Document List of 4/15/15 - Rojas FGJ

1. D/L of 41515 - Rojas FGJ X

2. Notice and Demand to CPD of 4/15/15

3. Notice to D. Rojas - Star # 18704

Notice(s) and Demand(s) to City of Chicago Police Department & D. Rojas Star # 18704 of 4/15/15

Robert J. More ("RJM")

P.O. Box 6926

Chicago, IL 60680, 608 445-5181, (863) 688-9880 lv msg

To: Representatives of the Chicago Police Department


Demand is herein made that either Danilo Rojas be provided a copy of this document, or notified of its existence and purpose, and of the presence of the documents referenced herein at the URL's included herein, and that confirmation of the execution of one of such alternatives be provided Robert J. More ("RJM") as soon as such task(s) can be completed, or that RJM be provided explicit notification of a means via which RJM, himself, can deliver a copy of this document to Rojas before midnite on 4/17/15. A chronicling of the activity of RJM in regard to the matters this document concerns and of all the activity which RJM will have encountered in regard to activity conducted by RJM in regard to such matters since 4/14/15 can be accessed here: "", to which document will be added everything substantial that transpires in this regard until an acceptable resolution is brought to the matters this document concerns. The crux of the matters in issue in regard to which RJM has sought an indictment of D. Rojas can be accessed here: "", and RJM's understanding of RJM's burden at this juncture is to ensure that Rojas can never legitimately invoke any SOL defense in regard to the matters concerned, which requires RJM to use every means reasonably available via which to ensure the notification of Rojas in regard to these matters by midnite on 4/17/15. Any complaints which anyone might have in regard to any activity conducted by RJM in regard to these matters can be filed with the ISMA via the form available for such matter in the "Table of Contents" of the ISMA website at the domain name of the URL's included herein.

Robert J. More

To: Danilo Rojas Star # 18704


Mr. Rojas,

The purpose of this document is to notify you that I submitted a collection of documents on 4/14/15 to a member of the United State's Marshal's Service designated to the Federal Grand Jury ("FGJ") Foreperson of the FGJ presently assessing evidence in Chicago IL of alleged violations of federal laws, for the purpose of getting you indicted for the activity conducted by you on 4/17/10 in your interaction with me at St. Mary of the Angel's Parish as described in the "Factual predicates...." component of the "Proposed True Bill re Rojas 2010 Federal Crimes" included in the documents posted at: "" and to demand that you preserve whatever evidence that you might ever claim exculpates you from criminal liability in regard whereto.

Robert J. More