What the Legacy of 9/11/01 Could Have Been (Defined in the Alternative as the Burden Which Was Tragically Left Unborne)
On 9/11/01, 23 Members of the New York City, NY, Police Department Lost Their Lives in Endeavors Ordered to the Rescue of Citizens Trapped in the World Trade Center's North and South Towers ("23 Victims of the Controlled Demolitions of the WTC", "23 Slaughtered Collateral Damage and Tragedy Exploited, Goyim", "23 Burnt Offerings to Satan via his Synagogue (Apoc. 2.9, 3.9"), "23 Ambushed Goyim" - "23AG") , Without Their Having Been Informed Prior to the Implementation of Such Attempted Rescues that the Buildings into which they Entered on that fateful day had been Rigged with Explosives. Concern for the Members of the NYC Port Authority and NYC, Fire Department who lost their lives on 9/11/01 and the next of kin of all such individuals is incorporated into the 23AG nominative.
This document is a component part of the implementation of measures implemented for the purposes of the bringing of the entirety of the perpetrators of the atrocity perpetrated on that day to justice, of making the dependents of those who lost their lives from the detonation of such explosives whole to the extent such objective can ever be adequately accomplished in the theatre of human earthly existence in the type of situation this document concerns, and of the establishing of future and checks and balances protocols for such type situation(s) for the purpose of ensuring that no individuals who would ever find themselves in the position of having been ordered to enter a distressed building and/or any other similar structure in the type of situation the First Responders encountered on 9/11/01, would ever have to comply with any such order under pain of any type of penalty for any noncompliance wherewith, w/o the provision for the conducting of an investigation into the situation sufficiently thorough to ensure the adequate accommodation of any and all reliance interests implicated in any such type situation which would be of a type whose legitimacy could not be disputed upon any rational basis, prior to the initiation of any foray into any such type structure
It is dedicated to the spouses, children, parents and siblings of all of the deceased First Responders, referenced herein as well as those permanently disabled or otherwise seriously injured in the venture referenced herein, to the children of Afghanistan who have been killed or permanently disabled or have lost parents in the War of Aggression upon that Country which resulted from that Atrocity of 9/11/01, without any Afghan's ever having been provided any opportunity to impeach the imputations of culpabiity for such atrocity in an adversarial proceeding not undeserving of the appellation, nor even in any such type proceeding undeserving of such appellation, and to all of the world's present "Jn. 21;15's" and whatever posterity Providence might permit .
How different a place the world would be today, had the 23AG's refused to enter the WTC on 9/11/01 upon the basis that the situation then and there encountered fit the profile of the First WTC Attack on ...and the OK City Attack of 4/19/1995, as well as that referenced in the Northwoods Agreement of 196.. and the Project for a New American Century's "Pearl Harbor Event" necessary to catalyze the subsumption of the nominal u.s. of A. into a "New World Order", and that this being the case, their actual burden as Oath Swearers to the Upholding of the Constitution of the u.s. of A., or at least any and all components whereof not incompatible with the law written on every man's heart (Rom. 2:17), which is to say to the accommodation of any and all reliance interests whose legitimacy could be adequately demonstrated and could not be legitimately denied, was to conduct investigation into the condition of the buildings they were ordered to enter in order to ensure that the only hazards they were facing in entering such buildings were those caused by the impacts in the higher stories of such buildings before venturing into such buildings
Had the 23AG's refused to enter such buildings, it might have been possible for many, if not all of them to survive the controlled demolition of such buildings which followed their entrance whereinto, and then to participate in a "locking down" of the entirety of the evidence regarding the actual causes of the buildings collapsing in conjunction with militia members arriving in NYC from all over the Country for the purpose of lending aid in disaster relief and securing the evidence of the actual causes of the collapse of such buildings, access to which the public and posterity were and remain indisputably entitled (Branzburg v Hayes (_U.S._)) and any warmblooded representatives of any NY State and/or Federal Entities who ended up being summonsed to the crime scene, or at the very least commencing an insurrection, if the commencement of such would have been necessary to secure such evidence before it was destroyed, as it, of course, was.
Damages - for pain and suffering of relatives, punitive damages as multiplier of compensation provided.
Criminal prosecutions for murder, 18 USC 242.
Operation Reconstruct and so, Rescue, the Haven in the Heartless World or Enter into Eternity in the Venture