
Dear Ms. Gomez,

Invitation is herein extended to you, the Alderman and anyone and everyone in Ward # 32 to sign a petition demanding that various courts simply sign a copy of the document posted here: "thirstforjustice.tripod.com/decuncon42012.html" in regard to the effecting of a dispensation in regard to the scope of Robert J. More's ("RJM"'s) capacity to conduct activity in regard to the lawsuit you received yesterday from RJM and in regard to a number of other matters, beginning with endeavors to bring the murders of Terrence Yeakey, Kenneth Trentadue, Brad Duochette, Pat Tillman, Teresa Schiavo and the Barksdale Nine to just rectifications. Invitation is herein extended for the Alderman, you and others possessing an interest in the keeping of government activity within morally acceptable limits to inform RJM whether you would provide such type signatures, if not why not, and if not, what modifications in priorities RJM would have to make in order to procure such type signatures, now &/or in the future. tx for your consideration of this matter - RJM