Superior Service Testimonial
ISMA AAA for Br. #4, Robert J. More ("RJM") herein bears witness that City of Chicago Police Officer ...Cole has in fact provided invaluable assistance in securing RJM's opportunity on a number of occasions to address the Police Board of the City of Chicago for which RJM ought evidently be and in fact is, not at all ungrateful, but is rather most grateful.
Thus, on behalf of everything warmblooded, but obviously not by any express designation, RJM herein acknowledges such contribution to the component of the Catholic Cause (Ad Sacerdoti Catholici, 1935) in regard to which RJM understands that RJM will eventually have to provide an accounting.
The protocols of the presently operative promulgation regarding the burden of ISMA members to demonstrate sufficient concern for the eternal welfare of both those whose activity would ever have evidently benefitted the Catholic Cause in any given instance and any and everyone whose prospects for a favorable eternal disposition of soul would ever have been effected by any activity referenced in any SST ever promulgated, and/or stand to be effected by any conveyance of any ISMA member of the type this document constitutes, require RJM to comment that form "ismacan1325cocupdate62315.html", which can be accessed at the URL included in the ULC of this document applies to this SST and that RJM would understand that the requirements of the moral law applicable to the matter here in issue as postulated in that document do require that females have to attire themselves in a form not incompatible with the protocols referenced in that document and that according to the Dimonds (Most Holy Family "Monastery", Fillmore, NY) Pope Pius XI expressly condemned the concept of females participating in military combat, though RJM admits that it is not entirely clear to RJM what the entirety of the implications of such condemnation are in regard to the execution by a female of the authority of a domestic police officer, nor the character of the canonization of St. Joan of Arc.
Since amongst those things that will ultimately possess eternal significance, regardless of how matters may ever appear in the theatre of earthly existence, none will be more important than the issue for a given soul of whether that soul will possess the grace of justification at the moment that either Christ returns (..:.) or such soul is subject to an individual pre-return of Christ entrance into eternity, activity audit (Heb. 9:27), should it enter into eternity before Christ returns, RJM could not see any legitimate alternative other than to include this version of a "witness bearing/fraternal correction" in this document, regardless of the burdens compliance with the requirements of the moral law would require bearing in any given instance.
If there is any area of RJM's own moral liability which is presently in a condition of not having been adequately "covered" and/or if it should ever become evident to any reader of this document that any such type condition would ever be the present, RJM would be most grateful to receive notice of any such type evident non-compliance, given the eternal consequences to RJM of his encountering his own record of activity audit w/o the possession of the grace of justification, prior to the execution of such audit.
Robert J. More, AAA, ISMA Br. #4 7/10/15
Any and all applicable disclaimers, reservations and/or qualifiers in place in the ISMA COC apply to this SST.