Circuit Court of Cook County, IL
Law Division
Marvin Faulkner, et al
v Case # 13L 8396
Daryl Simko, et al
First Superseding Conditional Component of 8/29/15 of Petition of Robert J. More ("RJM") for Leave to File an Amicus Petition in the Adjudication of the Case this Petition Concerns ("this Case), Subject to Supersession, Retraction and/or Modification as the Developments of Providence would Evidently Require, Predicated Upon the Presumption that if this Case were not to be Settled, that this Court Will Retain Jurisdiction Over the Adjudication of it for at least another 125 days W/n Which Period, If Christ would not have Returned, RJM would not have been Removed from the Battle Field of Earthly Existence or Rendered Permanently Disabled, A Successful Slave Uprising/Insurrection would not have been Completed, this Case would not have been Settled and/or Martial Law Would not have been Imposed, RJM can Complete this Amicus Petition via the Continued Use of an In Seriatum Method of Prosecution In Re Whereto
Now comes Deputy Burden Bearer (Matt. 11:30), howsoever lamentably still so sluggish and infirm and admittedly not exactly "categorically thrilled" to be here at all, embattled and beleagured by the most onerous burden of having to continue to endeavor to retain a record of activity in which there would not be included any culpability for sin beyond what would have been incurred at a given juncture (1 Jn. 1:8) in a world of evidently unparralled iniquity which evidently even exceeds that referenced in Genesis 6:6, in regard to which the Deluge was sent, and in which there is not any place, in regard to which RJM is cognizant, left to which the members of the warmblooded component of the world's population can immigrate in order to get away from the tsunami of sin in which creation is engulfed, Robert J. More ("RJM"), to move this Court to issue an order permitting RJM to file an amicus petition in this case, and to issue such for the following reasons and/or otherwise in light of what is contained herein infra:
1. The entirety of the contents of the "Initial Component of 7/25/14 of Petition...Amicus...." filed in re the case this document concerns ("this case", "these matters") in July of 2014 is incorporated by reference herein as if fully set forth herein, except that in place of the two "7/30/13" entries in paragraph # 7 of that document, the date "7/30/14" ought to have been included wherein and such errata are now entered into this document in order to bring such document into adequate compliance with any and all laws, regulations and/or edicts applicable whereto.
2. RJM has met with Mr. M. Faulkner a number of times since 8/29/14 in regard to the matters this case concerns and RJM is convinced that the burdens which the respective parties involved in its adjudication would have had to have adequately born in order to avoid the incurrment of liability for a.) sin, b.) crime(s) and c.) tort(s) have not been adequately born and that the non-bearing and/or inadequate bearing of such burden(s) (has) (have) resulted in unjustified detriment to various demonstrably legitimate reliance interests ("DLRI"), first and foremost, DLRI's of the world's innocents and posterity (Jn. 21:15, et seq) - which DLRI's RJM is obliged to continue to endeavor to adequately accommodate in RJM's own activity.
3. RJM most definitely is not just a "second source of postulation of position(s)" for the Plaintiffs in this case, but rather continues to address this Court from the perspective of the component of the Catholic Cause (Ad Sacerdoti Catholici, 1935) in regard to which RJM understands that RJM will have to provide an accounting, howsoever unthrilled RJM is with having to be so burdened at all, as the Lord's sufferings at Gethsemane and Golgotha, howsoever unattractive to human nature, especially, fallen human nature, must to some extent be replicated in the earthly tour of duty of each and every one of those who would hope to ultimately reap the rewards of at least minimally adequate discipleship (Mt. 6:13) and pre-empt the catastrophe of reprobation in order to effect such type reaping and pre-emption, respectively.
4. A verified progress report of the activity conducted by RJM over the past 13 months in regard to this case will be provided upon RJM's receiving a petition wherefore. RJM has long since committed himself to, at regular intervals, provide a record of the activity conducted in the periods of time in regard to which an accounting will ultimately have to be provided to a former Judge still employed in Chicago, IL, but RJM is admittedly significantly overdue to deliver various components of such record.
5. RJM is in the process of intervening in Case # 15-c-3344 in the USDC for the ND of IL, as well as completing a presentation to be submitted to the Federal Grand Jury, presently seated in Chicago, IL in regard to these matters. Submissions in such regard can be accessed from the Table of Contents of "", towards the end of the list of the documents listed wherein.
6. RJM delivered a voice mail message to the phone number listed in the service list for this case of AIAG A. Samuelson on 8/29/15 seeking answers to a number of questions which RJM understands that the "public which is entitled to every man's evidence" Branzburg v Hayes (_U.S._) is entitled to procure from her in regard to components of her participation in the adjudication of this case in regard to which RJM is cognizant.
7. RJM is available to participate via telephone in any audience that would be conducted in regard to this motion at: 608 445-5181 and/or via email at:
8. The "Initial Component of 7/25/14...Amicus...." ("IC72514") this document concerns can be accessed at: "".
9. As soon as RJM procures the email addresses of all parties involved in the adjudication of this case, RJM will transmit copies of this document and the initial component filed in regard whereto to all such parties and will inform all such parties of whatever date it would be in regard to which RJM would have set this document for adjudicative audience ("hearing").
10. RJM finds it necessary to herein demand the provision of a justification for this Court's having conducted an audience in this case on 9/5/14 in which all of the Motions to Dismiss ("MTD") were granted w/o there ever having been any order issued in regard to the IC72514 and herein posits such demand upon this Court, as, inter alia, RJM cannot see how this Court could have conducted such adjudication without having issued such type order w/o in so doing, its incurring criminal and tort liability, but RJM would be most relieved if he were to receive an explanation for such activity which would demonstrate that such has not been the case and that this Court's activity in regard to such matters has not lacked moral legitimacy.
11. Included in the IC72514 was a reference to the Anti-Slapp statute whose provisions were invoked for the purpose of sanctioning the Plaintiffs in this case, which statute makes reference to a "Constitutional Democracy". Given the guarantee included in the Constitution of a "Republican Form of Government" to every state in the union, RJM finds it necessary to herein demand the provision of a justification for a.) the filing of the Anti-slapp motion and b.) this Court's granting such motion, as, inter alia, RJM cannot see how such motion could have been filed without the incurrment of felony liability for a violation of 18 USC 242, and 1343 or whatever constitutes the present wire and mail fraud statute in Title 18 of the U.S. Code, nor how such motion could have been granted without the incurrment of felony liability for a violation of 18 USC 242 in the granting whereof, respectively, but RJM would be most relieved if he were to receive an explanation for such activity which would demonstrate that such has not been the case and that neither the filing, nor the granting of such motion lacked moral legitimacy.
12. RJM has encountered innumerable perpetrations of predatory activity from a substantial number of individuals and/or entities sued in Case # 15-c-3344 and has endeavored to procure the indictments of a number of members of the IAG Office, including the IAG herself, so RJM is not unfamiliar with the priorities according to which the activity of various Defendants included in that case, which stems from activity conducted in this case and its predecessors has been conducted and is convinced that such priorities have in many instances, besides having been unconscionable, been both criminal and tortious.
13. The issues which RJM would first address after procuring adjudications of the Initial IC72514 petitions filed in this case, and the adjudication of all "Standard and Method of Adjudication/Theatre Securement Issues" would be: AIAG A. Samuelson's postulations in re -the Court's lacking subject matter jurisdiction, the references to: "create delay", judicial immunity's - "protecting P's & D's", being in place for "everyone's benefit", and her "official capacity" defense, relative to provision for amendment of the complaint to include "sued in Individual Capacity....", the supposed horror of "endless litigation", this Court's reference to its commitment to do the "right thing" and that it is not under any pressure.
14. FTR, to the world's innocents and posterity (Jn. 21:15), RJM herein testifies that RJM is convinced that notwithstanding the occasional Judge James Alesia Character Adjudication that emanates from various IL Courts and the Federal Courts conducting activity in IL, that RJM is convinced that pursuant to the "Alter and Abolish" DUTY referenced in the Declaration of Independence as binding all citizens of the now nominal u.s. of A., de facto Flagship Colony of the Jewish Supremacist Global Plantation (emanating as such duty does from the provisions of Magna Charta Cl 61, and the natural law itself (Rom. 2:17)), that the abolition of all of the Courts in Northern IL according to a formula which would not include any deprivation of any legitimate reliance interest is indisputably a moral imperative, and that this situation is so patently obvious to those not enslaved by a gravely sinful myopic prioritization upon the preservation of the physical body in any given instance as to "go without saying" - indeed to be "self-evident".
15. FTR, before any of such "lambs" (Jn. 21:15) referenced in entry #14 herein supra, and any other warmblooded specimen who might, howsoever, at any given juncture, come across this document, RJM endeavored to deliver a copy of the Complaint originally filed in Case # 15-c-3344 to the Federal Grand Jury in Chicago, IL in May of 2015, but was prevented from executing such act by the Reptiles who control access whereto in the conditions presently prevailing in that component of the Jewish Supremacist Enslavement and Extermination Apparatus that has been hoisted upon the now nominal u.s. of A., so it is most definitely not the case that the entire 100 % of the adult population in this period of time has consigned the "little ones of Christ" to the categorical enslavement for which Lucifer, has, via his chosen instrument of Jewish Supremacism (Apoc. 2:9, 3:9), targeted them, so RJM begs the prayers and sacrifices of any such ones as might, howsoever, ever come to the cognizance of this document, so that RJM can procure the graces RJM needs in order to ensure that such ones (and for that matter everyone else entitled to consideration from RJM) (RJM only explicitly references the 'lambs" herein because of the definiteness of the members of such class given their lack of the use of reason and correlative lack of the capacity to incur culpability for sin) receive the consideration to which they are entitled from the record of activity of RJM, so that RJM can avoid the encountering of that most dreadful of all destinies - that of "falling into the hands of the Living God" (Heb. 10:31, Mt. 25:41 et seq.), which destiny RJM understands can only be prevented via an availing of the Jas. 2:13 mercy procurement formula, as the leaving of injustices unrectified, in any arrangement in which one would not lack the capacity to assist in the effecting of the elimination of any given injustice, is in RJM's understanding, amongst the most merciless courses of activity there could ever be - which understanding is of course is exactly what that axiom from the patrimony of Christendom - Qui nocentibus parcit, innocentibus punit, so succinctly and trenchantly addressed.
16. Finally, for now, while RJM emphatically endorses the Plaintiff's ("P"'s) endeavors regarding these matters to procure "compatibility with conceded precedents" demonstration examinations as the initial component of the "Adequate Administration of Just Recompense for Malefactions Ever Perpetrated Formula" the ISMA has continued to develop, notwithstanding the variance between the requirements of such formula and the endeavors referenced herein, RJM also finds it necessary to condemn the P's use in the prosecution of this case, of among other terms, those of "Honor", "Honorable", and "fair" and/or any other activity conducted by the P's in the prosecution of this case which may have, howsoever unintendedly, contributed to the conference of the appearance of legitimacy upon any arrangement, practice and/or activity which demonstrably lacks moral legitimacy, in connection with activity conducted in a Court System such as that presently operative in Cook County, IL, which facilitates among other abominations, those of the murder of the preborn, sodomy and the adoption - or rather abduction, of innocents by homosexuals who do not even have to succeed in keeping their wickedness and perversity concealed in order to abuct innocents, the injustice against the wage earner and oppression of the poor (completing the quartet of "sins which cry out to heaven for justice" (Is. ..:..) which it is RJM's informed understanding, constitute the ordinary and customary functioning of the hell hole that the CCCC, IL, indisputably is, and beyond that the innumerable other components of activity perpetrated in such system which are demonstrably gravely incompatible with requirements of the moral law which would have been and/or be, ascertainable in any given instance, while admitting that RJM was guilty of using such type terminology for years, himself and continues to perform penances to expiate the culpability for sin incurred wherefrom.
Wherefore, RJM herein moves this Court, in gratitude to Guy Fawkes, Clause von Stauffenberg and James Vasillos, among others for the commitment to defeating kleptocratic violence demonstrated by each respectively, to grant the relief referenced in the title to this motion.
Robert J. More (Rom. 12:18-21)
Document List of 8/29/15 in F v S Amicus
1. D/L of 8/29/15 - F v S Amicus - X
2. ...Amicus Petition ...8/29/15 - X
3. Demand to CJ Evans of 7/13/14 re Use of Electronic Recording Devices in Courts of the CCCC, IL
4. S & M of Adjudication Documents
5. Notice to Members of Slavemaster Class of ....
6. Document List of 9/8/15 re Petition to Federal Grand Jury Seated in Chicago, IL for Indictments Regarding Faulkner v Simko
7. Initial Component of 9/8/15 of Petition to Intervene and/or File an Amicus Submission of ...... in Case # 15-c-3344 in the USDC for the NDIL
8. Demand to Cook County, IL Sheriff T. Dart re Use of Electronic Recording Devices....
Record of time and resources consumed in regard to completion, converting and posting, filing and delivery of this document: research ...., composition 8/29/15 13:15-15:15, 8/29 20:00 to 23:50, 9/10/15 - 16:50-17:45, posting, filing, delivery of cc'es, follow up.
Documents listed above adjacent to which there is an "X" have been included in the document collection filed on 9/11/15 in this case