1. This document has been presented to the recipient thereof by Robert J. More, whose objective in presenting it has been to seek an endorsement for deputization from _____________________.
2. The basis upon which Robert J. More, (“RJM”)has sought this particular endorsement has been in so far as such basis regards the record of conduct of RJM, RJM’s conduct in the conducting of the activity he has conducted in _____________________; and in so far as it regards problems external to RJM, upon the problems that God-fearing, burden-bearing common citizen persons now so frequently encounter in the presently prevailing police state apparatus that is the societal model now in place in the United States of America at this juncture in its history, wherein such type citizens are customarily abused, afflicted and oppressed by government, attorney and corporate actors who use their more favorable positions in such apparatus to perpetrate and inflict upon such type burden-bearers malefactions, violence, and crimes that would not be inflictable were such apparatus not in place and these actors and their victims in respective positions in which physical force had to be overcome to accomplish such unacceptable, unjustified and in many cases just plain iniquitous objectives.
3. The specific terms that the type of deputization to which reference is made in this document would encompass, would be as follows: authority to carry concealed fire arms, to effect detentions and arrests as the deputized would see fit in a given case, to confiscate and/or destroy property as the deputized would see fit in a given case, to effect service of civil and criminal process, to adjudicate civil disputes involving the deputized on the deputized’s authority (though this is beyond the customary authority of a deputy, the proponent of this proposal would propose that the recipient of this document either commit to its support, as the document now exists, including this provision, or else, in the alternative, provide a detailed explanation as to why such commitment would not be provided) and to otherwise accomplish the legitimate law enforcement purposes for which individuals are deputized.
4. Numerous documents are posted in the website of the DNRCPN at: regarding both sets of issues to which reference has been included supra and contributions from any quarter would be welcome in regard to both the further illumination of the factors involved in these problems and the solutions that might be available to correct the problems to which reference has been herein made.
WHEREFORE, upon the request of Robert J. More, residing at the time of the presentation of this document at: 2008 S. Blue Island, Chicago, IL, 60608, an endorsement of the endeavors of Robert J. More, to obtain deputization is herein provided upon the understanding that each term of such type deputization as that to which reference has been made herein, will last solely during periods of good behavior and for not longer than two years before being subjected to reconsideration and either renewal or revocation depending on the record of conduct of the deputized during such period of time as would in a given case be under consideration.
_______________________________, ________________________
Signature Date
Since, as the case may be, either a self-addressed, stamped envelope has been provided with the submission of this document or a commitment by Robert J. More to return to obtain a copy of this document has been conveyed, it is herein proposed that provision for the return of this document to Robert J. More be made by the recipient upon whom it has been served.