Invitation(s) to Recipients Whereof to Endeavor to Demonstrate that the 5/15/14 Rejection by the Pro Se Manager of the Clerk of the CCA 7 of Robert J. More's Petition for the Recission of the Filing Restrictions Presently in Place Upon Him as Imposed by the CCA Did Not Result in the Incurrment of Criminal and/or Tort Liability by the Rejector Whereof
Invitation(s) is herein extended to demonstrate the Non-incurrment of liability as referenced in the title to this document.
RJM's recapitulation of the conversation which he conducted with CCA & Clerk E. Frost on 5/15/14 at about 16:30 has been posted at: "youtube...."
so that, inter alia, assessors of such recapitulation can ascertain the priorities according to which the activity in issue was conducted for themselves.
to Recipients Whereof to Endeavor to Demonstrate that the Activity
Concerned was Not Demonically Instigated, Ordered to Jn. 8:44
Consequences and
the Balance", Destructive of the "[Legitimate] Ends For
Which Governments are Instituted Among Men" (USDOI)
Invitation(s) is herein extended to demonstrate that the activity this invitation concerns did and does not fit into the "actual moral character of activity" profile explicated herein supra