Document List - Vallenda - 10/17/12
1. D/L - V...10/17/12
2. Complaint of 10/17/12
3. Order of 10/16/12 in Case # 11 M1 016934
4. RJM Proposed Order of 10/16/12 in 11 M1 016934
Circuit Court of Cook County, IL, First Municipal District
Robert J. More ("RJM")
Plaintiff, Campaign to Make the World Safe for Innocence Once Again, One Predation Perpetration Avenging at a Time - Assignee Plaintiff
v Case #
United State’s Marshal Service ("USMS") Deputy Richard (Vallenda)(Wallenda)(Vellenda)(Wellenda), Senior Investigator, USMS
Initial Non-unabbreviated Component of 10/17/12 of Complaint of 10/17/12
This complaint is being filed in the barest bone minimum form in which RJM understood he could file it as completed at 15:00 p.m. on 10/17/12, so as to get it filed and served early enough to ensure the protection of the claims contained wherein from any legitimate invocation of any claim of lack of timeliness in the filing and service whereof.
It is a refiling of Case # 11 M1 016934, which was voluntarily dismissed with automatic leave to refile w/n one year of its dismissal on 10/16/12 (see Doc #3 & #4 from Doc List of 10/17/12) pursuant to the provisions of 735 ILCS 5/13-217.
Plaintiff incorporates the entirety of the contents of the "
Initial Non-unabbreviated Component of 10/17/11 of Complaint of 10/17/11 and the "Initial Non-unabbreviated Component of 2/14/12 of Amendment to Complaint of 10/17/11...." which are included herein infra, herein infra as if fully set forth herein.
For purposes of retaining a sinless record of activity, at least from a certain juncture in the past to the extent it is humanly possible to retain such (cf Decrees of the Council of Trent, Decree on Original Sin - paraphrase: "Only the Blessed Virgin Mary was capable of avoiding all even semi-deliberate venial sins, attributable to the prevenient grace(s) of the anticipated merits of the salvific work of her Divine Son")(RJM does not even know if, absent a special grace, it would even ever be humanly possible to know for certain whether or not there would ever be sins of omission and/or culpable negligence for which one would ever be liable in one's record of (non) activity in regard to which there would ever be a lack of the capacity to apprehend such condition and the provision of opinions of Saints and Divines in regard to the matter would be beyond the scope of this document), in particular, in the retention of a record of never having jeopardized any tribunal presider's prospects for eternal salvation via the presenting of any petition for any type of consideration to any tribunal which whatever TP would have been presiding over a given tribunal ever receiving such in a given instance would not have possessed the authority to grant, to the extent of RJM's capacity to remember each and every petition for any type of consideration which the presently prevailing situation in the u.s. of A. in which contra-predatory vigilantism is subject to criminal prosecution - howsoever unjustifiably in a given instance, such arrangement might be, has necessitated RJM's filing since his 18th birthday, RJM herein provides the following caveat: Article III of the Constituion of the u.s. of A. prescribes a court system of general "dual jurisdiction", there is a supremacy clause in the U.S. Constitution, providing for the supremacy of federal law(s) over any and all state law(s) which might ever appear to be in conflict wherewith, and jurisidiction over the federal criminal code and federal laws in which Congress has explicitly restricted the jurisdiction whereover to the Federal Courts, has been restricted by Congress to the Federal Courts, Federal Courts are in existence upon federal property, and to RJM's knowledge, since "For every injury, the Law will always provide a remedy", it must necessarily be the case that since there are filing restrictions still in place over RJM's activity, entirely unjustifiably in place in the local Federal Courts, whose removal RJM has again sought as recently as 10/17/12, this Court must possess jurisdiction over the matters this complaint concerns for the reasons referenced in the "Jurisdiction" component of this complaint, as the documents incorporated herein constitute such complaint.
[ensure that it is filed before the two year SOL on constitutional torts applicable in the State of IL expires.]
Providence willing, if RJM is still on this earth by 11/5/11, and martial law still has not yet been imposed by such date, RJM will file an amended version whereof on such date. RJM will then file a motion to voluntarily dismiss with automatic leave to refile within one year of the dismissal date and endeavor to procure a criminal conviction of the tortfeasor named herein for the violation of 18 USC 242 that corresponds to the Bivens tort plead herein and then seek to collaterally estopp the positing of any civil defense to any matter constituting the basis of any criminal conviction procured. This case is being filed concurrently with RJM’s continued prayers, sacrifices, and penitential works ordered to the seeking that God directly destroy all of the government entities of all type presently operative in Northern IL and RJM’s continued endeavors to get all such entities abolished according to a formula which would include adequate accommodation of all legitimate reliance interests. This complaint is being filed concurrently in both the local State and Federal Courts due to filing restrictions patently criminally and cannibalistically imposed upon RJM by Daughter of Lucifer, CCA 7 Judge Diane Wood, and Warmblooded Throat Slitter USDC, NDI, Chief Judges Charles "Maggot" Kocoras and James "Hatchet" Holderman
Jurisdiction And Venue
This Court, being a state court of general jurisdiction, possesses—pursuant to § 9 of Art. VI of the Illinois Constitution and the Declaratory Action Act 735 ILCS 5/2-701, subject matter jurisdiction to entertain and to decide Plaintiff’s justiciable claims of a common law, statutory law, and equitable nature, as the State Courts of the State of IL are courts of general and unlimited jurisdiction. Herb v Pitcairn (_U.S._). The claims of a federal constitutional dimension included herein are subject to this Court’s jurisdiction pursuant to the authority postulated in among other SCOTUS opinions those of Herb supra, Claflin v Houseman (_U.S._) and Lockerty v Phillips (_U.S._) which point the Supreme Court of the State of IL had to explain to the IL App. Ct, First District in the opinion recently postulated in Blount v Stroud ( _ Ill. 3d _).
B) All Parties include in this complaint are located in or reside in, or were conducting the activity in regard to which the claims herein addressed concern, in Cook County, IL, so this Court possesses personal jurisdiction over all Defendants listed herein.
Barest minimum of factual predicates necessary to sustain claims concerned until Defendants answer complaint:
1. On 10/16/09, in the Dirksen Federal Building at 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, IL, 60604 (the building containing the CCA 7 and USDC for NDI judicial hell holes) after RJM procured a confirmation from the Office of the U.S. Attorney regarding a document RJM delivered at about 17:00 p.m. or shortly whereafter to such office, RJM departed such office, while escorted by USMS Deputy Richard Vallenda (sp?) and two of his associates.
2. RJM and the three USMS deputies took the elevator to the first floor lobby and proceeded towards the island in the center of such lobby facing west, which is between the two magnometers located there.
3. At such island all concerned conducted a conversation, and RJM was connected to USMS Deputy Robinson by phone.
4. At a certain juncture – between 17:00 and 17:20, RJM informed the 3 USMS deputies that RJM had to return to the second floor cafeteria in order to complete a document to be delivered to a USDC, NDI Judge by hand delivery before 18:00 p.m. on 10/16/09.
5. USMS Deputy Vallenda ("Vallenda") asserted to RJM that RJM could not proceed to use such facility at that time on 10/16/09, because he claimed that the building was closed at 17:00 p.m.
6. RJM responded by informing Vallenda that in the absence of the identification of a promulgated law, rule or whatever requiring RJM to leave the Bldg at 17:00, that it was RJM’s informed understanding that RJM could not justify leaving it, and that RJM was demanding an identification of the source of authority according to which Vallenda was then claiming that RJM could not remain in the building until 6:00 p.m.
7. At some point RJM inquired of the Akal Officer who was seated in the Island an identification as to what time the building closed.
8. RJM repeated that, " unless and until I get a confirmation that the consequences of my not leaving this bldg. before 18:00 p.m. are that I would be arrested for not leaving it, I do not see how I could justify leaving this building prior to 18:00 p.m. except on my own un-coerced volition."
9. Vallenda who had refused to provide RJM his full name, replied, "I will take you to a magistrate."
10. RJM responded, "is there’s a magistrate accessible right now?"
11. Vallenda replied, "if you won’t leave, I will arrest you for a petty offense and you can go before a magistrate."
12. Since no one need ever subject himself to an arrest in order to prevent the waiver, forfeiture and/or relinquishment of any claim to relief, RJM repeated, "Are you saying that if I won’t now leave that you will arrest me and take me before a magistrate?"
13. Vallenda repeated what he had just said
14. RJM replied, "In that case I now have the confirmation which I need, whatever your intent & I inform you that, that I’m leaving under protest."
15. Whereupon, RJM departed the Dirksen Bldg and went across the street to the post office.
16. Without any electrical outlet into which to plug his computer and with no place to lay out and sort out exhibits to accompany the motion – which in this case were several – which had to be delivered to a USDC for NDI Judge on 10/16/09, RJM proceeded to complete the motion RJM then understood he had to complete and try to file.
17. RJM returns to the DFB at 17:58, at which point he was informed that the magnometer was no longer functioning by Akal Officer Gerald Hibbler who refused to accept any copy of any of the documents RJM endeavored to deliver to him at that juncture, notwithstanding that RJM explained RJM’s objective and HIbbler refused to permit RJM to leave copy on desk – but did not object to RJM’s leaving copy under the sliding front door.
18. At some juncture, Vallenda claimed to RJM that – "You set people up."
19. For the record, RJM takes the duties imposed upon RJM and all able-bodied persons to refuse to render unto Ceasar what rightfully belongs to God (Matt. 22:21) emanating from the Fourth Commandment as if the eternal disposition of his soul depended upon his doing so, since it is RJM’s understanding that it in fact, does, and refuses to make any unjustified concessions to Lucifer of any type, above all when any government entity is the perpetrator whereof (Acts. 5:29, 1 Tim. 5:22, Eph. 5:8, et al).
20. To be superseded, augmented and/or continued.
Count #1 - Denial of Due Process of Law
Factual averments, #ed 1-20, supra, are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein.
Such facts state a cause of action according to which relief can be granted in the State of IL for the Constitutional tort referenced herein, actionable against a federal government official via the Bivens Doctrine.
Wherefore, RJM herein demands the sum of $12,000.00 for the perpetration of such unjustified injury causing duty breach.
Count #2 –Interference with Locomotion
Factual averments, #ed 1-20, supra, are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein.
Such facts state a cause of action according to which relief can be granted in the State of IL for the tort of false imprisonment on a version whereof titled as titled in the title of this count
Wherefore, RJM herein demands the sum of $12,000.00 for the perpetration of such unjustified injury causing duty breach.
Count #3 – Deprivation of the Right to Petition the Government for a Redress of Grievances
The contents of paragraph #’s 1-20, supra, are incorporated by reference herein as if fully set forth herein.
Wherefore, RJM herein demands the sum referenced in the Count’s #1 and 2 listed herein supra for the unjustified injury causing duty breach this count concerns.
Plaintiff demands trial by jury [in this case]..
I aver that all factual averments contained herein are true.
Under penalty of perjury pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 1746 and 735 ILCS 5/1-109, I aver to the veracity of all factual averments contained herein.
Robert J. More
P.O. Box 6926
Chicago, IL 60680,, 863 688-9880 (lv msg)
Document List of 10/17/11 (D/L 10/17/11)
1. D/L of 10/17/11 X
2. Complaint of 10/17/11 X
3. Paupers Petition/IL Sup. Ct. Rule 298 Petition
4. First Superceding Component of 10/31/11 of Complaint of 10/17/11
5. Updated Internet Case Docket of 10/17/11
6. Proposals re confession to commission of crimes of obstruction of justice and 18 USC 242
7. Challenge in Quo Warranto to Presumption of Fitness to Hold and Exercise Office of USMS Deputy Vellenda
8. Petition to Defund USMS –
9. Petition to Proscribe Continued Existence and Operation of USMS
10. Petition for Appointment of Special Prosecutor – Federal 29 USC 591(g)
11. Demand for Congressional Investigation
12. Complaint against ISMA Member
13. List of All Documents Referenced In Complaint of 10/17/11
Circuit Court of Cook County, IL, First Municipal District
Robert J. More ("RJM")
Plaintiff, Campaign to Make the World Safe for Innocence Once Again, One Predation Perpetration Avenging at a Time - Assignee Plaintiff
v Case #
United State’s Marshal Service ("USMS") Deputy Richard (Vallenda)(Wallenda)(Vellenda)(Wellenda), Senior Investigator, USMS
Initial Non-unabbreviated Component of 2/14/12 of Amendment to Complaint of 10/17/11, Which Taken Together with the Original Complaint of 10/17/11 Constitutes the Amended Complaint of 2/14/12
Plaintiff incorporates the entirety of the Complaint of 10/17/11 filed in this case herein as if fully set forth herein.
Equitable Relief Requested
RJM respectfully moves this Court to issue an order in regard to the case this complaint concerns ("this case") prior to the conducting of any activity in regard to it other than the adjudication of the matter of the audio(-video) recording of any and all proceedings which might ever be conducted in it, that absolutely no proceedings may be conducted in this case except in an arrangement in which no such type proceeding would ever be conducted herein unless and until a confirmation in writing would have been received by this Court from all parties having a direct and legally cognizable interest in the adjudication hereof, and entered into whatever trial court record would be created in regard to it, that each and every such party would understand that none of such parties would ever have to participate in any proceeding ever conducted in regard hereto, except and unless either it would have been the case that no interference would have been posited with any endeavors which would ever have been undertaken for purposes of the creation of an audio-recording of any such proceeding(s) as might ever be conducted herein and that no such type proceeding(s) could likewise be conducted unless and until an order would be in place and operative which would prevent any interference with the audio-video recording of any and all activity of any individual which would ever be conducted in any government building containing any court of the State of IL, or quasi-court thereof, other than activity which would be conducted in any courtroom, lockerroom and or washroom thereof.
In other words, RJM does not consent to ever participate in any activity in which anyone who would be conducting activity as a representative official of any government entity would be conducting activity which would not be monitored by an audio (in the courtroom) or audio-video(everywhere and place other than those areas referenced herein supra) recording device, the product of which in regard to a given proceeding would be available to any party involved in any activity ever conducted therein in regard to this case or any other activity in regard to which RJM would find it necessary to access any government building (while there are a number of individuals conducting activity in the court system presently operative in the state of IL, without whose activity conditions therein would no doubt be far worse than they are presently found to be, it is the understanding of the matter this conveyance concerns in regard to which RJM understands that he will have to provide an accounting, that the combination of morally bankrupt individuals conducting activity as government officials, a disparity of weaponry between predation perpetrators and their potential victims ("PV"), conditions which provide the capacity and opportunity for the perpetration of predations under the color of law and pretext of legitimacy upon unarmed PV's whereof, and a lack of monitoring in a form which enables anyone and all of those victimized by the types of predations perpetrated in courtrooms in which activity is not adequately monitored on a continual basis [in order to possess a record of what [occurs] [would have occurred] in the adjudication of a given case- is an arrangement devastatingly destructive to the interests of the Roman Catholic Church in regard to which RJM understands that RJM will have to provide an accounting, and it is RJM's understanding that no such type arrangement can be permitted to remain in place without those possessing the means to eliminate such conditions incurring sinful culpability, not excluding gravely sinful culpability (1 Tim. 5:22, Eph. 5:8, et al) for any and all culpable neglect in not effecting the elimination of such conditions or at least having adequately endeavored to accomplish the elimination thereof. Even the presence in a given case, of a tribunal presider of the probity of St. Alphonsus Liguori would not be enough to deter many of the predators who frequent IL Courts from endeavoring to use the presently operative court system to defraud their victims.
RJM herein respectfully moves this Court, unless it would not possess the authority to do so, to issue an order authorizing RJM to bring and use an audio-recording device anywhere in the Dirksen Federal Building in Chicago, IL.
RJM herein respectfully moves this Court, unless it would not possess the authority to do so, to issue an order prohibiting any member of any policing or security entity from conducting any activity in the Dirksen Federal Building in Chicago, IL, which would constitute any type of interaction with any citizen, unless any such type activity would be monitored by an audio-video recording device and a copy of any recording ever created in regard to any such type interaction would be made available to any citizen who would ever demand such, unless a citizen in a given instance would explicity inform a given security or policing entity member that he or she would waive any such type claim as is referenced herein.
RJM herein respectfully moves this Court to issue an order requiring all members of any security entity operating at the Dirksen Federal Bldg in Chicago, IL to wear name and badge number insignia(s)on their persons, and to provide their names, and all information contained upon their licenses upon receiving a demand wherefore, unless it would not possess the authority to do so.
Wherefore, RJM herein demands the sum referenced in the counts included in the Complaint of 10/17/11 for the unjustified injury causing duty breach this case concerns and the equitable relief referenced herein .
Plaintiff demands trial by jury [in this case]..
I aver that all factual averments contained herein are true.
Under penalty of perjury pursuant to the provisions of 28 USC 1746 and 735 ILCS 5/1-109, I aver to the veracity of all factual averments contained herein.
Robert J. More
P.O. Box 6926
Chicago, IL 60680,