Institute of St. Michael the Archangel

Superior Service Testimonial and Nomination

The contribution in late August of 2015 of City of Chicago Police Department Officer Darnall and his partner and the officers in Squadrol # 9238 ("D9238") to Robert J. More's ("RJM") endeavors to bear RJM's burden emanating from the contents of the Decalogue in regard to various matters is herein acknowledged and likewise in regard to similar burdens of the others involved in the matters this document concerns, and D9238 (is) (are) herein nominated for inclusion in ISMA's "500 Assets Which the City of Chicago Can Evidently Least Afford to Lose".

The presence of mind, concern to accomodate legitimate reliance interests, conscientiousness, and general evident concern for the maintenance/restoration of appropriate priorities in the conducting of government activity demonstrated by D9238 in August of 2105 in the Pilsen neighborhood in the property ownership dispute this document concerns constituted for RJM and the others concerned ("RJM et al.") an instrument of "deliverance from the distress of unclear and disputed claims to property ownership" which RJM et al were encountering at the time of such intervention.

For all of the reasons set forth herein, if D9238 ordinarily and customarily conduct(s) activity conducted by each of them according to the priorities according to which the activity referenced herein was conducted, then each of them is herein nominated for immediate promotion in the CPD, as each such officer appears to not lack the requisite capacities and priorities necessary to adequately bear the burdens of a commanding officer in a policing entity, which claim cannot be legitimately posited in regard to most members of the CPD in regard to whose records of activity, respectively, RJM is to some extent, cognizant, and each of such officers is most definitely, evidently one of the 500 assets which Chicago can least afford to lose. This testimonial was first referenced in the Chicago Police Bd. Mtg. on 9/17/15.

This testimonial is issued subject to the procural of the approval in re whereto of the Exec Committee of the ISMA according to all rules, regulations and/or restrictions applicable to the issuance of this type document. The recipient whereof and/or anyone else this document concerns would be welcome to contact the author whereof.

For all of the reasons set forth herein supra and for reasons a more complete explication of which would necessarily be beyond the scope of this document, the testimonial referenced herein is entered into the annals of the ISMA and transmitted to appropriate parties.

Robert J. More ISMA Br. #4, AAA – on behalf of the Executive Committee of the ISMA


..Note: If any of the recipients of the SST's included in this document complain to RJM that no copy of this document ended up in the personal file of each respectively as such is amenable to inspection twice a year pursuant to IL Law (815 ILCS.../...-...), RJM will inquire into such situation upon his receiving notice of such condition of the non-presence wherein. ..

All disclaimers, reservations, and/or provisions for modification(s) apply.

Join the Catholic Version of Oathkeepers –and help stop the destruction of the Republic– today!!!!!!!!!!! Invitation is herein extended to anyone reading this conveyance to support and use the support of the ISMA as the ISMA participates in joint cooperative ventures with the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association and Oathkeepers for that purpose!!!