note - if the soul to which this document would have been transmitted has not been FAPP abandoned by God, this document was not intended for you, but the related doc for unabanondoned souls was - plz excuse the mistake
Disclaimer –
Introduction - Within the restrictions in effect from the strict prohibitions upon fraternizing and proselytizing promulgated in the ISMA code of conduct upon its members, apology is herein conveyed for the time and energy consumed in anyone’s reading this disclaimer, if such should not ultimately redound to the improvement of the prospects for the eternal salvation of a given soul. Without the use of this disclaimer, RJM fears that progress in the completion of various cooperative ventures in which … and RJM would ever be mutually involved would have to be interrupted frequently in order for RJM to make the seemingly never ending collection of clarifications and corrections which RJM has had to make in the past in order to avoid the evident incurrment of complicity in the evident sin(s) of another, in situations similar to those which this conveyance concerns, above all in situations in which anyone would convey information in which one of the presumptions implicitly present wherein would be that it would be possible for a soul to be saved without its possessing sanctifying grace at the moment of its entrance into eternity and/or that sanctifying grace could ever be possessed by anyone who at any given juncture at which any assessment of the matters concerned would ever be conducted, would not be adhering to the entirety of the Doctrinal Promulgations of the Demonstrably Non-inauthentic Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church to a measure at which the moral liability of a given soul would not have been left in any condition other than one of having been "adequately covered", and hence, be a member whereof .
AG, RBD – periodic notification to anyone and everyone involved in any and all cooperative venture(s) in which RJM would ever be involved, issued for the purpose of RJM’s endeavoring to ensure that the aggregate consequence(s) of RJM’s overall record of activity in matters concerning ……… would not be that RJM would have incurred culpability for any sin, much less any grave sin attributable to RJM’s not having been concerned enough about the eternal salvation of the soul of … to have required himself to make any and all fraternal corrections which evidently would have ever been required by the requirements of the moral law in a given instance and in every instance – “It is the comparatively informed understanding of RJM that your soul has been “abandoned by God” and that activity conducted by you has continued to be conducted in the condition created by such abandonment. The evidentiary basis for this conclusion is as follows:….
AG, RBD – periodic notification issued for the purpose of RJM’s endeavoring to ensure that, at the very least, the aggregate consequence(s) of RJM’s overall record of activity in matters concerning ……… would not be that RJM would have incurred culpability for any sin, much less any grave sin attributable to RJM’s not having been concerned enough about the eternal salvation of the soul of … to have required himself to make any and all fraternal corrections which evidently would have ever been required by the requirements of the moral law in a given instance and in every instance – “It is the comparatively informed understanding of RJM that your soul has not been entirely “abandoned by God” but that any expenditures of non unlimited time and/or resources which might be expended for the purpose of endeavoring to convince you of areas in which you would have to modify those components of the modus operandi according to which activity conducted by you in regard to which RJM is cognizant has been conducted in order for you to prevent the ultimate catastrophic loss - that of your eternal soul other than prayers, penances and sacrifices (what is known in credible moral theology manuals as the “interior apostolate”) would constitute an unjustified expenditure of non unlimited time and resources which evidently could have been more fruitfully used in other theatres and in the completion of other projects as RJM continues to labor to make a contribution to the fulfillment of the mandate referenced in Jn. 21:15 and Matt. 28:20, as the parameters of such have been defined by the contents of credible moral theology texts and a number of encyclicals issued by various Popes over the past several centuries – ( that is a contribution to what Pope Pius XI in the 1935 encyclical “Ad Sacerdoti Catholici” referenced as the “Catholic Cause”) sufficiently substantial to enable RJM to escape the issuance of the judicial determination and sentencing referenced in Matt. 25:41, and that activity conducted by you has continued to be conducted in the condition created by such not complete abandonment. The evidentiary basis for this conclusion is as follows:….
AG, RBD – periodic notification issued for the purpose of RJM’s endeavoring to ensure that the aggregate consequence(s) of RJM’s overall record of activity in matters concerning ……… would not be that RJM would have incurred culpability for any sin, much less any grave sin attributable to RJM’s not having been concerned enough about the eternal salvation of the soul of … to have required himself to make any and all fraternal corrections which evidently would have ever been required by the requirements of the moral law in a given instance and in every instance – “It is the comparatively informed understanding of RJM that your soul has not been entirely “abandoned by God” and that activity conducted by you has continued to be conducted in the condition created by such abandonment. The evidentiary basis for this conclusion is as follows:….