1. read documents, - "RJM" not accompanied by "Plaintiff" in temp/grif, zeeh, lbln, kelly, 1.a. email serve grif, labl, and Zeeh, with 2/27/14 components, and lblnc w/ 12/4/13, - done 16:00 on 3/2/14, need to post filings of 2/27/14 online in URLs provided at top and in dockets, post filings of 3/4/14 and - 2. complete chronicling of processing up to 9:00 a.m. on 3/4/14 online and in dockets, 3. post all docs in new web site, 4. complete document referenced in document filed, and post 5. add link from home page to T of C, Erwin Cano - crime and tort of battery at 15:40 on 2/28/14, post complete version of jack - cut off in mid sentence by Cano
salient points - convs with LT. Marundi on 2/27/14 - cant get docs filed on 2/27/14 as RJM could not complete task by 16:00 - any and all detriment RJM would incur in re not getting docs filed on 2/27/14 that were filed on 2/28/14 would be attributable to J. Jones order and thus JJ would be liable in tort for what would ever constitute consequential damages, should any detriment be incurred by RJM in re whereto, 2/28/14 - Lt. Marundi - cannot produce recording, RJM preserved issue, return trip to deliver CC to room 1102, assess 20 minutes against J Jones, scanned, tried to email on 2/28/14 failed - now 3/2/14,
2/27/14 - conversation with Christin in IL S.Ct. Chicago Office and Lisa in docketing in Springfield,
recapitulate 2/27 & 2/28 re composition, filing, service of docs for Griffith, Lablanc, Jack, Zeeh, Kelly
left Jack in
1. read documents, - "RJM" not accompanied by "Plaintiff" in temp/grif, zeeh, lbln, kelly, 1.a. email serve grif, labl, and Zeeh, with 2/27/14 components, and lblnc w/ 12/4/13, - done 16:00 on 3/2/14, need to post filings of 2/27/14 online in URLs provided at top and in dockets, post filings of 3/4/14 and - 2. complete chronicling of processing up to 9:00 a.m. on 3/4/14 online and in dockets, 3. post all docs in new web site, 4. complete document referenced in document filed, and post 5. add link from home page to T of C, Erwin Cano - tort of battery at 15:40 on 2/28/14, post complete version of jack - cut off in mid sentence by Cano
salient points - convs with Marundi on 2/27/14 - cant get docs filed on 2/27/14 as RJM could not complete task by 16:00 - any and all detriment RJM would incur in re not getting docs filed on 2/27/14 that were filed on 2/28/14 would be attributable to J. Jones order and thus JJ would be liable in tort for what would ever constitute consequential damages, should any detriment be incurred by RJM in re whereto, 2/28/14 - Marundi - cannot produce recording, RJM preserved issue, return trip to deliver CC to room 1102, assess 20 minutes against J Jones, scanned, tried to email on 2/28/14 failed - now 3/2/14,
2/27/14 - conversation with Christin in IL S.Ct. Chicago Office and Lisa in docketing in Springfield,
recapitulate 2/27 & 2/28 re composition, filing, service of docs for Griffith, Lablanc, Jack, Zeeh, Kelly
left Jack in
1. read documents, - "RJM" not accompanied by "Plaintiff" in temp/grif, zeeh, lbln, kelly, 1.a. email serve grif, labl, and Zeeh, with 2/27/14 components, and lblnc w/ 12/4/13, - done 16:00 on 3/2/14, need to post filings of 2/27/14 online in URLs provided at top and in dockets, post filings of 3/4/14 and - 2. complete chronicling of processing up to 9:00 a.m. on 3/4/14 online and in dockets, 3. post all docs in new web site, 4. complete document referenced in document filed, and post 5. add link from home page to T of C, Erwin Cano - crime and tort of battery at 15:40 on 2/28/14, post complete version of jack - cut off in mid sentence by Cano
salient points - convs with Marundi on 2/27/14 - cant get docs filed on 2/27/14 as RJM could not complete task by 16:00 - any and all detriment RJM would incur in re not getting docs filed on 2/27/14 that were filed on 2/28/14 would be attributable to J. Jones order and thus JJ would be liable in tort for what would ever constitute consequential damages, should any detriment be incurred by RJM in re whereto, 2/28/14 - Marundi - cannot produce recording, RJM preserved issue, return trip to deliver CC to room 1102, assess 20 minutes against J Jones, scanned, tried to email on 2/28/14 failed - now 3/2/14
2/27/14 - conversation with Christin in IL S.Ct. Chicago Office and Lisa in docketing in Springfield,
recapitulate 2/27 & 2/28 re composition, filing, service of docs for Griffith, Lablanc, Jack, Zeeh, Kelly
left Jack in
redeemed PMO for $250.00 on 2/28/14 at 16:50
serve CC on Room 1102,
sent grif and Zeeh nom and dl's for 3/4/14 on 2/27/14 at 17:30-45 p.m.
Xsport - express - 773 509-9900
left message at 877 number at 17:56 on 2/27/14 - Card # is x1072492
need to send , lbln not, not jack, kelly notices -
conference with IL S.C. with Lisa after providing Trans # who did not, would not or could not provide specifics sufficient to enable RJM to cure alleged deficiencies, RJM informed her that RJM intended to simply refile via efiling motion to clear logjam
X sport fitness - belmont & sawyer, chicago, IL - attndnt desiree - "ram blender", informs RJM that it is RJM's burden to straighten out problem with corporate, RJM complains that RJM understands that such burden should be born by Xport at the location RJM signed contract, and invites Desiree to resolve problem and inform RJM of resolution - RJM leaves phone number and email address.,
877 417-1450 - 8-6 mf wreqreq
312 603-6444, Room 113 - ext 2634,
217 782-2035, spoke to Cordelia, who connected RJM to Lisa in docketing, who requred RJM's name and sought date of rejection - RJM informed her that he would procure such and provide such asap
15:20, called Lt Marundi who informed RJM that RJM would not be permitted in the building after 15:30 per the manpower shortage - ext 2634,
TER - rose 11:00 on 3/3 - to LAF - read ESS contract and complete zeeh and Jack components of 3/2/14 for 3/4/14, to ESS - negotiate with ESS, to lifespace - wait and discuss, - run in field to ESS - email grif, zeeh and jack and post grif of 3/2/14, back to ESS sign contract to transfer to 2018, then like .... to ESS - , proposed that Emilio simply tranfer RJM back to 135, but Emilio informed RJM that "I cannot do that, 18:00 begin packing storage locker for move, to marianos, staples, walgreens trying to procure cartons - eat dinner - rest and start moving at 21:15 thru midnite
3/4/14 -continue move with break from 345-430 to 9:15 and clean old space and complet move to new one on different floor to 12 noon and then arrange new space to 14:30 to marianos and stanleys to bridge and lie down at 15:30 thru midnite