Document List ("D/L") of 12/11/13 - FGJ #1

1. D/L of 12/11/13 - FGJ - grifdlfgjsub6413.html X

2. Cover Letter to Grand Jury Foreperson/Demand to USDC ND of IL Chief Judge, Office of U.S. Atty for ND of IL, & USMS - griffgjsublede121113.html X

3. Proposed True Bill of Federal Grand Jury Processing Evidence in N.D. of IL on 12/11/13 - grifdlfgjsubprtb6413.html X

4....Complaint of 2/14/12 in Case # 11 CH 12339 in Circuit Court of Cook County, IL – grifdlcom2-14-12.html

5. U.S. v Williams, 90-1972 Opinion - grifdlfgjsubuswi6413.html

6. First Superseding Component of 7/8/11 of Notice of 7/7/11 From RJM to USMS re Denial of Access to FGJ - usmsfsgood7-8-11

7. Order of 3/26/07 re Access to FGJ - …/fedgrjurord32607.pdf

8. Invitation to Demonstrate Non-incurrment of Criminal Liability Via Positing of Interference to Presentation of Evidence to a FGJ/Invitation to …Civil Liability Via…. - grifdlfgjsubinv6413.html

9. Proposed Stipulation re Waiver of 5th Amendment Right to not be Criminally Prosecuted for any Alleged and/or Actual Federal Felony Except via Indictment - grifdlfgjsubusps6413.html

10. Confirmation of Reception of Delivery (“ROD”)/ Refusal to Provide Confirmation of ROD/ Service List - grifdlfgjsubcrod121113.html X

11. Record of Time and Resources Consumed X

Documents adjacent to which there is an "X" were delivered to the Federal Grand Jury Foreperson and emailed to Asst. U.S. Atty for the NDIL T. Walsh on 12/11/13, and documents adjacent to which there is a "Y" were hand delivered to the Office of the Chief Judge for the USDC for the NDIL, the U.S. Atty for the ND of IL, and the USMS by 12/11/13.

/griffgjsublede121113.html #2

Cover Letter to Grand Jury Foreperson/Demand to USDC ND of IL Chief Judge, U.S. Attorney for ND of IL, & USMS for ND of IL - griffgjsublede121113.html

Robert J. More ("RJM")

P.O. Box 6926

Chicago, IL 60680, (81211) 688-9880 –lv msg

Federal Grand Jury Foreperson

Federal Grand Jury for the United States District Court, Northern District of IL

13th or 16th or some other Floor

Dirksen Federal Building

219 S. Dearborn St.

Chicago, IL, 60680

Chief Judge of United States District Court for the Northern District of IL (“USDC-NDIL”) Rueben Castillo

Chambers of the Chief Judge of the USDC-NDIL,

Dirksen Federal Building

219 S. Dearborn St.

Chicago, IL, 60680

U.S. Attorney Z. Fardon

Suite 500

219 S. Dearborn St.

Chicago, IL, 60604

United States Marshal Service

Suite 2400

219 S. Dearborn St.

Chicago, IL, 60604


Dear Federal Grand Jury Foreperson (“FGJF”), and Undear Chief Judge of the USDC-NDI, R. Castillo, U.S. Attorney Z. Fardon, (“Chief Judge”) and Whatever Member(s) of the USMS (is) (are) responsible for the maintenance of the arrangement presently prevailing in the geographical area constituting the “Northern District of IL” (“NDIL”) for purpose(s) of the delineation of the jurisdiction of the federal judiciary in regard to such area, in which citizens are prevented via the notification from the USMS of intent of the USMS to endeavor to effect arrest in regard to any initiative(s) undertaken to present evidence of alleged and/or actual violations of provisions of the United States Code in which is contained provision for criminal prosecution and punishment by any activity conductor not listed by role and/or title in the Order issued by the Chief Judge referencing the entirety of types of activity conductors permitted to access the FGJ in the NDIL, which is dated March 26, 2007 (“Order of 3/26/07 re Access to FGJ”), and Asst. U.S. Attorney Thomas Walsh,

The documents adjacent to which there is an "X" listed in the "Document List of 12/11/13" which accompanies this document were delivered to the Federal Grand Jury Foreperson for the Federal Grand Jury Conducting Activity in Chicago, IL, (FGJFP") on 12/11/13 to the extent RJM was permitted to effect such delivery, along with a cover letter and confirmation of reception of document, with copies of such documents having been delivered to the Office of the Chief Judge of the USDC for the NDIL (either in paper and/or via email), the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the ND of IL (via email to Asst. U.S. Atty T. Walsh accompanied by a demand to transmit it to some appropriate destination), and the USMS stationed in the Dirksen Federal Bldg (via email to available email address), in Chicago, IL, to the extent RJM would have been capable of effecting such deliveries and would not have encountered obstacles preventing the effecting of such, which emails would have been transmitted by 12/12/13, if no obstacles would have been encountered to such delivery.

The purpose of the delivery whereof was to get criminal charges instituted in regard to the activity referenced in the file "grifcomp21412" (posted at: "") which is also included in the CD which this accompanies documents which RJM has mailed to, and/or endeavored to deliver to, the FGJ, in the past.

As there is a statute of limitation ("SOL"), if not tolled, set to expire upon the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution of the u.s. of A. violating, criminal prosecution in regard to the unconstitutional and criminal siezure of Robert J. More ("RJM") perpetrated by Cook County Sheriff's Department Sergeants Jennifer Griffith, Gerald Quimque and Gail Bergfalk on 6/13/08, at midnight on 12/17/13, RJM found it necessary to transmit this document to the FGJFP today, in order that either indictments against those listed in the caption of the "proposed true bill" ("PTB") which accompanies this document can be instituted against such individuals by 12/17/13 or that in a scenario in which such measure would not have been implemented by such date, so that such can be issued after such date, or that, at least a claim to resort to the use of a contra-predatory vigilante remedy for the purpose of adequately vindicating and protecting the interests which are supposed to be vindicated and protected via the criminal prosecution, conviction and punishment of Federal crimes committed in the u.s. of A. (but which cannot be so vindicated and protected given the patently criminal and tortious control of the FGJ at this juncture in history by the Executive and Judicial Branches of the Federal Government), can be adequately effected entirely independently of any Committee of 300 owned, influenced and operated government entity.

At this juncture, time constraints being what they are, RJM proposes that you simply read paragraphs numbered 18-53, 152-160 and Counts #4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 in the document file included in the CD referenced herein titled "grifcomp21412" whose URL is also included herein, discuss such matters along with the rest of the FGJ members presently serving on the FGJ conducting evidence assessments and issuing true bills in Chicago, IL, and sign a copy of the true bill included herein infra or some such similar type document by the end of the day on 12/17/13, and execute whatever other affirmative acts would have to be executed by such time in order to get criminal charges for violations of 18 USC 242 instituted by the end of the day of 12/17/13 against the (individuals) (crime perpetrators) whose activity this document concerns.

The documents of which this document constitutes a component part have been delivered in a historical and jurisprudential context delineated as follows:

Global Macro Arrangement - The Apostolic See of the only Divinely Established and hence invincible, institution ever in existence and which could ever be in existence, namely the Roman Catholic Church having been Abducted by the Rothshild Empire in 1958, What is now the former u.s. of A. has been subsumed into the Rothschilds' and Affiliate's Flagship Slave Colony on the Global NWO Plantation, with only the Non-prostitute Sheriff's and various other government officials in various offices (Sheriff's et al) still unwilling to participate in the consumation of the NWO Extermination of the Goyim unsuitable, attributable to any of a number of disqualifiers (unwillingness to participate in the defraudment of legitimate reliance interests, lack of productive capacity, unwillingness to be subjugated, unwillingness to relinquish private property, etc.) for NWO "Citizenship"and the completion of the enslavement of those willing to accept enslavement and positions in the slavemaster class of such order, and the rest of the FEMA Red and Blue List Population left standing along with the Sheriff's et al between such Slavekeepers and the Consumation of their centuries old agenda of complete global domination, there is a structural defect present in the institutions of the former u.s. of A. which has been so conspicuously present in almost all of the matters in which RJM has ever been involved in the Dirksen Federal Building in Chicago, IL.

Situation Specific macro arrangement and problem - common illegitimate interests of USDOJ - controlled by the Usurper B. Soetoro Claimant to the Office of the POTUS, given that Soetoro's claim to avoid criminal punishment and resource relinquishment has been and remains vulnerable to the consequences of a non-counterfiet criminal prosecution of the members of the Chicago Police Dept and Office of Cook County, IL, State's Attorney ("CCSA") responsible for the non-investigation and prosecution of the Bland, Young and Spencer murders for defrauding the public of legitimate investigations and prosecutions of them and the capacity of the CCSA to continue to leave both such non-investigations and such murders, themselves, uninvestigated and unprosecuted, and with that of the CCS (Cook County, IL, Sheriff) - T. Dart, alleged former roomate of Soetoro when he was an IL State Senator who so obsequiously withdrew from the race for the Mayor of Chicago, IL, after getting the signatures necessary to get into that race in late 2010, when it became obvious that it was apprehended by the powers that control this Country, and world, for that matter, that it was in their interest(s) to have Rahm Emanuel, with his ensconcedness in the most highly sophisticated intimidation, terror and assassination network the world has ever known, installed in that office - which installation would of course, just "coincidentally" leave RE in a position to use that office to better insure the keeping of such murders "swept under the rug" than if someone not possessing as strong an interest in the maintenance of such arrangement would have secured such office. Maybe it is just a coincidence, but the nominal and usurper claimant to the Office of the U.S. Attorney General was in Chicago a few weeks ago to attend the installation of the present nominal and usurper claimant to the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the ND of IL. If he attends all such installations, it is a wonder how he can participate in as much government crime and violence as he has been accused of committing thus far in his "psuedo-tenure".

Specific Sub-macro arrangement - At all times involving the period in which the activty referenced herein was conducted there was an incentive for all of those named as crime perpetrators and individuals society needs to have adequately punished in this document - the names of which are included in the caption of the proposed true bill in which this conveyance has been included, to contribute to the insulation of themselves and the others involved wherein from criminal and civil liability, as 1.) many of such officials may or in some cases, most definitely do, possess incriminating evidence of criminal and tortious activity conducted by (any) of the others referenced wherein, 2.) all such persons were conducting activity in an arrangement in which it would be foreseeable that each could cover for the unjust activity of any and all of the others ever conducted under the authority of a given office in which any given official would ever be conducting activity in the future - to the short-term evident (as apprehended by the jaundiced eyes of those who cannot recognize even their own true bodily preservation interests) economic, political and social benefit of such officials and those who possess the "leverage" to manipulate exercises of government authority to - on the other end of the balance, or in this case gross imbalance- the entirely unjustified detriment of the entirety of the members of the population - which members are of course entitled in all instances to the accommodation of their legitimate reliance interests in any and all exercises of government authority ("the honest services of a government office" - 18 USC 1346), and at all such times, Judge Donnelly, Atty Albukerk and the Members of the Office of the CCSA were subject to the additional incentive to Keep Charges Instituted against RJM in Order to Keep the Market Value of the Law Licence in Chicago, IL higher by an apportioned measure than it would have been Had Such Charge Not Been Kept in Operation

Minimal Postulation of Controlling Law In Regard to counts included in the "Proposed Indictment of 12/11/13 which accompanied this document - 1. the maintenance of a criminal prosecution predicated upon an arrest made w/o probable cause in a situation in which the entirety of the basis for the criminal prosecution was contained in the arrest which would have fructified into the unconstitutional criminal prosecution constitutes a violation of 18 USC 242. Peirson v Ray. (_U.S._) The Pierson Court - 'the arrest was, in fact, [without probable cause, and] unconstitutional."Id. at 386 U. S. 557, 2. denial of due process of law in the priorities and method(s) according to which of any adjudication would ever (be) (have been) conducted - "persons can be deprived of due process of law via activity of a state court" - fayerweather v ritch, the right to DPOL is a right guaranteed by the Const. and laws of the u.s. of A, Fayerweather v Rich, 3. The non-execution of acts the execution of which would be obligatory upon equals and/or superiors in any government office, in any given instance in order to prevent the deprivation of and/or to extricate an innocent individual from continued deprivations of, rights guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the u.s. of A. is explicitly promulgated in 42 USC 1986. (well established or more accurately "adequately established" Parrat v Taylor, Harlow v Fitzgerald) Contrary to the usurpous and defrauding of legitimate reliance interests position of various representatives of the USDOJ, prosecutions for violations of 18 USC 242 cannot legitimately be limited to situations in which injuries requiring hospitalization are incurred from police misconduct (though RJM's being injected with psychotropic drugs in regard to matters already presented to those to whom this document has been presented was a most egregious example of exactly the types of brutality and permanent unjustified injury causing activity that even dishonest DOJ representatives have conceded constitute the basis for 242 prosecutions). Judge Lanier was prosecuted according to such statute Lanier v U.S. (_U.S._) and in Dennis v Sparks (_U.S._) the SCOTUS conceded that a judge can most definitely be prosecuted for crimes perpetrated via the exercise of his or her adjudicative authority. The legal propositions contained herein supra have all been "well established" or more accurately "adequately established" in that such propositions have been postulated in the jurisprudence of the SCOTUS and thus satisfy the Parrat v Taylor (_U.S._) , Harlow v Fitzgerald (_U.S._) threshold for delineation of the scope of (a) constitutionally protected right(s) sufficient to provide notice to those subject to liability of various types for the deprivation whereof in any given instance of the scope whereof and since the civil corrollary of 18 USC 242 is 42 USC 1983, it is obvious that the identification of the scope of a constitutional deprivation in the civil sphere cannot possibly be incompatible with the scope whereof in the criminal sphere.

Robert J. More

/grifdlfgjsubprtb6413.html #3



Circuit Court of Cook County, IL ("CCCC") Judge Thomas More Donnelly, Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez, Asst. Supervisor CCSA Charis Valiente, Cook County Sheriff ("CCS") Thomas Dart, Asst. CCSA N. Uche, Asst. CCSA B. Franco, CCS Dept. ("CCSD")Chief Nolan, CCSD Sgt J. Griffith CCSD dattulo or Danattulo or Danatulo, CCSD Sgt G. Bergfalk, CCSD Sgt G. Quimque, Attorney Nick Albukerk, & CCSD Chief of Legal Department P. Kramer - conditional upon contents of Whatever response to "Invitation to Demonstrate the Non-incurrment of Criminal Liability" Issued to Him Might Be Provided by Him


The individuals listed by name herein supra have been found to have violated the provisions of 18 USC 242 according to the evidence presented to the Federal Grand Jury in the “…Complaint of 2/14/12….” which accompanies this indictment, Donnelly for refusing to permit Robert J. More ("RJM") to defend himself, and to address any of the several motions which RJM filed and/or endeavored to file in Circuit Court of Cook Cty, IL Case # 08 MC 123941901, Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez, Asst. Supervisor CCSA Charis Valiente, Asst. CCSA N. Uche, and Asst. CCSA B. Franco, for continuing to maintain a criminal prosecution emanating entirely from an arrest which violated the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the u.s. of A.'s prohibition on illegal seizures, and Cook County Sheriff ("CCS") Thomas Dart, CCS Dept. ("CCSD")Chief Nolan, CCSD Sgt J. Griffith CCSD Sgt G. Bergfalk, CCSD Sgt G. Quimque, & CCSD Chief of Legal Department P. Kramer for culpably leaving the acts each, respectively, was obliged to execute in order to terminate the Fourth Amendment Violation this document concerns, as postulated in 42 USC 1986, which would leave investigation into the matter of whether 18 USC 241 was not violated in regard to the matters this document concerns of high importance, CCSD Sgt J. Griffith and CCSD Deputy D. Dattulo for misrepresenting the activity of RJM on 6/13/08 in such a way that had such testimony not been adequately impeached, might have resulted in an entirely unjustified conviction of RJM, notwithstanding his innocence of any criminal activity in regard to any matter this document concerns, and Atty N. Albukerk for refusing to present RJM's motions, the presentation of which could have rendered a trial in the matters this document concerns entirely unnecessary, but which presentation might have resulted in structural modifications which would reduce his longer term earning capacity by making it more difficult than it was in 2008 for government criminals to perpetrate pretextual criminal prosecutions against innocent persons.

Parenthetically and contextually, RJM herein postulates as follows: given that evidence in re which the indictment sought in the documents included in the document collection of which this document constitutes a component part can so readily be inserted into the form of the "proposed true bill" ("PTB") transmitted w/n the past month by RJM to all of those to whom this document has been transmitted in regard to the innumerable violations of 18 USC 242 perpetrated in regard to the factual predicates included in the Complaint presently pending in CCCC, IL Case # 11 CH 12339 (which complaint is also accessible at: "") , which emanated from the patently unconstitutional, criminal and tortious prosecution and adjudication of Case # # 08 MC 123941901 in the CCCC, IL (which so far from being anomalous, was one of five pretextual prosecutions to which RJM has been subjected by the Office of the CCSA over the past 15 years), and that the prospects of anyone in the DOJ (aka the Department of "Just Us")in its various subcomponent criminal enterprises and/or the Chief Judge of the ND of IL even refraining from working to keep any indictment from being instituted in regard to the matters this document concerns ("these matters"), much less bearing the burden of any given office to ensure the institution of such, are so small that RJM did not see how it was justified at this juncture to put all such evidence into a PTB. Beyond that RJM can be summonsed to testify and/or to produce documents (which can also be procured from the Clerk of Court for the CCCC, IL, independently of RJM) and upon the reception of a request that RJM put such factual predicates into a PTB format, RJM would immediately execute the acts needing to be executed to get such task completed as soon as it could be completed. Therefore, RJM cannot see how any positing of any excuse for any non-institution of criminal charges in regard to these matters predicated upon any claim that there was not enough time to get criminal charges instituted in regard to this matter between now and 12/17/13 not accompanied by an explanation identifying the entirety of the priorities according to which the activity conducted in the Office of the U.S. Atty for the ND of IL, the Chief Judge for the USDC for the ND of IL, the FBI Chicago, IL Division, and the Federal Grand Jury presently instituted in Chicago, IL (in such period) (in the entirety of the period of time in which RJM has been endeavoring to get criminal convictions for government perpetrated crimes and/or of crimes perpetrated by those presuming that they can perpetrate crimes on individuals conducting activity in the type of posture in which RJM has been conducting activity in such period with impunity), could possibly possess any legitimacy at all and not itself be subject to criminal prosecution on any number of bases. Any grand jury member(s) afraid of retaliation in response to the adequate discharge of the duties of the office of a grand jury member w/o the permitting of any attempts at intimidation and/or even worse forms of violence from any given government criminal(s) for the purpose of effecting the intimidation of any member(s) whereof out of the adequate bearing of the constitutional and moral burden which grand jury members are obliged to bear, can contact RJM via use of any of the contact information included anywhere in this document and/or contact the CSPOA for sanctuary if such would be sought. The favorable destinies of billions are indisputably depending upon either the adequate bearing of the burdens of the offices of grand jury and for that matter, petit, jury members, or a complete mutiny and overthrow of, and destruction of, the Talmudic-barbaric Enslavement and Extermination Apparatus presently in place in this world, which the Rothschild's and their fellow slitters of goy throats indisputably continue to run. RJM would posit no objection to the deletion of any of the contents of this document provided (an) indictment(s) would ultimately be issued in regard to the matters it concerns, so no claim of "disqualifying surplussage" nor any other suchlike justification for any non-institution of criminal charges will be accepted as possessing any legitimacy. Anyone interested in RJM's evidence regarding the context and conditions in which this document was composed can see the "Cover Letter of 12/11/13" which accompanies this document and is posted in the URL listed herein supra.

Subject to supersession to keep bases for pretextual criminal prosecution and/or any other type of government violence which might ever be perpetrated against the author whereof limited to bases other than any regarding the composition and delivery of this document.

I, the undersigned complainant pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 1746, state that the contents of the “…Complaint of 2/14/12….”, which accompanies this document are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Robert J. More

P.O. Box 6926

Chicago, IL, 60680

HYPERLINK "" , 81211 688-9880 (lv msg)

Confirmation of Reception of Delivery (“ROD”)/ Refusal to Provide Confirmation of ROD/ Service List - grifdlfgjsubcrod6413.html

Confirmation of reception of the document this confirmation accompanies:

I have received a copy of each of the documents listed in the “Document List of 12/11/13 – FGJ” which his document accompanies, adjacent to which there is an "X" or "Y" (Name)________________, (Title) ____________________, (Address)________________ , (Date) ________________refused to sign______________________

Certificate of Service

Under penalties of perjury pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 1746, and 735 ILCS 5/1-109, I (Robert J. More), ________________________, herein aver that I did leave a copy of the documents this certificate accompanies, which are referenced herein supra, with ____________________________, at the _______________________________________and did access the

______________________________ and speak with ______________________ on ____________, who refused to provide any signature confirming the reception whereof.

Robert J. More, P.O. Box 6926, Chicago, IL 60680,, (81211) 688-9880 –lv msg

__________________, _______________________, _________________, ______________

Service List:

Federal Grand Jury Foreperson

Federal Grand Jury for the United States District Court, Northern District of IL

13th or 16th or some other Floor

Dirksen Federal Building

219 S. Dearborn St.

Chicago, IL, 60680 – via U.S. mail, postage prepaid, mailed from C. Collins Post Office on 12/11/13

Chief Judge of United States District Court for the Northern District of IL (“USDC-NDIL”), R. Castillo

Chambers of the Chief Judge of the USDC-NDIL,

Dirksen Federal Building

219 S. Dearborn St.

Chicago, IL, 60680 – delivered by hand on 12/11/13

United States Marshal Service

Suite 2400

219 S. Dearborn St.

Chicago, IL, 60604 – delivered by hand on 12/11/13

U.S. Attorney for ND of IL

Posted to URL listed herein supra by 12/31/13

Doc. # 11 in D/L of 12/11/13 - GFGJ.

Time and Expense Record in Regard to Composition 12/9/13, 10:00 - 23:00, 12/10/13 - 10:40 - 21:00, 12/11/13 - 10:30 - 12:15 p.m. plus Printing, Mailing and/or Delivery of this Document and/or any Documents Listed in the List in Which this Entry is an Entry