Exhibit Number ______ to Motion of ________________, in More v _____________, in the ________________________________________________________ First Rough Draft, Not Proofread, Subject to Innumerable Possible Revisions and Modifications of Robert J. More’s Proposed New 2007 Procedural Requirements as Ground Rules for Litigation in Cases Litigated in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL, both criminal and civil, and to the extent in a given matter, such rules could be applied to the First District Appellate Court and the Illinois Supreme Court, that such modifications be applied in those tribunals as well, Proposed in Consideration of the Gravity of the Peril in Which the Republic and the Non-counterfeit Version of the Rule of Law is Indisputably Found to be at this Juncture in the World’s Continued Descent to a Level of Barbarism, Which Given the Genocide in Progress, Even Possibly Far Exceeds That Described in Genesis 6:6 et seq., which Caused God to Then Greive, Regret Ever Having Made Man and to Rid the Face of the Earth of All but Eight Human Persons (Gen. 6: 6, et seq.). Disclaimer: Robert J. More has without assiduous reflection and consideration, to understate the case, included this no longer so short list of proposed revisements and modifications, out of what he subjectively apprehends to constitute a concern to spare others as much grief as RJM’s activity can be used to accomplish such objective, first and foremost, the grief of the ultimate calamnity of an eternal unimaginably miserable eternity, and second of the consequences of sin and sinful systems, structures and conditions, in this life namely the temporal miseries of poverty, disease, violence, the denial of the measure of autonomy which persons need to fulfill their potential and to conduct activity in this life, without anguish, bitterness and confusion, and the absence of clear standards upon which reliance can be justifiably predicated in a given instance; without RJM’s, in conducting his activity according to priorities, standards, agendas and methods not-evidently incompatible with such asserted concern, incurring culpability in anyone else’s sin (cf. Mt. 22:21, Acts 5:29, Rom. 14:23, 1 Tim. 5:22, Eph. 5:8, et al), and RJM admits that constructing such list without possessing any residence in which such can be constructed, nor even any electrical outlet after a certain hour, which can still be used, since it is New Year’s Eve on which this list is being composed, has left RJM susceptible to some resentments, which the enemy of the human race, he who unrelentingly goes about seeking whom he may devour (1 Pet. 5:8), naturally will almost certainly endeavor to use to cause RJM’s judgment to be to some measure skewed (Mt. 7: 3-5), and to cause RJM to include in these proposed rule changes, material which upon reflection in regard thereto, RJM would eliminate therefrom. In short, RJM is not naturally grateful the persons whose conduct has resulted in the takeover of the monetary system of the U.S., of the instigation of two enormous world wars, the Russian Revolution, Spanish Civil War, most of the major assassinations and attempts thereof, the destructions of economies, innumerable false flag terror attacks, most recently that of 9/11/2001 and an incredibly substantial component of the aggregate of human suffering over the course of history of this world. While RJM continues to aspire to make progress in the practice of the virtue of meekness, even to begin to approach in some measure (even if only from afar and in the meagerest of measures) of the paragons of unobtrusiveness such as St. Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Francis De Sales and St. Vincent De Paul, as saints such as St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross, amongst other distinguished luminaries have defined the particular parts of the virtue of true meekness (as entirely distinct from culpable capitulation to manifest evils and innumerable other distortions of the true virtue), and that RJM recognizes that the saints who had truly mastered their carnal natures have far outperformed RJM’s paltry efforts to practice this virtue; RJM also has to continue to help oppose the monstrous wickedness of that same enemy of the human race who in this period is more than ever using his instrument of choice (Rev. 3:9) to destroy everything God can still justify not hating, and if RJM has not succeeded in keeping the resentment he experiences when he considers the horrific consequences in this world and in RJM’s endeavors to procure for himself a happy ending and to help anyone else interested in doing likewise for him or her – self, to accomplish the same objective, towards those primarily responsible for such horrors, completely out of whatever is included herein infra, RJM would respectfully propose that no one who might consider any proposals contained herein to potentially constitute a part of a long term solution to the problems they address, permit any element of RJM’s wretchedness and/or defectiveness or frailty or just plain limitedness to unjustifiably effect whatever positive effects might come from an implementation of any given proposal. RJM acknowledges the duty to be angry and sin not (Eph. 4:6) and that the anger of man worketh not the righteousness of God (Jas 1:20), and that he must never permit himself to succumb to the any temptation of the devil, but rather to use whatever resentments he would ever experience in this carnal nature and whatever temptations the devil would use against RJM, to be not overcome by evil, but to use them to overcome evil with good (Rom 12:21). If anyone would inform RJM that it would be his or her opinion that there is either anything in this document or anything else, for that matter in anything that RJM has ever said, written or done, that would cause anyone to be unjustifiably subjected to any measure of hostility (since what is sown is inevitably reaped, the hostility engendered from wickedness, violence, cruelty, brutality and predations such as that encountered by the Republicans (ie. The Bolsheviks, Talmudists – whatever term would be used to describe them) from the Loyalists in the Spanish Civil War would most definitely not be unjustified hostility but rather the natural fruits of endeavors to impose wickedness upon those who would refuse to render unto any Pharaoh (Ex. 5:___), Caesar (Mt. 22:21), collection of Rothschilds (Rev. 3:9), or for that matter, any other collection of Golden Calf Worshippers, what in a given case would rightfully belong to God (cf. Mt. 22:22, Acts 5:29 et al.), in such scenario, RJM would make whatever revisions RJM would understand would have to be made to bring any unjustified activity into compliance with the requirements of the moral law as they would apply in a given case. 1. Court must sign under penalty of perjury that every word included in a given document has been read upon a proposal submitted in regard thereto on a timely basis or else upon a blanket arrangement submitted at the commencement of a given case which would be confirmed at the end thereof. 1.a) Court must either sign under penalty of perjury that there would have been no construction in a given conveyance which would not have been understood by the Court or provide notice regarding any conveyance(s) which the Court would claim would not have been understood by it, and provide explicit leave for amendment thereof and a subsequent adjudication regarding exactly what the author of a given conveyance intended to convey in a given conveyance. 2. The procedural history of case must be presented to the jury – even in matters such as motion to dismiss and motion for summary judgment upon a proposal submitted in regard thereto on a timely basis via the maintenance of juries which upon demand therefore, would adjudicate whether a given case would have been adjudicated at a high enough level of accountability for any judgment emanating therefrom to possess any binding effect upon those subject to any judgment in regard therefrom and whether any member of any policing entity could enforce any given order without in so doing incurring criminal and/or civil liability. 3. Findings of fact and conclusions of law must be provided by the Court on some type of media upon a proposal submitted in regard thereto on a timely basis. 4. The use of a camcorder as an audio recording device, inside of every courtroom in every proceeding must be permitted upon a proposal submitted in regard thereto on a timely basis. 4.a The use of a camcorder or any audio and/or video recording device must be permitted in every interaction with every government official without the need for any express consent in regard thereto. 5. A judge, law clerk, clerk and/or security personnel must either sign a verified statement in regard to a particular claim or description of developments ever occurring in any given interaction with any person or party which would be directly or indirectly related to a given legal matter, or else participate in a deposition not too exceed three times the length of time of a given interaction for interactions less than ten minutes in length, twice the time … for interactions between 11 and 45 minutes length and the same amount of time for interactions exceeding 46 minutes in length, except that there would be an appropriately sliding scale for those interactions between 46 minutes and 90 minutes in length, upon a proposal submitted in regard thereto on a timely basis. 6. No immunity from civil suit for judges (except upon the submission of a voluntary express waiver in regard thereto by a litigant seeking to have a given judge adjudicate his or her case – with appropriate provision for an adversary to contest such appointment and agree to waive or commit to refusing to waive a claim to concede or not concede immunity in a given case) , according to: the provisions of the right to petition clause of the U.S. Constitution anchored in the provisions of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Clause 61 of the Magna Charta et al (the formula in regard to which ultimately emanates from the requirements of the Fourth and Fifth Commandments. 7. Electronic docketing, access to all documents filed in each and every case and e-filing in every case. 8. Every attorney must sign his or her name and attorney number on a roster upon entering and leaving a given courtroom, so that if a judge or an attorney commits any type of unjustified injury causing duty breach, the victim thereof can know the names of the witnesses who are obliged under the RPC to report certain duty breaches committed by attorneys, and upon the demand thereofor by a given person claiming to have been unjustifiably injured by the activity of some attorney, to provide either a verified statement of what would have been witnessed in a given case or a refusal to provide such with an explanation for such conjectural refusal or a refusal to even provide this but in this case to sign a document admitting that such last among the refusals could not possibly have been made in good faith. 9. Every judge upon the demand therefor by a given person claiming to have been unjustifiably injured by the activity of some attorney, is required to provide either a verified statement of what would have been witnessed in a given case or a refusal to provide such with an explanation for such conjectural refusal or a refusal to even provide this but in this case to sign a document admitting that such last among the refusals could not possibly have been made in good faith. 10. The name of the law clerk, minute clerk, and security representative for a given judge must be placed on the bench next to the name of the judge, where everyone in the courtroom can see it. 11. To every law clerk upon demand therefore by a given person claiming to have been unjustifiably injured by the activity of some attorney, is required to provide either a verified statement of what would have been witnessed in a given case or a refusal to provide such with an explanation for such conjectural refusal or a refusal to even provide this but in this case to sign a document admitting that such last among the refusals could not possibly have been made in good faith. 12. Every Judge, upon submission of a petition in this regard, must sign a verified statement indicating whether or not he or she has taken at any juncture any oath or made any affirmation incompatible with oaths and/or affirmations to uphold the Constitution of the U.S. and of the State of Illinois. 13. Every Judge, upon submission of a petition in this regard, must sign a verified statement indicating whether or not he or she is convinced that there is an objective standard of morality according to which the exercise of the authority of a judicial office must be conducted in order for such exercise in a given case o be legitimate and to impose any obligation upon anyone to comply with a given order that would ever be issued in a given case, and that mal, mis and/or culpable non-feasance in regard to both the fulfillment of the duties of a given office and in regard to every area of one’s conduct will be punished in eternity and that no member(s) of any class of persons would ever be subjected to conduct prejudicial to him, her or them, due to race, ethnicity, nationality, ancestry, sex or physical handicap, or any other criteria over which no person would have control unless such matter would be an issue in a given case. 14. Requirement that no statute of limitations, Supreme Court time limit rule or deadline for the completion of a given task or suchlike issue ever be adjudicated independent of the issues of the material, political, social, financial, physical, moral and psychological conditions of the various parties involved in a given dispute, nor independently of the conditions of the tribunals, nor of the societal conditions, in which in which a given case would stand to be adjudicated. 15. Provision that the first judge to whom a given case would be assigned can recuse him or herself, without the provision of any explanation therefore, in every case. 16. Requirement that Judge, all clerks and security personnel sign documents confirming that it is understood by each and everyone of them that the Magna Charta is the enabling document (actually emanating itself out of the Charter of Liberties of 1100 A.D.) of the constitutions authorizing the exercise(s) of authority of a given and every office and that pursuant to Clause 61, thereof, that no one is above the law, no matter what his or her office or station, and that there is no such thing as immunity from the consequences of one’s unjustified injury causing duty breaches, but that in a given case, a given litigant can sue and criminally prosecute a judge, clerk or security operative. 17. Requirement that a litigant and/or his or her legal representative(s) be subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution and correlatively, can likewise be sued or criminally prosecuted by a judge, clerk or security operative for any unjustified injury causing duty breach ever committed by him or her regarding a given case. 18. Posting on a wall in each courtroom and in the plazas of the courthouse the contents of the story of Daniel Chapter 13, Ex. 20 13 & 14, John 2:15 et seq. Magna Charta Clause 61, and excerpts from Pope Pius XII’s Christmas Message of 1956, and the wording of the right to petition, due process and equal protection clauses of, and the entirety of the Second and Thirteenth Amendments to, the U.S. Constitution with an explanation that the consideration that an able-bodied person must procure and receive in any and every court proceeding is not anything less than what Susanna received in Dan. Ch 13, from the Govt (ie the King in that case) (namely, Daniel, on behalf of Susanna and the interest all innocent and not consciously purposefully, wicked, persons, persons who would have the interest described in the axiom Qui nocentibus parcit, innocentibus punit had in ensuring that an innocent woman was not put to death and that false accusers did not get away with their falsehoods, was permitted to prosecute that case to a sufficient extent to ensure that there was no relevant issue material to the outcome of that case whose bottom was left unscraped and no issues not turned inside out and in regard to which a negative definition –ie a what cannot not be definition was not procured) in order to justify the continued abstention from the taking of recourse to the means Providence has provided for the resolution of disputes that cannot otherwise be acceptably resolved – the use of what in a given case would constitute the non-excessive and not otherwise unjustified use of force, namely that except as a given party would demonstrably culpably negligently neglect to adequately avail himself of any legitimate opportunity that would be present to vindicate his or her claims in a legal proceeding, that neither any legitimate claim to any form of consideration, nor the claim to protect and/or vindicate such claim via the use of force could ever be lost due to the mis or mal feasance of any other party or entity involved in a given adjudication. 19. Disarming of all security personnel in court buildings, except for at checkpoints for the entry into and exit from, such buildings, or in the alternative, at least the removal of any firearm and/or taser or pepper type spray from the possession of such persons, rather than having to resort to the more potentially destructive alternative of permitting individuals to bring weapons into the building to counter the enormous problems created by the disparity of weaponry between the government and those on the one hand, who unjustifiably manipulate its organs for their own illegitimate benefits at the expense of those without positioning in a given conflict that is as favorable, and the unarmed individuals on the other hand, who endeavor to vindicate claims in the arrangement that now prevails in the court system under consideration.. 20. Declare the period since 9/11/2001 until whatever date it would be upon which the Federal Reserve Bank would be eliminated and the Rothschilds and the other eight or ten banking families who have accumulated the trillions of dollars that they have accumulated from the control of the money supply of the U.S. and whatever other Countries have had their money supplies fraudulently and criminally overthrown and controlled by them an “Genocide in Progress” period and treat all cases filed by or against those engaged in combating such genocide according to the same standards as are treated those cases filed by or against those in the formal service of the military. 21. Require the emailing of each and every document ever filed in a given case (except where to do so would be practically impossible) to adversaries possessing a valid email address, so that it is not unjustifiably difficult and expensive for parties with legitimate claims to expose and overcome the types of patently vacuous, frivolous and malicious claims and defenses that licensed attorneys submit to tribunals on a regular basis, when representing a corporation and/or government entity being sued by a non-attorney or a single practitioner or member of a small law firm. 22. Permit private citizens to prosecute ARDC and JIB complaints so as to eliminate the problem of the conflict of interest in the preservation of the market value of the law license, the benefit of “insider arrangements and deals” and the preservation of the status quo, which at this juncture in history is one in which Talmudism (a religion whose foremost authoritative source – the Talmud was ordered burned no less than three times in the Thirteenth Century by various Popes who were not unfamiliar with the horrors and abominations contained in the unedited, unsanitized for “goy assessment, examination and consumption”, versions thereof and of the destructiveness upon every foundation of civilization of that “document published in hell” ) which none but the rarest of exceptions of an attorney –one in whom there is an adequately adjusted arrangement of priorities and sufficient moral fiber to exercise the authority of a law license and of a given office according to a minimally morally acceptable standard, is going to overcome. 23. Provision that those who have been made homeless by their continued abstention from the use of non-excessive and not-otherwise unjustified force in the resolution of disputes and/or those who have been three times accused within a five year period of being anti-semitic or as having a reputation for being anti-semitic, while never deviating in their conduct in any substantial manner from the requirements of the Fifth Commandment and of the edicts of Deus Sublimus (Pope Paul III, 1449 ?) Mit Brennender Sorge (Pope Pius XI, 1937) can choose their own judges both at the trial and appellate level, given the comparatively enormous difficulty that those lacking residences would and do have in litigating matters and given the injury in terms of ostracization that indisputably is incurred, when in a Country such as the one in which this document has been composed in which the defacto religion of such Country is Talmudism and the supply of money is controlled by persons (all Talmudists) who do not consider non-jews to even be human persons (ie goyim). 24. Permit use of all staircases to those who would sign an acceptably worded and negotiated, waiver or liability in this regard. 25. Require attorneys to be subjected to the exact same procedures and processes regarding security as those who represent themselves in court proceedings. 26. Require Court to explicitly confirm that it has been informed that the program of persons such as R J More (“RJM”) (unless RJM’s name could be left out of the matter, which RJM would certainly prefer) (for the benefit of anyone who might ever howsoever end up reading this document, who do not know, who RJM is, he is an admittedly lowly, embattled and beleaguered, and most definitely, comparatively - as relates to his status in this earthly life - personally, very unimportant, unemployed, former truck driver, whose endeavors to vindicate claims he subjectively apprehended he was obliged to endeavor to vindicate through existing court systems combined with his continued abstention from the participation in the use of what would have constituted in a given case, the non-excessive and not-otherwise unjustified use of force, has left him without a vehicle, residence, bank account or even form of identification as of the date of the composition of this document) regarding the agenda to close down all courts operative in Cook County IL, both state and federal, at this juncture, is one which would most definitely not exclude adequate provision to accommodate what could be in a given case, identified to constitute the legitimate reliance interest of all of those whose activity as employees and agents and actors of various types in such systems, has rendered them undeserving of being classified as miscreants, liabilities, damage-doers, derelicts, and/or blights or banes upon everything worth defending and preserving upon the stage of salvation history; is only what RJM and others similarly situated are convinced is the only morally legitimate alternative available at this juncture given the comparatively enormous destructiveness of the activity of such systems relative to the foundations of civilization and everything that God can still justify not hating, which has been demonstrated by the activity thereof over the period of years in regard to which RJM has had the opportunity to assess the effects of such activity. 27. Requirement that upon petition in regard thereto, that any judge so petitioned would either declare him or herself to be either pro-courts of unbridled and absolute discretion (ie –the law is whatever the judge says it is in a given case) to which reference will be herein made as the pro-Rothschild controlled Reign of Terror Agenda or pro-slavery, pro-genocide of the goyim position, or anti-unbridled and absolute discretion, to which reference will be herein made as the anti-slavery, anti-genocide position or else present an argument explaining why in a given case, a given judge would claim that it would be in the best interest(s) of the Resurrection of the Rule of Law Movement (aka the Anti-Genocide Movement) or otherwise not-evidently-justified, for such judge to defer any explanation in such regard to a future date, or to not address the issue at all. 28. Requirement that pictures of the consequences of unmonitored govt activity and the exercise of discretion by persons in whom there is not a demonstrably adequately adjusted fear of the consequences in eternity of not satisfying the requirements of the moral law in a given exercise of authority, in cases in which such sins would not have been adequately repented of before the death of a given exerciser of authority who would have been culpable in this regard, be posted in the plaza of each courthouse ie. starting with piles of the bodies of baptized persons tortured and murdered and slaughtered in Russia in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and in the Leninist Regime , in the Hungarian takeover in 1918 and the Kuhn regime and in Spain in 1936 due to the control of the U.S. Govt by the Talmudists at that juncture. 29. Require all judges to swear an oath or commit to an affirmation declaring the abdominal character of the Talmud, and a commitment to refuse to participate in any of the types of malice and depravity contained therein, and to refuse to consider any human person who would ever participate in any court proceeding to be subhuman. 30. Require all judges to refuse to permit any governmental official to accept federal reserve notes as payment for any fee, debt or fine ever legitimately imposed, or owed. 31. Some type of provision, including various types of incentives and/or disincentives to keep the non-vitandus Judges in the County from retiring upon reaching 20 years of service as a judge, so that persons far less capable, qualified, conscientious and courageous are not enabled via retirements to procure judicial positions. 32. Provision for certain judges to be brought up on the petition therefore by a given litigant to adjudicate a given appeal, the prospect of which alone would so greatly diminish the enormously negative and injurious effect that the present lamentable and abysmal condition of the First District Appellate Court causes – namely it induces and encourages deep-pocketed parties to abuse and defraud the system in trial court proceedings, upon the presumption that no matter what occurs in a Cook County Trial Court, evil and money ALWAYS AND WITHOUT EXCEPTION PREVAIL IN THE FIRST DISTRICT IL APPELLATE COURT as the devil possesses an almost complete if not actually entirely complete, stranglehold on such Court, which is considered by many to be as bad a court as there is anywhere in the Fifty Talmudic States of Amerika at this juncture in its descent into total barbarism, even as horrible as the hell-full-of-horrors that is the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. 33. Requirement that every judge take an oath or affirmation to do whatever would be necessary in a given case and in every case ever before him or her, to ensure that he or she would never decide a case based upon his or her unwillingness and/or incapacity to resist the temptation to which he or she might ever be subjected to permit him or her-self to be intimidated out of the duty ever imposed by sources of authority controlling the exercise of the authority of a given office, regardless of how many pictures he or she has seen or stories he or she has read of the horrors that Talmudists have perpetrated upon baptized persons, especially those who refuse to betray their baptismal promises and render unto the Rothschilds what rightfully belongs to God (cf. Mt. 22:21, Rev. 3:9) in any period of history in which Talmudism has gained supremacy such as that in which this document has been composed. 34. Require each and every Judge to sign under oath or affirmation a statement affirming that he or she (“he”) understands that a court which conducts its activity upon an absolute discretion standard is not just an abomination to God and a menace to everything that God can still justify not hating, but is conducting its activity according to a standard entirely incompatible with the requirements of Article VI, the prohibition on slavery clause of the Thirteenth, and the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendments, to the U.S. Const., and the principles articulated regarding substantive due process violations of inalienable rights and that former Chief Justice Marshal agreed that there is absolutely nothing in the Eleventh Amendment to that Constitution prohibiting a citizen from suing his or her own state for deprivations and injuries caused by its actors an agents. 35. Require whomever signs the paychecks for the acceptably accountable Judges to discontinue the withholding of any federal income tax from the compensation and benefit packages of such Judges, so that inter alia the opportunities for employment off the bench are not as appealing relatively, as the prospects of remaining on the bench for a given acceptably accountable Judge. 36. Requirement that every judge to whom a given case would be assigned would sign a statement under penalty of perjury that he or she would understand that given the conditions in which the Court Systems in this Country are presently found to be and the social order within which such Courts operate is found to be, that the objective of the financially and politically less favorably positioned party in a given dispute must be, not to prevail in the case in the trial court, nor even upon appeal (an almost impossible task – given the lamentable conditions of reviewing courts in this Country at all levels, at this juncture in the descent back into barbarism) but rather to preserve all legitimate claims and protect the claim to vindicate such claims via vigilante means and/or after the completion of a successful domestic insurrection – which distinction obviously bears profound implications for the issue of relevancy in a given case, as what would not be relevant for those depending upon the adequate functioning of the court system for the rectification of injustices would be in no way irrelevant for those committed to ensure that what would constitute their moral liability in a given case would not be left uncovered due to their not having utilized the means which Providence has provided for the vindication of claims and interests in regard to which a given person or party would understand that an accounting would have to be proviced. 37. Build either a plexiglass wall with a sound systemor some type of a barrier in the form of steel bars between the judicial bench and the area in which the advocates and everyone else abides and functions, and eliminate all of the courtroom deputies in all but criminal cases except two for each floor to handle what are bona fide disturbances or demonstrations of disrespect. 38. Require judges to abstain from deliberately smiling for any photographer (not applicable to a situation in which someone would inadvertently appear to be smiling and be caught on camera) and require any judge whose picture would end up in any publication which any member of the public would see and report to pay the costs of the publication of a formal apology to the members of the public who are so distressed by the present conditions and activity of the court systems and the great majority of the judges in them at this juncture, as this requirement would hopefully prevent the escalation of resentments which occurs when those victimized by illegitimate, unjustified, tortuous and/or criminal judicial conduct encounter pictures in publications in which those considered by them to be either the or at least one of the chief, source(s) of their distress, infliction and hardship in a present case would appear to be demonstrating a wanton disregard and unconcern for the unjustified injury that would have been caused by their activity in the adjudication of a given case (the sight of someone such as the Chief Judge grinning ear to ear in so many published pictures of him, given the unjustified and unconscionable injuries that burden-bearers sustain every hour in the system he oversees from the misconduct of judges and attorneys whose conduct, as RJM understands the matter, he is obliged to report, and above all that incurred by the victims of homosexual adoption (which is of course, really just legally sanctioned abduction and who can dare to even consider what else – except for purposes of ensuring that the perpetrators do not remain unpunished for their atrocties) can only cause anyone not entirely oblivious to the contents of Mt. 18:6 to cringe at the thought of the accounting that will have to be provided in regard to this matter. 39. Require the establishment and declaration of a day on various levels of judicial penance and atonement. 40. Include a downlink on the Court’s website, or from the Court’s website to websites, containing the publication of nihil obstats for judges whose conduct has been found to have been conducted at a consistently, without exception, acceptable level of accountability and who correlatively have evidently demonstrated a fitness for the holding and exercise of the authority of a given office. 41. Regarding IL Supreme Court Rule 298 Petitions submitted to Room 2005 as of the First Quarter of 2007, to require that no such petition be denied, without its first having been submitted to one of the following judges who have demonstrated a conspicuous capacity in adversarial contested proceedings of keeping the exercise of authority of a given exercise of authority, upon the protective side of the protective-predatory fault line – for torts – Judges Ward, K. Flanagan, Duncan Brice and in commercial cases – Judge Bartkowicz (there is no intention here to slight anyone, but rather it is the case, that there are a number of judges in that division who have demonstrated the capacity described supra and the proposed referrals are restricted to those judges in regard to whose activity RJM is to some measure cognizant as it concerns the threshold of compliance-accomplishment herein described). RJM is not cognizant of the types of problems that have plagued the 298 petition process in the Law Division as being present in other Divisions at this time and in fact is cognizant that at least the First Municipal and Chancery Judges with whose activity RJM is cognizant regarding the 298’s have succeeded on a consistent basis in accomplishing compliance at at least a minimally acceptable compliance-accomplishment standard in this regard. minimally acceptable NOT YET PROOF READ - TO BE REVISED, AUGMENTED, ENHANCED, MODIFIED, ADJUSTED, ADAPTED, CLARIFIED, AND BOLSTERED AS PRIORITIES AND CIRCUMSTANCES PERMIT Vacate the criminal code as such might ever be applied to the conduct of RJM in any endeavors he might ever incept for purposes of rectifying injustice(s) and or… or in the alternative declare the unconstitutionality as it would be applied to the conduct of RJM in …. The only individual who is ultimately benefiting from the constraints existing structures and systems impose upon the activity of RJM is the devil Submitted for consideration and comment by (any and all comments sincerely provided would be appreciated and hopefully incorporated into the next revision of these proposed rule changes): Robert J. More (Rom. 12:21) – Assistant But Not By Express Delegation To (Someone Familiar With RJM’s Modus Operandi Might Be Tempted To Think RJM Was Going To Write “Chief Justice J. Roberts” Here, But This Is Not The Case, As Since It Is The Case That There Is No Reason To Believe That A Critical Mass Of Those Amongst The Over 80 Million Gun Owners In This Country, In Whom The Voice Of Conscience Has Not Yet Been Entirely Extinguished, Cannot Do At Least As Well Against The Contemporary Talmudist Menace As The Spanish Loyalists Did In The Spanish Civil War In 1936-39 Against Their Predecessors, There Is No Need For Any Assistance From Any Court, Including The U.S. Supreme Court, To Vindicate The Interests Of Almighty God Against The Wicked And Ungodly) Jesus Christ, Christus Regnat And His Immaculately Conceived And Ever Virgin And Spotlessly Pure And By Her Veritably Astounding Demonstration Of Humility, Now Forever Exalted, Mother –She, Who As A 16 Year Old Girl, By Her Fiat Mihi, Secundum Verbum Tuum, Put In Motion The Historical Chain Of Events Which Forever Doomed Lucifer’s Hideous Agenda For The Human Race And Without Whose Cooperation The Poor Banished Children Of Eve, Would Have Had To Have Remained Banished From The Inheritance Her Fidelity Enabled Jesus To Make By His Suffering, Death and Resurrection, Available To All Of Those Who Take Up Their Own Personal Crosses After His Example. P.O. Box 6926 Chicago, IL 60680 thirstforjustice@yahoo.com and the or else: As an alternative to the implementation of the proposed revisions of the rules submitted along herewith, the closing down of the entire court systems according to an agenda that would not leave the legitimate reliance interests of those who have labored in such systems to the net benefit or at least a break-even level for, the Non-counterfeit Version of the Roman Catholic Church, not demonstrably adequately accomodated would be a possibility infinitely preferable to the preservation of the presently prevailing status quo. But, even if the systems in their present conditions could not be closed without leaving such reliance interests not adequately accommodated, the closing down of the systems without any such accommodation, as lamentable as it would indisputably be for those who would have foregone opportunities in the private sector which would have been much more lucrative than a career or stint, as the case might be in a given instance, in public service, or who would have distinguished themselves by selfless service to the true common good via their conduct as public servants, or even just those who would have refused to make any unjustified concessions to complacency, and whose intolerance of mediocrity, sloth, apathy and selfishness and unwillingness to make any unjustified concessions thereto would have redounded to the common good, would not be protected from a non-honoring of any given legitimate reliance interest, it would still obviously be incomparably less difficult to justify the complete and even permanent closing of the system in its present condition, than the maintenance in existence of a court system which would permit so much as one adoption of an innocent and defenseless child by a homosexual, nay as would permit so much as the laying of the hand of a homosexual or any other predator for that matter upon any child, period (Mt. 18:6) And if this is still too soft and unjustifiably conciliatory in tone, then RJM will just have to augment it when time permits. Proposed Rules (Additions Thereto of 1/2/07) 1. In any situation in which more security would be utilized that is ordinarily utilized, the parties involved would be permitted to address everyone in the Courtroom for a period not exceeding 120 seconds each, to eliminate any unfavorable consequences that might result from inferences that might be drawn from such extraordinary use of security measures. 2. Some type of provocation jury instruction in cases in which judges or attorneys would have force used against them by common citizens who would claim that he, she or they, would have been victimized by lawyer or judicial crimes, torts and/or predations of whatever sort; which would demonstrate a concern for the innumerable victims of lawyer and judicial crimes and predations, without unjustifiably reducing the disincentives now in place which serve to deter aggression against acceptably accountable judges and attorneys - via the operation of penalties for any use of force that might be unjustifiably employed against an acceptably accountable judge or attorney. 1