#thirstforjustice.tripod.com/ismawddrjm6211.html#################First Superseding wrongful death Distribution Designation of Estate of RJM should RJM end up getting murdered, of 6/2/11 to be Superseded without any causing of any detriment to any legitimate reliance interest which might ever become present/accrue in regard thereto between the Feast of the Assumption of the BVM and All Saints Day of 2011 Any and all assets in any wrongful death lawsuit of RJM - beyond amounts and percentages of amounts for which contingency has already been made in RJM�s presently pending will. 1. Permanent disability fund for anyone permanently disabled fighting the N.W.O. takeover. 2. Permanent disability fund for anyone permanently disabled in any rescue endeavor involving the use of physical force of a victim of attempted murder such as in the Teresa Schiavo case. 3. Fund to support members of policing entities and/or the military and/or any judge who would incur injury of whatever type in endeavoring to foil the genocide presently in progress and/or any particular atrocity conduced within such. 4. Hospice for Infirm and/or Disabled validly ordained priests who would accept the Plain Language Meaning of the Dogma EENS. 5. Fund to subsidize Jeff Lonigro�s educational program of his own and whatever other children he could afford to educate and train to become �complete packages� in the tradition of King St. Louis IX. 6. Special Prosecutor Project 7. Gratitude Fund to be Disbursed to FEMA redlisters for the contribution their activity has made over the past 40 years to deterring the Edomites from endeavoring to commence the final phase of their genocide of the 5.1billion non-Chinese goyim and 90% of the Chinese Goyim/485 million goyim retention program. 8. Gratitude Fund to be disbursed to a list of persons from whose activity RJM understands that RJM has especially benefited over his 51 years on earth. 9. Fund to subsidize the provision for the sustenance, protection, education and training by either Jeff Lonigro and/or Bradley Ball or anyone of demonstrated equal capacity to adequately raise children, approved by both JL and BB of any children under the age of 7 for the period in which a given child would be under the age of 7, or any children over the age of 7 who upon examination could be identified as a �presumptive possessor of sanctifying grace� of any person who would be a parent of such type child who would be permanently disabled or killed by a member of ISMA in any engagement involving the use of force by a member of ISMA through the 18th birthday of such child. 10. Fund to compensate any individual who would be permanently disabled by a terrorist attack (�atrocity�) perpetrated by any entity and/or person(s) other than an Edomite sponsored atrocity which it would be proven in an ISMA court would not have occurred had measures classified and presented as �protections from terrorist attacks� and suchlike for the members of the American population which have been implemented since 1967 in the u.S. of A.- according to an argument that such were necessary to prevent terrorist attacks, not have been rescinded, removed and/or eliminated, should the removal, recission and/or elimination of such have been accomplished prior to the perpetration of any such type atrocity. 11. Fund to finance free and clean energy development. 12. Fund to finance food repositories providing only the bare minimum necessary for human subsistence and adequate physical and mental development provided as a corporal work of mercy to replace forever the present welfare state food distribution entitlements which require the confiscation at gunpoint of the resources of burden-bearing citizens and are used for the purchase of countless items of no nutritional value by individuals who contribute nothing to the bearing of the burdens of the maintenance of the social order (�the members of the entitlement recipient class�). 13. A Fund to compensate the victims of predations perpetrated by individuals wearing a ring with the name of the Mother of God upon it. 14. A bounty fund to provide rewards to individuals succeeding in getting various predation perpetrating government officials removed from office and stripped of any and all pension and insurance payments. 15. A bounty fund to provide rewards to individuals succeeding in procuring criminal convictions of various predation perpetrating government officials and other predation perpetrators. 16. A bounty fund, which in the case of the recovery of the control of the money supply of the u.S. of A. from the Edomite bankers who presently control it to compensate individuals whose activity would have been proven to have been indispensable in the accomplishment of such objective. 17. A bounty fund, which in the case of the recovery of the money and/or assets presently in the possession of the members of the ten Edomite banking families whose net worth is an estimated 1000 trillion dollars would have been proven to have been indispensable in the accomplishment of such objective. 18. A Bounty fund to provide reward(s) for anyone who would avenge the atrocities of the following persons, 1. Theresa Schiavo, 2. Terrence Yeakey, 3. Bradley Duochette, 4. John O�Neill, 5. Gordon Kahl, 5. Pat Tillman, 6. Any and/or all of the members of the Barksdale Nine, 7. The members of the U.S.S. Liberty who lost their lives in 1967 and/ro were permanently disabled by the unprovoked attack thereupon, 8. The victims of the Atrocity perpetrated on 9/11/2001 in the u.S. of A, 9. The pro-lifer murdered in MI in 2009, 10. The victims of the First World Trade Center bombing in 1993, 11. The victims of the Controlled Demolition of the Lake Ponchtarain Levy in 9/2005, if such demolition is what actually was perpetrated, 12. The victims of the OK City Bombing in 1995. 19. The Construction and maintenance of a Shrine to the Blessed Virgin Mary demonstrating her adoring her Divine Son - His Majesty Christus Rex - the Omnipotent Avenger (Heb. 10:31) (which is actually the first priority) somewhere upon which in the least, lowest and last place (maybe on the bottom and back of the statute) would be included an apology from that lowliest of His Majesty�s foot soldiers, Mr. Robert J. More for how appallingly and embarrassingly little such wretched and infirm subject of His Majesty contributed to His Majesty�s ultimate, irrevocable and all-encompassing conquest over evil and to the salvation of souls, during RJM�s tour of duty in the theatre of earthly existence. 20. A fund to compensate any proven victims of RJM�s non-utilization of physical force in circumstances in which hindsight would demonstrate that such non-utilization would have been morally unjustifiable and would have caused a provable unjustified injury. 21. Scholarships for para-military training and/or training in any of the various ISMA satellite areas # ###############################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################