Revised as of 3/23/03
A thousand dollar reward has been established for anyone who can accomplish the objective explicated in the second paragraph of this document.
For starters, can anyone answer even just one of the following five question? If the true intentions of U.S. President George W. Bush and all of those employed by the federal government in its various branches is to protect American citizens from terrorist attacks, why 1. has the U.S. Mexican border remained in a condition that can only be identified to constitute an unprotected status since 9/11/01, with thousands of Mexicans, Russians, Czechs, Chinese, Middle Eastern people, Indians, etc, etc and violent felons of every nationality being permitted to enter the U.S. each day, without any authorization from any government entity?, why has the rate of pay for border patrol guards been cut, while other government entities have received massive increases in funding? 3. why are law enforcement personnel employed in the U.S. being offered $85, 000 to $96, 000 per year to leave their jobs in America and go on foreign U.N. “peacekeeping” missions?, 4. why is the U.S. Military actively recruiting (ala Hitler) immigrants convicted of every sort of violent crime in other countries to join it? Finally, why prior to 9/11/2001, did Bush issue P.D.D. W1-99(i), threatening with arrest any FBI agent who interfered with the activity of members of Al Qaeda? Are these the type of measures that would be implemented to protect Americans? Can a sane person justify believing that it was it to protect Little Red Riding Hood, that the canis lupus specimen pretending to be her grandmother in that story invited her to get into the grandmother’s bed?
On to the $1000 dollar challenge:
My objective when I started my investigation of the matters addressed herein infra, was to prove Alex Jones Sherman Skolnick and the “conspiracy theorists” - the people who were intimating or outrightly calling George Bush and the International Banking Cartel for whom he and the rest of the individuals employed by the federal government allegedly actually work (“Bush et al”), (a) treasonist(s) and (a) mass-murderer(s) after the events of WTC I, OK C B, WTC II-9/11/2001, wrong about the innumerable claims that had been made in regard to matters which so critically affect the lives, prospects, and destinies of each and of all (ie an attempted Globalist takeover of the U.S. & the world), without even a single exception, of the world’s present inhabitants, and of all persons yet to be born into this vale of tears that is the Post-Eden human condition, and ….(the conclusion of this sentence is at the end of the CONCLUSION)
According to the directives and correlative prescriptions present in among other places in scripture, Rom 13:1-7, RJM is predilected on a natural basis to a conspicuously substantial extent, to respect, trust and obey “ U.S. President” George W. Bush and the rest of the individuals directing the government of the united States of America at this juncture in her history (“Bush et al”). Based upon the evidence that Alex Jones and others have presented in regard to the number of issues addressed in this document infra, RJM does not see how anyone could morally justify respecting, trusting or obeying Bush et al (except to continue to obey in certain circumstances and according to certain norms according to the principles of cooperation in evil that have long been employed by credible moralists in assessing the morality of a given course of conduct eg- while a citizen in a criminal regime is obliged to disobey unjust laws and orders, he or she is still obliged to obey laws and orders that are not inherently unjust in cases in which obedience thereto would not result in the causing of foreseeably greater evil(s) than whatever evil(s) would foresseeably result from disobedience thereto). Consequently, because the implications of the claims that Jones et al are making are staggeringly, to grossly understate the matter, far-reaching, RJM is respectfully requesting that anyone who can identify errors in the claims Jones et al are making, provide the invaluable service to RJM et al of exposing any errors that might have been made and of demonstrating, if anyone would claim that Alex Jones et al are in error in regard to these matters, the areas in which they conjecturally are in error, in regard to the claims they are making regarding the attempted Globalist takeover of the world. If someone can only provide noncounterfeit claims according to which persons, such as RJM can participate and cooperate in the Bush Agenda, which Jones et al claim is the agenda of a Globalist takeover, RJM et al would be eternally grateful for having been provided such.
In other words, if there is a formula whereby one can just “get along and go along” with what has been going on in this country and the world , and still not get punished for eternity for complicity in the enslavement and genocide that the NWO calls for (or if someone can demonstrate that the Globalist agenda does not call for such enslavement and genocide, in spite of the existence of all the documents and conveyances in which that agenda is explicated), if someone would explain what exactly that formula would be, an enormous service to RJM et al as well as everyone else, would have been provided.
3/17/03 -To anyone to whom a
video tape re the globalist takeover has been given, or to anyone who has not
yet received one: 40 months ago, i received from Mrs. Devvy Kidd (www.devvy.com) a tape – Has Rome Become the
Seat of the Antichrist? that forever
changed my life. Prior to that juncture i had believed that the Catholic Church
taught that persons could be saved outside of the Catholic Church. Within
3 months of receiving that tape i came to understand that the
Non-counterfeit Catholic Church has always taught that everyone who dies
outside of the confines of the Catholic Church goes to hell without
exception and that any church that teaches to the contrary cannot possibly be
and is not the Noncounterfeit Catholic Church.
It has been an arduous, laborious and
fatiguing fight to retain sanctifying grace or at least to presumably retain it
since then, as the requirements of the moral law are not always
immediately apparent and I have had to change my entire mode of thinking
to bring it into compatibility with the principle of non-contradiction and the
metaphysical and immutable principle present in canon 2200.1 of the 1917 code
of canon law, which identifies the cases in which malice and not good faith
must be presumed regarding the motivations of a given party's conduct in a case in which a law is violated. The
difficulty of having had to continue to
conduct activity in a society in which
the worst of atrocities is hourly committed upon the presumption of good faith,
when such atrocities are obviously committed through a malicious disposition is
something that would require volumes to adequately explain.
Recently i have become more aware through the reading of Devvy Kidd, Sherman Skolnick (www.skolnick. com) and now the viewing of
several Alex Jones (www.infowars.com)
tapes and some others of the magnitude of another related problem which
affects everyone regardless of how ignorant of these effects anyone is.
Without an understanding of a number of factors, I do not see how anyone can understand the events of
9/11/01 and the subsequent developments well enough to properly respond to
Some of those factors are:
1. The Satanic beliefs and practices of U.S. President George W. Bush,
his father and the Illuminati and the persons who run the U.S. and the
world & the effect of the
activities of these persons, whose
number includes most prominently the
world's bankers on world and u.S. history over the past 250 years - their
control over what controls your daily life & the fact that Bush et al must
evidently be classified as wolves in sheeps' or in what might be a more
appropriate analogy, due to their possession of positions of authority, shepherd's
clothing, and that they have no qualms even about shedding the blood of
innocent children to accomplish their aims. The claim that any of the decision makers in the planned Globalist
takeover have any concerns about the morality of their activity is simply
entirely incompatible with the track record of their activity. The feigned
opposition to abortion of the Bush
Administration as pathetically token even as it is, is evidently nothing other than a strategy with which to deceive
the members of the “soft” or “psuedo”
political right, without whose support the Republicans would lose the measure
of political power that they possess.
3. The banking practices of the world’s
bankers and banks, including most especially debt-based monetary systems and fractional reserve banking, the rolling
of the economy (ie the artificially
contrived business cycle), the alleged emptying of the gold supply in Fort Knox.etc, etc. 4. The so-called wars on
drugs, and poverty, the movement to a
cashless society, the almost total control of
education at all levels by the banker controlled government and
foundations, and the similar control of
all major media outlets, the shills and false leaks and false
whistleblowers planted in given cases to deceive the public into believing
that those who run the government in this country still permit free
public discourse and expressions of opposition to government activity at this
juncture in history and the imposition of innumerable constraints on your
liberty which are unheard of in u.S. history. 6. The problem-reaction-solution
strategy which is what Nero used in 64 A.D. in burning Rome to turn public opinion against the
Christians, what the u.S. used in 1898 in sinking the Maine to bring the U.S.
into the Spanish- American war, the non-prevention of the sinking of the
Lusitania in 1915 to bring the U.S into WWI, Hitler’s burning of the Reichstag as a means to seize control of Germany, the nonprevention
of the attack on Pearl Harbor to bring
the U.S. into WWII, and the applications of
that formula that the banker-controlled
treasonists running the U.S. Govt have been using to facilitate the Globalist
takeover, 7. most especially in the
actual events of the first WTC bombing, OK City Bombing, and of
9/11/01. 8. the destruction of the Constitution and Bill of Rights
which has followed, and the agenda of
the Globalists to create and
orchestrate further terrorist disasters in order to impose complete martial law
which will enslave all those who do not resist it and attempt to eliminate all
those who do. I would strongly suggest that after converting to Noncounterfeit
Catholicism, that everyone view Alex
Jone's 8 videos, Anthony Hilder's Illuminazi 911, The Terrorist Attacks On
The WTC and Bill Still's The Moneychangers for starters.
Since no one is more
highly committed to exposing vacuous conspiracy theories than is RJM which is
why RJM advises everyone to get the actual facts regarding these matters from
Alex Jones and those who are not blinded by carnal self-interest, so that the
true conspirators do not continue to benefit from the concealment of their aims and activities and from the many
false claims they produce as strawmen in an attempt to discredit those who are
aware of their agenda and activity and who are endeavoring to expose it.
If enough people wake up soon enough the attempted Globalist takeover can
still be prevented, if not, they will definitely succeed in taking over America
and the world and they will then forcibly eliminate 80% of the world's
population and leave 80% of those left living in conditions such as presently
exist in the slave camps of Communist
China. Read the government documents on these claims (The Northwoods
document is a good place to start, U.N
documents etc).
You say you don’t
believe it. Explain the assassinations of Presidents Lincoln, Garfield and Kennedy, and the attempted
assassination of Jackson, the suspected
one of Harding. Explain the “falling over the balcony” of the woman who exposed the emptying of Fort Knox by the Rockefellers, the
innumerable assassinations Skolnick
enumerates in his website, those Devvy Kidd enumerates in her site, etc, etc.,
etc. Explain the order Bush issued to prevent FBI agents from arresting Al
Qaeda operatives before 9/11/01. This could go on forever.
There are no innocent bystanders in this fight. Non-opposition constitutes
complicity, whether that non-opposition be caused by ignorance or any other
causes, because any such type ignorance is imputable presumably to corrupted
priorities, like those of the German people that facilitated Hitler's
atrocities. RJM again apologizes to anyone who might be reading this for the
extent to which his own lack of correspondence to grace and/or sins of
omission and/or commission have contributed to the causing of the
problem. Wake up people - get out of
the trap to which reference is made in 2 Tim 2:24 & into the true Church Mt
16:18 and then realize a cage is being built around the U.S. and around
the world and act to oppose that agenda before it is too late.
If you are reading
this, you are targeted for either elimination, as not only everyone amongst the
number of the elderly, sick, disabled,
poor (and noncaucasians that cannot entertain the “Bread and Circuses”
Globalists at a substantial enough level to obtain classifications of “protected from elimination for utility or
“entertainment” purposes”), and everyone who will not execute the person next to him on command without
question (regardless if you are even a
Rothschild neighbor from Frankfurt), must be in the minds of these mass murderers and will be,
eliminated, as a threat to the Globalist Prison Planet System or for slave
labor the likes of which can be seen in Communist China today or for some role
in the maintenance of an
arrangement that will resemble the very worst of the conditions of slavery
that existed in the Ante-bellum
American South, in the German and Russian concentration camps and in the
present Chinese slave labor camps. Far worse than the temporary consequences
of the Globalist takeover, should it
succeed, would be the prospect of having to answer at Judgment Day the
questions as to where you were and what you did, avoided doing, refrained from
doing and/or neglected to do during the period leading up to and during the
takeover as it is simply incontrovertible that the answer to Cain’s question as
to whether he was his brother’s keeper (cf Gen 4:9) provided by Yahweh was and
for all times and all persons and peoples is and always will be, an unequivocal
“yes”, for “from man in regard to every man, I will require an accounting (Gen
9:5).” FYI, in case further reminder be
necessary, it is perennially despicable to not be concerned about God’s glory
and what happens to other people.
(completion of the second
paragraph of the PROLOGUE)…I
have failed categorically and entirely to accomplish such objective of
disproving the claims Jones et al are making.
On the contrary,
Bush et al have made believers out
of this one person, that truth is not
only far stranger, but also incomparably more dangerous than fiction, and that
iniquity has almost totally expelled good from the earth during this tragic period (cf Mt. 24:14, 2 Tim
3:15, Rev. 12:14 et al) in human
history; that evil presented under the guise of good is incomparably more dangerous than evil presented as evil, and finally, that
non-opposition to the attempted Globalist takeover cannot but possibly
constitute gravely sinful culpability
in it and in all of the atrocities that
will follow if it succeeds. Based upon as thorough an assessment of the “competent” (ie authenticated, with-
foundations-adequately-established, not-disproved or undermined or
evidently incompatible with competent,
evidence, that would support contrary claims, tested to an identifiably
threshold measure of probativity) evidence in regard to which assessment has
been made by RJM, RJM does not apprehend how he could possibly conclude that Bush et al deserve to be classified and
considered as protectors of anyone or
anything other than a Satanic, monstrously abominable, barbaric and
cannibalistic agenda and whatever measure of
criminality attaches to them all
for measure of complicity in the sins and
crimes Alex Jones and others have so proficiently chronicled (besides the
retribution deserved for the countless
deaths and suffering unjustifiably caused, the bankers owe Americans and others
whose economies they have criminally seized and controlled, trillions of dollars in monetary damages) is respectively imputable to them.
RJM is not cognizant of any competent evidence upon which Bush et al could possibly be classified
as non-predators. Nor is
RJM cognizant of any competent evidence
upon which it could possibly be claimed that Bush et al are not now positioned
in a position analogous to that in
which the creature that was occupying the bed in which Little Red Riding
Hood (“Red”) had come to expect
her grandmother to occupy at the juncture at which that
story unfolds for its readers, nor that their intentions are any lest sinister
than were those of that creature in
regard to Red, nor that it would be any less shameful for able-bodied persons
to neglect to come to the rescue of all
of the children of America and the world than it would have
been for the woodsmen in that story to abandon Red to the terrifying fate she
would have encountered had they not intervened in time to prevent her from
having been devoured.
If Alex Jones claims are vacuous, why has not anyone yet refuted them? If they are legitimate, what justification is there for able-bodied persons having at their disposal so many means by which to prevent the devouring of LRRH’s uncountable not to use every legitimate means available to liberate America and then the world before it is too late to fight anything other than a war in which there would be no legitimate prospect of succeeding at any higher a level than the demonstrating of an unwillingness to accept total enslavement and/or to bow down to false gods?
Do you realize that there are veterans in this war that can produce quantums
of evidence that but for the resistance
that they have put up and have been providing against the attempted takeover, that it
would have already been completed long ago – ie, 2000, 1984, 1976, and for that
matter so many who have already died fighting it – ie. JKF 1963, Senator J.P.
McFadden 1931, Rep. Chas Linburgh 1922, W.J.Bryan 1912, Pres. J. Garfield 1881,
Pres. A. Lincoln 1865, etc., etc., etc?
Finally, for those
who still remain wedded to the avoid-conflict-at-all-costs approach to the
destruction and danger in our midst, and who refuse to even consider the issues
raised herein, ask yourself this question – if
the claims Alex Jones et al are making are not simply in-the-balance-too
credible-to-disbelieve, why would anyone in his or her right mind not just believe Bush et al,
rather than willingly pitting him or herself against the potential application
of the mightiest military force the
world has ever known? In other words, who is adopting and/or maintaining a
compatible with carnal interest position and who is, out of whatever
combination of imperfect motives, as
all human motives (excepting the BVM’s) to some extent, invariably are,
adopting, or as the case may be, maintaining, a contrary to carnal interest
position in this colossal matter? and if
you are a person who cannot for some reason or will not, get to the
bottom of issues so critical to your
own welfare, and turn them inside out, who would it be more easy to
justify having believed; those who with God’s grace, overcame their carnal
interests and refused to capitulate to
the prospect of torture and execution
and continued to oppose the monsters bent on devouring the LRRH’s or those who capitulated thereto and
permitted the LRRH’s to be devoured? One other question for the not-so-noble
amongst the population of this country:
If Alex Jones is not wrong in claiming that Bush, the International Banking
Cartel and individuals working at various levels of the U.S. Government were responsible for the horrifying tragedy
of 9/11/2001, what are YOUR personal
prospects of not becoming a future victim of such-like atrocities if you do not now do what can still be done
to prevent the destruction of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and imposition of martial law in the U.S., and
the subsequent complete enslavement of the U.S. and the world – which would be
the only true purpose of the destruction of
those documents and the imposition of martial law, in the plans for
which enslavement, is included of course, provision for not more than at the
very most, not more than one in every
sixty of the world’s persons not being
either forcibly eliminated or left to
finish earthly life in the type of conditions now prevailing in the Chinese
slave labor camps? Sound not-so-appealing? What has your own sloth, apathy,
anemia, complacency, ingratitude, selfishness and/or cowardice contributed to
the problem, and what will you contribute to a real solution, NOW (and in the
future if the heroic efforts of the few protectors who have contributed to
holding off the Globalists from the complete takeover they have been seeking,
for all these years, and which they now have shown themselves to be more highly
committed and closer to accomplishing than
ever before as the protectors have continued to buy time for everyone,
continue to bear the burden that you – wretched and ingrateful reader refuse to
help bear) before the only solution left is either a blood martyrdom or dying
in armed conflict in which the only type of success that would be
accomplishable would be that of having
died fighting terror and evil, rather than having capitulated to it?
An affidavit is included herein in which
individuals who have been presented this document can explain their response to
it. All favorable responses will be kept out of the DNRCPN website unless request is made that they be included
therein. All responses indicative of a derilection of the obligation to oppose the murder of innocent persons will be included therein. This is all a matter
of priorities.
--RJM, www.geocities.com/thirstforjustice,
Quotes from Jack McLamb of Vampire Slayer I & II and Police and Military Against the New
World Order identifying the innumerable references to the activity of the Illuminati Banker Cartel::
Benjamin Disraeli, 1844, he made this statement. He was a Prime Minister of England, and he said, "The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined; by those who are behind the scenes."
Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of England, stated in 1922, he says, "From the days of Spartacus Wieskoff(?), Karl Marx, Trotsky, Bella Kuhn(?), Rosen Luxemborg(?) and Emma Goldman, this
world conspiracy..." -- Now who used that word, that the media laughs about all the time and pooh-poohs all the time? Listen to this: Winston Churchill used the word "conspiracy". He says, "...this world conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definite, recognizable role in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century. And now, at last, this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hairs of their head and have become the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."
You see how much he told us in just one paragraph here? He knew about the conspiracy, in 1922, to rule the world. He also tells us -- which is true -- that the 1917 revolt, the Bolshevik revolution, was indeed part of the conspiracy, and it was well planned by people in America and in Europe! In other words, the communist government was built up for a reason by Americans --American internationalists and European internationalists. That's what Winston Churchill told us.
Now listen to this: One of our Supreme Court justices, Felix Frankfurter, said, "The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scene."
John Hyland(?), mayor of New York in 1825, said, "The real menace to our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus has spread its slimy legs over our cities, states, and nation."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt -- now there's many, many quotes in here. I'll end with Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He said, in a letter to Colonel E. Mandell House in 1933 -- and this is in the [National] Archives, this letter to E. Mandell House -- he says, "The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the United States since the days of Andrew Jackson."
Thomas Jefferson said " Single acts of tyranny may be
ascribed to the accidental opinion of a day; but a series of oppressions, begun
at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of
ministers (administrations), too plainly proves a deliberate, systematic plan
of reducing us to slavery."
Alexander Hamilton in Federalist Paper #8 warned us of men with such
dialectical programs: "The continual alarm on a state of continual danger
will compel the people most attached to liberty to resort for security to
institutions which have a tendency to destroy their civil and political rights.
To be more safe, they (the People) become willing to risk their freedoms."
Now. So for any of you sitting in this audience, thinking this is not for real and we do not have a serious problem in the United States with conspirators that were named by Presidents, Prime Ministers, Supreme Court justices, and many others in this manual -- you're wrong! Because it's real, and we are fighting a real enemy. We're not fighting at windmills and ghosts and things like that, like the media today tries to make you think we are.
These type quotations could be presented on and on an on.