Robert J. More, P.O. Box 6926
Chicago, IL, 60680
219 588-7738
Chief Judge Timothy Evans
Circuit Court of Cook County, IL
Richard J. Daley Center
Chicago, IL, 60601
Undear Judge Evans,
As a preliminary matter, you were referenced as "Hon." in a letter I transmitted to you in November of 2006 in regard to what I had found to have constituted an impressive arbitration adjudication performance of former Circuit Court of Cook County ("CCCC") IL, Judge J. Laurie. That Prefix is herein rescinded from such document, which rescision is accompanied by an apology for any harm caused via RJM's use of such term, which was obviously unjustified given your demonstrations of support for among other abominations, that of homosexuality.
FTR, there is also a demand in a petition for the filing of an Amicus brief in one of former Attorney Lanre Amu's cases titled: "Dei v Tumara Foods, Inc.", for the recission of an award which SCOTUS CJ J. Roberts conferred upon you.
Since the submission of that document to the SCOTUS, I have continued to endeavor to contribute what I have been capable of contributing to the abolition or otherwise elimination of the CCCC, IL, as the overwhelming quantum of the evidence in regard to which I am cognizant in regard to the issue of the overall effect on the social order of the activity of such institution is that the ordinary and customary activity of such entity is not ordered to the accommodation of legitimate reliance interests, but to the deprivation and defraudment whereof.
One of the evident most prominent causes of the detriment incurred by everything worthy of any protection from the majority of the activity of such entity in regard to which I am cogizant, is the orchestrated arrangement amongst all of the villains involved in running the CCCC, IL to prevent the use of electronic recording devices on property over which the CCCC, IL exercises authority.
I am most painfully aware of the many incentives in place to maintain the patently presumptively unconstitutional, unconscionable and criminal arrangement presently in place to the extent of my present knowledge, in regard to the prohibition of the use of electronic recording devices ("ERD"'s) on such properties, but an enumeration of such incentives will not be provided in this component of this document.
The purpose of this letter is to demand that in light of the decision issued on 3/20/14 by the IL Supreme Court in case # 115776 (People v Clark), that you either immediately rescind the order issued by you prohibiting the use of ERD's on Circuit Court of Cook County, IL properties or if you would not immediately execute such type act, that you provide an explanation demonstrating how any refusal to execute such type act could possibly be morally justified and not constitute a violation of among other provisions of various criminal codes according to which authority exercised by you must be exercised in order for any given exercise of authority exercised by you to possess moral legitimacy and to keep you out of the purview of the enforcement of various criminal laws against any activity ever conducted by you, those of 18 USC 242 and 720 ILCS 5/33-3.
Superseding components of this letter may be transmitted to you in the future, if the order referenced herein would not be rescinded immediately.
Any response received from you in regard to this matter will be posted in the URL included in the ULC of this document and references to any such type response will be provided to anyone receiving a copy of this document, including anyone receiving a copy whereof on any property adjacent to the RDC property.
This demand has taken me 90 minutes to complete and has been kept as short as I have succeeded in keeping it, as I am complaining that I and countless others have incurred tort damages from the order(s) issued by you in regard to the matters referenced herein and correlative whereto, the brevity of this document is attributable to the duty incumbent upon me to keep damages incurred as low as would be unpreventable and to likewise adequately mitigate any and all damages incurred in regard to such matters.
Indignantly, on behalf of all of the countless casualites of the institutional opacity and all of the violence and injustice which such opacity has made possible, which has plagued the activity of the CCCC, IL for as long as RJM has had no choice to be afflicted with association in re whereto,
Robert J. More - "No one will get out until he has paid every last farthing." (Lk. 12:59)
I, _____________________________, _________________(title) do herein confirm that a copy of the document which this confirmation accompanies has been received by me on _______________, at: __________, at: ____________________________________ (location).