No. __________ ______________ IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES ______________________ In re Robert J. More, as Next Friend/Petitioner for Third Party Petitioner of Mr. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and/or as Amicus Curae in support of Tsarnaev - an individual evidently being a.) incapable of presenting this petition as evidently either being 1.) ignorant of the protections the Constitution of the u.s. of A. is supposed to provide persons conducting activity in this Nation - or what is left of it at this juncture in its continued deterioration and descent into Talmudic Barbarity, and 2.) of evidence, which if competent, would demonstrate his innocence of having actually planted any explosive at the 2013 Boston Marathon and b.) inaccessible via the Ft. Devens, MA inmate access procedure ON THIS INITIAL COMPONENT OF A PETITION TO THE SUPREME COURT OF THE U.S. OF A. FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF 28 USC 2241 VIA THE VEHICLE OF A SPECIAL WRIT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF 28 USC 1651, ACCOMPANIED BY A MOTION TO STAY THE PROCEEDINGS PRESENTLY BEING CONDUCTED IN THE TRIAL COURT IN THE TRIAL OF MR. D. TSARNAEV SO THAT TSARNAEV DOES NOT LOSE THE STATUS OF PRE-TRIAL DETAINEE PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE ADJUDICATION OF THIS PETITION, TO BE SUPERSEDED AS SOON AND AS FREQUENTLY AS MIGHT BE NECESSARY FOR RJM TO UNDERSTAND THAT HIS MORAL LIABILITY IN REGARD TO THE MATTERS CONCERNED WOULD HAVE BEEN ADEQUATELY COVERED, via the filing formula used by Mr. L.E. Gideon in Gideon v Wainwright (_U.S._) relative to incapacity of RJM to file this document in a form entirely in compliance with any and all procedural requirements promulgated for the filing of this type petition in this Court at this juncture. v Superintendent of the Federal Medical Center, Fort Devers, MA Respondent Robert J. More, Petitioner P.O. Box 6926 Chicago, IL, 60680 608 445-5181 In Persona Propia INITIAL COMPONENT OF 1/19/15 OF A PETITION TO THE SUPREME COURT OF THE U.S. OF A. FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF 28 USC 2241 VIA THE VEHICLE OF A SPECIAL WRIT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF 28 USC 1651, ACCOMPANIED BY A MOTION TO STAY THE PROCEEDINGS PRESENTLY BEING CONDUCTED IN THE TRIAL COURT IN THE TRIAL OF MR. D. TSARNAEV SO THAT TSARNAEV DOES NOT LOSE THE STATUS OF PRE-TRIAL DETAINEE PRIOR TO THE COMPLETION OF THE ADJUDICATION OF THIS PETITION, TO BE SUPERSEDED AS SOON AND AS FREQUENTLY AS MIGHT BE NECESSARY FOR RJM TO UNDERSTAND THAT HIS MORAL LIABILITY IN REGARD TO THE MATTERS CONCERNED WOULD HAVE BEEN ADEQUATELY COVERED o. (A) QUESTION(S) PRESENTED WHETHER DEFENDANT TSARNAEV ("DDT") AND EVERY OTHER ACTIVITY CONDUCTOR CONDUCTING ACTIVITY AT THIS JUNCTURE IN HISTORY IN THIS NATION WHOSE CONDITION STANDS TO BE AT LEAST INDIRECTLY AFFECTED BY THE RESOLUTION OF THE MATTERS THIS DOCUMENT CONCERNS ("THESE MATTERS") HAVE NOT BEEN DENIED THE CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHT GUARANTEED BY THE DUE PROCESS CLAUSE OF THE FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE U.S. OF A. TO NOT BE SUBJECTED TO PROSECUTION FOR A FEDERAL FELONY IN A SITUATION IN WHICH THE PROSECUTING ENTITY WOULD HAVE "UNCLEAN HANDS" OF SUCH MAGNITUDE AS TO RENDER IT INCAPABLE OF LEGITIMATELY PROSECUTING ACTIVITY OF A GIVEN GENUS PRIOR TO ITS CLEANING SUCH HANDS OF INNOCENT BLOOD ATTRIBUTABLE TO: 1.) THE GOVERNMENT SPONSORED TORTURE AND MURDER OF TERESA SCHIAVO, 2) THE MURDER OF ALL OF THE PRE-BORN BABIES MURDERED SINCE THE ORDER AND OPINION ISSUED IN ROE V WADE (_U.S._) WERE ISSUED, 3.) THE ATTRIBUTION OF THE ATROCITY OF 9/11/01 TO 19 ISLAMIC FANATICS W/O ANY ADVERSARIAL ADJUDICATION OF THE CAUSES OF SUCH ATROCITY EVER HAVING BEEN EXECUTED AND THE KILLING AND PERMANENT DISABLING OF ALL OF THE MIDDLE EASTERN PEOPLE KILLED AND DISABLED UPON WHAT EVIDENTLY CONSTITUTES A PRETEXT OF SHARED CULPABILITY FOR THE COMMISSION OF SUCH ATROCITIES IN THE MILITARY VENTURES CONDUCTED IN AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ, 4.) THE INNUMERABLE EVIDENT POLITICAL MURDERS EVIDENTLY PERPETRATED UPON ACTIVITY CONDUCTORS SUCH AS JOHN F. KENNEDY, MARTIN LUTHER KING, ROBERT F. KENNEDY, MARY PINCHOT MEYER, DOROTHY KILGALON, THE INTAKE DOCTOR AT THE BETHESDA MD. MEDICAL CENTER TO WHICH KENNEDY'S BODY WAS TRANSFERRED IN 1963, RONALD BROWN, JOHN F. KENNEDY JR., TERRENCE YEAKEY, THE COLLECTION OF MICRO-BIOLOGISTS WHO ENDED UP DEAD IN THE IMMEDIATE POST 911 TIME PERIOD, BRAD DUOCHETTE, PAT TILLMAN, PAUL WELLSTONE, THE BARKSDALE NINE, AND COUNTLESS OTHERS, SUCH AS THOSE SCIENTISTS LISTED ON STEVEN QUAYLE'S WEBSITE AS CASUALTIES OF NOT HAVING REMAINED "FAR ENOUGH AWAY FROM THE MOTHERLODE" AND ALL OF THE ACTIVITY CONDUCTED TO KEEP THE DEATHS OF THOSE DYING IN ANY GIVEN INSTANCE REFERENCED HEREIN UNINVESTIGATED WHETHER DEFENDANT TSARNAEV AND EVERY OTHER ACTIVITY CONDUCTOR CONDUCTING ACTIVITY AT THIS JUNCTURE IN HISTORY IN THIS NATION HAS NOT BEEN DENIED THE CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHT GUARANTEED BY THE PRESENTMENT CLAUSE OF THE FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE U.S. OF A. TO NOT BE PROSECUTED FOR A FEDERAL FELONY EXCEPT VIA AN INDICTMENT ISSUED FROM A FEDERAL GRAND JURY ("FGJ") WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN CONDUCTING ACTIVITY INDEPENDENTLY OF ANY INSTRUMENTS AND/OR ENTITIES WHICH MIGHT BE IN A POSITION VIA WHICH TO EXERCISE ANY UNJUSTIFIED INFLUENCE ON THE DELIBERATIONS OF SUCH FGJ PURSUANT TO THE RULINGS ISSUED IN REGARD TO THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE FGJ IN COSTELLO V U.S. (OR VICE VERSA) (_U.S._) AND WILLIAMS V U.S. (_U.S._), GIVEN THE PROSPECT FOR DEFRAUDMENT OF LEGITIMATE RELIANCE INTERESTS PRESENT IN THE ARRANGEMENT PRESENT IN REGARD TO THE FGJ PROCEEDINGS THIS DOCUMENT CONCERNS IN WHICH THE CONTROLLER OF THE PRESENTATION OF EVIDENCE TO SUCH FGJ WAS AN INDIVIDUAL EMPLOYED BY THE SAME ENTITY (THE DOJ) THAT OBSERVERS OF NO LESS SOBRIETY, ATTENTION TO DETAIL AND THOROUGHNESS THAN WILLIAM GRIGG CONSIDER TO CONSTITUTE THE PERPETRATOR OF INNUMERABLE CRIMES OVER THE PAST SEVERAL DECADES AGAINST THE RULE OF LAW AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WHETHER IF THERE IS A CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHT TO NOT BE INDICTED BY A FGJ WITHOUT SUCH ENTITY'S HAVING BEEN PROVIDED ANY AND ALL EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE WHICH MIGHT EVER HAVE BEEN PROCURABLE AND PRESENTABLE VIA THE EXERCISE OF REASONABLE DILIGENCE IN REGARD TO ANY MATTER(S) EVER BEFORE IT, SUCH AS THAT POSTED IN THE WEBSITE OF C. BOLLYN AS POSTED BY A MR. R. EASTMAN ON 4/4/14 REGARDING THE TRANSPORTATION AND PLANTING OF ONE OF THE IED'S WHICH EXPLODED AT THE FINISH LINE OF THE BOSTON MARATHON IN 2013, IN FACT HAS NOT EITHER BEEN DEMONSTRATED TO BE INCOMPETENT OR BEEN SO PRESENTED WHERETO, DEFENDANT TSARNAEV ("DDT") (DIRECTLY) AND EVERY OTHER ACTIVITY CONDUCTOR CONDUCTING ACTIVITY AT THIS JUNCTURE IN HISTORY IN THIS NATION (INDIRECTLY)HAVE NOT BEEN DENIED SUCH CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHT IN REGARD TO THE MATTERS THIS CONVEYANCE CONCERNS ACCORDING TO THE AUTHORITY POSTULATED IN AMONG OTHER SOURCES OF AUTHORITY THAT OF BRANZBURG V HAYES (_U.S.) THAT "THE PUBLIC IS ggENTITLEDTO EVERY MAN'S EVIDENCE" WHETHER DEFENDANT TSARNAEV ("DDT") (DIRECTLY) AND EVERY OTHER ACTIVITY CONDUCTOR CONDUCTING ACTIVITY AT THIS JUNCTURE IN HISTORY IN THIS NATION (INDIRECTLY) HAVE NOT BEEN DENIED THE CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHT GUARANTEED BY THE DUE PROCESS CLAUSE OF THE FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE U.S. OF A. TO NOT BE SUBJECTED TO PROSECUTION FOR A FEDERAL FELONY WITHOUT THE PROSECUTION HAVING PRESENTED TO THE COURT AND THE DEFENDANT EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE WHOSE EXISTENCE WOULD BE MANDATED BY THE RULING(S) IN REGARD TO SUCH TYPE MATTER ISSUED IN BRADY V MARYLAND (_U.S._), AND ITS PROGENY, WHICH RJM UNDERSTANDS ARE APPLICABLE TO FEDERAL CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS, IF THE EVIDENCE IN THE WEBSITE OF C. BOLLYN AS POSTED BY A MR. R. EASTMAN ON 4/4/14 HAS NOT IN FACT EITHER BEEN DEMONSTRATED TO BE INCOMPETENT OR HAS NOT BEEN SO PRESENTED Note: It is not in any way, shape or form, the intention of Intervenor/Amicus Robert J. More in filing this petition that Mr. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev should be permitted to depart the custody of the United States of America at this juncture in time, but only that he not be prosecuted for the crime of murder nor any other crime in re which there would be any provision for the administration of the death penalty nor any sentence of life imprisonment nor any type of sentence which could not be entirely justified, without there having been adequate consideration and processing of the evidence referenced herein supra and the explanations regarding such evidence provided by Mr. Richard Eastman included herein infra which appears to exonerate Tsarnaev from having actually planted any improvised explosive device at the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon and so that no one who was knowingly and voluntarily or otherwise culpably, involved, in such murders and maimings and the violence which succeeded it, including Tsarnaev if he was so involved - as it appears that he was to some extent and in some way, would get away without being adequately punished for any criminal liability incurred in regard whereto according to the axiom Qui nocentibus parcit, innocentibus punit ("He who spares the guilty punishes the innocent"). Challenge to the Constitutionality on its face and as applied of the provision in the Amicus Rule promulgated by this Court which restricts Amicus filers solely to the population of individuals who are certified to argue before this Court as violating among other provisions of the Constitution of the u.s. of A., those of Right of Access to the Courts component of the First Amendment Right to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances, and the Ninth Amendment is herein posited. This petition could not evidently justifiably have been filed in the first instance in the District Court in which Tsarnaev is being prosecuted, given that were it to be denied wherein, it would not be realistic to get any such type denial whereof reversed by the CCA 1, amongst which it is presumed that it would be all but impossible to find two judges who would not be too intimidated by the interest of the Rothschilds and affiliate members of the banking families who own and operate this nation and indeed the entire Occident at this juncture in history in the procurement of (a) conviction(s) of Tsarnaev to possibly keep the balance between the Rothschild Controllled Government Prosecutors and the Defendant "nice, clear and true" as all judges participating in adjudications at all levels in the judiciary in this nation are always obligated to do In re Murchison (_U.S._). Nor to RJM's understanding, could it justifiably have been filed in the first instance to a single CCA 1 Judge as RJM is not cognizant that any of such judges has demonstrated a capacity and the commitment to, adequately bear the burdens of the exercise of the authority of a Federal Appellate Court Judge, such that the conditions in place in regard to this matter would indicate to RJM that the "mythical reasonable man of the law" would not file any habeas petition pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 2241 in either of the Courts inferior to this one which would possess jurisdiction over this matter if such jurisdiction is restricted to the Courts under the jurisdiction of the CCA 1, in regard to which issue RJM is not certain what the legal and moral character whereof is (ie. notwithstanding Tsarnaev's detention in MA, could the type of document this document constitutes be filed in the form in which RJM has endeavored to file it in a trial or appellate court of the jurisdiction in which any intervenor/amicus in re whereto would be residing at the juncture of any attempted filing whereof?). This most abbreviated presentation of the basis for provision for Robert J. More to be granted leave to file the Habeas Petition of which this conveyance constitutes a component part as a Next Friend of D. Tsarnaev is predicated upon the similarities in the case sub judiciae with that of Whitmore v AK (_U.S._), and as a Petitioner for Third Party Petitioner D. Tsarnaev pursuant to the similarities present in this case with those in among other cases, Powers v Ohio (_U.S._), all of which will be explicated in future components of this document and as an Amicus pursuant to former SCOTUS Justice W. Brennan's postulation in a concurring opinion in some legal promulgation promulgated in some SCOTUS case that "anyone can file an Amicus Curiae" Brief. RJM would not see how he could justify consenting to having any adherent to the Jewish religion participate in the adjudication of this petition for reasons which will, Providence permitting, be explicated in future components of this document. Nor would RJM see how he could justify consenting to any participation wherein by any present member of the SCOTUS, given the evident treason present, inter alia, in the attendance of all of such members at the State of the Union Addresses delivered by the present evident Tyrant by Usurpation who continues to occupy the Office of the POTUS, notwithstanding the plethora of petitions for the issuance of certiorari regarding the evident ineligibility of such individual to hold such office that the members of this Court have refused to adjudicate. This notification having been provided in order to ensure the adequate coverage of RJM's apprehended Luke 9:26 moral liability in the interminable warfare that must ever be waged against amongst other temptations, those of the sin of human respect if there is to be any hope at all for RJM's final deliverance from all evils (Mt. 6:13), RJM will accept favorable resolutions of the petitions this document concerns, under protest with no claim to any consideration regarding these matters, waived, forfeited nor relinquished, in order to prevent the very grave evils this document concerns. Had RJM encountered the raising of the arguments this document includes in any filing filed by any other person in regard to these matters, RJM would have considered himself "off the hook" morally in regard to such matters, but since he still has not encountered any such filing and the trial is presently set to begin on 1/26/15 in re such matters, RJM understood that he did not have any real choice except to file this document and its accompanying documents in order to minimally adequately satisfactorily answer the accusations from his sense of accountability that according to the scriptural passage that "from man in regard to every man, I will require an accounting" (..:..) in regard to these matters, that the world's innocent children and posterity, referenced in among other scriptural passages those of Jn 21:15 and Matt. 21:41 and everyone else entitled to consideration from RJM , for that matter, have been entitled to RJM's filing this document and those which accompany it in re these matters as a component part of RJM's ongoing endeavor to assist in the adequate bearing of what Pope Pius XI referenced as the "Catholic Cause" (Ad Sacerdoti Catholici, 1935), notwithstanding the many obvious imperfections, none of which to RJM's knowledge could legitimately be considered "fatally defective", by which this document is so obviously, beset. Since RJM simply cannot afford to double space print this document, pursuant to the phrase "where possible" in the rule regulating the spacing of the print of documents filed in this Court, RJM with appropriate apologies, herein files it single spaced. This document has been efiled to the email address of the "Merits Briefs" efiling email address published in the efiling rules promulgated by this Court according to either the principle that for now, it constitutes as much of a "Merits Brief" in regard to the matters concerned as would be necessary for the ex parte granting of the relief sought herein and/or of Epikiea as Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas and/or St, Alphonsus Liguori expounded whereupon in various published postulations, in that in weighing the various counterbalancing considerations at issue in regard to these matters, RJM reached the conclusion that the evident alternative from amongst which a choice had to be made in regard to the matters concerned which it will ultimately be revealed (Matt. 7:1 et seq, et al.) will have been the least difficult to justify having used at this juncture in regard whereto was the efiling of this document and all accompanying documents to such email address in the form in which such documents are presently found to abide. Upon behalf of at least all FEMA Red and Blue Listers and the world's innocent children and posterity, but obviously and necessarily not by any express designation in re whereto, RJM respectfully demands that the Clerk either deliver this and all accompanying document(s) to the appropriate Applications Judge for the determination of any and all issues of a constitutional dimension, amongst which would be included the issue of such delivery itself rather than the Clerk interpreting the rule to prevent the delivery whereof, whereto, or else to provide an explanation demonstrating that the non-provision of such consideration would not result in the incurrment of any criminal nor tort liability by the Clerk nor any of his subordinates in regard to these matters. Were the Clerk to implement any measure incompatible with such respectful demand, RJM would complain of a deprivation of the Right to Access to the Courts component of the Right to Petition the Government for the Redress of Grievances provision of the First Amendment, and the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment and the entirety of the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution of the u.s. of A. in that unless RJM is in error in regard to the issue of whether the Clerk would lack the authority to interpret such rules and apply them in the type of case presented herein in any arrangement such as that presented herein in which a Petitioner has demanded that any such type interpretations and applications be restricted to duly instituted Article III Judges, it would be RJM's understanding that this petition as transmitted via the efiling method provided in the Electronic Filing Rules presently operative in this Court would have to be transmitted to an Article III Judge for adjudication of all issues presented wherein including the issue of the efling whereof as explicated herein given that the trial of Tsarnaev is set to begin on 1/26/15, if such commencement would not be prevented by this Court or some intervening cause of whatever type other than any intervention by this Court whereinto. This determination made by RJM is of course necessarily non-infallible and has been established via the most assiduous consideration of the "goods and reasons" for the rules presently operative in the SCOTUS as such would apply to the processing of this pettion and the documents which accompany it which RJM has been presently capable of making in the midst of the exigencies in which RJM must continue to conduct activity according to the postulation in Sirach 13:14 "The salvation of each is left in the hands of his own counsel." In any scenario, RJM remains committed to adequately contribute to the ensuring that if either the consideration sought herein would not be granted or an explanation(s) would not have been provided demonstrating the legitimacy of the non-granting whereof, in regard to each and all of the respective issues which have come into existence via RJM's endeavors to file this document, or no substantial prejudice would have resulted from the non-provision of either of the first two alternatives enumerated herein, that no criminal nor tort liability ever ending up in existence in regard to such matters would remain in any condition of not having been adequately vindicated, should it cost RJM his last breath to deliver the consideration such commitment would entail according to the rule promulgated in Jas. 2:13 that "The merciful need have no fear of judgment." In this regard, an auditing of the processing of these documents is scheduled to be conducted in the near to intermediate future, if the evident incurrment of substantial prejudice to the Catholic Cause cannot be prevented w/o the conducting whereof. Initial Component of Evidence Evidently Exonerating Mr. D. Tsarnaev from the planting of any explosive device at the Boston Marathon of 2013. Posting of Richard Eastman regarding the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing in the article "Who’s Who In The Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Trial" posted in WBUR's website on 1/5/15 Richard Eastman • 5 days ago How could Dzhokhar put down a black bomb backpack if he only had a white backpack with him? The backpacks that carried both bombs, according to forensic findings reported on April 16, 2013 by FBI Agent in Charge Richard DesLauriers, were black nylon. A photo of the tattered but still recognizable remains of the of the backpack that carried second bomb which Dzhokhar Tsaranev is accused of placing is clearly black. There are enough backpack remains to identify make and style, for example side straps and the small white square label. Yet ALL pictures of Dzhokhar and his brother Tamerlan walking with backpacks at the Boston Marathon of 1913 establish by direct inspection that Tamerlan's backpack was medium grey in color and Dzhokhar's was bright WHITE! What's more, DesLauriers stated at the Suspect One and Suspect Two news conference that Suspect Two was qualified as a suspect merely on the basis of his being seen -- seen in a video that has never been shown to the public -- seen in a video we are told (and only told) shows him putting down his backpack near the scene of the explosion. But how could Dzhokhar put down a black backpack if he only had a white one with him? Furthermore, the only reports of this video used to finger Dzhokhar were given by people who did not see the video themselves. Governor Patrick reported the contents of the bag and was emotional in how incriminating it was -- yet he made no mention of the color of the bag that Dzhokhar removed -- removed by the way to get the phone that was in the backpack -- because it is also stated that Dzhokhar made a phone call when he put down his bag. But on Meet the Press a few days later Governor Patrick admitted that he himself did not see the film but got the facts "from my briefing" on the matter. The evidence of Dzhokhar's guilt is entirely hearsay. Tamerlan was killed and an army occupying Boston for a manhunt where they tried hard to kill the suspect was all conducted on the basis of this hearsay claim that Dzhokhar was seen placing the second bomb backpack. All of the evidence, tattered bomb bag, Dzhokhar's white bag, the recorded statements of Richard DesLauriers about the black bomb backpacks are all over the internet, for example in YT video called "Dzhokhar Tamerlan Innocent - Defense Excluding and Avoiding Conclusive Evidence." There are 10,000 pieces of evidence offered by the Prosecution. But this black-and-white proof of Dzhokhar's innocence is not being shown by the appointed public defender, who has stated 1) that she has tried to talk Dzhokhar into pleading guilty (to increase his changes of getting life imprisonment rather than the death penalty); that her only goal is avoid the death penalty. Neither attorney is willing to defend this man's innocence. Dzhokhar is probably unaware that the bombs were in black backpacks and I don't think the team of public defenders are looking for this kind of evidence. Probable cause exists to bring grand jury indictments against former FBI Agent Richard DesLauriers and Massachusetts Governor Duval Patrick for the murder of Tamerlan Tsaranev and the attempted murder of Dzhokhar Tsaranev. Dzhokhar Tsaranev could not have put down a black bomb backpack since he only had a white backpack with him. DesLauriers task force knew that Dzhokhar's backpack was white and that the bomb backpack was black. They knew the video did not and could not have shown Dzhokhar placing the black bomb bag, yet with full knowledge of the groundlessness of their identifying Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsaranev as suspects "presumed armed and dangerous" and launching a lockdown of Boston and military force ready to kill, they in fact were committing premeditated murder using law enforcement as their unwitting weapon. Witnesses have claimed that Tamerlan was killed after his capture by law enforcement. And video recordings of the attack on Dzhokhar Tsaranev indicate clearly that rounds were fired into the boat where he was hiding with clear intent to kill him, and that radio messages indicate that those in the helicopter were surprised when Dzhokhar emerged from the boat alive. Clearly the goal of many on the task force was that the "suspects" - the only public evidence against them is that they walked through the Marathon with backpacks not the color of the backpacks that figured in the explosions. The grand jury has the power to indict as many people as if finds probable cause of being involved in the murder plot. According to the Deputy Clerk who answered Robert J. More's ("RJM"'es) phone call on 1/20/15 at about 1545 at 202 479-3011, Ext. #5, and responded to RJM's question regarding the remission of any Habeas Corpus Petition ("HCP") fee via a debit card, there is no fee for the filing of a HCP to the SCOTUS and RJM has now relied upon this oral conveyance in transmitting this document to the SCOTUS w/o any accompanying fee. In the Supreme Court of the United States Robert J. More as Next Friend/Petitioner for Third Party Petitioner/Amicus for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev v Superintendent of the Federal Medical Facility at Fort Devers, MA Proposed Order of 1/19/15 1. This Court will honor the reliance interest resulting from the SCOTUS Deputy Clerk answering Robert J. More's phone call on 1/20/15 at about 1545 at 202 479-3011, Ext. #5, answering RJM's question regarding the remission of any Habeas Corpus Petition ("HCP") fee via a debit card, that there is no fee for the filing of a HCP to the SCOTUS, given, inter alia, RJM notification to this Court that he procured a confirmation in this regard from such Deputy Clerk and has now relied upon this oral conveyance in regard to the matter concerned. 2. Pursuant to the authority of Gideon v Wainwright (_U.S._) in re which certiorari was granted upon the reception by this Court of a one sentence claim included on a single piece of paper complaining of deprivation of a constitutionally protected right, and via the authority of the priority to which all of the activity of this Court must ever remain subjugated of the ensuring of the effecting of substantial justice to everyone entitled to consideration from the exercises of this Court's authority given the self-evidence of the scriptural principle that the "letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life" (..:..), in juxtaposition to the "straining of gnats and swallowing of camels" condemned in scripture, which has plagued exercises of government authority so frequently throughout the painful passage of human history, and in the spirit of that component of King St. Louis IX'es deathbed letter to his son in which he opined that, "In a dispute between the rich and the poor, the side of the poor must always be taken until the truth of the matter in issue can be fully ascertained": it is herein postulated that, if this Court would not lack the authority to issue this order in its present form, that: the component of the indictment issued against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in regard to any alleged participation in the explosion of any device(s) at the 2013 Boston Marathon is herein quashed and the evidence referenced in the documents which this order accompanies shall along with such other evidence as it would be necessary to present to a Federal Grand Jury presently assessing evidence of alleged criminal violations of Federal Laws in the Eastern District of MA, in regard to the matters this order concerns in order to ensure the adequate accommodation of any and all legitimate reliance interests implicated in regard to the issue of the ascertainment of criminal liablity in regard to such explosion(s), shall be presented by a special prosecutor herein appointed via this order pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 591 or 592 _________________________________, or, no trial shall commence in the matters this document concerns until further order from this Court ______________________. The Clerk of this Court shall transmit copies of this order to the Trial Court Judge to whom the Criminal Prosecution of Mr. D. Tsarnaev has been assigned, and the Superintendent of the Federal Medical Facility at Fort Devers, MA immediately. ________________________ _________________ Justice Date o. (B) LIST OF PARTIES/SERVICE OF THE COLLECTION OF DOCUMENTS OF WHICH THIS ONE CONSTITUTES A COMPONENT - This Habeas Petition can be granted ex parte so this section is N/A. Barring the encountering of some unforeseeable calamity, this document will have been mailed and emailed to the US SUPREME COURT, care of William Suter, Clerk - 1 First Street N.E. - Washington, DC 20543-0002 - Phone: (202) 479-3011 ; (202) 479-3000 and to USDC for the District of Eastern MA, Judge George O'Toole United States Federal Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Way, Suite 4730, John Joseph Moakley, Boston, MA 02210, 617 748-9618 by 1800 CST on 1/20/15 but if this task would not have been completed by such time, notice of any non-completion whereof will be provided by 1500 on 1/21/15. Document List of 1/19/15 in Tsarnaev Habeas Petition Intervention ("D/L of 1/19/15 - Tsarnaev") 1. D/L of 1/19/15 - Tsarnaev X 2. Initial Component of 1/19/15 Tsarnaev Habeas Petition X 3. Proposed Order of 1/19/15 X 4. Informa Pauperis Petition of 1/19/15 - According to the Deputy Clerk who answered Robert J. More's phone call on 1/20/15 at about 1545 at 202 479-3011, Ext. #5, and responded to RJM's question regarding the remission of any Habeas Corpus Petition ("HCP") fee via a debit card, there is no fee for the filing of a HCP to the SCOTUS and RJM has now relied upon this oral conveyance. 5. Explanation(s) to a.) Anyone Interested, b.) FEMA Blue Listers, c.) FEMA Red Listers, d.) Adherents to the Plain Language Meaning of Cantate Domino, e.) Posterity for 1/1/2040 Regarding the Reasons Robert J. More Endeavored to Intervene into the Tsarnaev Criminal Prosecution and the Methods Used in Re Whereto 6. Standard and Method of Adjudication -Bearing the Fourth Commandment Burden of Protecting One's Country Via the Holding of Its Government to the Terms of the Contract that the Constitution of the u.s. of A. Constitutes 7. Audit of Processing and Consideration of Document Entries herein supra adjacent to which there is an "X" were transmitted to the SCOTUS for filing on 1/20/15