Document List of 5/14/15 - D/L 5/14/15 - snycoldun
1. D/L 5/14/15 - snycoldun - X
2. Petition to Federal Grand Jury Foreperson for NDIL of 5/15/15 for Indictments...
3. Proposed True Bill of 5/15/15
4. List of Youtube Postings of Electronic Recordings of Activity Conducted in re.....
5. Notice and Invitation(s) to: CCCC, IL Judge James "Sodomite" Snyder - Sodomite not included hereinafter in order to ensure no one could inclusion wherein as pretext to breach any duty ever in place and owed, Mic.hael Collins - Attorney, CCCC, IL Judge Lawrence Dunford - X
6. RJM's Email Demand to M. Collins of 5/11/15 for Access to MTD filed by him in May of 2010
7. Record of Time and Expenses Consumed/Incurred in Completion of Project this Entry Concerns - 5/9-5/13 - 90 minutes - downloading emails re matter, preparing documents, phone calls to clerk, sheriff re access to RDC, C & C clerk, notice to M. Collins, trip to FGJ of 5/11, 825-850 on 5/12 procuring information and contacting collins, 5/14/15 - 1550-1705 - composition - add email, conversion, posting, printing and delivery and any follow -up required +
Documents listed herein supra adjacent to which there is an "X" were delivered to at least Snyder and Collins by 5/19/15.
Notice and Invitation(s) to: CCCC, IL Judge James "Sodomite" Snyder - Sodomite not included hereinafter in order to ensure no one could inclusion wherein as pretext to breach any duty ever in place and owed, Mic.hael Collins - Attorney, CCCC, IL Judge Lawrence Dunford
Robert J. More
P.O. Box 6926, Chicago, IL, 60680, 608 445-5181, 863 688-9880 - msg,
To: Each of Those Listed In the Title to this Document
Notice is herein provided that a project, the purpose of which is to ensure that no crimes perpetrated in re Case # 08 M1 143321, will remain unpunished and that no victims of any such crimes as have been perpetrated in re such matter will remain permanently injured in re whereto, has been in the process of being brought to completion. The treasonous and insurrection-instigating arrangement presently in place in the USDC for the ND of IL in which the Independence of the Federal Grand Jury guaranteed by the Presentment Clause of the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the u.s. of A. has been usurped and the consideration which is supposed to have been provided the American People from such Independence denied to all who have been entitled to such consideration has rendered it impossible for indictments to have been issued against any of you for activity conducted by any of you in the defense and/or adjudication of such case from May 1, 2010 until today. Specifically, indictments ought to have been issued in regard to the filing of the Motion to Dismiss set for 5/19/10, the adjudication of such motion and the subsequent adjudication conducted in the last week of May of 2010 in re the case referenced herein supra.
Given the egregiously unjust arrangement presently in place in the nominal u.s. of A. de facto Flagship Colony of the Talmudic-barbaric Global Plantation, it is RJM's understanding that no expiration of any promulgated Statute of Limitations defense could ever be legitimately invoked by any of you, respectively, in order to exculpate any of you from liability for the perpetrations of the various crimes this document concerns (eg. 18 USC 242, 1341, 1981 et seq.). This document has been composed and transmitted for the purpose of ensuring that none of you could ever claim that you were prejudiced by not having been notified of RJM's intent to ensure that no crime remain unpunished, nor any windfall wrongfully begotten and/or otherwise illegitimately procured remain undispossessed, and correlatively, that no crime victim remain permanently defrauded and/or otherwise unjustifiably injured in regard to the matters this document concerns by 5/19/15.
If it would be the position of any of you, that you did not incur any felony liability from activity conducted by any of you, respectively, in regard to the matters this document concerns, invitation is extended herein that an explanation demonstrating any alleged non-incurrment of any such type liability be provided to RJM and/or the the FGJ Foreperson for the Northern District of IL.
The history of the matters this document concerns and any and all activity conducted in the future in re whereto can be accessed via the Table of Contents of the URL included in the ULC of this document.
Robert J. More Jn 2:16, Ma. 22:21, 1 Cor. 5:22, Acts 5:29, Rom. 12:21