Document List ("D/L") of 122215rep #1

1. D/L of 121715 - mamrep.html

2. Report of 12/22/15 in re Filing, Service, ... re Petition to have criminal charges instituted against J. M.A. Mason, et al

Report of 12/17/15 in re Filing, Service, ... re Petition to have criminal charges instituted against J. M.A. Mason, et al

1. List of the most important issues this project concerns - citizen access to the FGJ and its ongoing denial in the ND of IL, subject indictments, USMS and Chief Judge - Indictments for interfering with access to FGJ, prevention of use of ERD's, deprivation of information via non-bearing of any identification, execution of orders from individuals whose appointments lack legitimacy in that the appointments have not been made by a claimant to the office of the POTUS whose status as a natural born citizen can be demonstrated.

RJM delivered message to Robert Tighe - on-duty paralegal in Office of US atty for NDIL at 312 353-5300 or 3500, and R. Wallenda of Court Security Supervisor of USMS for ND of IL, on 12/11/15 - in the late p.m. -

The substance of such message was that confirmation was being sought in regard to whether as of 12/11/15, citizen access to the Federal Grand Jury for the Northern District of IL is being permitted or prevented and if the answer to such question is that it is being prevented, according to what source of authority such prevention would be posited and whether any document has been made available to the public alleging to provide a justification for any such prevention being posited.

by 1604 on 12/17/15, RJM still had not received any response to the petition delivered as referenced herein supra.

RJM cannot recall as of 12/17/15 at 17:30 whether he addressed the issue of the prevention of use of ERD in Dirksen Federal Building as of 12/14/15 in the phone messages referenced herein supra.

On or about 12/11/15, RJM discussed the alternative methods via which RJM could inform Judge M.A. Mason in re the invitation he endeavored to deliver to her at 160 N. LaSalle St. at 15:55 on 12/17/15.

RJM completed and printed documents in re MAM indictments at Fed ex at a total cost of $2.02.

At 15:55 on 12/17/15, RJM endeavored to deliver the invitation to demonstrate innocence of incurrment of criminal liability ...MAM to Judge M. A. Mason, but was informed by the ISP supervisor who accompanied desk attendant ISP officer Plowers that RJM was still banned from the 160 N. LaSalle St. Bldg.

RJM then dialed the IL App Ct but was denied connection to the Secretary of J MAM. RJM proceeded to the Dirksen Fed Bldg and at 1604 informed Desk attendant USMS Kevin ( resemblance to Milwaukee Cty Sheriff D. Clarke) that RJM was endeavoring to deliver the Petition for Indictment ...M. A. Mason and related documents to the FGJ in Chicago, IL and the Single Page document referencing such document and the URL's at which such documents would be and now, have been posted by 1745 on 12/17/15. RJM was instructed to wait in the lobby, called the IL App. Ct and was instructed that the Secretary for M.A. Mason would not come down to the first floor desk and receive the invitation to MA Mason and that RJM had to mail it. USMS Kevin informed RJM at 1615 that RJM could not access the DFB on 12/17/15, but could return in the a.m. of 12/18/15. RJM informed Deputy Kevin that RJM could not return on 12/18/15 and would leave the Pet for Indictment ... M.A. Mason and the Single Page version of such document with Deputy Kevin (who informed RJM that he was a USMS as distinct from an Akal employee) and RJM then delivered such documents by leaving them on the counter from which Deputy Kevin procured them.

RJM then went to Fed Ex, converted and posted the 3 documents - Pet for Indictment ..M.A. Mason, Invitation to MAM and Single Page version of Pet for Indictment of MA Mason into the website, revised the T of C and posted it, composed this document and converted and posted it and posted a revised T of C. By 18:20, RJM will have deposited the envelope addressed to Judge M.A. Mason containing the invitation and accompanying documents into the postal receptacle at the Cardiss Collins Post Office on Harrison St. in Chicago, IL.

Robert J. More 1