Document List of 12/17/15 in MA Mason/P.Beibel et al Petition for Indictment - D/L of 12/17....
1. D/L of 12/17/15 - M.A. Mason PFI - X
2. Invitation to Judge M.A. Mason to Demonstrate Non-incurrment of Criminal Culpability Regarding Her Adjudication of Case # 10 CH 26622 If She Would Consider Such Accomplishable and Be So Inclined - X
3. Invitation to Judge P. Beibel to Demonstrate Non-incurrment of Criminal Culpability Regarding His Adjudication of Case # 10 CH 26622 If He Would Consider Such Accomplishable and Be So Inclined
4. Proposed True Bill of 12/17/15 in re MAM/PB Indictments - X
5. Cover letter to FGJ Foreperson, et al - X
6. Notice to US Marshal S. Hilton
7. Notice to U.S. Marshal for N.D. of IL Darrell McPherson
8. Treason Accusations
9. FOIA Request to USMS of 12/3/15 re Names and Last Provided or Otherwise Known, Address, of Each and Every Member of the USMS Who Has Participated in Any "Substantial" Measure to the Prevention of Exercise of the Constitutionally Protected Fifth Amendment Right of Presentment of Evidence to the Federal Grand Jury in the Judicial District Referenced Legally as the "Northern District of IL" Since 1/1/2009
10. Complaint Filed in CCCC, IL Case # 10 CH 22662.
11. Petition for Indictment of Any and All Federal Govt. Officials/Activity Conductors of any Other Sort Responsible for Prevention of Exercise of Fifth Amendment to Constitution of U.S. Presentment Clause Right of Citizen Access to a Federal Grand Jury Independent of Unjustified Influence and/or Control from any of the Branches of the Government Identified in Articles I, II, and III of Such Constitution, and Correlative Right that Each and Every State Provide a Republican Form of Government
12. Petition for Indictment of Any and All Federal Govt. Officials/Activity Conductors of any Other Sort Responsible for Prevention of Exercise of First Amendment to Constitution of U.S Rights to Gather Information and Petition the Government for the Redress of Grievances via Prevention of Use of Electronic Recording Device(s) Regarding Activity Conducted on Federal Property at the Dirksen Federal Building in Chicago, IL
13. Petition for Indictment of Any and All Federal Govt. Officials/Activity Conductors of any Other Sort Responsible for Prevention of Exercise of First Amendment to Constitution of U.S Rights to Gather Information and Petition the Government for the Redress of Grievances and Ninth Amendment Right to Possess Identification of Breach of Contract, Crime & Tort Perpetrators via Deprivation of Names and Titles of Representatives of Entities Nominally Legally Authorized to Protect Activity Conducted in the Dirksen Federal Building from Interference from Sources Championing Agendas Incompatible the the Jewish Supremacist Agenda Championed by Representatives of All Entities, Intentionally or Via Culpable Complicity, in Such Building
14. Petition for Indictment of Any and All Federal Govt. Officials/Activity Conductors of any Other Sort who have Executed Orders from Superior Officers and/or Other Officials Whose Appointment Was Made Directly or Indirectly by a Claimant to the Office of the POTUS Who Has Never Demonstrated the Possession of the Natural Born Citizen Status Referenced as a Requirement for the Accession to, and Exercising of, the Authority of the Office of the POTUS in Article II of the Constitution of the u.s. of A. and Indictment of Any and All Such Superior Officers and/or Other Officials
15. Notice to Government Officials ....
16. FOIA Request to USMS of 12/17/15 re Any and All Documents Relating to Robert J. More
17. Complaint to USDOJ OIG in re Federal Crimes Perpetrated in Regard to Deprivation of Access to the FGJ, Use of ERD's on Federal Property, Names of Individuals Nominally Legally Authorized to Control Activity Conducted on Federal Property and Right to Not be Subjected to Activity Conducted in Office of the POTUS by Anyone Not a Natural Born Citizen
18. Report of 12/22/15 Regarding Endeavor to Present Evidence to FGJ on 12/17/15 in re Petition ...M.A. Mason, et al and Other
19. PVS of USMS ... in re Submission of Petition for Indictment of M.A. Mason....
20. PVS of Chief Judge of USDC for ND of IL ... in re Submission of Petition for Indictment of M.A. Mason....
21. PVS of Robert Tighe/Official Nominally Responsible for Regulating Activity of USDOJ Relative to FGJ in USDC for ND of IL
22. Confidential Commentary in Regard to the Project this Document List Concerns for, Inter Alia, the Purpose of the Provision of an Accounting of the Activity of the Author Whereof to the Warmblooded Component of the Population of the World at this Juncture, More Importantly, the Component of Such Population Committed to an Agenda Permitting Zero Demonstrably Unjustified Concessions to Demonically Instigated Activity of a Character of that Activity Referenced in Jn. 8:44, and Posterity
23. Memorandum in Support of Petition of R.J. More to Prosecute CCCC, IL Case # 10 CH 22662 as Plaintiff for a Third Party Plaintiff
24. Demand for Posting of 100 Word Notification of Activity and Reference to URL at which this Collection of Documents can be Accessed Upon the Websites of the USDOJ, USMS, USDC for ND of IL, Websites or, Should Such Consideration be Denied, Provision of Explanation Justifying Any Such Denial
25. MAM PFIFGJ -12/17/15 - Single Page
26. Invitation to Asst. CCSA who Refused to Accept Service of Documents ...Demonstrate Non-incurrment of Criminal Liability...
27. Invitation to CCSA A. Alvarez in re Refusal to Accept Service of Documents ...Demonstrate Non-incurrment of Criminal Liability...
28. Invitation to USDC for ND of IL Chief Judge in re Deprivation of Constitutionally Protected Right of Citizen Access to an Independent Federal Grand Jury ...Demonstrate Non-incurrment of Criminal Liability...
29. Invitation to U.S. Marshal in re Deprivation of Constitutionally Protected Right of/to: a.) Citizen Access to an Independent Federal Grand Jury, b.) Prerogative to Produce Electronic Recordings of Government Activity Conducted in Dirksen Federal Building, in Chicago, IL, c.) Identification by Name and Title of Any and All Government Officials Conducting Activity in Dirksen Federal Building in Chicago, IL, d.) Not Encounter Consequences of Exercise of Nominal Government Authority by Any Nominal Appointee of Anyone Not Constitutionally Qualified to Exercise the Authority of the Office of the President of the u.s. of A. who would Ever Endeavor to Exercise Such Type Authority to Demonstrate Non-incurrment of Criminal Liability in re Whereto, Respectively.
30. Invitation to U.S. Marshal for the ND of IL in re Deprivation of ... (see Entry #29 Supra) ...Demonstrate Non-incurrment of Criminal Liability...
31. Invitation to U.S. Attorney for the ND of IL in re Deprivation of ... (see Entry #29 Supra) ...Demonstrate Non-incurrment of Criminal Liability...
32. Invitation to Any and All Deputy U.S. Marshals and/or Representatives of any Private Security Entit(y)(ies) Conducting Activity Under the Nominal Authority of the USMS for the ND of IL in re Cooperation at a Level Above the Identifiable Threshold at Which Culpability for the Commission of a Grave Sin Would be Incurred ... (see Entry #29 Supra) ...Demonstrate Non-incurrment of Criminal Liability....
34. Invitation to Any and All Assistant U.S. Attorneys for the ND of IL, in re Cooperation at a Level Above the Identifiable Threshold at Which Culpability for the Commission of a Grave Sin Would be Incurred ... (see Entry #29 Supra) ...Demonstrate Non-incurrment of Criminal Liability....
35. Invitation to the Chief Judge for the ND of IL, in re Cooperation at a Level Above the Identifiable Threshold at Which Culpability for the Commission of a Grave Sin Would be Incurred ... (see Entry #29 Supra Other than the Federal Grand Jury Independence Issue Already Addressed) ...Demonstrate Non-incurrment of Criminal Liability....
All docs referenced herein, adjacent to which was included an "X" have been included in the collection of documents delivered on 12/17/15 to either the FGJ Foreperson or, if Access to the FGJ would have been prevented, to whomever it would have been who would have informed RJM that RJM would not be permitted to present such documents to the FGJ to the Foreperson or any Representative Whereof on 12/17/15 . All of the documents referenced herein are accessible at the "" website in the URL provided in the ULC of this document. A "First Superseding Component" of the Petition for Indictment" this document concerns will Providence permitting, be delivered to the extent RJM would not have been prevented from delivering such by 1/1/2017, if such delivery would still even be possible by such time.
Petition For Indictments to Federal Grand Jury in Chicago, IL, in Regard to Violations of 18 USC 242 by Former Circuit Court of Cook County, IL ("CCCC") Judge Mary Ann Mason (Now an IL, Appellate Court Judge), , CCCC, Judge Paul Beibel (Conditionally) and Asst. Cook County State's Attorney Who Refused to Accept Service of Process Upon CCSA A. Alvarez and CCSA A. Alvarez via Vicarious Liability in re the Refusal Referenced Herein
Cover Letter to Grand Jury Foreperson/Demand to USDC ND of IL Chief Judge & USMS and Office of U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of IL (Note: Only the FGJ Foreperson or Anyone Interfering with the Transmission of This Document and its Accompanying documents ("these documents") to such FGJ Foresperson is receiving a paper copy of the these Documents on 12/17/15 - Others Referenced Herein are Only Receiving the Single Page Document Referenced in Entry "# 25." supra as "MAM PFIFGJ -12/17/15 - Single Page") and Can Either Access the URL's Referenced herein Supra at which This Document and its Accompanying Documents Will Have Been Posted by 15:30 on 12/17/15, Providence permitting or request the emailing of such via the transmission of an email to RJM requesting such)
Robert J. More ("RJM")
P.O. Box 6926
Chicago, IL 60680, (863) 688-9880 â€lv msg
Federal Grand Jury Foreperson
Federal Grand Jury for the United States District Court, Northern District of IL
13th or 16th or some other Floor
Federal Building
219 S. Dearborn St.
Chicago, IL, 60680
Chief Judge of United States District Court for the Northern District of IL ("USDC-NDIL"), R. Castillo
Chambers of the Chief Judge of the USDC-NDIL,
Federal Building
219 S. Dearborn St.
Chicago, IL, 60680
United States Marshal Service
Suite 2400
219 S. Dearborn St.
Chicago, IL, 60604
Office of the United State's Attorney for the Northen District of IL
Suite 500
219 S. Dearborn St.
Chicago, IL, 60604
Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representative of the U.S. Congress
Office Building
Washington, DC - via email
United States Senator for Kentucky, Rand Paul - via email
United States Senator Theodore Cruz - via email
FEMA Red and Blue Listers, Children Under the Age of Reason, Whatever Posterity Providence would Permit and Anyone Interested in the Matters Concerned, in General - via posting to website whose URL is included herein
Dear Federal Grand Jury Foreperson (“FGJFâ€), and Undear Chief Judge of the USDC-NDI, R. Castillo (“Chief Judgeâ€) and Whatever Member(s) of the USMS (is) (are) responsible for the maintenance of the arrangement presently prevailing in the geographical area constituting the “Northern District of IL†(“NDILâ€) for purpose(s) of the delineation of the jurisdiction of the federal judiciary in regard to such area, in which citizens are prevented via the notification from the USMS of intent of the USMS to endeavor to effect arrest in regard to any initiative(s) undertaken to present evidence of alleged and/or actual violations of provisions of the United States Code and/or the Constitution of the u.s. of A. in which are contained provision for criminal prosecution and punishment by any activity conductor not listed by role and/or title in the Order issued by the Chief Judge referencing the entirety of types of activity conductors permitted to access the FGJ in the NDIL, which is dated March 26, 2007 ("Order of 3/26/07 re Access to FGJ"), and Office of the United State's Attorney for the Northern District of IL, and Asst. U.S. Attorney Thomas Walsh,
On 12/17/15 by 15:35 p.m. Robert J. More, Providence permitting, will have delivered a paper copy of all of the documents numbered "1" thru "5", except # "3" listed in the "Document List of 12/17/15" which accompanies this document via either the leaving of such at the Front Desk in the Dirksen Federal Bldg. ("DFB") , 219 S. Dearborn St. Chicago, IL, or the leaving whereof with any attendant in the reception area of the Federal Grand Jury Room - if RJM would have been permitted to access such entity. In the prior arrangement of the two listed herein supra, RJM complains that the deprivation of citizen access to such FGJ and the independence of the grand jury as its own fourth branch of government, independent of any of the three branches of the Government of the u.s. of A. referenced in the first three articles of the Constitution of the u.s. of A. constitutes (a) federal felon(y)(ies) in violation of the provisions of 18 USC 242, and 18 USC 2381, 2383 and 2384, in that such deprivation deprives the people of the u.s. of A of the protection of the Presentment Clause of the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the u.s. of A., namely the capacity to prosecute government crime and the crimes of those who have for decades controlled and do now demonstrably control the nominal government of the u.s. of A., (referenced herein as the "Rothschilds et al.", "Jewish Supremacists", " Neo-nazis", "Committee of 300", "Genocidists of the Goyim", "Global Plantation Owners") free from any detrimental effects of conflicts of interest to which any government prosecutor and/or judge would ever be subjected.
In U.S. v Williams (_U.S._) these matters were thoroughly enough addressed by SCOTUS Justice A. Scalia in the ratio decendi of the Opinion issued in such case that it is the informed understanding of RJM that no sane person could inculpably not understand the issue of the Independence of the Federal Grand Jury and that such independence has been adequately promulgated according to the threshold referenced in Parrat v Taylor (_U.S. _) and/or Harlow v Fitzgerald (_U.S._) and most recently Pierce v Callahan (_U.S._) in terms of binding government officials to the definitions of the scope of legitimate reliance interests delineated by the jurisprudence of the SCOTUS that no one could ever legitimately claim invincible ignorance in regard to the definition whereof, acknowledging that no SCOTUS opinion and/or judgment could ever constitute any type of "final determination" of the moral character of any arrangement, that countless such opinions and judgments have, in being incompatible with the "higher moral law" (Rom. 2:13) with which all civil laws must comply in order not to constitute "a form of violence" (Summa Theologica, Treatise on Law, Reply to Objection ___, Second Part of the Second Part) constituted crimes themselves (eg. Scott v Sanford (_U.S._), Plessy v Ferguson (_U.S._), Roe v Wade (_U.S._), Lawrence v TX (_U.S._)Obergfell v Hodges (_U.S._), etc. etc.), which have not provided any "objectively reasonable basis for reliance" in any enforcement of any edict(s) included wherein, by anyone Illinois v Krull (_U.S._), and that RJM's decisions in regard to participation in the use of force have not been controlled by, nor ever will be controlled by, any activity conducted by the SCOTUS (even if all nine nominal office holders wherein possessed legitimate claims to any of such office(s)), nor of any other nominal government entity.
RJM now demands that the Office of the U.S. Attorney, either institute (an) information(s) or execute what acts would have to be executed in order to get indictments for the crimes explicated in the proposed True Bill which RJM submits today, a copy of which accompanies this document either via the presentment to the FGJ of the collection of the documents of which this demand is a component part, via the authority of 18 USC 3332(a) or via any other legitimate means and then provide a report of its activity in regard to the matters this demand concerns to RJM, which in turn, RJM can provide to all of those entitled to consideration of various types, in various measures from RJM.
To reiterate, the purpose of the submission of the documents submitted on 12/17/15 to (the DFB Security Desk) (Federal Grand Jury) is to get criminal charges instituted in regard to the activity conducted on 12/17/10 and later thru 4/15/11 by Circuit Court of Cook County, IL Judge Mary Ann Mason in dismissing Case # 10 CH 26622, without even attempting to distinguish Robert J. More's endeavor in his filing of such case in order to protect, inter alia, any and all legitimate interests of James Barrett, the family members of Donald Young who were still alive as of the time of his death, and the public in general from those of the Plaintiff for Third Pary Plaintiff/Interventions authorized by the SCOTUS in Barrows v Jackson, Powers v Ohio, Singleton v Wulf, and/or any of the progeny whereof (acknowledging that Singleton was and is an abomination as it has facillitated the murder of pre-born babies).
While it is RJM's informed understanding that the effect of the control of the nominal government entities conducting activity at this juncture in American History by the Jewish Supremacist Global Plantation Owners and the evilarchy which they have succeeded in shackling upon the former Republic of the u.s. of A. has resulted in the production of a "constructive dispensation" from the operation of statutes of limitations ("SOL's") which would be applicable, had control of such government entities not been procured by those referenced herein supra, nonetheless, it is also RJM's understanding that within the hierarchy of priorities according to which one must conduct activity in order to adequately bear the burdens of the Fourth Commandment to contribute according to one's capacities and any and all circumstances ever encountered to the governing of the government, RJM is, prior to the imposition of martial law and/or the open declaration of insurrection/mutiny by the members of the warmblooded component of the population of the u.s. of A., still subject to some measure of burden to petition existing systems for the provision of consideration of various types, until such can be abolished or adequately overhauled (DOI - "alter or abolish...throw off governments" mandate) to vindicate any and all legitimate reliance interests ever injured via crimes from whatever source proximately emanating, even if for no other reason than the satisfaction of the requirement of "exhausting alternative remedies not requiring the use of any contra-predatory physical force" as a prerequisite to the utilization in any given instance of a natural law emanating and anchored moral prerogative to resort to the use of a contra-predatory vigilante remedy for the purpose of adequately vindicating and protecting the interests which are supposed to be vindicated and protected via the criminal prosecution, conviction and punishment of Federal crimes committed in the u.s. of A. (but which cannot be vindicated and protected given what RJM understands to constitute the patently criminal and tortious control of the FGJ at this juncture in history by the Executive and Judicial Branches of the Federal Government), entirely independently of any Committee of 300 owned, influenced and operated government entity.
At this juncture, time constraints being what they are, RJM proposes that the designated recipient(s) of this document ("DRD", "DRD's") in the FGJ simply read the proposed True Bill ("PTB") which this letter accompanies referenced herein supra, discuss such matters along with the rest of the FGJ members presently serving on the FGJ conducting evidence assessments and issuing true bills in Chicago, IL, and sign a copy of the true bill included herein infra or some such similar type document by the end of the day on 12/17/15 and execute whatever other affirmative acts would have to be executed by such time in order to get criminal charges for violations of 18 USC 242 instituted as soon as possible
In the coming weeks and months documents similar to this one will be transmitted to all of those to whom this document is being transmitted and RJM demands the provision of opportunity to audit the processing whereof by each and all of those addressed herein. Included in such submissions will be submissions for the institution of criminal charges regarding the deprivation of citizen access to an independent federal grand jury, the use of ERD's in the Dirksen Federal Building, the right to procure the identification of government officials conducting activity in the DFB and the right to not be subjected to detriment from the activity of individuals not legitimately appointed to a given government office.
Because of whatever conflict of interest it would be to which the Office of the U.S. Attorney would be subjected in regard to the matters this document concerns which is evidently present from the fact that the matters concerned implicate the Present Occupant, howsoever unjustifiably of the Office of the President of the u.s. of A. , Mr. Barry Soetoro, RJM finds it necessary to herein demand that the Chief Judge appoint a special prosecutor in regard to the matters this document concerns pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 592. Mary Ann Mason has received an invitation to demonstrate that she is innocent of any crime perpetration and/or wrongdoing in regard to the matters this document concerns.
On Behalf of Everything Warmblooded, determined to kill the "no warmblooded throat left unslit agenda" but Obviously, not by Any Express Designation, Robert J. More - Rom. 12:18-21
United States District Court for the Northern District of IL - Doc. # 2 of D/L of 12/17/15
United States of America
Mary Ann Mason
At all times material to the Indictment:
1. Each of the Defendants referenced in the caption of this document was employed by either the State of IL, 2. At such juncture,
a.) Mary Ann Mason was conducting activity ("WCA") as a Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL ("CCCC").
- all within the scope and meaning of 18 USC 241 and 242.
2. The State of IL is a state government entity, and the County of Cook County, IL is a political subdivision of the State of IL within the scope and meaning of 18 USC 242 and 241.
3. Excerpts from the Complaint filed in June of 2010 in Circuit Court of Cook County, IL ("CCCC") in Case # 10 CH 26622 are incorporated herein as factual predicates and/or distinctive counts for the purpose of the effecting of the issuance of (an) indictment(s) and/or information(s) before the end of the day on 12/17/15 or as soon whereafter as such might be issued in regard to some of such factual predicates referenced wherein and by 1/1/17 and/or 2/1/17, in regard to other of such factual predicates as would be presented by RJM as soon as such can be adequately presented to the Federal Grand Jury for the Northern District of IL ("FGJ")via its Foreperson or any other legitimate method of the submission whereof to such to the extent a citizen can presently submit evidence of violations of Federal Laws to such entity and to other entities.
Note #1: The entirety of the Complaint filed in in the CCCC has been posted in the URL included in the ULC of the collection of documents of which this document constitutes a component part.
Note #2. It is RJM's informed understanding that all that is needed in order to get criminal process issued in regard to the matters this document concerns is the presentation of evidence in regard to the specific violations of Federal Criminal Laws ("FCL") that would cause men of ordinary prudence to conclude that a crime had been committed" (citation to authority yet to be added) in regard to the evidence included in any submission for the issuance of criminal process in the form of an indictment and/or information, and RJM is entirely convinced that the evidence included herein easily traverses that threshold (ie. "probable cause") and could explain the basis for such conviction if any demand and/or proposal would be made upon RJM to provide any such type explanation and/or provide documentation in support of any such type explanation
Note #3. The inclusion in a given legal document of material that could ever legitimately be claimed to constitute "surplussage" can never legitimately constitute a basis for the disregard of any material ever contained in any given document which would not ever be legitimately considered to constitute such, and thus the inclusion of any conclusions, legal conclusions, opinions, adjectival phrases and/or rhetorical devices not indispensably necessary in a given instance to effect a given legitimate end can never legtimately be utilized to disregard any and all legally competent and admissible evidence in the form of averments and/or otherwise, which would ever be utilized in order to effect any legitimate end.
Note #4. RJM herein informs those to whom this document has been addressed ("addressees") that RJM remains available to testify in regard to any and all of the matters referenced in this document and that he is proceeding as expeditiously as he can continue to proceed in regard to the matter of providing the transcripts of the CCDC to each and all of such addressees as soon as such objective can be accomplished.
Note #5. The form in which this document has been presented has been produced off of a template derived in regard to the issuance of a "True Bill" in Case # 07-872 in the USDC for the District of New Mexico in all respects which RJM understood it was necessary to ensure the accomplishment of procedural compliance in re whereto, in regard to which RJM has been capable of accomplishing such compliance.
Note #12. All factual averments included in the Complaint filed in Case # 10 CH 26622 are referenced herein as having been so included under penalty of perjury pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 1746 - Robert J. More, 12/17/15
IV. Barest minimum of factual predicates necessary to sustain claims concerned until all Defendants answer complaint:
1. In June of 2010, RJM filed a Complaint in Case # 10 CH 26622, seeking leave to prosecute the interests of a number of Donald Young's associates and/or family members which RJM had become entirely convinced would never be adequately protected and/or vindicated absent the intervention of someone not intimidated by the prospect of encountering violence from the Office of the nominal President of the U.S. and/or anyone associated wherewith who would presume that he or she could perpetrate violence and crime(s) with impunity provided such would be considered to improve the position of the Tyrant by Usurpation, claimant to the Office of the POTUS, Barry Soetoro.
2. Judge Mary Ann Mason ("MAM") dismissed such case summarily on 12/17/10 without endeavoring to provide any justification for such dismissal other than a superficial allegation that "you don't possess standing".
3. MAM made no attempt to distinguish RJM's attempted intervention in re the matters this document concerns from those of the Plaintiff for Third Pary Plaintiff Interventions authorized by the SCOTUS in Barrows v Jackson, Powers v Ohio, Singleton v Wulf, and/or any of the progeny whereof (acknowledging that Singleton was and is an abomination as it has facillitated the murder of pre-born babies).
4. The legitimate reliance interests involved in the identification of the cause of death in regard to the distribution of the estate of any given decedent and in regard to the value of that estate in regard to such type cause were left unaccommodated by MAM's ruling referenced herein.
5. RJM's "Motion to Reconsider the Dismissal ...." was adjudicated via the same method used to dismiss the complaint on 12/17/10, in that no source of law was identified as having conferred upon MAM the authority to refuse to reinstate the case she dismissed w/o identifying any such type authority.
Count #1 of Indictment - Denial of Right to Petition Government for a Redress of Grievances
1. The contents of paragraphs numbered 1 to 5, supra, are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein.
2. On or about 12/17/15 in Cook County, IL in the State of IL, within the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of IL ("USDCNDI"), the defendant Mary Ann Mason, then a Judge Exercising Judical Authority in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL dismissed Case # 10 CH 26622 without providing any explanation demonstrating that such dismissal possessed legitimacy and if such dismissal did in fact lack legitimacy, which RJM is entirely convinced that it did, did in so doing, effect the deprivation of Robert J. More's ("RJM"), James Barrett's, the members of Donald Young's family who survived his death and the members of the general public of the right secured and protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution and laws of the United States to not be deprived of "the Right to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances, known as the Right of Access to the Courts," Chambers v Baltimore and Ohio RR (_U.S._), et al, as incorporated thru the incorporation provisions of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States to the activity of individuals ever conducting activity on behal of any state and/or political subdivision of any state while conducting activity under the color of law.
In violation of 18 U.S.C. 242 and 2.
Count #2 of Indictment - Denial of Procedural Due Process of Law
1. The contents of paragraphs numbered 1 to 5, supra, are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein.
2. On or about 12/17/15 in Cook County, IL in the State of IL, within the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of IL ("USDCNDI"), the defendant Mary Ann Mason, then a Judge Exercising Judical Authority in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL dismissed Case # 10 CH 26622 without providing any explanation demonstrating that such dismissal possessed legitimacy and if such dismissal did in fact lack legitimacy, which RJM is entirely convinced that it did, did in so doing, effect the deprivation of Robert J. More's ("RJM"), James Barrett's, the members of Donald Young's family who survived his death and the members of the general public of the right secured and protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution and laws of the United States to not be deprived of "the Right to Due Process of Law", guaranteed to Citizens of the u.s. of A. by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
In violation of 18 U.S.C. 242 and 2.
Count #3 of Indictment - Denial of Ninth Amendment Presumption of Liberty
1. The contents of paragraphs numbered 1 to 5, supra, are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein.
2. On or about 12/17/15 in Cook County, IL in the State of IL, within the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of IL ("USDCNDI"), the defendant Mary Ann Mason, then a Judge Exercising Judical Authority in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL dismissed Case # 10 CH 26622 without providing any explanation demonstrating that such dismissal possessed legitimacy and if such dismissal did in fact lack legitimacy, which RJM is entirely convinced that it did, did in so doing, effect the deprivation of Robert J. More's ("RJM"), James Barrett's, the members of Donald Young's family who survived his death and the members of the general public of the right secured and protected by the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution and laws of the United States to not be deprived of the presumption of liberty, et al, as incorporated thru the incorporation provisions of the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States to the activity of individuals ever conducting activity on behal of any state and/or political subdivision of any state while conducting activity under the color of law.
In violation of 18 U.S.C. 242 and 2.
Count #4 of Indictment - Denial of Substantive Due Process of Law
1. The contents of paragraphs numbered 1 to 5, supra, are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein.
2. On or about 12/17/15 in Cook County, IL in the State of IL, within the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of IL ("USDCNDI"), the defendant Mary Ann Mason, then a Judge Exercising Judical Authority in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL dismissed Case # 10 CH 26622 without providing any explanation demonstrating that such dismissal possessed legitimacy and if such dismissal did in fact lack legitimacy, which RJM is entirely convinced that it did, did in so doing, effect the deprivation of Robert J. More's ("RJM"), James Barrett's, the members of Donald Young's family who survived his death and the members of the general public of the right secured and protected by the Substantive Due Process Provision (legem et terris) of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States to the activity of individuals ever conducting activity on behal of any state and/or political subdivision of any state while conducting activity under the color of law.
In violation of 18 U.S.C. 242 and 2.
Under penalty of perjury pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 1746, I, Robert J. More aver to the veracity of any and all factual averments included herein supra and/or in any of the documents filed by him in Case # 10 CH 26622 in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL.
Robert J. More has averred under penalty of perjury to the veracity of any and all factual averments included herein supra and/or in any of the documents filed by him in Case # 10 CH 26622 in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL and such averments have constituted the basis for the issuance of this true bill.