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Dear Attorney Licensed to Practice Law in the State of IL or Attorney Who Could Participate in Legal Proceedings in IL, on a Pro Hac Vice Basis, Who Has Ever Been Associated with Any Priority Befitting a Warmblooded Activity Conductor, the author of this email ("RJM") apologizes for any imposition that the transmission of this document may have caused. Were the matter such email concerns not as important as such author understands it to in fact be, this email would never have been transmitted. In the thorn-bed of earthly existence, it goes without saying, various burdens often have to be borne and pains suffered in order to render the bearing of greater burdens and the suffering of worse pains, than those borne and/or suffered in a given instance, respectively, unnecessary.
On 12/23/07, a Mr. Donald Young ("MDY") was found with two bullet holes in the back of his head. MDY was the organist, reputed to be an open homosexual, at the Church, Mr. Barry Soetoro (aka Barack Obama) attended on the South Side of Chicago at that time. A Mr. Larry Sinclair ("MLS") has composed an affidavit averring that he had received several phone calls from MDY in the months prior to the finding of MDY's body, the subject of which was MLS's knowledge of various components of activity involving violations of negative precepts of the natural law, in which Soetoro, according to MLS, was a participant. A copy of that affidavit is accessible online.
MDY's estate has been committed to probate (08 P....) , but there is no indication in the trial court record maintained in such case, that any activity has been conducted for the purpose of ascertaining the identity of the perpetrators of the crime this email concerns.
It is the opinion, howsoever modest or for that matter, possibly most lamentably, lacking in modesty, of the author of this email that one of the most serious problems presently facing the u.S.of A. is the presently operative government monopoloy in this country upon criminal investigations and prosecutions -a condition characteristic of totalitarian police states. The ISMA is presently involved in projects the purpose of which is the elimination of this most destructive and dangerous condition, various references to which can be found throughout the website whose URL is contained in the ULC of this document, including but not limited to a reproduction with augmentation of Attorney Leo Donofrio's discussion of the protections the Fifth Amendment's "Presentment Clause" is supposed to provide.
An extensive treatment of this subject would necessarily be beyond the scope of this email, but consideration of the length of the list of decedents whose elimination(s) have evidently been perpetrated through government channels and/or in regard to which no investigation conducted according to standard operating procedures published in criminal investigation manuals used in crime investigation courses which constitute curriculums according to which law enforcement certificates are issued, has resportedly ever been conducted, would evidently leave the truth of such assertion to be uncontestable. MDY's death has been classified as a homicide by the Police Department of the City of Chicago ("CPD") and as of yet, an unsolved homicide. As a long-time resident of the City of Chicago, and Cook County, IL, RJM is only too painfully familiar with the magnitude of the alignment and accountability problems by which the the CPD and the Office of the Cook County State's Attorney ("CCSA") are plagued {reptile pits and criminal enterprises, along with the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL ("CC") , the CC Sheriff's Dept., the USDC for the NDI, and C.C.A. 7, (notwithstanding the socially beneficial, contra-predatory activity of various warmblooded individual members of such entities) if there have ever been any} an explication of which would be provided upon the reception of a request therefore.
A matter of evident comparative enormous public interest is the method of investigation which was utilized in the investigation of the crime referenced herein supra (" this crime") by the CPD and/or related persons and entities such as any members of the Office of the CCSA who have conducted activity in regard to such matter. One question that immediately arises is: "Did the public receive the consideration due it in regard to the investigation of this crime to the extent such consideration would have had to have been provided, by those obliged to provide such in regard to this incident (" consideration providers" ("CP"'s)) that it can justifiably be claimed that no criminal liability has been incurred by such CP's, as for example pursuant to the provisions of the Official Misconduct Statute presently operative in the State of IL (720 ILCS......) and or other state and federal statutes which have since 12/23/07, regulated in some substantial matter the conducting of crime investigations in Chicago, IL.
In June of 2010, subsequent to the conducting of an extensive investigation into the law regarding a number of interrelated matters, RJM, filed a case which is now captioned More v Barrett, case # 10 CH 02262 in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL, in which RJM both sought plaintiff for a third party plaintiff status on behalf of MDY's Estate and the procurement of an appointment of a special prosecutor. A copy of the complaint filed in such case and the other documents submitted to the Hon. Judge D. K. Kinnaird in regard to such case can be accessed here:.......
For now, pursuant to the express provisions of 55 ILCS 5/3-9008, based upon reports possessing some evident credibility that the attorney addressed herein either possesses the "Categorical Sanctity of Human Life Position" or has ever endeavored to procure a benefit from maintaining a reputation for having possessed such conviction, and/or has received some type of benefit or other from being associated to some measure with such position, each of the recipients of this email is invited to accept nomination for the appointment of a special prosecutor in regard to the matter of whether it could be justified to leave in place a condition in which no activity conductor has yet been charged with the commission of any crime regarding the method of investigaton utilized and/or left unutilized regarding the death of MDY and convicted of any crime which an investigation of the type referenced herein would indicate would have been committed, and/or to provide information and/or insights into the matters this email concerns, whenever priorities (what is so often referenced as "time") might permit such. There may or may not be a statute of limitations issue ("SOL") operative in regard to any criminal prosecution which might need to be conducted regarding the character of what transpired subsequent to the finding of the dead body of MDY on 12/23/07, as it might be the case that any number of various activity conductors conducted activity regarding the death of MDY from the juncture at which his dead body was discovered until the date this email was composed.
The objective at this juncture in regard to the prosecution of this case is to procure the appointment of two prosecutors whose activity would be audited by someone of the stature of a Dr. E. Vieira, whose participation in such prosecution has not yet been procured. Cook County, IL would fund the payment of attorney's fees for such prosecution and ISMA continues to seek sponsors to cover other expenses which might be incurred, and either enhance the compensation which might be paid and/or to sponsor bounties for the acceptable vindication of the interests such prosecutions would concern which objective would of course include among other possibilities, those of the procurement of indictments and/or presentments and or criminal conviction(s), the procurement of testimony and/or evidence of various sorts and/or at some juncture, the voluntary dismissal of any charges ever instituted, as it is herein acknowledged that howsoever frequently disregarded it is in today's political hatchet job, conviction mills, the principle that the purpose of any criminal prosecution is not the procurement of a conviction, but that crime not remain unpunished and innocence not suffer, remains inviolable.
There is a case management date set for 12/22/10 regarding this case. It is the hope of RJM that IL Supreme Court Justice Robert Thomas (a Judge - who as far as RJM knows has never made any unjustified concessions to either baby murder nor homosexuality, and who would be the least likely Judge in the State of IL, in regard to whose existence RJM is cognizant, to permit himself to be intimidated out of the use of the authority of a judicial office for the purposes for which such authority is supposed to be exercised - the protection of the common good) will be presiding over the adjudication thereof by such date. Any observations and/or suggestions regarding the matters this email concerns would be much appreciated. RJM intends to transmit updates every three to four weeks to those who have received this email regarding the progress of the prosecution it concerns, unless notice would have been received that a given recipient would be unwilling to receive such updates.
Inter alia, to protect legitimate privacy interests and/or not risk jeopardizing any given legtimate endeavor, should any given recipient of this email consider it important to keep his name off of a list of desginated recipients of this email for whatever reason, if a request for such consideration would be provided accompanied within 60 days of the submission of such by an explanation delineating the reasons for the keeping of such confidence, such recipient's name would be kept off of such list, at least until either further notice would have been provided that it would have evidently become necessary to make public the transmission of this email to a given requestor of such consideration or a court order evidently possessing legitimacy would require such disclosure. It goes without saying that anyone who cannot directly assist in the accomplishment of the project this email concerns would be invited to participate spiritually and/or to contribute financially to it and specifics in this regard can be found at the URL included in the ULC of this document. It may be necessary to use auxillary security units to secure (any) theatres in which the matters this project concerns would be conducted and details regarding this element of the project are also accessible at the website cited supra.
Besides any recipient of this email who cannot possibly participate in the project it concerns being welcome to make a donation to it, confidential or publicized, any solicitation(s) for any type of (a) contribution(s) for any type of material assistance and/or a monetary donation for any given project which a given recipient of this email would consider to be more important than the one this email concerns, would be welcome. As John Nicholson so often says, "If someone else has an evidently more promising plan, we (those involved in his project(s)) are only too willing to jettison ours and join theirs, but doing nothing is not an option."
Clarifications regarding the purpose, objectives, criteria and methods of the prosecution of the case this email concerns can be procured via the submission of a request therefore. Security measures have already been installed and are in the process of being enhanced to protect the integrity of the project this email concerns. The Bellis trial of 1915 to name just one graphic example, provides ample evidence of the consequences of opposing the forces who would not find the objectives this email concerns to be compatible with their interests. Any endeavor to infiltrate or otherwise sabotage the project this email concerns will be handled appropriately.
If for whatever reason, you have received this email notwithstanding that you do not possess any redeeming qualities, have never been reputed to possess any and/or have never endeavored to procure any benefit from the maintenance of a reputation for possessing any, then there was no intention to send this email to you and no response to it from you would be welcome.
One last thing - Since it is evidently premature to taunt the enemy(s) of the human race with an "In Your FACE, Lucifer and in your faces, His Rothschild Slavekeepers (Apoc.2:9)", such will not be included herein - when His Majesty returns as the Avenging King on the white cloud (Apoc. - there will not be any need to remind Lucifer and his minions who have done his bidding (Jn. 8:44) to whom it was that all authority has been given (Matt. 28:20) but in the meantime, let all concerned "sanctify the time" in days that many understand to be amongst the most evil ever
On behalf of everything warmblooded and either altogether innocent or demonstrably regenerated and penitent (Luke 13:3), (Council of Trent, Decrees on Justification and Penance), unavoidably ensconced in evil, but unwilling to be overcome (Rom. 12:21), or mastered (Baptismal Promise Renewal), by it, Robert J. More
ISMA Br. #4, AAA,
-fight unrelentingly foward, lest the children born after 11/1/05 and the 1.2 million homeschooled children in front of them, on the way up, do not receive the best interference running & path-clearing that can be provided, and a King St. Louis IX - like headmaster (Mr. _ _) as well (Quas Primas, Divini Illius Magistri