if its not a runaway, mary ann corr,
- did you remember to add material inserted in the initial component of this document after 920 into this version whereof?
Document List of 4/29/14fs - UND FGJ
1. D/L of 42914fs - UND FGJ
2. Petition of 5/11/14 for Indictment(s) to Federal Grand Jury Foreperson/U.S. Attorney for Northern Dist. of IN ("NDIN")/Chief Judge of USDC for NDIN of 4/29/14, FBI for NDIN, Clerk for USDC for NDIN, limited to first Ten Counts with Further Counts to Follow
3. Proposed True Bill re Notre Dame 2009 Commencement Illegal Seizures et al, Limited to First Ten Counts ....
4. List of URL's for Documents Referenced in Documents Included in Collection of Documents for UND FGJ of 42914
5. Notification to Asst. U.S. Atty for NDIL, K Hayes of 5/2/14 at 1245 CST
6. Notification to Asst. U.S. Atty for NDIL, K Hayes of 5/9/14 at 1445 CST
7. FOIA to US DOJ of 5/2/14 re Names of PRA in Office of U.S. Atty for NDIN and residence addresses and asset possession(s) of All Concerned in re the Matters this Document Concerns
7. Definition of Constitutionally Protected Right to Superimpose Structure Into and Upon Any and All Government Activity Necessary to get Anyone Involved Wherein "Locked in" Regarding a.) Factual Predicates of Interaction, b.) Alleged Legal Basis for Activity, c.) Competent Evidence Available Regarding Actual State of Mind of Governmernt Official(s) at Various Stages of Development of Activity Ever In Issue
8. Running Bivens/18 USC 242, 1346, 1503, 1961 et seq, 2384 Complaint in Regard to Various Un-constitutional Deprivations Encountered in the Processing of these Documents
9. Formal Admission from Govt. Official in Any Arrangement in which Consideration Ever Sought from any Government Entity in Any Given Instance ('IAGI") would not be Provided Wherein, that Such Consideration Could Not have been Procured Regardless of Time of Delivery of Initial Demand Wherefore Nor Content of any Petition in such Regard, w/o the At the Very Least, the Type of Capacity and Commitment to Resort to the Use of Force to Effect the Accommodation of Any and All Legitimate Reliance Interests at Stake IAGI Demonstrated in re the Institution of the Magna Charta on 6/15/1215
10. Proposed Stipulation to USDOJ of 5/10/14, that RJM Need not Continue to Mail Documents to FGJF in Order to Retain Any and All Claims Accruing in Regard to the Deprivation of the Right to Procure the Utility an Indepedent Grand Jury would Provide in Regard To Any Matter Relating to the Notre Dame 2009 Commencement
11. Proposed Stipulation to USDOJ of 5/10/14 in Regard To Any and All Matters Relating to the Notre Dame 2009 Commencement that RJM Need not Continue to Mail Documents to Any USDOJ Office or Official in Order to a.) Get Criminal Charges Instituted in Re Whereto, Provided that Any and All Documents Which RJM Could have Mailed in re Whereto, Would Have Been Adequately Posted to a URL and Notice of Such Posting to Any Such URL would have been Adequately Provided IAGI, and b.) Retain Any and All Claims Accruing in Regard to the Deprivation of the Right to Procure the Utility an Indepedent Grand Jury would Provide in Re These Matters
12. Invitations to Demonstrate Non-Criminality and/or Non-Tortousness of the Positing of Interference w/ the Functioning of the FGJ as its Own Branch of Government, Entirely Independent, Except for Administrative and Security Aspects, of Any Member of any Other Branch Whereof
13. Demand that Either Docket containing links to Document Entries or at least a reference including a link to a site at which such Materials would be Posted be posted in the website of ....
14. Record of Auditing of Activity of Any and All Government Entities and/or Officials Whose Activity Would have been Encountered in Regard to the Matters this Document Concerns to The Extent Such Objective Would have been Accomplishable at the Any Given Such Junctures, Inter Alia, So that Whatever Posterity Providence Might Permit and the "Committed to Using AR-15's As Might Be Necessary to Stop the Genocide in Progress Component of the FEMA Red and Blue Listers" Can Adequately Accurately Ascertain the Priorities According to Which Any and All Such Activity Would have been Conducted in re the Matters Concerned
First Superseding Component of 5/10/14 of Petition of 4/29/14 to Federal Grand Jury Foreperson/Demand to USDC NDIN Chief Judge & USMS, Office of U.S. Attorney, and FBI for the Northern District of IN of 1000 a.m.CST on 5/2/14, to be Superseded As Often As Would Be Necessary In Order to Ensure the Just Rectification of the Crimes this Document Concerns, Postings of which Superseding Documents Can be Accessed Via Either the Table of Contents of the ISMA website at: ", or at:, in Regard to Which Supersession, One of the Most Important Functions of this Document Is and Will Continue to be to Prevent any of those Involved in the Processing of the Matters this Document Concerns ("these matters") from Ever Being Capable of Legitimately Claiming that At Any Given Juncture(s) in Such Processing that (s)(t)he(y) Would Have Been Incapable of Procuring and Assessing What At Any Given Juncture Would Constitute the "Most Recent Supersession of Any Given Document Which Would Ever Constitute A Component Part of the Collection of Documents of Which the Project of which This Conveyance Constitutes a Component Part" Consists
Robert J. More ("RJM")
P.O. Box 6926
Chicago, IL 60680, (863) 688-9880 lv msg
Federal Grand Jury Foreperson
Federal Grand Jury for the United States District Court, Northern District of IN
Federal Building
204 S. Main St.
South Bend, IN, 46601
Chief Judge of United States District Court for the Northern District of IN (USDC-NDIN),
Chambers of the Chief Judge of the USDC-NDIN,
Federal Building
204 S. Main St.
South Bend, IN, 46601
United States Marshal Service
Federal Building
204 S. Main St.
South Bend, IN, 46601
Office of the United State's Attorney for the Northen District of IN
Federal Building, - Room m-01
204 S. Main St.
South Bend, IN, 46601
Chairman of the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representative of the U.S. Congress
Rayburn Office Building
Washington, DC - via email
United States Senator for Kentucky, Rand Paul - via email
United States Senator Theodore Cruz - via email
FEMA Red and Blue Listers, Children Under the Age of Reason, Whatever Posterity Providence would Permit and Anyone Interested in the Matters Concerned, in General - via posting to website whose URL is included herein
Dear Federal Grand Jury Foreperson (FGJFP), and Undear Chief Judge of the USDC-NDIN, . (Chief Judge) and Whatever Member(s) of the USMS (is) (are) responsible for the maintenance of the arrangement presently prevailing in the geographical area constituting the Northern District of IN (NDIN) for purpose(s) of the delineation of the jurisdiction of the federal judiciary in regard to such area, in which citizens are prevented via what at the very least has constituted an "implied" notification from the USMS Deputy Supervisor P. Mozier of the intent of the USMS to endeavor to effect arrest in regard to any initiative(s) undertaken to present evidence of alleged and/or actual violations of provisions of the United States Code and/or the Constitution of the u.s. of A. in which is contained provision for criminal prosecution and punishment by any activity conductor who would not be a government official and Office of the United State's Attorney for the Northern District of IN, and Asst. U.S. Attorney Kenneth Hayes,
On 4/30/14, sometime in the p.m., Robert J. More ("RJM") participated in conversations with USMS NDIN Deputy Supervisor P Mozier and US. Atty for the NDIN Asst. U.S. Atty, K. Hayes an inchoate documentation of which is accessible here: "". RJM then produced a script consisting of questions and demands for 5/1/14 to be presented to the USMS and US Atty's Office for NDIN on 5/1/14 which can be accessed here: ".../undfgjphonequesdem5114.html" for the purpose of getting evidence re the Notre Dame Commencement of 2009 Federal Crimes presented to the FGJ in South Bend IN asap. A documentation of RJM's endeavors to get such URLS to the US Atty and USMS of NDIN on 5/1/14 is posted here: . FTR, Gordon W. Watts refused to call either the US Attys. or the USMS phone numbers on 5/1/14 after RJM repeatedly asked that he intervene in order to accomplish the mission of getting the URL's to such activity conductors, so that the phone attendants could not hang up the phone upon recognizing RJM's number. The phone numbers RJM called on 5/1/14 were 574 236-8287 and 574 236-8291. The phone number to the Off of Inspec General for the DOJ which RJM called on 5/1/14 is 202 514 3435. RJM sent his bcc list an email on 5/1/14 at 14:45 CST as a "militia alert re possibility of government violence". It is now 14:45 CST and the refusal of the USMS and US Atty Office to simply take the URL's has now cost RJM 90 minutes. That cost continued to escalate as the hours passed as RJM could not make any phone calls until around 15:30 attributable to a "No Network Coverage" message. At about that time RJM called GWW and LOA and prepared to call the numbers referenced herein supra again via a method which would mitigate damages and accomplish the objective of getting the evidence this document concerns to the U.S. Atty and FGJ as soon as such objective could be accomplished. The documents which RJM was endeavoring to get posted and in re which the posting whereof, RJM was endeavoring to get to the Asst. U.S. Atty, Mr. K. Hayes ("AUSAKH") were: "undpetindic42914.html", and "undfgjcomp51142300.html"
RJM encountered a message - "no network coverage" repeatedly for hours on 5/1/14, and RJM called GWW at around 1545 and sought his intervention but he refused to make any call at all in regard to the matters concerned. RJM then called LOA and invited him to consider RJM's endeavors and whether he might be capable of clearing the logjam after having read RJM's email of 5/1/14 re these matters and RJM informed LOA that RJM would call him back as might be necessary. RJM then (by then it was 1600 CST) called the Office of the U.S. Atty for the NDIN and got a voice mail and left a message which RJM tried to record but which recording was unsuccessful and RJM then delivered a message into the USMS voice mail for SB IN - in both these voice mail messages, RJM delivered the URLs for the final three entries in the Table of Contents of the ISMA website as of 16:00 on 5114, inter alia, in order to mitigate the damages RJM had incurred from the refusal of the US Atty RTA's and USMS to accept information regarding the postings of the documents posted at the URL's referenced herein supra.
RJM has been prevented from procuring identification of whatever constitutes the alleged source of legal promulgation ("SLP") purporting &/or alleging to authorize positing of interference to citizen access to the Federal Grand Jury. USMS Dep. P. Mozier and US Atty Receptionist Phone Attendants have refused to permit RJM to even get this most serious question posited, prevented RJM from constructing a challenge to the supposed constitutionality of any such SLP, and so RJM now has incurred another deprivation of a right guaranteed by the Constitution and Laws of the u.s. of A. in evident violation of 18 USC 242 and the First, Ninth and Thirteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the u.s. of A. RJM was prevented from positing the following questions to either US Atty or USMS: 1. "If it could possibly be justifiably claimed that interference with citizen access to and the independence of the FGJ, could possibly be justified, what exactly would constitute any supposed justification wherefore?" 2. If it could possibly be justifiably claimed that interference with the constitutionally protected right of any and all citizens to posit questions and/or make complaints to government officials in order to procure information and/or provide notice of detriment ever being incurred (inter alia so as to ensure the adequate coverage of one's moral burden to endeavor to prevent the incurrment of detriment to ones prospects for a Favorable Eternal Disposition of Soul ("FEDS"), in any arrangement in which such endeavor would in the balance have been morally mandated) from govt activity could possibly be justified, what exactly would constitute any supposed justification wherefore? 3. If it could possibly be justifiably claimed that the positing of interference with the constitutionally protected right of any and all citizens to lock government officials into claims regarding factual predicates in regard to any given component of government activity at the juncture at which any given component of such type activity would have been conducted, inter alia, so as to prevent any unjustified modification of such from what such originally would have been in any given instance, what exactly would constitute any supposed justification wherefore? 4. How in light of the ruling in ACLU v Alvarez could any government official ever legitimately execute affirmative acts ordered to the prevention of the production of an audio and/or audio-video record of any interaction between any citizen and any government official?
RJM complains that the deprivation of citizen access to the FGJ and the independence of the grand jury as its own fourth branch of government, independent of any of the three branches of the Government of the u.s. of A. referenced in the first three articles of the Constitution of the u.s. of A. constitutes (a) federal felon(y)(ies) in violation of the provisions of 18 USC 242, and 18 USC 2381, 2383 and 2384, in that such deprivation deprives the people of the u.s. of A of the protection of the Presentment Clause of the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the u.s. of A., namely the capacity to prosecute government crime free from any detrimental effects of conflicts of interest to which any government prosecutor and/or judge would ever be subjected.
In U.S. v Williams (_U.S._) these matters were thoroughly enough addressed by SCOTUS Justice A. Scalia in the ratio decendi of the Opinion issued in such case that it is the informed understanding of RJM that no sane person could inculpably not understand the issue of the Independence of the Federal Grand Jury and that such independence has been adequately promulgated according to the threshold referenced in Parrat v Taylor (_U.S. _) and/or Harlow v Fitzgerald (_U.S._) in terms of binding government officials to the definitions of the scope of legitimate reliance interests [regarding measures of consideration protected by various provisions of the Constitution of the u.s. of A.,]] delineated by the jurisprudence of the SCOTUS that no one could ever legitimately claim invincible ignorance in regard to the definition whereof. It is RJM's informed understanding that the definition of such scope in any given instance for 42 USC 1983 purposes correlates to Federal Bivens purposes and that such scope for Bivens purposes most definitely correlates to the same scope for 18 USC 242 purposes.
On behalf of everything warmblooded and in particular the world's entirely innocent children and posterity, but obviously not by any express designation in re whereto, RJM now demands that the Office of the U.S. Attorney, either institute (an) information(s) or execute what acts would have to be executed in order to get indictments for the crimes whose factual predicates have been included herein infra and/or which will be included in future superseding components of this document submitted to the FGJ on 5/2/14 or as soon as it would be necessary to get such documents whereto in order to prevent any expiration of any untolled Statute of Limitations ("SOL").
Amongst the multiple ways via which criminal process can be instituted in regard to these matters, whether it be via the presentment to the FGJ of the collection of the documents of which this demand is a component part, via the authority of 18 USC 3332(a) or via any other legitimate means RJM finds it necessary that such process now be instituted w/o delay and that RJM be notified of any and all developments in such regard, which notification in turn, RJM can provide to all of those entitled to consideration of various types, in various measures from RJM.
To reiterate, the purpose of the submission of the documents RJM endeavored to submit on 5/1/14 to the FGJ via the intermediaries referenced herein supra was to get criminal charges instituted in regard to the activity referenced herein infra and which will also be included in proposed "True Bills" which will be posted and delivered as soon as such would be complete in the coming days, which collection of documents will be posted as referenced herein supra.
As there are a number of statutes of limitation ("SOL"'s) set to expire on 5/15, 5/17 and/or 5/18 of 2014 in regard to the matters this letter concerns, unless such would be tolled whether via the remission of the consent of the targets of the prospective indictment(s) sought herein or via the operation of any given tolling principle which would necessarily emanate in the Divine Order of matters transpiring under the authority of Him to Whom all authority, both in heaven and upon earth has been conferred (Matt. 28:20) from the arrangement present in regard to the matters this document concerns, at present; RJM found it necessary to transmit this document to the FGJFP and all others sources referenced herein today, in order that either indictments against all or some of those referenced in the list of Crime Perpetrators included herein can be issued by 5/14, 5/15, 5/17 and/or 5/18 of 2014, respectively, for crimes perpetrated before 5/15 - 5/19/2009, respectively.
The SOL's for the criminal liability incurred after 5/18/09 in regard to these matter are set to expire at various future dates which matter will be addressed when RJM can get around to addressing such matter, all of what has been postulated herein supra and infra having been postulated herein for the purpose of at the very least, ensuring the retention of the claim which it is RJM's informed understanding is indisputably now possessed by RJM and everything warmblooded to resort to the use of (a) contra-predatory vigilante remed(y)(ies) for the purpose of adequately vindicating and protecting the interests which are supposed to be vindicated and protected via the criminal prosecution, conviction and punishment of Federal crimes committed in the u.s. of A. (but which cannot be vindicated and protected given what RJM understands to constitute the patently criminal and tortious control of the FGJ at this juncture in history by the Executive and Judicial Branches of the Federal Government), which is to state so that adequate rectification and retribution can be adequately effected entirely independently of any Committee of 300 owned, influenced and operated government entity.
To the FGJ Foreperson, if and when he would receive a copy of this document - At this juncture, time constraints being what they are, RJM proposes that the designated recipient(s) of this document ("DRD", "DRD's") in the FGJ simply read the proposed True Bill ("PTB") which this letter accompanies or which will be included in superseding components of this document, discuss such matters along with the rest of the FGJ members presently serving on the FGJ conducting evidence assessments and issuing true bills in the NDIN, and sign a copy of the true bill to be included therein or some such similar type document by the end of the day on 5/14/14 and in regard to those matters concerning activity conducted on 5/15/09, 5/17/09 and/or 5/18/09 by the five year untolled SOL's applicable in re whereto, respectively, and execute whatever other affirmative acts would have to be executed by such time in order to get criminal charges for violations of 18 USC 242 instituted by the end of the day of any of such days, respectively, against those referenced in such PTB(s), and that the Chief Judge, United State's Attorney and/or United State's Marshal Service execute whatever affirmative acts would have to be executed in order to ensure that criminal charges would be instituted in regard to the matters this document concerns within any untolled statues of limitations operative in regard whereto. In the coming months documents similar to this one will be transmitted to all of those to whom this document is being transmitted and RJM demands the provision of opportunity to audit the processing whereof by each and all of those addressed herein.
Because of whatever conflict of interest it would be to which the Office of the U.S. Attorney would be subjected in regard to the matters this document concerns which is evidently present from the fact that such Attorney would be functioning as a subordinate of the Present Occupant, howsoever unjustifiably of the Office of the President of the u.s. of A. , Mr. Barry Soetoro, in regard to whose reception of an honorary degree, RJM was deprived of the measures of constitutionally protected consideration which this document concerns, RJM finds it necessary to herein demand that the Chief Judge appoint a special prosecutor in regard to the matters this document concerns pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 592.
[From what has been included herein supra and/or infra, it is RJM's certain conviction that grand jurors would possess no legitimate alternative except to conclude that: 1.) RJM was induced to predicate activity conducted by RJM upon the conveyances of the UND ONI that no one would be subjected to any bodily seizure/imprisonment and/or arrest while conducting activity upon UND property on 5/17/09 in regard to the matter of the conferring of an honorary degree upon Barry Soetoro, unless and except (s)he would have received a written trespass notice prior to the encountering of any such type implementation, 2.)RJM never received any such type notice, and 3.) RJM was seized, imprisoned and arrested ("arrest") on 5/17/09, notwithstanding that his reliance upon the "issuance of a pre-arrest notice of trespass prior to arrest" policy which the UND had been using to effect arrests in May of 2009 in regard to the 2009 Commencement had induced RJM to proceed onto the UND property on 5/17/09, in an arrangement in which no claim has ever been posited in any document that has constituted any component of any proceeding involving any government entity, and correlatively, available to the public, that RJM was arrested on such occasion in relation to any activity other than activity conducted relative to the conferrment of the honorary degree. In regard to the matters this conveyance concerns ("these matters"), this postulation substantially exceeds the quantum of evidence which would have to be present in regard to these matters for probable cause of (a) violation(s) of 18 USC 242 to be present. In fact it is RJM's informed understanding that the reception of the evidence presented herein of such violation(s) to the Federal Grand Jury in Northern IN by such entity, will have left such entity without any legitimate alternative except to issue (a) presentment(s) according to the "Presentment Clause" of the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the u.s. of A. in regard to these matters so that indictments can then be issued in regard whereto.
Beyond the issue that RJM was arrested without having been provided any written notice as the ONI had informed RJM that he would be provided before being subjected to any arrest on 5/17/09, is the separate issue that none of the arrests perpetrated upon either RJM or any "protestor" (as RJM - in case this matter has not adequately been explained herein supra - was not conducting activity in the role of a "protestor" regarding these matters - if such term would be defined relative to the UND Commencement of 2009 as "either someone endeavoring to induce an arrest or intent upon conducting activity subsequent to the reception of a written notice of trespass (or in RJM's case) even an oral one, according to any formula which would subject any recipient whereof to detention, siezure and/or arrest on the basis of a commission of a violation of any requirement(s) and/or proscription(s) referenced in any such type notice which would ever have been issued", which is to say that RJM adequately bore the burden of both inquring of the UND on 5/16/09 what formula RJM would have to use to regulate any and all activity to be conducted by RJM on 5/17/09 and to then restrict activity conducted by RJM on 5/17/09, solely to such formula, so as to ensure that RJM would not be arrested on such date) of the conferrment of the honorary degree on 5/17/09 were effected except in violation of the provisions of 18 USC 242, and in regard to a number of such arrests in violation of 18 USC 241, 1346 and 1961 et seq. as well. The UND property was on 5/17/14 quasi-public property and as can be ascertained from the contents of the Arrestees'/Criminal Defendants' Motion(s) to Dismiss the Criminal Charges of Trespass in the criminal case(s) which were birthed by such arrests, the activity in regard to which all such "protestor, observer and/or otherwise 'opponent of the issuance of the honorary degree' arrests' was entirely constitutionally protected.
For the record, in case this matter has not already been adequately clarified, activity that is subject to civil prosecution and damages pursuant to 42 USC 1983 is correlatively subject to criminal prosecution and punishment via 18 USC 242, so that any civil counts pled in the collection of documents of which this document constitutes a component part as being actionable via 42 USC 1983 are prosecutable and punishable via 18 USC 242. Indictments upon the base(s) of violations of the provisions of 18 USC 1346 and/or 1961 et seq. can be added to any indictments issued pursuant to the provisions of 18 USC 242, provided the factual predicates necessary for any counts included on those base(s) would have been included in any indictments issued pursuant to the provisions of 18 USC 242.
Thus, it is the considerably informed understanding of RJM in regard to the matters this document concerns, that the issuance of presentments and then indictments in regard to the government activity referenced herein which includes University of Notre Dame activity which was conducted under the color of law and via a "pretext of legitimacy" is not just one option amongst several legitimate alternatives in regard to these matters, but rather constitutes a moral imperative in such regard - in other words, that this FGJ possesses no legitimate alternative except to issue presentments and indictments regarding these matters against those whose names have been included herein as perpetrators of the crimes referenced herein supra, according to the principles present in the axiom "Fiat Justicia Ruat Caelum" and "Qui Nocentibus Parcit, Innocentibus Punit", regardless of whatever and howsoever much pressure might ever be applied to such FGJ to disregard such moral imperative, from whatever source proximately emanating.
As the crimes this document concerns cannot justifiably be left unpunished, such crimes will have to be punished via the activity of the FGJ of Northern IN, in re whereto, or independently and in spite, whereof, according to the principle present in that unassailable axiom "Qui nocentibus parcit, innocentibus punit" ("he who spares the guilty punishes the innocent"). As was demonstrated out in NV earlier this month, Rothschild (which is to say, ultimately - Luciferian) controlled entities are very far from possessing invincibility, and the burden imposed by the Fourth Commandment of the Decalogue upon the citizenry of a country to use whatever morally legitimate means and methods would ever have to be used in any given instance in order to ensure the adequate protection of the legitimate interests of one's family, neighbors, community and country from predatory government activity is itself, in no way any type of "option amongst various alternatives" but rather constitutes, to use a term used herein supra, again, a "moral imperative".
Should the members of the FGJ for Northern IN, be subjected to any type of attempted intimidation or should any such member(s) become cognizant of any endeavor undertaken and/or activity otherwide conducted by any individual and/or entity for the purpose of preventing the issuance of the presentments and indictments referenced herein , any member subjected to any such type activity and/or cognizant of any such type activity is invited to contact the author of this document as well as CSPOA, Oathkeepers, LGNA, and/or any militia and/or paramilitary entity presently conducting activity in this Country for the purpose of protecting it from Rothschild controlled government violence and rescuing the Non-counterfeit Version of the Rule of Law from the Rothschild's Consumation of the Enslavement of the "To Be Retaineds" / Extermination of Rest of, the Goyim, Agenda.
In the past members of various U.S. Attorney's Offices, U.S. Marshal's Service Offices and Officials of various Chief Judges Offices, including various such Judges, have incurred felony and indeed, treason, liability, via their positing of interference with the independence of the FGJ and the process of bringing such predation perpetrators to justice remains in progress as this document is being composed. The members of the FGJ and anyone else who might read this document can take heart in the fact that so long as the entrances to the underground cities built for the protection of the Rothschild's Genocidists ("RG") from the recompense their demonically instigated activities have earned them remain susceptible to demolition, the fall-back of their resorting to the "Nuclear/Chemical/Biological Alternative" for the completion of the destruction of the u.s. of A., should an attempt to implode the electrical/governmental grid and impose martial law backfire, has been considered too high a risk for the RG's to be willing to completely implode such grid and impose martial law- yet, that is. If any member(s) of the FGJ in Northern IN would be interested in procuring protection from intimidation and/or retaliation from the RG's and their lower level minions of the type(s) which in several instances, this document itself, concerns would be invited to "procure sanctuary" in a format somewhat similar to the "Federal Witness Protection Program" except in this instance, what would be provided would be true protection from violence and not any type of scheme in which one seeking protection would be exposed to violence from those claiming to protect them, as is so deplorably the case in regard to any protection offered by any Rothschild controlled entity (see, for examples in this regard, Will Grigg's Pro Libertate Blog, in this regard).
So howsoever appalling, deplorable, violent, criminal and treasonous has been the track record of most of the Federal Judges in the u.s. of A. and of the majority of members of the Department of "Justice" ("DOJ") in regard to whose records of activity RJM is cognizant, over the past 100 years and howsoever much the disrespect and distrust in which such type individuals are generally held has been thoroughly earned, there is every reason to presume that such violence, criminality and treason ("violence") is in the process of being brought to an end, and it is RJM's intention that the submission of this document and any and all documents which would ever have to be processed in regard to the processing of it will contribute substantially to the expediting of the effecting of such end. So again, it is herein acknowledged that any and all concerns of members of the FGJ that the adequate bearing of the burdens of the offices in which such members have been installed will subject them to violence are eminently well grounded, but such reality in no way dispenses anyone from the bearing of the burdens of the grand juror's office which have been undertaken and there are millions of armed warmblooded Americans who can bring any perpetrator(s) of violence in regard to these matters in any given instance, should such perpetrator(s) be John "Judas' Jenkins, members of the NDSP, SJCP, or the Indiana State Police, members of the Ovamit Nominal Administration, Ovamit himself, any of the Rothschilds and/or anyone else of malicious and depraved heart - son or daughter servant of Lucifer and instrument of iniquity (Jn. 8:44) whomsoever he or she might be, whether representatives of the DOJ or any other Federal alphabet soup gang, private assassins for hire of whatever sort and/or anyone else who would participate in any given component of violence, to justice or ensure that justice would be brought to them, in regard to any violence that might be attempted against any member of the FGJ in Northern IN. The kicking in of the doors, busting of the heads, bashing in of the faces and slitting of the throats, of the warmblooded component of the population of this Country and the world with impunity has got to come to an end, and again, it is for the purpose of the effecting of such end that this document has been submitted. At the very least, the composition and processing of this document provides further evidence beyond the mountains already in existence of the lengths to which the warmblooded component of the population of this Country has gone in order to rescue the Non-counterfeit Version of the Rule of Law without having to resort to the use of force, before resorting to such use in individual instances and/or in a large or full - scale open insurrection for the purpose of the accomplishment of such objective.
The ISMA's presently operative "Notice to Government Officials" is accessible here:
Notice to governent officials et al, and details in regard to various atrocity avengement and captive ransoming endeavors in which the ISMA is presently involved can be accessed here: ".../rothscnot42314.html" which document is titled: "Have the World's Children Received the Consideration to Which They Have Been Entitled from ISMA Br. #4, AAA, RJM In the Audit Period Consisting of ...-...?"]
On Behalf of Everything Warmblooded, but Obviously, not by Any Express Designation, Robert J. More - Rom. 12:18-21
Proposed True Bill re UND Commencement of 2009 Federal Crimes
United States of America
1. Notre Dame Security Police (“NDSP”) Sgt. Pavnica, 2. United States District Court Clerk for Northern District of IN, S. Ludwig, 3. United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, Judge Diane Wood, 4. NDSP Supervisor Phillip Johnson, 5. NDSP Supervisor David Chapman, 6. University of Notre Dame (“UND”) President John Jenkins, 7. NDSP Officers John and Jane Does #1-5, 8. Saint Joseph County, IN (“SJCI”) Police SGT. Matt (Blank) (Blanc), 9. SJCI Police Officer Mario (Cavoras) (Corvales) (Cervantes), 10. SJCI, Director of Police John Doe, and/or SJCI Sheriff Frank Carecci, 11. SJCI Clerk Rita Glenn, or Glenda Carr, 12. SJCI Court System, SJCI, 13. Chief Judge M. Scopelitis, 14. SJCI Magistrate Judge B. Stienke, 15-19UND ONI John and Jane Does #1-4, 20. Superior Court of St. Joseph County, IN, Judge Chapleau, 21. St. Joseph County, IN Prosecutor Michael Dvorak, 22. SJCI Asst. Prosecutor William Wannecke, 23. UND Representative Frances Shavers, 24. NDSP Officer P. Schirripa, 25. NDSP Officer Fleck, 26. UND (Ass) Director of Housing or Suchlike, William Kirk, 27. UND General Counsel Mary Ann Corr, 28. NDSP Sgt David Dossman, 28. SJCIP Officer at Magnometer in St. Joseph County, IN, Courthouse on 5/15/09 at 16:27 EST, 29. Director of Security for SJCI Courthouse on 5/15/09 at 16:27 EST, 30. SJCI Attorney A. Zappia - if he conspired to keep the identity of the Magnometer Operator on 5/15/09 concealed from RJM, 31. Members of what is referenced in various legal documents as the "Obama Administration" in Regard to the Institution of Any of the Arrests this Document Concerns, the Maintenance of Criminal Charges in re Whereto and/or the Transfer of the 30 million dollars transferred from the Federal Treasury to the UND as the a priori quid pro quo and/or a posteriori recompense for the honorary degree and opportunity to address the UND 2009 Commencement
At all times material to the Indictment:
1. Each of the Defendants referenced in the caption of this document was conducting activity pursuant to the authority of and/or was employed by either the State of IN (in regard to any arrest(s) made by any Indiana State Trooper(s) in re the matters this document concerns or a political subdivision of the State of IN., located in St. Joseph County, IN, except that the Federal Defendants listed herein were not so positioned at such juncture, which positions are herein explicated as follows:
a.) 1. Notre Dame Security Police (“NDSP”) Sgt. Pavnica, was conducting activity as a member of the NDSP,
b.) RJM does not know if United States District Court Clerk for Northern District of IN, S. Ludwig, was conducting activity in May of 2009 in the role referenced herein,
c.) United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, Judge Diane Wood was conducting activity in the CCA 7,
d.) NDSP Supervisor Phillip Johnson was conducting activity as the head supervisor of the NDSP,
e.) NDSP Supervisor David Chapman was conducting activity as the Assistant to the Head Supervisor of the NDSP,
f.) University of Notre Dame (“UND”) President John Jenkins was conducting activity as the President of the UND,
g.) Saint Joseph County, IN (“SJCI”) Police Sgt. Matt (Blank) (Blanc) was conducting activity as a member of the SJCIPD,
h.) SJCI Police Officer Mario (Cavoras) (Corvales) (Cervantes) was conducting activity as a member of the SJCIPD,
i.) SJCI, Director of Police and/or SJCI Sheriff Frank Carecci was conducting activity as the Sheriff of St. Joseph County, IN,
j.) SJCI Clerk Rita Glenn, or Glenda Carr was conducting activity as the Clerk of the SJCI Superior Court ,
k.) SJCI Chief Judge M. Scopelitis was conducting activity as the Chief Judge of the Superior Court of SJCI ,
l.) SJCI Magistrate Judge B. Stienke was conducting activity as a magistrate in the SJCI Superior Court,
m.)RJM does not know whether Superior Court of St. Joseph County, IN, Judge Chapleau was conducting activity as a judge in SJCI in May of 2009,
n.) St. Joseph County, IN Prosecutor Michael Dvorak was conducting activity as the Prosecutor for SJCI,
o.) SJCI Asst. Prosecutor William Wannecke was conducting activity as an Asst. SJCI Prosecutor,
p.) UND Representative Frances Shavers was conducting activity as some type of assistant to UND President Jenkins,
q.) NDSP Officer P. Schirripa was conducting activity as member of the NDSP,
r.) NDSP Officer Fleck was conducting activity as a member of the NDSP who may or may not have incurred criminal liability depending upon the purpose it was for which "he went after Mr. More" to use Pavnica's phrasing,
s.) UND (Ass) Director of Housing or Suchlike, William Kirk was conducting activity as some type of administrative assistant in the UND Administration
t.) UND General Counsel Mary Ann Corr was to the extent of RJM's knowledge in this regard, conducting activity as the Chief Counsel for the UND,
u.) NDSP Sgt David Dossman was conducting activity as a Sergeant in the NDS,
v.) SJCIP Officer at Magnometer in St. Joseph County, IN, Courthouse on 5/15/09 at 16:27 EST was conducting activity as the magnometer operator for the SJCI Superior Court,
w.) SJCI Attorney A. Zappia was conducting activity as a legal counselor for SJCI,
x.) Barry Soetoro was conducting activity in the role of the President of the u.s. of A.
all within the scope and meaning of 18 USC 241 and 242.
2. The University of Notre Dame, and St. Joseph, IN are political subdivisions of the State of IN within the scope and meaning of 18 USC 242 and 241.
3. Excerpts from Complaints RJM has filed and/or endeavored to file in various State and Federal Courts, conducting activity in St. Joseph County, IN, which are included herein infra as "Factual Predicates for Indictment(s) of 4/29/14", are incorporated herein as factual predicates for the purpose of the effecting of the issuance of (an) indictment(s) and/or information(s) before the deadlines referenced herein supra arrive.
4. Excerpts from the ORI Number IN071139E "Initial Case Investigatory Record" ("ICIR") "Summary" Completed by NDSP Off. P. Schirripa, the ICIR "Detail" "Arrest Report" completed by NDSP Sgt. Pavnica on 5/17/09 and the Crime Information Bulletin ("CIB") Listed as Case Number "2009-1228" authored by NDSP Sgt D. Dossman on 5/15/09 have been included herein as evidence of falsifications and fabrications ("Falsifications and Fabrications") which were used to manufacture a pretext via which to arrest Robert J. More ("RJM") on 5/17/09 after RJM had been induced to rely upon the assurances of the UND ONI and NDSP that RJM could not be subjected to any arrest on 5/17/09 without first having received a written notice of trespass in regard to any matter concerning opposition to the UND 2009 Commencement.
Note #1. It is RJM's informed understanding that all that is needed in order to get criminal process issued in regard to the matters this document concerns is the presentation of evidence in regard to the specific violations of Federal Criminal Laws ("FCL") that would cause men of ordinary prudence to conclude that a crime had been committed" (citation to authority yet to be added) in regard to the evidence included in any submission for the issuance of criminal process in the form of an indictment and/or information, and RJM is entirely convinced that the evidence included herein easily traverses that threshold (ie. "probable cause") and could explain the basis for such conviction if any demand and/or proposal would be made upon RJM to provide any such type explanation and/or provide documentation in support of any such type explanation.
Note #2. The inclusion in a given legal document of material that could ever legitimately be claimed to constitute "surplussage" can never legitimately constitute a basis for the disregard of any material ever contained in any given document which would not ever be legitimately considered to constitute such, and thus the inclusion of any conclusions, legal conclusions, opinions, adjectival phrases and/or rhetorical devices not indispensably necessary in a given instance to effect a given legitimate end can never legtimately be utilized to disregard any and all legally competent and admissible evidence in the form of averments and/or otherwise, which would ever be utilized in order to effect any legitimate end.
Note #3. RJM herein informs those to whom this document has been addressed ("addressees") that RJM remains available to testify in regard to any and all of the matters referenced in this document and that he is proceeding as expeditiously as he can continue to proceed in regard to the matter of providing the transcripts of the CCDC to each and all of such addressees as soon as such objective can be accomplished.
Note #4. The issue of the tolling and/or estopping of any such applicable SOL will be addressed in future submissions made relating to the matters referenced herein.
Note #5. The form in which this document has been presented has been produced off of a template derived in regard to the issuance of a "True Bill" in Case # 07-872 in the USDC for the District of New Mexico in all respects which RJM understood it was necessary to ensure the accomplishment of procedural compliance in re whereto, in regard to which RJM has been capable of accomplishing such compliance.
Note #6. It is RJM's informed understanding that the non-inclusion of the first names of all of those referenced in the caption of this document wherein, could not possibly constitute a legitimate basis for the non-issuance of criminal process in regard to any of the matters this document concerns, in that by referencing any such individuals whose first names, RJM has not yet succeeded in procuring as referenced herein or via some other similar formula, the identity of any given crime perpetrator would be sufficiently distinguished from any other individual possessing the same last name, thus protecting the public's interest in the adequate punishment of criminal malefactions without jeopardizing any legtimate reliance interest in the process of the effecting of such end.
Note #13. All factual averments included herein in the "Factual Predicates...." component of this document have been so included under penalty of perjury pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 1746 - Robert J. More, 5/2/14
IV. Barest minimum of factual predicates necessary to get criminal charges instituted in re the Counts included in this document, with more such type predicates and counts to be included in any superseding components of this document produced and delivered:
Running narrative from 5/15/83 –
On or about 5/15/1983, Plaintiff Robert J. More (“RJM”) graduated from the University of Notre Dame (“UND”).
In September of 1985, RJM attended the Notre Dame Law School (“NDLS”) for one week until he learned of the existence and reputation of an entity whose public name is the “Legionnaries of ‘Christ’” (“single quote is [(sic) [quotes are] RJM’s) (“LOC”).
RJM departed on Labor Day, 1985, from the NDLS to go to Connecticut to join the LOC.
RJM left the LOC in August of 1986.
On or about 10/26/1986, RJM attended the UND V U. of Pittsburgh, football game with the person whom he had held in the highest esteem while a student at the UND, which was the last football game [or other athletic event] other than the high school games of his younger brother in that year which continued through the entirety of [the] month of November of 1986, which RJM would ever attend during his tour of duty in the theatre of earthly existence.
In 1989 if RJM recalls the exact year, the blasphemous movie “The Last Temptation of ‘Christ’” was played at the UND.
From that point onward, the UND was classified as “unreachable” by RJM and [except in regard to a few certain souls, RJM had concluded] that all that RJM could really do [in order to provide consideration to assist those affiliated with the UND] was contribute to the improvement of the prospects of salvation of everyone affiliated with the UND via what is known in spiritual theology manuals as the “interior apostolate” which consists of prayers, sacrifices, sufferings, superegatory works and such like.
It came to RJM’s attention in the 1990’s at some juncture that RJM’s father was purchasing the 4 tickets to each home game which were available to RJM to be purchased by RJM due to the classification in which RJM’s [then operative] profile fit, via the remission of any of a number of membership fees and the cost of the tickets for a given game.
When RJM became aware of this situation, RJM requested that the practice of whatever constituted the practice in such regard be discontinued, as RJM was concerned to not be affiliated in any way with the UND, lest in maintaining any affiliation therewith, RJM incur culpability for the types of sins involved in the playing of the movie referenced herein supra..
RJM was an Over-the-Road Truck Driver in this period and only saw his parents rarely.
RJM understood that the ticket purchasing had been brought to an end, but later came across evidence that it had not.
RJM was never in the practice of cross-examining his father who died on 9/22/2006, to RJM’s greatest sadness, and does not know the details of any ticket purchasing arrangement ever utilized, but RJM never purchased any ticket to any UND event after the Pittsburgh game of ’86.
RJM visited the campus of the UND 2 or 3 times from the period of 11/1986 to 3/2009 on his way through the area.
From time to time, it occurred to RJM that it might be that he ought to somehow publicly apologize for whatever constituted at any given juncture, RJM’s share of the blame for the condition of the UND, as RJM was not certain that this might not be required if possible according to the formulas postulated in St. Alphonus Liguori’s [Treatise] Preparation for Death.
In late March of 2009, RJM became aware the UND had invited the then present claimant to the Office of the Presiden(t) (sic)[cy] of the u.s. of A. (“Barry H. Soetoro” aka “Barack H. Obama” (“BHS”, “BHO”)) to give its commencement speech and receive an honorary degree (“invitation”).
RJM was troubled in conscience by this development.
RJM wrote 2 or 3 long letters to UND President J. Jenkins urging him to rescind the invitation but as expected received no response whereto.
About three weeks before 5/17/09 on a Friday, two Cook County Sheriff’s Deputies – Dep Cotton and Koppe inquired of RJM what he was going to do about “Notre Dame inviting Obama”.
RJM sensed that these deputies were in effect proposing that RJM answer the question “What do you have to say for yourself” because somehow or other they had come to know that RJM had attended the UND.
RJM had not intended to go to the UND on 5/17/09 as RJM is convinced that matters are way too far gone for civil disobedience at this juncture in the world’s accelerated descent into an(d) (sic) ever deeper barbarity.
After having encountered such query, RJM feared that he might be giving scandal by not traveling to the UND on 5/17/09 if the UND would not retract the invitation before then.
As in the T. SChiavo atrocity, RJM came to understand, for all of the reasons that RJM went to Pinellas Park, FL in 2005, after having started a trip there in 2003, that he could not justify not being present for what RJM was convinced was a demonically instigated attack on the rights of His Omnipotence, Christus Rex.
As in the Schiavo atrocity, the invitation was a source of unending affliction to RJM’s conscience.
Ashamed of whatever constituted the share of the blame for the condition of the world in the Spring of 2009 attributable to RJM’s overall record of activity since 4/7/1967 – the date of his seventh birthday, at which juncture RJM presumably first procured the use of reason, weary of the many battles in which RJM had been engaged for years in various areas of earthly existence in the vale of tears which constitutes the earthy tour of duty for those who willingly accept the yoke of the problem of conditional salvation, solicitous to avoid ending up any more entangled than RJM at that juncture already was with any court system operative in this Country at such juncture - given the innumerable court cases in which he then found himself already involved, leery of the many different sources of temptation and/or pitfalls which Lucifer might have in place in which to further ensnare RJM in the “affairs of the world”, Lucifer was given for a limited time to control (..:..)at the Commencement, resolved to make amends for RJM’s share of the culpability for the sinful condition of the world, not at all un-empathetic to the multitude of concerns of suffering humanity throughout the earthy theatre, not ungrateful for various measures of consideration received from various representatives of the UND over the prior 30 years, and most of all concerned to contribute what might be contributable to the accomplishment of the highest priority of the “feeding of the lambs” referenced in John 21:15 , as the practical requirements of the consent based mandate imposed wherein has been explicated over the centuries, but especially most recently in among other papal encyclicals, those of Sapientiae Christianae and Immortali Dei of Pope Leo XIII, and those of Quas Primas, and Divini Illius Magistri of Pope Pius XI, those of Quemamodaum, and inferentially the Christmas Message of 1956 of Pope Pius XII, RJM “took lay of the land” in regard to the Commencement.
RJM communicated with the UND’s Office of General Counsel, the Office of News and Information ["ONI"] and the ND Security Police in the weeks leading up to the Commencement of 2009 (“Commencement”) in order to create a record regarding the activity being conducted at that juncture in history by the UND, protestors, members of policing entities, etc. (“UND et al”) , to transmit settlement proposals to the UND, and to procure commitments to various positions from the UND et al – the details of which will be explicated more thoroughly in superseding components of this complaint.
Receiving no response from the UND to RJM’s various proposals, on or about 5/14/09, RJM filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court for the Northern District of IN, to procure various forms of relief, a copy of which accompanies this document and the entirety of the contents of which are incorporated herein as if fully set forth herein, including all Defendants named in the caption whereof as being Defendants in the case this complaint concerns (“this case”).
That case was dismissed by 5/15/09 and RJM then understood that RJM would have to procure the consideration sought wherein in the St. Joseph County, IN Superior Court.
The specific consideration which RJM was then seeking to procure was an injunction which would enjoin the positing of any interference by any member(s) of any policing entity(ies) with the execution of any affirmative acts whose purpose would be to place some type of shroud on 5/17/09 over the statute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, (“SBVM”) which abides atop the Administration Building of the UND.
After a number of phone calls to deputy clerks, left RJM uncertain regarding St. Joseph County, IN (“SJCI”) Court procedures, RJM discussed the particulars of what had to be accomplished on 5/15/09 in order for RJM to procure an injunction against the UND et al by noon on 5/17/09, with the Head Clerk whose name was Rita Glenn or Glenda Carr or some suchlike name, of the St Joseph County, IN Superior Court before boarding the noon hour Chicago South Shore and South Bend RR train for South Bend, IN.
RJM arrived at South Bend Airport on 5/15/09 and entered a taxi immediately which took him to the SJCI courthouse.
RJM endeavored to enter the SJCI civil filing area of the SJCI Courthouse considerably before 16:30 but RJM was informed that the Courthouse had already closed.
RJM demanded to speak to a supervisor but that demand accomplished nothing productive.
Sensing a duty to mitigate damages, RJM then inquired what RJM could do to get an emergency petition for a TRO before a SJCI judge without delay.
The magnometer attendant informed RJM that there was nothing RJM could accomplish on that day.
RJM then endeavored to mitigate the damages by calling a number he was provided for the SJCI Sheriff’s Police.
RJM then proceeded to the UND campus and then returned to the SB Airport and took the train back to Chicago, IL.
On 5/16/09, RJM repeatedly called the ONI, and NDSP in order to ascertain…[the formula according to which RJM would have to conduct any and all activity which would be conducted by RJM on 5/17/09 in order for RJM to not be subjected to any type of activity which would constitute a "seizure" as such term has been defined in the jurisprudence of the SCOTUS in regard to the scope of the application of the requirements of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the u.s. of A. to the activity of activity conductors who would ever be conducting activity which would not be activity conducted under the auspices of any nominal government entity and an "imprisonment" as such term has been defined in the jurisprudence of the State of IN in regard to "false imprisonments" and "false arrests".
RJM was concerned based upon RJM’s past experience with various members of policing entities of various sorts that RJM not be falsely arrested and/or imprisoned and/or battered, and/or subjected to any seizure incompatible with the protections of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the u.s. of A. nor be in any other way deprived of any measure of consideration guaranteed by the Constitution of the u.s. of A. and/or any law whereof, which RJM would ever need to use in order to then continue to endeavor to contribute to the bearing of the burden referenced in among other places in the Scriptures, that of Matt. 11:30.
RJM procured a confirmation from the ONI on 5/16/09, that no one would be arrested for trespass at the UND on 5/17/09, without having first received a written trespass notice which would constitute a formal warning to depart the UND Campus, and that were a given recipient whereof to comply with the directives contained wherein that he or she would be protected from any endeavor to effect any detention or arrest.
At that juncture, RJM understood that he would in effect be an invitee on the UND campus on 5/17/09, and RJM relied upon such representation in foregoing courses of action alternative to that of proceeding onto the campus in the condition(s) in which RJM did proceed thereupon on 5/17/09.
On 5/17/09, RJM missed the Pro Life Action League’s bus departure from Chicago, IL to the UND.
RJM boarded the CSSSBRR train in Chicago, IL and arrived in South Bend at between 11:30 and 12:00.
Providence provided RJM a ride from the Airport to the corner of Angela Blvd and Notre Dame Ave, but RJM cannot provide more details in regard to this as to do so might subject the “Good Samaritan” whose largesse got RJM to the UND to retaliation.
Upon arrival at such corner, RJM assessed the “lay of the land” .
RJM eventually procured information regarding the site at which arrests were being made on 5/17/09 and proceeded to that area.
RJM had long been convinced based upon the Marsh v Alabama (_U.S._)[opinion] and other related cases that there had been [and was] no legitimate basis upon which the UND et al could morally and legally arrest anyone protesting the invitation for trespass merely for conducting activity which would not have subjected anyone to [any legitimate] arrest on a City of Chicago sidewalk as the UND is a quasi-public entity and that it possessed no privacy interest of the type which is possessed by a private home owner.
RJM urged several people who informed RJM that they were intending to cross a yellow tape in order to be arrested to abstain from doing so, for many of the same reasons that RJM had likewise urged those in the Schiavo atrocity who were arrested for trying to bring Theresa water.
RJM inquired of one or more NDSP officers where the Office of the NDSP was located.
After a number of arrests were executed, RJM returned to the corner of Angela Blvd and Notre Dame Ave.
RJM met several protestors there and discussed various legal matters with such persons.
RJM proceeded to the St. Joseph H.S. parking lot to inform the PLAL representative that RJM intended to use the bus fee he had paid to procure a ride back to Chicago, IL on 5/17/09 from the PLAL.
RJM met such representative in the parking lot.
When that group disbanded to go to the grotto, RJM proceeded up Rte 31 and down eastbound on whatever road it was that took RJM to the grotto.
RJM arrived at the grotto and looked around there for any of a number of problem pregnancy sidewalk counselors with whom RJM had participated in sidewalk counseling over the years, which RJM had discontinued doing in 2008.
Eventually RJM proceeded southbound from the grotto across the South Quad back pas(t) the Morris Inn to meet Mr. J. Finnegan (UND Class of ’56) at the Corner of Angela and ND Ave(.)
At … RJM saw an elderly priest walking rapidly up ND Ave north of Angela.
RJM inquired whether anyone knew the name and age of the priest referenced herein supra.
Someone informed RJM that his name was “Fr. O’Connor” and that he was over 70 years old.
RJM recalled Dr. Chas Rice referring to a “Fr. O’Connor” and RJM estimated that he must have been ordained by 1968 at the latest.
As RJM has been in the habit of endeavoring to go to confession and procure absolution on a daily basis over the past 7 or 8 years whenever he could find a priest ordained by 1968 who would be willing to hear RJM’s confession at any given juncture, to the extent such objective has not been unaccomplishable, RJM proceeded to run up ND Ave after such priest and ask him his name and whether he would hear RJM’s confession right there and then.
Father O’Connor heard RJM’s confession while members of the SJCI Police were driving around RJM and in the ND Ave South of the Circle, in general, in golf carts.
RJM then returned to the corner of Angela Blvd and ND Ave to converse further with Mr. J. Finnegan, inter alia, to ascertain whether RJM could get back to Chicago without having to leave with the PLAL.
Shortly whereafter, uncertain as to how RJM would get back to Chicago, IL on 5/17/09 and having been informed that the PLAL bus would depart from somewhere around the grotto at about 16:00 and needing to get back to Chicago, IL on 5/17/09, RJM began to run up ND Ave towards the center of the campus.
RJM ran right past three members of the NDSP, who were about 100-150 yards north of the Angela Blvd intersection almost having to jump over the leg of one of the NDSP.
RJM continued up ND Avenue past the circle, the statute of Moses and to the Statute of Fr. Sorin , all the while making an audio-video recording of what RJM was then doing.
As RJM departed from the statute of Fr. Sorin, he heard a noise to his left.
RJM saw 2 police officers on a golf cart exclaiming “Stop, you’re under arrest.”
RJM stopped and the officers placed handcuffs on RJM.
RJM saw them comparing RJM to a bulletin they had in their possession.
Before RJM could ask any questions or conduct any examination of anyone, the NDSP came and took RJM into the Football Stadium.
RJM never received any opportunity to explain RJM’s innocence.
RJM was eventually taken from the Stadium to a van to be transported to the County Jail.
On the way to the van, there were television cameras filming RJM’s being escorted to it and although RJM is loath to ever address the Committee of 300 controlled media at all, RJM took the opportunity to apologize to the world’s children and everything warmblooded for RJM’s share of the blame of whatever constitutes the contributing causes of the UND apostasy and the wickedness in which the world is engulfed, by referencing his own shame and endeavoring to apologize, before his conveyance was lost due to RJM’s having ended up in the van from which he could not be heard.
On 5/18/11, USA Today printed a picture of RJM in a pained posture and described RJM’s conveyance referenced herein as “RJM’s having shouted his name.”
RJM was and is, in general, so ashamed of himself that RJM would prefer to go out into a desert and finish his life of penance out there, but RJM fears that RJM is responsible to help stop the genocide in progress and so RJM understands that he has to help stop it, set matters aright and make the world safe for innocence again, one predation perpetration punishment at a time, before hopefully finishing his earthly tour of duty in some desert doing penance in sack cloth and ashes.
RJM was not ever grandstanding in any way on 5/17/09 nor hopefully on any other day and the presentation of RJM’s activity by USA Today cannot but be tortious, and RJM can get the NBC affiliate in Chicago, IL’s video of the trip to the van from the stadium to demonstrate what RJM has chronicled herein, as it is not possible to even ascertain the words RJM spoke at the commencement of the message he delivered to the media entities as he was being escorted to the van.
The approach which RJM had adopted years ago to matters of this type can be found in Saint Theresa Redi’s interpretation of Col. 3:3, the counsel of Fr. Escriva t.o “ try to go unnoticed” and Thomas A. Kempis’es counsel in Book 3 Ch. 54, Paragraph #11 that “nature is inclined to gadding abroad…grace is ashamed to appear in public.”
The foreseeable consequences of USA Today’s mischaracterization were exactly what they have been in cases in which Mr R Terry or Dr. A Keyes has been caricatured as an opportunist in the midst of grief, affliction and misery – it would leave an incentive in place which would repel those ever encountering the activity referenced herein from seeking assistance from RJM and/or cooperating in ventures of joint interest.
On 5/17/09, several persons other than RJM were arrested for allegedly trespassing upon the property of the Univ. of Notre Dame ("UND") in regard to activity conducted relative to the demonstration of moral disapproval and/or outrage at the UND's conferring of an honorary degree upon Barry Soetoro.
In the Spring of 2009, according to RJM's informed understanding, several persons other than RJM were arrested for allegedly resisting arrest in regard to arrests which were not legitimately lawful upon the property of the Univ. of Notre Dame ("UND") in regard to activity conducted relative to the demonstration of moral disapproval and/or outrage at the UND's conferring of an honorary degree upon Barry Soetoro.
[Any condition of] not having received the benefit of the graces of the great mystics of times past in no way diminishes the value of the application of their counsels.
At the County jail, RJM was kept in a cell without anything to eat until the morning of 5/18/09.
When RJM complained about this, a correctional officer slammed the food slot in the jail cell door on RJM’s ear.
RJM was subjected to a preliminary hearing at which RJM was prevented from speaking.
RJM had to return to South Bend, In to the SJIC Courthouse on 6/15/09 for an audience at which a trial date was established – RJM was prevented from speaking at such audience.
On or about 5/5/11, RJM received notice that the charges instituted against RJM had been dismissed with prejudice.
RJM never stipulated to agree not to sue any person and/or entity in exchange for having any charge dismissed.
On 4/29/11, RJM filed a motion to rescind or vacate the filing restriction imposed upon him in September of 2001 without any provision of any explanation which could have been provided in an endeavor to demonstrate any supposed legitimacy whereof.
On 5/5/11, that motion was denied according to the ordinary and customary modus operandi operative in the CCA 7, which is to explain that such denial contained no explanation justifying such denial but was rather the type of evidently demonically instigated carnal appetite based fiat for which such Court has so ignominiously distinguished itself over the decades.
V. Falsifications and Fabrications from the NDSP and SJCIP re the False Arrest/Illegal Seizure of RJM on 5/17/09
i.) The final entry included CIB of 5/15/09 authored by Dossman is phrased: "In the event MORE is encountered, deal with him appropriately." - which given the track record of the NDSP certainly provides cause for concern.
ii.) Pavnica falsely claims in the Arrest Report that an order to leave the UND campus (upon which there were as of 5/17/09 two Federal Depositories and a number of commercial establishments, a post office (if RJM is not mistaken in re the post office), and inter alia, legal authority to maintain a police force, making the UND campus as "Quasi-public Property" was addressed to a group of people amongst which RJM was a member. Pavnica also claims that RJM had been told to leave "a number of times" from such Quasi-public Property. These are bold-face lies. There is a claim in Pavnica's report that RJM was "stopped in the Bookstore parking lot on campus...." This is another patently false fabrication, as is the claim that RJM was released by "Sergeant Blank". Pavnica states that RJM was headed for the "Main Building" but has not provided any explanation for the basis of such conclusory allegation. Pavnica further claims in such report that "he was her to ..."Right to Life." when in fact RJM never provided any explanation to Pavnica on 5/17/09 for RJM's presence on the UND campus. RJM never told Pavnica that RJM "wanted to pray to god." RJM never needed to consult with a shrivel-hearted Neo- Nazi such as Pavnica regarding anything much less any addressing of God.
iii.) In the "Summary" referenced herein supra, NDSP Off. P. Schirrpa falsely claims that RJM "antagonized them to cross the police line." when in fact RJM was urging those considering crossing such line to abstain from doing so, inter alia, so as not to become inavailable for the rest of the day by ending up in the custody of the Neo-Nazi's of the NDSP. Schirripa also accused RJM of "provoking" someone or other in that document, which is another fabrication.
From what has been included herein supra, it is RJM's certain conviction that in regard to these matters ("IRTM") that grand jurors would possess no legitimate alternative except to conclude that: 1.) RJM was induced to predicate activity conducted by RJM upon the conveyances of the UND ONI that no one would be subjected to any bodily seizure/imprisonment and/or arrest while conducting activity upon UND property on 5/17/09 in regard to the matter of the conferring of an honorary degree upon Barry Soetoro, unless and except (s)he would have received a written trespass notice prior to the encountering of any such type implementation, 2.)RJM never received any such type notice, and 3.) RJM was seized, imprisoned and arrested ("arrest") on 5/17/09, notwithstanding that his reliance upon the "issuance of a pre-arrest notice of trespass prior to arrest" had induced RJM to proceed onto the UND property on 5/17/09, in an arrangement in which no claim has ever been posited in any document that has constituted any component of any proceeding involving any government entity, and correlatively, available to the public, that RJM was arrested on such occasion in relation to any activity other than activity conducted relative to the conferrment of the honorary degree. In regard to the matters this conveyance concerns ("these matters"), this postulation substantially exceeds the quantum of evidence which would have to be present in regard to the these matters for probable cause of (a) violation(s) of 18 USC 242 to be present. In fact it is RJM's informed understanding that the reception of the evidence presented herein of such violation(s) to the Federal Grand Jury in Northern IN by such entity, will have left such entity without any legitimate alternative except to issue (a) presentment(s) according to the "Presentment Clause" of the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the u.s. of A. in regard to these matters so that indictments can then be issued in regard whereto.
Beyond the issue that RJM was arrested without having been provided any written notice as the ONI had informed RJM that he would be provided before being subjected to any arrest on 5/17/09, is the separate issue that none of the arrests perpetrated upon either RJM or any "protestor" (as RJM - in case this matter has not adequately been explained herein supra - was not conducting activity in the role of a "protestor" regarding these matters - if such term would be defined relative to the UND Commencement of 2009 as "either someone endeavoring to induce an arrest or intent upon conducting activity subsequent to the reception of a written notice of trespass (or in RJM's case) even an oral one, according to any formula which would subject any recipient whereof to detention, siezure and/or arrest on the basis of a commission of a violation of any requirement(s) and/or proscription(s) referenced in any such type notice which would ever have been issued, which is to say that RJM bore the burden of both inquring of the UND on 5/16/09 what formula RJM would have to use to regulate any and all activity to be conducted by RJM on 5/17/09 and to then restrict activity conducted by RJM on 5/17/09, solely to such formula) of the conferrment of the honorary degree on 5/17/09 were effected except in violation of the provisions of 18 USC 242, and in regard to a number of such arrests in violation of 18 USC 241, 1346 and 1961 et seq. as well. The UND property was on 5/17/14 quasi-public property and as can be ascertained from the contents of the Arrestees'/Criminal Defendants' Motion(s) to Dismiss the Criminal Charges of Trespass in the criminal case(s) which were birthed by such arrests, the activity in regard to which all such "protestor, observer and/or otherwise 'opponent of the issuance of the honorary degree' arrests was entirely constitutionally protected.
Count #1 of Indictment - Blanc (Blank), Cavoras (Corvales or Cervantes), Pavnica, Schirripa, Fleck, SJCI Sheriff Carecci, All UND Supervisors at level of or over Pavnica, including Dossman, Chapman and Johnson, John Jenkins, Frances Shavers, Mary Ann Corr and Anyone Else Involved the Issuance of the CIB issued by Dossman on 5/15/09, Which Set the Stage for the targeted illegal seizure of RJM on 5/17/09.
1. The contents of the paragraphs included herein supra which chronicle RJM's endeavors to access the property of the Univ. of Notre Dame on 5/17/09, without being subjected to any arrest, to conduct activity on such property on such date and the contents of the NDSP documents referenced herein supra are herein referenced as the factual predicate basis for this count.
2. On or about 5/17/09 in St. Joseph County, IN in the State of IN, within the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of IN ("USDCNDI"), the defendants referenced herein while acting under the color of the laws of the State of IN did, after having induced Robert J. More ("RJM") to rely upon their conveyances of notice to RJM that RJM could not possibly be subjected to any arrest for trespass on 5/17/09 in relation to any matter concerning the 2009 Commencement Ceremony without his first having received a written trespass notice to depart the UND property on such date, did orchestrate and/or effect a bodily seizure of RJM's person, via inter alia, the manufacturing of a pretext to arrest and seize RJM as can be ascertained from the fabrication and falsification filled documents produced by the NDSP in the period of 5/15/09 - 5/17/09, which documents have been posted online (see the Table of Contents of the ISMA Br. #4 website for a reference whereto) and referenced herein supra, and in so doing, did deprive RJM of among other rights secured and protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States, those to a.) not be deprived of liberty without due process of law and b.) not be seized absent the presence of probable cause that a crime had been committed by him, which deprivations were perpetrated by (one) (several) activity conductors conducting activity under the color of law.
In violation of 18 U.S.C. 242 (and 2)
Count #2 of Indictment - Blanc (Blank), Cavoras (Corvales or Cervantes), Pavnica, Schirripa, Fleck, SJCI Sheriff Carecci, John Jenkins, Frances Shavers, Mary Ann Corr, William Kirk, All UND Supervisors at level of or over Pavnica, including Dossman, Chapman and Johnson
1. The contents of the paragraphs included herein supra which chronicle RJM's endeavors to conduct activity upon the property of the Univ. of Notre Dame on 5/17/09, independently of the issue of the issuance/reception of any type of "pre-arrest notification" which RJM had been assured he would receive before being subjected to any arrest on 5/17/09 are herein referenced as the factual predicate basis for this count.
2. On or about 5/17/09 in St. Joseph County, IN in the State of IN, within the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of IN ("USDCNDI"), the defendants referenced herein while acting under the color of the laws of the State of IN did orchestrate and/or effect a bodily seizure of RJM's person and in so doing, did deprive Robert J. More ("RJM") of the rights secured and protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States to a.) not be deprived of liberty without due process of law and b.) not be seized absent the presence of probable cause that a crime had been committed by him, which deprivations were perpetrated by (one) (several) activity conductors conducting activity under the color of law.
In violation of 18 U.S.C. 242 (and 2)
Count #3 of Indictment -Blanc (Blank), Cavoras (Corvales or Cervantes), Pavnica, Schirripa, Fleck, SJCI Sheriff Carecci, All UND Supervisors at level of or over Pavnica, including Dossman, Chapman and Johnson, all Indiana State Troopers, UND Arresting Officers and all SJCI Police Arresting Officers who Arrested Any Commencement of 2009 Protestor
1. The contents of the paragraphs included herein supra which reference the activity of anyone other than RJM who was on the property of the UND on 5/17/09 for the purpose of protesting and/or making a historical record of the developments of the UND Commencement of 2009, are herein referenced as the factual predicate basis for this count.
2. On or about 5/17/09 in St. Joseph County, IN in the State of IN, within the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of IN ("USDCNDI"), the defendants referenced herein while acting under the color of the laws of the State of IN did orchestrate and/or effect bodily seizures of various persons, whose names can all be procured from the arrest and arraignment records available in regard to the "Notre Dame Commencement Arrest Cases of 2009" and in so doing, did deprive such persons, such as Karen Torres and Dr. Monica Migliorno Miller, of the rights secured and protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States to a.) not be deprived of liberty without due process of law and b.) not be seized absent the presence of probable cause that a crime had been committed by him or her which deprivations were perpetrated by (one) (several) activity conductors conducting activity under the color of law.
In violation of 18 U.S.C. 242 (and 2)
Count #4 of Indictment - SJCI Clerk of Courts Rita Glenn or Glenda Carr, SJCI Sheriff's Police Officer, Court Security Attendant in the St. Joseph County, In Courthouse at 16:27 p.m. on 5/15/09, to be Referenced in Indictment as: All SJCI, Court Security Personnel who were conducting security measures on 5/15/09 in the St. Joseph, IN Courthouse at 16:27 p.m. from which the Perpetrators of the Denial to RJM of access to such Courthouse can be ascertained, given that RJM has not been provided the identity of the Magnometer Operator on such date and cannot find any documentation in such regard, though RJM cannot believe that he did not document this even though there was a downpour at that juncture and RJM was informed that he had to depart the Courthouse bldg.
1. The contents of the paragraphs included herein supra which reference the activity of RJM in RJM's endeavoring to procure an injunction from the Superior Court for St. Joseph County, IN on 5/15/09 for the purpose of effecting the enjoining of the positing of any interference with any endeavors which would be undertaken to get a black funeral crepe and/or shroud placed over the statute of the Mother of God which is on top of the Dome of the Administration Bldg of the UND on 5/17/09 in order, inter alia, to reduce the descretory aspect of the UND Commencement of 2009, are herein referenced as the factual predicate basis for this count.
2. On or about 5/15/09 in St. Joseph County, IN in the State of IN, within the jurisdiction of the United States District Court for the Northern District of IN ("USDCNDI"), the defendants referenced herein while acting under the color of the laws of the State of IN did orchestrate and/or effect a denial of access to the Courts as protected by the Right to Petition Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the u.s. of A. via the preventing of RJM's accessing of the Courthouse on such date before 16:30 p.m., and in so doing, did deprive RJM and everyone entitled to consideration from RJM of the rights secured and protected by the Constitution and laws of the United States to a.) not be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law and b.) not be deprived of the right of access to the courts component of Right to Petition Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the u.s. of A which deprivations were perpetrated by (one) (several) activity conductors conducting activity under the color of law.
In violation of 18 U.S.C. 242 (and 2)
Count #5 of Indictment
Foreperson of the Grand Jury
inchoate as of 5/13/14 material to be used in second superseding and any further versions of this document:
narrative of developments from end of period in regard to which previous narrative in re this matter was produced until 5/13/14 at 14:30 CST to be posted at: "thi.../undfgjnar51314.html" asap.
5/11/14 1700 - refute lies in discovery, get names correct and para # 2 re 242 - state actors
compatibility of claim re no constitutionally protected right to not be criminally prosecuted without probable cause - 9th amendment repository and consideration which 29 USC 2241 is supposed to provide,
disburse to E. Tamashasky,
borrow $ from Ed R., RBD, MPM, TMD, arrest w/o probable cause that any crime had been committed,
invitations to Dvorak, Wannecke and all concerned re abscence of crim/civ liability,
invitations re "Contra-genocidist Protection Program"
what consideration is being received/incurred from ...[component of activity]
RJM distinct from taxpayer standing - remedy of 242 and collateral estoppel on 42 USC 1983,
Demand categorical monitoring of any and All USDOJ activity ever conducted in re the Presentation of Evidence of April/May of 2014 and Subjection to Audit/Impeachment for Purpose of Ascertaining Whether Any and All Legitimate Reliance Interests Implicated in re Whereto have been Adequately Accommodated in Regard to These Matters
SOL's for Dvorak, Wannecke, Scopelitis certainly did not accrue before 5/5/11. SOL's for Jenkins and staff, Johnson and Anyone Else Participating in Depositions of P. Johnson and W. Kirk could not have accrued for maintenance of criminal prosecution count before dates of depositions of these individuals respectively as maintenance of such categorically depended upon such participation as sine qua non in that had UND refused such, criminal charges would have had to have been dismissed attibutable to want of prosecution in that any prosecution without opportunity for the investigation and impeachment of such individuals would have incontrovertably constituted a denial of the Defendant(s)' constitutionally protected rights to confrontation of witnesses - as But for - if SJCIP participated in such depositions or other discovery, same criteria applies and no SOL re Carecci re maintanence of charges could have accrued before date of participation in discovery conducted.
Karen Torres was arrested but never prosecuted
execution of affirmative acts in any arrangement in which any non-execution whereof would have necessarly resulted in the discontinuance of the maintenance of the criminal charges necessarily requires that SOL could not have accrued prior to date of any such affirmative act executions
Right not to be criminally prosecuted in any arrangement in which prob cause that prosecutee would have committed a crime was clearly established at common law and knowledge whereof must be presumed - actual or ought to have known - no invincible ignorance in re whereto
43 judges executed by King Edward - at common law, maintenance of criminal charges was obviously a crime,
treatment of the issue regarding the basis for RJM's understanding that the SOL could not possibly have begun to run in regard to the criminal prosecution, as distinct from the arrests prior to the date of the deposition of Phillip Johnson
3 counts re maintenance of charges - participation of UND - SJCIP - SJCIP-?
appalling disingenuity of Jenkin's statement that dismissal of criminal charges was not within his control - all that had to be accomplished was to refuse to produce Phillip Johnson and/or any other UND employee whose deposition was sought for deposition and/or to refuse to produce the documents produced during the discovery phase of the criminal prosecution and inter alia, the criminal charges concerned would have had to have been terminated for want of prosecution given that pursuant to the confrontation clause of the Sixth Amendment and other provisions of the Constitution the criminal defendants possessed (a) constitutionally protected right(s) to access to such information in order to prepare for trial such that any denial whereof would have had to have resulted in their exoneration, given, inter alia, that the trespass charges in issue did not relate to the accessing of areas and locations not generally accessible to the public at large.
The USDOJ has been informed that
RJM has remained accessible for the entirety of the period of time from which RJM
All Englishman must remain solicitous for the Magna Charta and the laws of England- QB v Tooley,