Document List of 1/9/14 – Grif -383
1. D/L of 1/9/14 - Grif X
2. N of M/POS of 1/9/14 X
3. Motion of 1/9/14 X
4. Proposed Order of 1/9/14
5. Nihil Obstat Pet – Grif
6. SCOTUS Pet for Cert/Special Writ
7. Core Temporal Problem
9. Proposed ground rules
10. PWCS -
11. Declaration of Unconstitutionality
12. Complaints/Arrearages Claims Against ISMA Members
13. Apology to Innocents/Posterity
14. Lawsuit Against Robert J. More on Behalf of World's Innocents & Posterity
15. Documents to Federal Grand Jury of 1/9/14
16. Petition for Equitable Relief from Complaint in 11 CH 12339 re Audio-recording device
17. Record of time and resources consumed/expended re this project 8 hours prior to 1/9/14, 10 hours on 1/9/14, 14;00 to 17:30 on 1/10/14
18. s&madjdl102713.html
19. RJM “Magnum Opus Lawsuit†whose Purpose is to Accomplish objectives listed as goals of Proposed “Federal Bill …plagued†and procure adequate remuneration for over 14 years of unjustified injury incurrment from conditions of govt entities in Cook County, IL at all levels.
20. Petition to Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee of the 112th Congress to Conduct Hearings Regarding the Appt of a Special Prosecutor pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 592(g) re Activity of Cook County, IL Courts (including federal and state Appellate Courts and IL Sup Ct conducting activity in Cook County, IL), Sheriff’s Dept, State’s Attorney’s Office, Clerk of the Court’s Office and for Passage of Bill Closing Cook County, IL and City of Chicago, Il Governments, or at Least Elimination of All Federal Funding Whereto According to a Formula which would leave no legitimate reliance interest un-accommodated.
21. Petition to Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the IL General Assembly to Conduct Hearings Regarding the Appt of a Special Prosecutor pursuant to the provisions of 55 ILCS ….. re Activity of Cook County, IL Courts, and for Passage of Bill Closing Cook County, IL and City of Chicago, Il Governments, or at Least Elimination of All State Funding Whereto According to a Formula which would leave no legitimate reliance interest un-accommodated
22. Nomination for ISMA HOS of 3/11
23. Prevent Worst Case Scenario – which would be the incurrrment of culpability for any sin the incurrment of which would leave a given activity conductor without the possession of sanctifying grace which could occur via either the execution of an affirmative act or the making of a concession, the making of which could not be morally justified in a given instance/Foregone conclusion that the dispute at issue in a given instance will not be acceptably resolved except via either the application of a contra-predatory vigilante endeavor or a full scale military conquest, unless it might end up being resolved via the demonstration of the capacity to accomplish such in a given instance (eg. King John III, conceded his subjects claims at Runneyemede in 1215 A.D.) in which case nothing further would be necessary and correlatively justified, unless the villain party(ies) conceding would demonstrably be involved in some type of deception and subterfuge (see Michael Collins on the dangers of a truce, and the slaughter of the Cristeros who complied with the mis-informed Pius XI’s directive to lay down their arms) ultimately likely to prevent the procurement of the consideration ever sought by the part(y)(ies) endeavoring to rectify a given injustice, which foregone conclusion approach necessarily includes a commitment to accept a just resolution of any given dispute which could be procured without there being any resorting to any property confiscation and/or destruction and obviously, correlatively, without there being any use of force to defeat any endeavor which might ever be undertaken for the purpose(s) of the prevention of the successful use of contra-predatory property damage and/or confiscation as a method of procuring a legitimate resolution to a given dispute/Demonstration of Affirmative Refusal to consent to any deprivation of any legitimate claim to consideration/Evident Adequate Effort to Mitigate any and all Damages unjustifiably Incurred and Demonstrate Adequate Diligence, no relevant factor left unconsidered in bringing a given dispute to a just resolution all conducted in a disposition of what St. Teresa referenced as “religious indifference†.
24. Proposed Verified Statement(s) of IL S.C. Justices Burke, Freeman and Theis, Clerks Elizabeth and Christin re RJM's Endeavor to File IL S.C.R. 383 Motion on 10/22 or 10/23 of 2012
25. Conditional Amended Complaint of 2/14/12 in Case # 11 CH 12339
26. Complaint Presently Pending in Case # 08 CH 9977
27. Complaint Presently Pending in Case # 11 M1 013782
28. Queen v Tooley -Excerpts,
29. SCOTUS Amici Petition in Dei v Tumara Foods
30. Petition of 1/9/14 to Federal Grand Jury for Indictments re Griffith
31. Petition of 1/9/14 to Federal Grand Jury for Indictments re Jack
32. Petition of 1/9/14 to Federal Grand Jury for Indictments re Lablanc
33. Proposed Stipulation of 1/9/14 re Present Conditions of Court Systems
34. Rule of Law/Reign of Terror
35. Letter to CCSD Mr. T. Dart
36. Order of Chief Judge of CCCC, IL re Use of Recording Devices
37. Petition of 10/28/13 to FGJ re Indictments of Those Preventing Access to the FGJ in Chi
38. Disbursement Schedule for 11 CH 12339
39. Disbursement Schedule for 11 M1 013782
40. Disbursement Schedule for 10 M1 015265
41. Disbursement Schedule for 08 CH 9977
42. Baby Picture
43. Demand to CCS Dart of 7/26/13
44. FOIA to CCSD of 7/26/13
45. Combined Petition to IL State Police Public Integrity Unit & Federal Grand Jury Demanding Inestigation into What Happened to the Documents Which Constituted the First Component of RJM's S.C.R. 383 Motion in re Case # 11 CH 12339 Which RJM Transmitted to this Court in October of 2012
46. Solzenhitzyn quote re contesting goverment violence with contra-predatory vigilante force
47. LaGuardia and OConnor quote re abolishing of federal judgeship
48. Amu ARDC Notice re Pet for Indictment/Mit of Damages
Attempt was made to submit documents adjacent to which there is an "X" in the list included herein supra to the IL S.C. on or before 11/10/14 via e-filing
Robert More (“RJMâ€), Estate of RJM, Campaign to Make the World Safe for Innocence Once Again, St. Michael the Archangel, MAA Fund Plaintiff/Movant
Judge L. Martin
re: More, et al.,
v Case # 11 CH 12339
Grif et al, in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL,
Robert J. More, et al
Judge Sydney Jones
re: More, et al
v Case # 11 M1 -013782
Jack et al. in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL
Robert J. More
in Room 2102 of the R. Daley Center
re More
v Case # 08 CH 9977
LaBlanc et al in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL
Robert J. More et al
Judge Sydney Jones
re More et al
v in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL Case #10 M1-015265
Zeeh et al
Notice of Filing
Notice is herein provided that on 1/10/14, the undersigned filed via efiling the accompanying:
Movant/Plaintiff RJM’s Verified Fourth Component of 1/9/14 of Ill S. C. R. 383 Motion of 10/22/12...", this notice and the Proposed Order of 1/9/14, via the online filing whereof to the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of IL, a copy of which is attached hereto and hereby served upon you.
Robert J. More
P.O. Box 6926
Chicago, IL, 60680,, 863 688-9880 – lv msg
I, Robert J. More a non-attorney, under verification, state that I will have served the foregoing:
"Movant/Plaintiff RJM’s Verified Fourth Component of 1/9/14 of Verified Ill S. C. R. 383 Motion of 10/22/12 ....", this notice and the "Proposed Order of 1/9/14"
Office of the Atty General of the State of IL
Civil Division
150 W. Randolph St.
Chicago, IL 60602, or or email pursuant to an agreement made between Mr. G. Griffith of the Office of the Atty Genrl and RJM re the burden of hand delivery service in re matters involving the Atty Gen of IL
Asst. Cook County State's Attorney Paul Groah at: or whatever constitutes the email address via which RJM has contacted him within the past 120 days, via email,
Nick Albukerk via email and
Attorney Edward Leahy for Chas LaBlanc via email
and Cook County, IL Sheriff T. Dart via email to Legal Counsel Office Secretary Carol McFadden,
- all by 1/11/14, and
Judge L. Martin – Room 2008
R. Daley Center, 50 W. Washington St. Chicago IL 60601 on or before 2/28/14, via hand delivery of CD containing documents to room 2600 of the R. Daley Center, and
Judge D. Atkins,50 W. Washington St. Chicago IL 60601 on or before 2/28/14, via hand delivery of CD containing documents to room 2102 of the R. Daley Center
Judge S. Jones, 50 W. Washington St. Chicago IL 60601 on or before 2/28/14, via hand delivery of CD containing documents to room 1306 of the R. Daley Center
Asst. Cook County State's Attorney R. Shippee via mailing a CD containing documents to the Office of the CCSA, at Suite 500, 50 W. Washington St. Chicago IL 60601 on or before 2/28/14,
and that were RJM to become cognizant of any non-accomplishment of the service of documents referenced herein supra, between now and the next juncture at which RJM would address this Court, that any such non-accomplishment would be reported to this Court by 3/1/14, Providence permitting.
Under penalties provided by law pursuant to 735 ILCS 5/1-109, I certify that the statements set forth herein are true and correct and that a challenge to the constitutionality of Supreme Court Rule 12(b)(2) and (5), on the face whereof and as applied in regard to the service this conveyance concerns is included in the motion this document concerns, thus rendering the Clerk incapable of rejecting this proof of service ("POS") without any adjudication of the constitutionality issue referenced herein being addressed by the Court, even if such addressing would have to result in a multi-furcation of the adjudication of the motion this POS concerns. Robert J. More
Robert More (“RJMâ€), Estate of RJM, Campaign to Make the World Safe for Innocence Once Again, St. Michael the Archangel, MAA Fund Plaintiff/Movant
Judge L. Martin
re: More
v Case # 11 CH 12339
Grif et al in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL
Robert J. More, et al
Judge Sydney Jones
re: More, et al
v Case # 11 M1 -013782
Jack et al. in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL
Robert J. More
in Room 2102 of the R. Daley Center
re More
v Case # 08 CH 9977
LaBlanc et al in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL
Robert J. More et al
Judge Sydney Jones
re More et al
v in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL Case #10 M1-015265
Zeeh et al
[Continuing to proceed according to the formula explicated in St. Alphonsus Liguori's Preparation for Death in regard to the preparation wherefore and for the prophesized return of Christ, in case should such transpire while RJM is still conducting activity in his earthly theatre tour of duty]
Movant/Plaintiff Robert J. More's ("RJM") Verified Fourth Component of 1/9/14 of IL Supreme Court Rule 383 Motion of 10/22/12, to be Superseded Monthly, if Necessary, in Which RJM Seeks to Have This Court Now Either Summarly Declare the Unconstitutionality of the Entirety of The Criminal Code Presently Operative in the State of IL as Such Might Ever Have Been Enforced and/or Applied to Any and All Activity Which would Ever Be Conducted by RJM for the Purpose of Vindicating Any and All Legal Claims Any and All of the Cases this Motion Concerns, Concern, in the Absence of this Court's Declaring the Unconstitutionality Whereof, or 1.) Summarily Grant the Relief RJM Has Demanded from the CCSD in the Past Two Months, Inter Alia, So that RJM Can Get Some of the Evidence Available of the Comparative Enormity of the Destructiveness Upon All That is Not Abominable of the Activity of the CCCC, IL, into the Project this Document Concerns Which RJM Cannot Presently Produce Attributable to the Enforcement of (an) Order(s) Issued by Menace to the Rule of Law and Everything Warmblooded, Judge Whose Activity Regarding Matters Involving RJM Has More Resembled that of a Rothschild-Terrorized Slavemaster than Anything RJM Would Consider a "Judge" Sidney Jones, 2.) Summarily Vacate the Order Issued by the IL App. Ct First District in a Proceeding in Which RJM was Prevented from Participating Which Prevents RJM from Accessing the Clerk's Office of Such Court, 3.) Have All of This Court's
Members Join RJM in Endeavoring on Behalf of Everything His Omnipotence, Christus Rex can Still Justify not Hating to Present Evidence of Seditious Treason in Regard to the Deprivation of Access to the Federal Grand Jury Presently Instituted in Chicago IL Against All of Those Responsible for Such Deprivation Or in Any Arrangement in Which Such Type Consideration would not be Provided, Provide a Justification of Any Non-Provision Whereof, 4.) Confirm the Condition of the Docket in Regard to the Various Components of this Motion Received by This Court as of the Date of the Reception of this Component Whereof, 5.) Receive Errata in Regard to Prior Components of this Document and Confirm the Reception Whereof, 6.) Consider modification in RJM's positions previously postulated re reduction by one half of all judicial salaries to superseding position that any and all of those Judges Who Would Sign a Statement Confirming Under Penalty of Perjury that it be the Case that a Given Signatory of the Type Referenced Herein, would a.) Never have Faciliated any Transfer of Any Child into Any Custody of Any Professed Homosexual, b.) Nor Defrauded Anyone of Any Consideration Due Him or Her Attributable to Either any Claim that Non-Jews are Sub-human, nor Out of any Disposition Substantially Correlating to the "Fear of the Jews" Referenced Repeatedly in Sacred Scripture, c.) Nor Voted for the "More Abortion" Candidate in Any Election Over the Past 10 Years, d.) Nor Neglected to Have Provided At Least the Equivalent of a $500.00 Donation to the Just Remedying of Either the Schiavo, Yeakey, Duochette, and/or Barksdale Nine Atrocities Over the Past Seven Years, to a Superseding Position that Judges Who would Sign the Type of Statement Referenced Herein Would Continue to Receive a Full Judicial Salary Until Further Addressing of the Issue Referenced Herein Could be Adequately Effected and Confirm Reception of this Modification, So that, Inter Alia, the James Alesia/John Ward and to the Extent of RJM's Knowledge in Regard to this Matter, Dorothy Kinnaird and Jacqueline Cox, Component of the Judiciary Would Not be Left with the Consequences of the Sycophantry, Dereliction and General Malice of the Activity of the Majority of IL Judges with Whose Records of Activity RJM is Familiar, 7.) Confirm Reception of Errata in Regard to Components of this Document Previously Filed, 8.) Confirm Reception of Notification of RJM's Intentions in Regard to Future Components of this Motion, Prepared on a Software System Lacking Capitalization Function, Filed "AS IS AT 17:30 on 1/10/14 to At Least Demonstrate Endeavors to Continue to Make Progress Towards the Elimination of the Government of Cook County, IL & the State of Illinois, Component of the Luciferian-Rothschild-Rothschild Minion Almost Stranglehold on the World At This Juncture in History
Now comes RJM to respectfully move this Court to grant the relief referenced in the title to this motion and in the Proposed Order of 1/9/14 which accompanies it, and in explanation and support whereof, RJM avers and explains as follows:
1. The entirety of the contents of the “Preliminary Component of 10/22/12 of …Motion of 10/22/22….†and the "Additions of 10/27/12" which were included alongwherewith, which RJM mailed to this Court on 10/23/12, and of the Rule 383 Motion filed on 5/29/13 in regard to Circuit (sic) [Circuit] Court of Cook County, IL ("CCCC") Case # 11 M1 013782 and of the Components of this Motion Filed on or about 6/27/13 and 10/27/13 in regard to Case # 11 CH 12339 in this Court are incorporated herein by referenced as if fully set forth herein.
2. Included in brackets "[]" herein infra are the raw materials which RJM has intended but failed to get into this component of this motion given that now the collection of "immediate needs to which attendance must be accorded in order to prevent immediate detriment" has risen to the juncture at which RJM finds it necessary to now simply file this document online with provision to file a superseding component whereof, in light of the fact that the filing of this document can serve as evidence to CCA 7 Judge Manion, should RJM ever have to repel any issuance of legal process against RJM via the use of the 28 USC 2241 habeas corpus remedy, and anyone else who might ever find need to consider it of RJM's ongoing endeavor to ensure the coverage of what he subjectively apprehends to constitute his moral liability as of 1/10/14.
3. This Court can simply issue an order granting all of the relief referenced in the document posted at: "" in the "Demands...." component whereof and also issue a further order requiring the CCSD to post that document in its website with a link off of the home page whereto included wherein under "Complaints against the CCSD" at this juncture and RJM can then move onto marshaling the mountains of evidence in regard to which he is cognizant of how much 'worse off" the vast majority of humans are in terms of their temporal necessities (with everyone, all inclusive being "worse off" in terms of the issue of the eternal disposition of the soul(s) of all concerned) from the activity of the CCCC, IL than they would evidently be had such system not been in existence and operating for the past 25 years.
4. The existence and activity of governments at all levels in Cook County, IL has been and continues to constitute a "nightmare beyond description for all FEMA red and blue listers and beyond that for everything His Omnipotence, Christus Rex can still justify not hating" but for those struggling to either retain or procure the grace of justification according to the standard promulgated for such retention and/or procurement via the non-counterfiet Magisterium of the Catholic Church, "nightmare" is a term which dreadfully fails to convey the horrendousness of such plague on the "Catholic Cause" which is the salvation of as many members of the human race as it might be possible to be effected.
5. The whole Luciferian-Rothschild Agenda could be imploded simply by eliminating the governments which they need in order to continue to endeavor to impose their living hell on earth NWO upon this world unless the Rothschilds and C of 300 could confiscate the firearms and supplies of the 37 million FEMA red and blue listers whom they have not yet eliminated.
6. Given this understanding, RJM does not know what argument could possibly be made for the continued existence of any government entit(y)(ies), anywhere other than those of counties sheriffed by FEMA red and blue list sheriffs, period - "Abolish all government entities other than those run by FEMA red and blue lister sheriffs and stop the Rothschild's genocide of the goyim in progress".
7. By way of example, RJM continues, via the filing of this document at this juncture, to accomplish what RJM understands that Rizzo in Rizzo v Goode (_U.S._), and O'Shea in Littleton v O'Shea (_U.S._) were endeavoring to accomplish in re those cases, respectively - namely to superimpose structure upon components of government activity for the purpose(s) of bringing such type activity which was defrauding of legitimate reliance interests in nature to an end, sufficient to produce such type effect.
[grif 383 - enumerate first 3 of next 12 matters to get addressed
reference - demands in garrett - FGJ, Dei v Tumara, rabbinical teachings, hardship re severe weather, bring regulations concerning survival methods and criminal code in general, particularly any and all laws concerning weapons and explosive devices, and/or other disadvantage negators into condition of compatibility with conditions which actually exist at present in courts - which unless sought via a TRO type arrangement would require getting City of chicago and re firearms, explosives and arnaments of war into
james alesia - RJM undefeated - felony windfall elimination
eliminate any and all presently extant and operative legal arrangemetns which presently render the defense of this Country from foreign invasion FEMA red and blue listers capable of defending country against foreign enemies and whatever terrrorist organizations are presently in existence other than those not controlled by the Rothshilds, so that inter alia, the pretext of the need to protect the country from any group of foreign enemies can no longer be used as a pretext via which to complete the enslavement and extermination of the American population beginning of course with the elimination of FEMA red and blue listers.
eliminate the Us. govt and the genocide will have to be completed against the FEMA red and blue listers either via whomever the Rothschilds can hire to effect such or they themselves coming door to door to confiscate the firearms and supplies
RJM never in any way intended to imply that any cause in which RJM would ever be a principal participant would be so important as to justify constituting a catyclist to a full-scale domestic insurrection any more than activity in any cause in which any other FEMA Red or Blue Lister would ever be involved would ever constitute justification for such, but just to ensure that no one could ever legitimately claim that RJM had neglected to provide this type clarification, such clarification has been provided herein, in light of the fact that the saying "the straw that broke the camel's back" really cannot ever be legitimately applied solely to the last straw added to the pile on the camel's back before it breaks from the "balance-tipping, back-breaking" effect of the addition of a gvien straw to a composite of straws already upon such back at any given juncture at which a given camel's back would break any more than it could be applied to any straw beginning with whatever would have constituted a first straw so applied and any and all indlvidual straws added whereto in any given scenario prior to whatever would have constituted the straw so added immediately antecedent to any such camel back breaking as it is indisputably the case that no such back-breaking could ever have been effected in any given instance w/o the cumulative effect of the addition of each (of the) straw(s) added to such camel's back such that attribution of any back-breaking ever effected in any given instance could no more be imputed to the last straw ever added to any given composite of straws, any more than such effect could be attributed to the addition of any given sole straw added to composite prior to the final straw ever added whereto no straw added to any such back prior to the last straw added whereto
pledge to get all Grif posted by 1/2/14, ISMA Br. #4 website in process of being relocated - RJM back and forth re merits of completing this motion and such relocation
errata to be added hereto in future
Produced on a Computer Lacking Any Capitalization Capacity]
(Under penalty of perjury pursuant to the provisions of 735 ILCS 5/1-109, I aver to the veracity of all factual averments included in this document and as to any such averments posited upon information and belief, that I verily understand such to be true).
Wherefore, RJM herein moves this Court to provide the relief referenced in the title to this motion and/or in the Proposed Order of 1/9/14 which accompanies it if RJM gets around to including it herein before 16:00 on 1/10/14.
Continuing to rely upon a diet of the bread of sorrow and the water of affliction, Pope Paul IV prescribed for penitents in the Bull Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio (1559) as an indispensable component of the remedy for any and all evils ever encountered in the theatre of earthly existence,
Robert J. More - "...deliver us from evil." (Matt. 6:13)
Afflicted by the uneliminable infirmity of the fallen human conditiion, plodding on unrelentingly in the pursuit of cleansing from all unrighteousness (1 Jn. 1:8), but hopefully not derelict beyond the threshold referenced in Matt. 25:26, et seq. Neighbor, on behalf of the 37 million not entirely morally bankrupt citizens of the former u.s. of A. (the final obstacle to the Committee of 300's,long sought NWO - "component of the final obstacle", "CFO", for short) ("NMB"'s) who do not lack the capacity to at the very least force the Committee of 300 to reduce this country to a smoking graveyard in order to complete their demonically designed and instigated N.W.O Agenda, but obviously, not by any express designation in re whereto, - Lesser Deputy Guardian of the Catholic Cause Referenced in the Papal Encyclical, Ad Sacerdoti Catholici (1935) and Protector of the Haven in the Heartless World -An activity conductor who remains haunted by the specter of the Schiavo atrocity (what RJM understands to constitute the "NWO's Showcase Atrocity") and all of the other atrocities which it exemplifies and epitomizes (eg. most recently 9/11/01, the Barksdale 9 Assassinations, and "Hurricane Katrina" if it can be so labeled, justifiably, if it actually was rather a controlled demolition of a Lake Ponchtarain Levy), as an able-bodied adult who had had over 37 years from the date of his 7th B-day to prepare for that atrocity, but who stood around the "deathspice" in March of 2005, looking for someone to order the charge - an order which was never issued - attributable to the unlynched lynch pin of Robert Schindler's having been left as the de facto decision maker in regard to the restrictions on resistance to such atrocity kept in place, not conceived by a parent in whom there (was) (is) any Jewish blood – therefore, not one of the “chosen peopleâ€, nor willing to leave any of the "lesser brethren" who reject the abominations of the Talmud exposed to hostility incompatible with any given individual's own personal record of activity, as no one chooses the religion of his or her parents, not willing to participate in the shedding of innocent blood, w/o just cause (nor for that matter to risk incurring culpability for any sin of any type at all) - therefore not one of the goy slavemasters, nor one of the rest of the 486 million goy slaves to be retained, but rather one of the “to be exterminateds†determined to enter into eternity endeavoring to make restitution to the innocents and posterity for RJM’s share of the blame for the Talmudic-barbaric horror they have inherited (where would a list of the component horrors whereof even begin? – the first dozen, plus that came into RJM's mind in considering the subject are: deprivation of adequately safe water – “fluorideâ€, air –chemtrails, Fukishima, food – GMO’s, Codex Alimentarius, etc., , parents – depleted uranium, protection from criminal regulation of every aspect of existence re the global warming pretext/subterfuge, the U.S. Const.’s Art. I, Sect. 8, Cl. 5, protection of the purchasing power of the currency, the Art. I Sect 2, Cl. 3, Sect. 8 Cl. 1, & Sect. 9 Cl. 4 protection from direct un-apportioned taxes, the protections of 4thAmendment designed to keep Big Brother the Beast at arm’s length, protection from orchestrated pandemics and the vaccinations produced purportedly to counter them, false flag terror acts, assassinations of individuals who are relatives &/or whose knowledge &/or priorities have been found to be incompatible with the NWO agenda, radiation exposure as a new condition of air travel, the protections of the 5th Amendment Rights to an Independent Grand Jury and Jury Nullification Instructions, etc., etc., etc., and the protection of 2nd Amendment Right to ensure the accommodation of all legitimate reliance interests via the maintenance of commensurate strike capacity between the Country’s citizens and its government, the protection of the First Amend Free Exercise and Prevention of Establishment of Religion Clauses, and whatever protection would have been available from the lifework of any potential geniuses and/or conduits of apostolic graces, not to mention those who had they been spared the blades of Rahm Emmanuel & Barry Soetoro types of specimens, would have turned out to be at least “not entirely derelict neighborsâ€, who have been or will be, murdered in or shortly after having departed from, the wombs of their mothers), not to mention that an estimated 600 - 1000 trillion dollars that such childen ought to have inherited has been appropriated via the appropriation, counterfeiting and extortion of the Committee of 300 to the children of the slavekeeper class - since such restitution-making constitutes the burden RJM understands himself to be bound to continue to bear pursuant to the contents of Matt. 11:30, as such have been adequately and infallibly explicated via the authority instituted in Matt. 16:18). (Time and space have not permitted enumerations of the defraudments of the protection of the Commerce, General Health and Welfare, Right to have the Laws Faithfully Executed, Supremacy, Right to a Republican Form of Government, Equal Protection, War Powers, Takings, Originization, Natural Born Citizen, Clauses, nor the 9th and 10th Amendments, and other guarantees of consideration instituted into the compact between the government and its citizens which all are obliged to protect which is supposed to be providing a structure within whose requirements and restrictions all government activity is supposed to be kept conducted, herein, but FTR, the author of the email in re which this conveyance is contained remains committed to fight against the arrogations, encroachments, usurpations, and depradations with which this Country's burden-bearers have become so painfully familiar, through his dying breath. [Add - Right to evidence of atrocities perpetrated by C of 300 controlled govt kept out of purview via invocation of law enforcement/national security privilege(s)]]
No order included - ran out of time. Order for this motion will be included in next component of this document, Providence permitting. The Court can use the orders most recently transmitted to it in re this motion.