list of 11/25/13 - Grif - ("D/L -Grif 112513")
1. D/L - Grif 112513 X
2. Notice/Proposal... to of 11/25/13 - donstachetalnot112513 X x's 3 - one for each of those listed herein
3. Notice/Demand to Cook County, IL, Sheriff's Dept.("CCSD") /CCCCC CJ/CCPD of 11/25/13 - grifnotdemccsdch112513 X
4. Confirmation of Reception of Delivery of Doc..../ Service List X
5. List of Documents Referenced in Doc. #2 Referenced Herein, Which have not been Delivered in the Collection of Documents Transmitted on 11/25/13 to Any Judges, Representative(s) of the CCSD, CCPD and URL's at which Such Documents Are Supposed to Have Been Posted by 11/25/13/Contact Information to Procure such Documents via Email, if URL Posting Unavailable for Any Reason/or U.S. Mail or Other Type of Delivery, Provided Requisitioner would Bear Any And All Expenses Ever Incurred in re Whereto
6. Time and Resources Record re grifdl112513 grifdl112513TER.html - 11/19-23 - 2 hours, 11/24/13 - 2 hours, 11/25/13 - 11:15 - 13:15, 13:15 - 15:30
7. User's Guide to Collection of Documents of D/L - Grif 112513 (Access restricted solely to FEMA Red and Blue Listers or Authorized AC's Not Yet So Classified by FEMA at any Given Juncture)
Documents adjacent to which there is an "X" were presented to the Receptionist in Room 704 of the R. Daley Center,Chicago, IL on 11/25/13
Confirmation of Reception of Delivery (�ROD�)/ Refusal to Provide Confirmation of ROD/ Service List - grifdl112513
Confirmation of reception of the document this confirmation accompanies:
I have received a copy of each of the documents listed in the �Document List of 11/25/13 � Grif� which this document accompanies, adjacent to which there is an "X" and ... Copies of the document whose URL address is "grifdldonstach112513.html"
(Name)________________, (Title) ____________________, (Address)________________ , (Date) ________________refused to sign______________________
Certificate of Service
Under penalties of perjury pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 1746, and 735 ILCS 5/1-109, I (Robert J. More), ________________________, herein aver that I did leave a copy of the documents this certificate accompanies, which are referenced herein supra, with ____________________________, at the _______________________________________and did access the ______________________________ and speak with ______________________ on ____________, who refused to provide any signature confirming the reception whereof.
Robert J. More, P.O. Box 6926, Chicago, IL 60680,, (863) 688-9880 lv msg __________________, _______________________, _________________, ______________
Service List:
Receptionist - Office of Legal Counsel of Cook County, IL Sheriff's Dept
Room 704
R. Daley Center
50 W. Washington St.
Chicago, IL, 60601
Office of the Chief Judge of CCCC, IL
Suite 2600
R. Daley Center
50 W. Washington St.
Chicago, IL, 60601
Office of Cook County Public Defender
69 W. Washington St.
Chicago, IL, 6060..
Office of Cook County State's Attorney
via email and service at various locations
Office of Inspector General - Cook County, IL
grifdl112513 grifdl112513TER.html
Time and Resources Record re Grif D/L of 112513
11/25/13 - , 11/25/13 plus printing, trip to RDC, delivery and return trip to base
Notice/Demand to Cook County, IL,("CC") Sheriff's Dept. ("CCSD"), Chief Judge of CCCC, IL, Off CC Public Defender, and Off of CC State's Attorney of 11/25/13
Notice is herein provided that since RJM still has not procured the consideration which he has never discontinued to seek to eliminate the conditions presently present in the R. Daley Center, Chicago, IL ("RDC") in which monitoring of government activity conducted wherein is prohibited, regardless of how patently unconstitutional, unconscionable and in fact violative of the express directives included in the CCA 7 Opinion issued in ACLU v Alvarez in May of 2012, such conditions indisputably are, and in which citizens are left, attribuable to other patently unconstitutional and unconscionable arrangements, at a disparity of both strike and defense capacity vis a vis the government, wherein, RJM finds the proposition that RJM could be required to deliver any cop(y)(ies) of the document(s) listed as Doc #2 in the D/L 112513 - Grif to which this document correlates to any of the designated recipients referenced wherein, untenable. Instead, RJM is delivering such documents to the Receptionist in Room 704 of the RDC, the Office of the Chief Judge of the CCCC, IL, whatever Office of the CCSA would be most readily accessible to RJM in light of the patently devoid of any legitimacy, malicious, criminal and tortious orders issued by Judge S. Jones in Case # 11 M1 013782, purporting to insulate the CCSA from the delivery of documents by RJM to various of its Offices, and/or via email to such Office, and the Office of the CC Public Defender, respectively, and demanding that either such document(s) be transmitted to the designated recipients whereof and then returned to RJM, with or without whatever signatures would have been provided whereupon in any given instance, or that in a scenario in which such deliver(y)(ies) would not have been effected, that an explanation demonstrating any (alleged) legitimacy of any non-deliver(y)(ies) whereof be provided. No assurance is provided herein that the non-effecting of the measures referenced herein would not result in the effecting of whatever measures would have to be effected whether via any given government system supposedly in place for any legitimate purpose of a type relevant to this document or via the utilization of (a) contra-predatory remed(y)(ies), for the purpose(s) of the ensuring of the adequate vindication of any and all legitimate reliance interests the measure this conveyance concerns, concern, according to the principles present in among other axioms those of "Qui nocentibus parcit, innocentibus punit".
Robert J. More
P.O. Box 6926
Chicago, IL, 60680,, 863 688-9880
Robert J. More will endeavor to address the Receptionist(s) of the CCSD,Chief Judge of the CCCC, CCSA and CCPD in Room 704/2600, respectively of the of the R. Daley Center, Chicago, IL, and whereever RJM can access the Office of the CCSA and CCPD, respectively on any day between 11/27/13 and 12/20/13 between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 16:30 in order to procure copies of the documents included amongst the documents listed in the D/L -112513 - Grif which would have been presented to the individuals named herein, respectively, or will sue the CCSD, CCSA, CCPD and/or Cook County, IL, and/or the State of IL if such copies would not have been presented to such individuals, respectively, via the delivery of such copies via the various offices referenced herein, respectively, on before 11/26/13, unless circumstances in regard to such matter would have left the matter in a posture in which it could justifiably be claimed that such type service would not have been possible and in such scenario, RJM will endeavor to procure such copies as soon as he would receive notice that such type service could not have been effected and if RJM receives no such notice, he will presume such type service as has been referenced herein has been effected and in any event demand that any and all matters emanating from the delivery of this document and those accompanying it be conducted as if such type service had been effected or that anyone responsible for effecting the final link in such service chain would have incurred criminal and tort liability for not effecting such in any given instance, unless any such type non-effecting ever occurring could be legitimately demonstrated to have been non-tortious and non-criminal.