Note - if attributable to whatever cause(s), placing the mouse over a given link (URL address) and clicking on it does not bring you to the document whose URL address or at least a component whereof would have constituted the destination of a given link , by entering the entire URL address referenced in a given link into the receptacle at the top of this webpage, in place of that presently there, and clicking on the "enter" key, the search engine will deliver you to such link. If such approach fails, the contact information for the webmaster who manages the site in which you are now operating, is included at the bottom of the home page.
Dear Detective McVicker et al,
The purpose for which this letter has been composed and transmitted to you (“you plural”, hereinafter “you”) is to provide you an opportunity to provide an explanation regarding any activity conducted and/or left unconducted by you regarding the death of Mr. D. Young on 12/23/07, if you might be interested in providing such. It is the informed understanding of the author of this letter (“RJM”) that you were, at least at some point, the detective assigned to such case, which may or may not still be the situation.
For all of the reasons explicated in the document in the upper left hand corner of which, next to the URL included there, is included the document identifier “younglet 10-24-10”, which accompanies this document, it is the understanding of RJM that the bringing of the issue of the cause of the D. Young death to an acceptable resolution is task that RJM is supposed to continue to endeavor to help accomplish. Other than the provision of your name and the present classification of that death as an “unsolved homicide”, RJM has received no cooperation from the CPD regarding the ascertainment of the causes of such death. The overall track record of the CPD (notwithstanding the evidently useful and in some cases, meritorious, activity of a minority of its members) in regard to which RJM is cognizant, being what it is, there is no basis upon which RJM would be willing to rely in expecting that the causes of such death would ever be adequately identified and redressed, were the project this letter concerns not prosecuted. You can read the entirety of the documents presently in the court file in Case # 10 CH 26622, in the Circuit Court of Cook County, IL by accessing the URL listed herein supra and scrolling through the list of documents contained therein and then accessing those with the name “Young” included therein or by emailing RJM a request therefore, who would be most willing to transmit copies of such to you.
If there is anything you would consider it appropriate and necessary to inform RJM and everyone else who possesses a legitimate reliance interest in the legitimate investigation and prosecution of crime(s), you are welcome to contact me and/or the webmaster whose contact information is listed in the home page of the URL referenced herein supra. Hopefully, via joint participation in a cooperative venture the cause of death of Mr. D. Young can be adequately ascertained and any perpetrators responsible wherefore, adequately punished. If at any juncture, it would occur to you that any legitimate reliance interest possessed by you would not have been adequately accommodated regarding the matters this letter concerns, a formula for the filing of complaints against ISMA members is included in the URL listed in the ULC herein supra.
Robert J. More, Rom. 12:21