Document List ("D/L") of 122415pvsaud #1
1. D/L of 122115 - grifdlmartcrimaudpvs122415.html - X
2. Report of 12/31/15 in re Delivery of PVS's, Subpeona(s), Auditing of Processing of PVS's & Subpoenas, ... re Petition to have criminal charges instituted against J. L. Martin, et al
3. Initial Component of Proposed Verified Statements ("PVS's") of 12/21-28 of a.) Judge L. Martin, b.) Chief Law Clerk Daniel Waltz, c.) Room 101 of Criminal Courts Chambers Secretary Mrs. Nancy Looby, d.) Court Coordinator Peter Coolsen, e.) Robert J. More - X
4. Cover Letter of 12/24/15, including notice of audit - X
5. Notice of availability of counsel
6. Notice of availabilty of protection
7. Complaint re Activty Conducted by ISMA Member - Form
8. Commentary re RJM's Understanding of Moral and Legal Significance of PVS'es of 12/24/15 and Demands of 12/24/15
9. Demands of RJM of 12/24/15 - complete version to follow
10. Time and Expense Record for Composition and Processing of this document - 12/21 - ... hours, 12/23 - ..., 12/24 - ..., including all measures undertaken to adequately mitigate damages, plus time to make and post videos and service of documents/notifications
All Documents adjacent to which there is an “X” included herein supra have been delivered to: 773 674-3093 and/or mailed to the Courtroom 101 of the Criminal Courts Building for the CCCC, IL on 12/24/15
Doc. # 4 from D/L of 12/24/15
Robert J. More
P.O. Box 6926
Chicago, IL, 60680,, 608 445-5181
Judge L. Martin,
Secretary Nancy Looby
Staff Attorney Daniel Waltz
Court Coordinator Peter Coolsen
Room 101
Criminal Courts Building of Circuit Court of Cook County, IL
2650 S. California Ave,
Chicago, IL, 60608
To Whom it May Concern, Including All of Those Listed Herein Supra,
Accompanying this cover letter is a "Document List...12/24/145...." and an "Initial Component of a Proposed Verified Statement ...12/24/15...." which statements RJM petitions all listed herein as Addressees of this missive, via the provisions of the First Amendment Right to Petition the Government for the Redress of Grievances clause of the Constitution of what now constitutes the "nominal u.s. of A." as Applicable to State Actors via the Provisions of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of such Constitution, to complete and return to Robert J. More via some means or other, including email, regular mail, a parcel service, personal hand to hand delivery, and/or any other means of document transmission.
RJM's report re the developments which transpired in regard to the matters this document concerns can be assessed at: "". Notice is herein provided of the availability of counsel of individuals who have not graduated from any ABA approved law school nor taken any bar examination for the purpose of the procurement of unindemnified opinions regarding the morality and legitimacy/criminal character of various possible responses to this missive and its accompanying documents. Protection against retaliation for having participated in the project this document concerns, from sources not controlled by the Jewish Supremacist Global Plantation Owners nor their any of their Slavemasters (from whom, of course it is that the protection is, in fact, needed) is also available and the "" website can be accessed for the purpose of procuring information in such regard. A form for complaints regarding activty conducted by ISMA Members such as RJM is also accessible in the website referenced herein supra. A commentary re RJM's understanding of the moral and legal significance of the PVS'es transmitted on 12/24/15 and any petitions (beyond that included herein) and/or demands transmitted on 12/24/15, if any should be transmitted on such date are scheduled to be posted in such website shortly. RJM requests that the Secretary or whomever would procure this document from the fax machine on 12/24/15 transmit it to each and all of those referenced herein supra as Addressees whereof. This document and those accompanying it have been delivered pursuant to among other sources of authority, that of Branzburg v Hayes (_U.S._)("the public is entitled to everyman's evidence"). An audit of the processing whereof is scheduled to be conducted in the future, Providence permitting.
In the ongoing defense of everything warmblooded from the "no warmblooded throat left unslit agenda" presently being implemented in this Country and the world,
Robert J. More, Heb. 10:31, Mt. 25:41, Mt. 19:17, 1 Cor. 10:13, Jas. 2:13, Rom. 12:18-21.
Doc. #3 from D/L of 12/24/15
Combined Proposed Verified Statement(s)of 12/24/15 of Robert J. More ("RJM"), Judge L. Martin ("JLM"), Secretary Nancy Looby ("SNL"), Staff Attorney Daniel Waltz or Whomever was the Staff Attorney Conducting Activity in the Courtroom of the Presiding Judge for the Criminal Division of the CCCC, IL ("101") on 11/5, 11/6 and/or 11/9 of 2015("SADW"), and/or Court Administrator Peter Coolsen ("CAPC"), Regarding the Processing of Any and All Documents Filed in the Clerk's Office for the Criminal Division of the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL, on 11/5 and/or 11/6 of 2015 and/or efaxed to the Chambers of the Presiding Judge ("PJ") for the Criminal Division of the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL, ("CCCC") at: "773 674-3093" on 11/6 and/or 11/9 of 2015, Regarding RJM's Endeavor to Get Criminal Charges for What RJM Understands to Have Constituted Violations of 720 ILCS 5/33-3, Perpetrated in the Adjudication and Defense of CCCC,IL, Case # 11 CH 12339, Instituted on 11/9/15
Under penalties of perjury pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 1746 and 735 ILCS 5/1-109, I, (circle what is applicable or inscribe a line thru what is not applicable in re any given activity conductor and/or any given conveyance/representation, respectively, included herein) Robert J. More ("RJM"), Judge L. Martin ("JLM"), Secretary Nancy Looby ("SNL"), Staff Attorney Daniel Waltz or Anyone other than Him, Conducting Activity in Such Position on 11/5, 11/6 and/or 11/9 of 2015,("SADW"), and/or Court Administrator Peter Coolsen ("CAPC"), aver that: I am over 18 years of age, reside in Cook County, IL and if called to testify in regard to the matters (circled) (thru which no line would have been inscribed - "not lined out", "non-lined out") included herein, could competently testify upon percipient knowledge in re whereto and that, 1.) the circled/non-lined out components of what is contained herein infra respective to the components of such in regard to which I possess percipient knowledge do in fact represent the developments in regard to which I am cognizant which did in fact transpire in the period referenced herein in regard to the matters this document concerns, 2.) in regard to the documents in issue, that I did either receive and/or have in my possession at some juncture or other, copies whereof or have succeeded in accessing such in one of the websites of the ISMA in which such has been posted as of 11/9/15, 12/26/15, respectively, 3.) I have been notified by RJM that it is his intention that the location of the oral component of the chroniclings of the matters this document concern will have been posted by 12/28/15 in the Table of Contents of the website whose URL is: "" along with such chroniclings themselves, 4.) the circled/non-lined out components of what is contained herein constitute my recollection of what transpired and/or did not transpire in regard to the matters this document concerns, 5.) I understand that RJM is demanding on behalf of the component of the citizenry of the nominal u.s. of A. and posterity, whose interests RJM understands that RJM is obliged to continue to deputy co-champion, within the non-overcomeable limits of his present condition, that I circle such components/line out components not applicable in my particular case, on any document I would complete in this regard as provided by RJM, or that I complete my own version of this document, provided it would contain each and every component of this document relevant to my particular participation/non-participation in the matters it concerns:
1. I received and/or had in my possession, at some juncture in November of 2015 the document titled: "Initial Component of ...11/5/2015... Criminal ...." ("IC11515")relating to CCCC, IL Case # 11 CH 12339 ("12339").
2. I received and/or had in my possession at some juncture in November of 2015 the document titled: "Invitation..11/5...Demonstrate...." re 12339.
3. I received/had in my possession at some juncture in November of 2015 the document titled "First Superseding...11/5/15...Criminal...." ("FS11515")relating to 12339.
4. I participated/did not participate in discussion(s)of the documents referenced in entries #ed 1,2,and/or 3, supra with JLM, SNL, SADW, CAPC
5. I was instructed/not instructed to de-activate the fax machine on 11/9/15 in regard to the prospect of the transmission of documents to the Office of the PJ for the Criminal Division of the CCCC, IL from RJM.
6. I instructed officials in the Office of 101, that if he/she/any of them were to receive any communication from RJM in regard to the matters this document concerns ("these matters"), that (he)(she)(they) (was)(were) to inform RJM that these matters would not be processed in any Criminal Courtroom in the CCCC, IL.
7. I was instructed to inform Robert J. More ("RJM") that any documents filed in re 12339 would not be processed in Courtroom 101 of the Criminal Courts Building for the CCCC, IL, at 2650 S. California Ave, Chicago, IL ("101")
8. I instructed officials in the Office of 101, on 11/5, 11/6 and/or 11/9 of 2015 that if he/she/any of them were to receive any communication from RJM in regard to the matters this document concerns ("these matters"), on any of the dates referenced herein, to inform RJM that it would be futile for him to endeavor to procure any type of audience in this Court or any of its subsidiary/inferior Courts in the Criminal Division of the CCCC, IL, and/or to get any criminal charges instituted on 11/9/15.
9.I was instructed at some time on 11/5, 11/6 and/or 11/9 of 2015 to inform Robert J. More, if he should call 101, that it would be futile for him to continue to endeavor to procure any type of audience in this Court or any of its subsidiary/inferior Courts in the Criminal Division of the CCCC, IL, and/or to get any criminal charges instituted on 11/9/15
10. I was instructed at some time on 11/5, 11/6 and/or 11/9/15 to inform Robert J. More that it would be futile for him to continue to endeavor to procure any type of audience in this Court or any of its subsidiary/inferior Courts in the Criminal Division of the CCCC, IL, and/or to get any criminal charges instituted wherein.
11. I ordered the documents presented to this Court on 11/5, 11/6 and/or 11/9 of 2015, stricken from whatever court call it was upon which any such documents were placed.
12. I instructed RJM that it was futile for him to continue to endeavor to procure any type of court audience on 11/9/15 in re Case # 11 CH 12339.
13. I never encountered anything to do with Case # 11 CH 12339 in November of 2015.
13. I never encountered anything to do with the striking of any motion filed in re Case # 11 CH 12339 in November of 2015.
14. I never encountered anything to do with any provision of any notification to Robert J. More that it would be futile for him to endeavor to procure any court audience and/or to get any criminal charges instituted in re Case # 11 CH 12339 in November of 2015.
______________________, __________________________, _______________
Name Title Date
Composed by Robert J. More, P.O. Box 6926, Chicago, IL 60680, (863) 688-9880,