Institute of St. Michael the Archangel

Superior Service Testimonial and Nomination

The contribution over the past two months of Bestbuy Geek Squad Technician Kimberly Walker (Wrightwood St., Chicago, IL) to Robert J. More's ("RJM"'s) endeavors to bear RJM's burden emanating from the contents of the Decalogue in regard to various matters is herein acknowledged and this most knowledgeable and capable Technician is herein nominated for a promotion.

The presence of mind, concern to accomodate legitimate reliance interests, conscientiousness, diligence, computer knowledge and expertise, and general evident concern for the maintenance of maximum value in the consideration present in the contracts into which RJM entered with Bestbuy in regard to the purchase of a.) a Trio tablet purchased in August of 2015, and b.) the Acer One 10 Computer purchased on 11/18/15, has been impressive to substantially understate the case.

In a nutshell, Ms. Walker has contributed substantially to the empowerment of RJM and RJM, having been so empowered, is now more capable of empowering and assisting others to secure all that is deserving and needing of security, and ultimately to procure deliverance from all evil (Mt. 6:13)

This testimonial is issued subject to the procural of the approval in re whereto of the Exec Committee of the ISMA according to all rules, regulations and/or restrictions applicable to the issuance of this type document. The recipient whereof and/or anyone else this document concerns would be welcome to contact the author whereof in regard to any assistance which might ever be needed in order for such recipient to adequately bear the burdens needing bearing in order to assure the eventual "entrance into life" (Mt. 19:17).

For all of the reasons set forth herein supra and for reasons a more complete explication of which would necessarily be beyond the scope of this document, the testimonial referenced herein is entered into the annals of the ISMA and transmitted to appropriate parties.

Robert J. More ISMA Br. #4, AAA – on behalf of the Executive Committee of the ISMA


..Note: If any of the recipients of the SST's included in this document complain to RJM that no copy of this document ended up in the personal file of each respectively as such is amenable to inspection twice a year pursuant to IL Law (815 ILCS.../...-...), RJM will inquire into such situation upon his receiving notice of such condition of the non-presence wherein. ..

All disclaimers, reservations, and/or provisions for modification(s) apply.

Join the Catholic Version of Oathkeepers –and help stop the destruction of the Republic– today!!!!!!!!!!! Invitation is herein extended to anyone reading this conveyance to support and use the support of the ISMA as the ISMA participates in joint cooperative ventures with the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association and Oathkeepers for that purpose!!!

At: "" is posted a document which, pursuant to the Code of Conduct of the ISMA, I have committed myself to transmit to others in circumstances of the type present in regard to the circumstances presently encountered. In a nutshell, I am an adherent to the Plain Language Meaning of the 1442 Papal Encyclical Cantate Domino, to the 1928 Papal Promulgation regarding the requirements for modesty in dress and to the 1928 Encyclical Mortalium Annos restricting the association of Catholics with Non-Catholics to matters not distinctively religious in character.

This document has been presented pursuant to the provisions of Luke 9:26 and Canon 1325.1 of the 1917 CCL, delineating my moral burden as i understand it in re whereto. Thank you for reading it to this point if you have done so. If anyone would possibly ever have any question(s) he or she might possibly be interested in positing to me in re these or any other suchlike matter, I can be reached at: 608 445-5181 or at:, and likewise for any assistance I might ever be capable of providing to help anyone procure eventual deliverance from all evils (Mt. 6:13).

Robert J. More - Heb. 10:31, Jas. 2:13, 1 Cor. 10:13