Rescindment of Superior Service Testimonial, Nomination and Pledge of Assistance in Regard to Any and All Endeavors Undertaken to Rescue the Non-counterfeit Version of the Rule of Law Before Developments Reach a Juncture At Which There Will Be Nothing Left to Rescue

For reasons which evidently need (not) be explicated in detail, providence permitting, on any future date, ________________________, the SSTNPOA issued in regard to ___________________ is herein rescinded for the following reasons _________________________. This rescindment has been issued subject to the procural of the approval in re whereto of the Exec Committee of the ISMA according to all rules, regulations and/or restrictions applicable to the issuance of this type document.

For all of the reasons set forth herein supra and for reasons a more complete explication of which would necessarily be beyond the scope of this document, the rescindment referenced herein is entered into the annals of the ISMA.

___________________ (ISMA Member and Title) ISMA Br. __, AA or AAA – on behalf of the Executive Committee of the ISMA


Nomination for the Single Most Substantial Prevention of Detriment Defined as: ________________________

The demeritorious activity referenced herein supra is also nominated for the administration of a distinction of notoriety for reasons which will be explicated, if necessary, in the future.

_______________________________, ISMA Member Signature

All disclaimers, reservations, and/or provisions for modification(s) apply.

Invitation is herein extened to join the Catholic Version of Oathkeepers –and help stop the destruction of the republic– today!!!!!!!!!!! and to support the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Assocation in any and every way possible - these Sheriffs and PO's have put their necks on the line to stop any imposition of martial law and the genocide in progress, in general. How could anything warmblooded not stand shoulder to shoulder with them in this supereminently important cause?? (cf, Divini Redemptoris, 1937 - Pope Pius XI regarding propiety of priorities in any arrangement in which one's Country is under attack).

Note to recipient - if this document does not end up in your employment file within 60 days of its delivery, if ISMA would be notified of such condition, an investigation would be conducted to ensure that it would eventually get inserted wherein. If it would not have been posted at the URL listed in the ULC herein supra within 90 days, you would be welcome to contact the ISMA in such regard to eventually get it so posted.