This oral conveyance constitutes notice to this Court of 7/1/15 in regard to case # 11 M1 013782 in re which a motion was set for 7/2/15, after an attempt to set it for 7/1 was rejected, that Robert J. More ("hereinafter "RJM") failed to accomplish the task he indicated in the proof of service wherefore that he - according to the tense used in such notice had accomplished as of 6/24/15, notwithstanding that the proof of service conveyance was dated 3/26/15, and failed to salvage the situation resulting from such initial compliance failure.
While RJM is not even certain that there has been any burden in this regard given that the Order issued in this case in September of 2013 prevents RJM from emailing, calling or hand-delivering any document(s) to Asst. CCSA S. Shippee, and that RJM cannot afford to use other means of delivery of documents, RJM possesses no evidence that any Defendant in this case, entitled to notice of the filing of any motion, has received notice of the motion scheduled for 7/2/15 wherein, but knowledge of the filing of such motion may, of course, have been procured independently of any service by RJM whereof.
If all D's in this case either a.) appear wherein on 7/2/15 or b.) provide explicit consent to have such motion adjudicated in the absence whereof of any of them, respectively, RJM will be available at 608 445-5181 to participate in any proceeding which might be conducted in re whereto on 7/2/15 or any other date agreeable to all concerned.
If any D in this case does not appear and the Court would contact any & all non-appearing D's, RJM will have to deal w/ whatever transpires in this regard and RJM is available to answer any question(s) in re this matter at 608 445-5181 and/or participate in any court audience in re whereto.
It is RJM's understanding that no factor relevant to this matter being left unconsidered, the claims at stake wherein have been kept adequately protected from the juncture at which such originally accrued until this moment from any legitimate claim of either any abandonment and/or any other type of relinquishment whereof and RJM has used this telephonic notice of 7/1, or 7/2 of 2015 in re this case as that method of informing this Court in re the matters this conveyance concerns which it will evidently be least difficult to justify having used - in light, inter alia of the availability of the provisions of SCR 183, to justify having used, in light, inter alia, of RJM's burden to keep expenses incurred in the continued prosecution of this case to an indispensable minimum as a component of the mitigation of damages formula used by RM in re whereto. - RJM 7/1/15
The entirety of oral notice of 7/1 or 7/2 of 2015 will be posted at: as soon as RJM can get to a computer with reliable internet connection, which Providence permitting will be w/n the next hour and also included in whatever would constitute the next filing in this case.