www.thirstforjustice.net (rjack6-1-11)
Add Damnum - $1,650.00 – R. Jack, $5,000.00 - CCSA
Jury Trial Demand Included Herein
Robert More, Estate of Robert J. More, ISMA Campaign to Make the World Safe for Innocence Once Again, Estate of Robert J. More, Co-plaintiffs, Elizabeth, Luke, Henry, Vincent, Blaise, Lonigro – Assignee Plaintiffs
v Circuit Court Case No.
Robert Jack, Office of the Cook County, IL, State’s Attorney (“CCSA”) Representative John Doe, CCSA, City of Chicago, IL Police Department (all individual Defendants named herein are sued in their official and individual capacities & all Municipal Government Entities named herein are sued as Monell v Dept. of Social Services of the City of New York, Defendants)
Initial Component of Complaint of 6/1/11 to be Superseded by 7/15/11
His Omnipotence, Christus Rex still not having returned to conclusively avenge the countless predation perpetrations, crimes and atrocities by which He has permitted Himself to continue to be so egregiously offended – including those referenced herein, the Chair of Peter/the Holy See/the Apostolic See (Matt, 16:18) still remaining vacant, RJM still not having procured the type of individual reprieve of the type collectively referenced in Matt. 24:20, which RJM has continued to so unabatedly seek - notwithstanding that the non-provision whereof may in fact be because either RJM still does not possess sanctifying grace, or the fact that he has for all practical purposes been permanently abandoned by God, which is evidently the condition of the vast majority of the members of the society in which this Complaint is being filed, the members of the Committee of 300 still not having been disgorged of the estimated 1000 trillion dollars they have so wrongly and indeed murderously, taken from the world’s goyim, the control of the money supply of the u.s. of A. not yet having been returned to the Constitution of the u.s. A.’s Art. 1 Section 8, Cl 5 requirement, the safeguards of the non-counterfeit version of the Rule of Law not yet having been recovered, the members of the Committee of 300 and their murderous mercenaries not yet having been punished for the predations perpetrated by them, martial Law still not having been imposed on a nationwide scale 27 years after the establishment of Readiness Exercise 84 (“REX 84”), the Federal Government and its political subdivisions in this Country, still not yet having been abolished notwithstanding the enormous net detriment to all legitimate interests which it is RJM’s informed understanding results from the activity whereof (notwithstanding the considerable efforts RJM has continued to make to contribute to the accomplishment of such objective(s)), the ISMA still not having issued RJM any dispensation from its general requirement that no nihil obstat will be issued for the contra-predatory vigilante retribution administration rectification of a given predation perpetration unless and until a given petitioner wherefore would have demonstrated that procurement of consideration the issuance of any nihil obstat would effect could not have been procured via the access to systems and methods which are supposed to be available for such according to the plain language meaning of the Constitution of the u.s. of A. and all legitimate laws emanating wherefrom, and RJM still not having procured any “declaration of the unconstitutionality as applied of the provisions of the criminal code of the State of IL”, RJM did not see that he was left with any choice except to file this complaint at the comparatively enormous burden imposed upon RJM’s exercise of natural law rights – which he understands that he lacks the authority to leave unutilized for the purpose of his continuing endeavor to bear that share of the burden referenced in Matt. 11:30 which he has to bear in order to fulfill the purpose for which he was created.
This complaint is being filed according to the priorities, points of reference and criteria according to which all complaints filed by Robert J. More (“RJM”) are filed which can be ascertained via the consideration of the contents of the complaint captioned “More v Pavnica,…Univ. of Notre Dame” and the documents which are referenced wherein, which complaint and documents are all accessible at the URL whose address is included in the ULC of this document via the accessing of the downlink titled (most recent…), most especially those titled and/or coded Roman Catholic Dispute Resolution Chart (RCDRC…), ((ISMApwcs5-17-11) – now superseded by: “ISMApwcs5-22-11”) and the “Declaration of Unconstitutionality…RJM” (decuncon….).
Had the conditions presently prevailing in this Country regarding the investigation, prosecution and punishment of crime been what they were in England in 1791 (the SCOTUS’es definition of the “common law” – Thompson v Utah, (_U.S._)), RJM understands that it would have been far less likely that the crime and tort this complaint concerns would ever have been perpetrated. As matters stand, Robert Jack has demonstrated an ongoing willingness to perpetrate and to endeavor to perpetrate the crimes of theft, false pretenses, and trespass amongst others via the stealing of money, and personal possessions from the lockers of Bally Total Fitness Members and Guests, into which he procures entry via the use of a boltcutter to cut locks, and any expectation that the astronomically expensive machinery of the police state presently operative in this Country, and County and City to get him adequately punished for the predations he perpetrates in such instances and has continued to perpetrate for several years in a serial pattern would evidently be entirely unjustified. The case this complaint concerns (“this case”) provides another textbook example of the how desperate the need for “Contra-predatory Vigilante Retribution Administration and Correlative Predation Deterrence, Without the Incurrment of the Burden of Having to Clear a Fugitive Status From Any Utilization Whereof” (not to imply given the plethora of examples already available in this regard that there could ever be any need of still another, even as further examples in regard to such matter come into existence daily and hourly in the continued deterioration and descent of the vestiges and remnants of what was centuries ago known as “Christendom” into an ever deepening barbarity) indisputably is.
It is RJM’s understanding that the CCSA and its representative have incurred criminal and tort liability for the deprivation of a right guaranteed by the Constitution of the u.s. of A. in that its representative demanded at what RJM, unarmed at the time, construed to constitute constructive gun point, that RJM depart an Office of the CCSA without RJM’s having procured answers to the questions which RJM had posited on 6/2/11 or 6/3/11 to such Office, regarding the institution of criminal charges against R. Jack, and in that such representative then refused to provide RJM his name, and later lied to CCSA Investigator Finn in regard to the matter, according to Finn claiming that he had provided RJM a card with his name included whereupon. RJM does not know exactly whether the CPD has incurred any tort and/or criminal liability, in regard to the matters this complaint concerns, as there is another year on the criminal statute of limitations (“SOL”) for the theft of the amount of money and property stolen from RJM on 6/1/09. To be continued, augmented and/or superseded
Rebates will be offered to City of Chicago, IL, and/or Cook County, IL, residents who fit a certain profile from whatever would be recovered from the prosecution of the case this complaint concerns (“this case”) from either of the government defendants included herein. The formulas which RJM requires himself to use in every case ever litigated in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL, will, Providence permitting, be included in the component of this complaint filed on 7/15/11, or will be added as soon as possible after such date in a form considerably expanded beyond what has been included herein in such regard.
Since this complaint most definitely states a cause of action, according to which relief can be granted by a Court conducting activity in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL (“CCCC”) even in the unexpanded form in which it has been submitted on 6/1/11 for approval of the IL SCR 298 petition which accompanies it, any conjectural non-granting of such petition would result in RJM’s demanding an audio-recorded audience with any judge who might deny the SCR 298 petition without providing an explanation which would demonstrate that any conjectural denial whereof would possess legitimacy on 6/1/11 and RJM would demand that whatever consideration might have to be provided in order to enable RJM to ensure the preservation of the right to participate in such type audio-reocorded audience would not be denied him and the rest of “We the People….”
Jurisdiction And Venue
This Court, being a state court of general jurisdiction, possesses—pursuant to § 9 of Art. VI of the Illinois Constitution and the Declaratory Action Act 735 ILCS 5/2-701, subject matter jurisdiction to entertain and to decide Plaintiff’s justiciable claims of a common law, statutory law, and equitable nature, as the State Courts of the State of IL are courts of general and unlimited jurisdiction. Herb v Pitcairn (_U.S._). The claims of a federal constitutional dimension included herein are subject to this Court’s jurisdiction pursuant to the authority postulated in among other SCOTUS opinions those of Herb supra, Claflin v Houseman (_U.S._) and Lockerty v Phillips (_U.S._) which point the Supreme Court of the State of IL had to explain to the IL App. Ct, First District in the opinion recently postulated in Blount v Stroud ( _ Ill. 3d _) notwithstanding that the judges of such Appellate Court are receiving the quantum of compensation they are receiving and that they are all supposed to have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution of the u.s. of A.
B) All Parties include in this complaint are located in or reside in, or were conducting the activity in regard to which the claims herein addressed concern, in Cook County, IL, so this Court possesses personal jurisdiction over all Defendants listed herein.
(more definite factual predicates to be included in superseding components of this complaint after file containing documentation of gravamen of developments this complaint concerns created at time of transpiring of such developments will have been located– “MDFPISCC”)
Barest minimum of factual predicates necessary to sustain claims concerned until Defendants answer complaint:
On 6/1/09, RJM redeemed a postal money order (“PMO”) for $500.00 at the U.S. Post Office at 230 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, IL sometime between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m.
RJM had $45.00 in cash in his possession prior to such redemption.
RJM proceeded immediately directly to Bally Total Fitness at 25 E. Washington St., Chicago, IL 60603, entered the facility whereof and deposited all of the possessions he then had in his possession into a locker in the mens’ lockeroom whereof, including the $545.00 and proceeded to depart such lockerroom.
At some time between 15:00 and 15:30 RJM returned to such locker to procure a clean shirt, which RJM did accomplish.
Between 17:00 and 18:00 on 6/1/11 (more definite factual predicates to be included in superseding components of this complaint after file containing documentation of gravamen of developments this complaint concerns created at time of transpiring of such developments will have been located– “MDFPISCC”) RJM returned to his locker and noticed that the door whereof was ajar.
RJM exclaimed in surprise something to the effect of “What…?” MDFPISCC.
RJM fully opened the door and saw his windbreaker off the hook and lying on his book bag on the floor of the locker. Two years after the date of the occurrence of the conversion this complaint concerns, RJM is now trying to remember whether the cut lock was also lying with the windbreaker in the bottom of the locker.
RJM noticed that the zipper of his waist pack was open and when RJM examined it, he noticed that the $545.00 had been removed and that the pack of plastic ID cards etc present wherein was no longer intact.
Exactly what transpired in the succeeding 5 minutes may not be important so RJM omits providing any chronicling whereof.
Between 5-10 minutes after RJM had noticed the theft and RJM went upstairs to inform BTF Manager K. Ebner (“BTFMKE”) whereof, RJM was sitting in front of the locker assessing the situation.
At that juncture another member (approx 69” tall, 155 lbs, 25-30 year old dark skinned black male) whom RJM later learned is named “Elijah Thiam” (“ET”) opened the door of the locker next to that of RJM and exclaimed that his cell phone had been stolen.
RJM and ET then posted signs on both lockers notifying members and guests of BTF to refrain from using such lockers until such signs would have been removed.
On 6/2 or 6/3 of ’09 the Chicago Police Department Evidence Technician took a finger print of both lockers.
Within a week, BTFMKE, had informed RJM that he had video of a man later identified as Robert Jack departing the locker-room during the period in which the items referenced herein had been removed from the lockers referenced herein with a large gym bag and that he likewise had video of him entering such in such period before the video camera had demonstrated his departing it.
BTF 25 E. Washington St. Security Guard, Cornmeier (sp?) informed RJM that he had seen the individual now identified as R. Jack (“Jack”) during the period referenced herein and that Jack had made some type of comment to him in the form of small talk.
By the end of the week ending 6/5/09 RJM had procured a video from the 25 E. Washington St. Bldg Management Company’s Security in which Jack is filmed leaving BTF and the building just before the time that RJM had noticed the theft.
All videos and other evidence referenced anywhere herein, will be produced at any trial and/or any prove up ever conducted in regard to the matters this complaint concerns (“this case”).
On 6/2 or 6/3 of ’09 RJM accessed the Office of the CCSA on the North side of the Cook County, IL, Bldg at 69 W. Washington St. Chicago, Il in order to procure information regarding the requirements for the commencement of a criminal prosecution against Jack so that subpoenas could be issued enabling RJM to either get Jack’s residence searched for “instrumentalities and fruits” of the crime referenced herein before such could be destroyed, discarded or otherwise rendered unavailable, or so that RJM could search such himself.
While RJM was talking on the phone to ET at the desk of the receptionist in such office, a man in a suit entered the office and said to RJM “You have to leave!?”
RJM inquired – “Who are you?’
The man said, “ I’m the police.”
RJM is only too familiar with the headbusting and/or wanna be headbusting jackbooted thugs that the CCSA employs as its weight throwing around, heavy handed, predation perpetrating, warm-blooded and especially baptized warm-blooded - throat slitting, iniquity enforcement officers.
Indeed RJM still has un unsettled score with Reptile Mike Santana of the CCSA reptile pit from April 28 of 2003. – and the activity of 6/2 or 6/3 of ’09 referenced herein was a component part of the ongoing project which includes wherein a commitment to ensure that neither Reptile R. Devine, nor A. Alvarez nor any and all minions of theirs who have participated in predation perpetrations upon RJM and those entitled to consideration from RJM over the years succeed in escaping the justly deserved consequences of predatory activity conducted by them in various instances.
Indeed, RJM’s efforts over the years as component parts of “Operation Straightjacket Lucifer….” . – and the activity of 6/2 or 6/3 of ’09 referenced herein was a component part of the ongoing project which includes wherein a commitment to ensure that neither Reptile R. Devine, nor A. Alvarez nor any and all minions of theirs who have participated in predation perpetrations upon RJM and those entitled to consideration from RJM over the years succeed in escaping the justly deserved consequences of predatory activity perpetrated by them in various instances.
Realizing that RJM must be encountering another reptile who most likely possessed a gun, a taser, and/or EC spray, that RJM had no witnesses, in the midst of two employees of the CCSA (most of not all of the employees of which Office routinely lie to members of the public, not to mention the countless atrocities such members perpetrate upon warmblooded activity conductors under color of law and the pretext of legitimacy every day of the year) and that the removal of such possessions from such reptile would almost invariably result in a.) RJM’s having to employ force to depart the County Bldg on the date in issue and/or b.) RJM’s being subject to still another predatory criminal prosecution by the CCSA beyond the multitude to which RJM has already been subjected by such assortment of butchers, hacks and whores, over the past 12 years with all of the encumbrances to which anyone having a warrant out for him or her is subject, especially in regard to any incident in regard to which members of policing entities in the R. Daley Center would almost invariably be informed in short order, RJM informed the “Reptile Representative” (“RR”) that RJM did not consent to the deprivation of any constitutionally protected right(s) to which he was then being subjected, but that unless the order would then be retracted, that RJM would accede to it under protest, and with no claim to any type of consideration waived, forfeited or otherwise relinquished, attributable to such accession.
In the elevator, RJM demanded the name and title of the RR, who refused to provide such.
In the lobby, RR informed RJM that RJM had to depart from the Building, to which RJM objected that he lacked the authority to issue such type order, even if had not lacked the authority to issue the prior order.
According to the same arrangement referenced in paragraphy #25, RJM departed the building under protest.
On Friday, 6/5/11, RJM encountered some CCSA Rep named Finn who informed RJM that RR informed him that RR had provided RJM his card with his name and title on it on 6/2or 6/3/09.
After RJM had called the CCSA on numerous instances demanding the name and title of RR, so that RJM could procure an indictment and conviction of him CCSA investigator Perez interviewed RJM in regard to the matters referenced herein supra, but RJM has never received the name and title of RR to this very date and the predation perpetrations of the CCSA against RJM and everything warmblooded continue unabated to this day. The reptiles of the CCSA Office need to be brought to justice or justice needs to be brought to them so that warmblooded activity conductors are no longer left unprotected from the menace which the CCSA indisputably constitutes to everything His Omnipotence, Christus Rex can still justify not hating.
Robert Jack has been arrested since 6/1/09 for trespass upon the property of BTF and/or theft of items from its members at least twice.
Jack - 75” tall, 270 lb alleged former NFL player, who allegedly had his college scholarship revoked by the Univ of Miami, FL for attacking a coach whereof is a former employee of BTF and an individual with a long rap sheet and record of using violence to perpetrate the predations he perpetrates.
RJM is not cognizant that RJM’s endeavors to get the CPD to conduct an investigation of the theft this document concerns resulted in any expenditure of any resources other than the taking of the fingerprints referenced herein, and as RJM has come to expect, no phone call nor email RJM ever transmitted was ever answered.
The reptiles in the CPD (the estimated 85% of the entity) were evidently too busy sleeping while “on duty”, attending to their own personal affairs and/or conspiring to use their respective offices to perpetrate profitable predations against warmblooded members of the public under color of law and via the use of the machinery of the police state whose henchmen they are, which they could not succeed in perpetrating did they have to overcome the opposition of physical force in a given instance to perpetrate a given predation, all while these public payroll parasites (the 85% anyway) are reaping in $60,000.00 a year or more not even including the astronomically expensive benefit package they receive at the expense of the ever dwindling private sector burden bearing component of the population.
Count #1 – Conversion against Robert Jack
RJM incorporates by reference the entirety of paragraphs #1-34 included herein as if fully set forth herein.
The factual predicates included wherein state a cause of action for conversion in the State of IL
Wherefore, RJM herein seeks $550.00 in compensatory damages and $1100.00 in punitive damages and that the costs of this suit be assessed against Jack in regard to this Count.
Count #2 – False Imprisonment against CCSA Rep John Doe and the Office of the CCSA
RJM incorporates by reference the entirety of paragraphs #1-34 included herein as if fully set forth herein.
The factual predicates included wherein state a cause of action for false imprisonment and deprivation of a right guaranteed by the Constitution of the u.s. of A. against the CCSA Rep John Doe, and the CCSA, which deprivation is actionable via 42 USC 1983 against such Defendants.
The priorities of the CCSA are so hopelessly corrupted that it is RJM’s informed understanding that such entity and the City of Chicago must be abolished.
Count #3 – Deprivation of a Constitutionally Protected Right Against the CPD
RJM incorporates by reference the entirety of paragraphs #1-34 included herein as if fully set forth herein.
Depending upon what transpires in the future in regard to the matters this complaint concerns, if RJM incurs any detriment from the activity of the CPD referenced herein supra, RJM will plead a count for the type of deprivation referenced in the title to this count.
The priorities of the CPD are so hopelessly corrupted that it is RJM’s informed understanding that such entity and the City of Chicago must be abolished.
Counts #4-6 – Counts for Equitable Relief – to be added in superseding components of this complaint.
Plaintiff demands trial by jury in this case.
I aver that all factual averments contained herein are true.
Under penalty of perjury pursuant to the provisions of 735 ILCS 5/1-109, I aver to the veracity of all factual averments contained herein.
Robert J. More
P.O. Box 6926
Chicago, IL 60680, anselm45@gmail.com, 863 688-9880 (lv msg)