for indictment for violations of 18 USC 242 and 2384 in regard to the deprivation of the independence of the FGJ in Chicago, IL as of this juncture are scheduled to be included in the next version of this document, so FTR, RJM has in no way, shape nor form "endeavored to wash his hands" of the devastating consequences to the prospects for a FEDI of innocence and posterity (Jn. 21:15) which the defraudment of the independence of the FGJ indisputably constitutes.
Robert J. More