
Welcome to the 'Thirst For Justice' Website (cf. Mt 5:6, Lk 6:21)
ThirstForJustice / ISMA: The Institute of St. Michael the Archangel, Robert J. More, Webmaster:
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Documents including case dockets related to various matters that documents in this website concern can also be found here: http://jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/tablecontents.html

F.B.I. documents

*** This document: fbirjminves032017.html is posted for F.B.I. Special Agent, Evie McCrystal (spelling of name uncertain) of the West division of the F.B.I.'s Chicago, IL area, by Mr. Robert J. More, and with some technical assistance of the webmaster, listed below: http://jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/fbirjminves032017.html

*** http://jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/fbiinvestrjm012518.html

*** http://jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/fbiinvestrjm012518dlaamprorep.html

*** Petition to replace present FBI investigation, escorts et al of Robert J. More, with the hiring of former U.S. S.S. Agent Daniel Bongino.... http://Jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/ismapetbongdsec030218.html

*** Explanation to FBI Agent In re the provisions of Magna Charta Clause 61 - first superseding version of this document as somehow one sentence of its predecessor ended up being incomplete http://Jn21-15protctr.tripod.com/fbiaemsupp030318.html

To procure updated documents not yet posted in this website at a given juncture, contact any of the email addresses found herein and/or use any phone number(s) listed in the documents accessible from this website, 'Thirst For Justice.'

Contact Us (editor: Robert J. More, aka "RJM" at: anselm45@gmail.com, or 708 317-8812)

To procure updated documents not yet posted in this website concerns at a given juncture, contact any of the email addresses found herein and/or use any phone number(s) listed in the documents accessible from this website, 'Thirst For Justice.'

Contact Us (Webmaster: Gordon Wayne Watts at: gww1210@aol.com, 863 688-9880) GordonWayneWatts.com ~ GordonWatts.com ~ http://ThirstForJustice.net

** This document: fbirjminves032017.html is posted for F.B.I. Special Agent, Evie McCrystal (spelling of name uncertain) of the West division of the F.B.I.'s Chicago, IL area, by Mr. Robert J. More, and with some technical assistance of the webmaster, listed below.


This website is a "semi-mirror" of http://ThirstForJustice.net: Here, let me explain:

This website, http://ThirstForJustice.Tripod.com has much "similar" content, but is primarily updated by page-owner, Robert J. More, and is thus more likely to have the most current information about him. The other mirror, listed above, is primarily edited by webmaster, Gordon W. Watts, and serves as an all-purpose archive. BOTH pages are currently "active" (meaning, current stuff may possibly be posted in both places - update your bookmarks accordinly!).

YOU ARE HERE: http://ThirstForJustice.Tripod.com

THAT IS THERE: http://ThirstForJustice.net

UPDATE on Extra Storage Space complaint:
* https://thirstforjustice.tripod.com/esscomptheftdl011718wadd48fs_HTML.htm
* http://ThirstForJustice.net/esscomptheftdl011718wadd48fs_HTML.html
* http://ThirstForJustice.net/esscomptheftdl011718wadd48fs_PDF.pdf
* http://ThirstForJustice.net/esscomptheftdl011718wadd48fs_DOC.doc


*** Click here for U Notre Dame / Biden/Boehner complaint.

Monday, November 16, 2015 update:
G.M.A.C. v. Richard Daniggelis, et al., 07 CH 29738
Amended Notice of Intervention by right, and, in the alternative, Petition for Intervention by Non-attorney, Robert J. More(*.html Webpage format)
Amended Notice of Intervention by right, and, in the alternative, Petition for Intervention by Non-attorney, Robert J. More(PDF format)
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 update:
G.M.A.C. v. Richard Daniggelis, et al., 07 CH 29738
Notice of Motion (*.html Webpage format)
Notice of Motion (PDF format)
Notice of Intervention by right, and, in the alternative, Petition for Intervention by Non-attorney, Robert J. More (*.html Webpage format)
Notice of Intervention by right, and, in the alternative, Petition for Intervention by Non-attorney, Robert J. More (PDF format)

The first website, to which, the appellation "Roman Catholic" can, to the extent of its creator's knowledge of the internet's contents (as of 1/1/2002), justifiably, at least in terms of any & all dogmatic doctrinal positions contained herein (it is always possible to err in the application of moral principles to configurations of facts, in cases in which no violation of a negative precept of the natural law is manifest and matters have yet to be solemnly defined according to acceptable moral principles such as the Doctrine of the Double Effect, etc., etc. - obviously, not to imply that any matter could possibly be solemnly defined according to anything but acceptable moral principles), be affixed. This is a zero tolerance of any type of immodesty or of any unfair or uncorrected embellishment(s) website.

This is the website of the DNRCPN (Demonstratively Non-counterfeit Roman Catholic Protection Network) and it, like the Network itself, is dedicated to the accomplishment of the objective of shining the Light (John 1:5) of the Truth (John 14:6, 17:17, 18:37) on the activity of the cutthroats, cannibals vipers, and other assorted non-warmblooded and not non-venomous specimens who under the control of their Luciferian Master [the father of lies, he who was a murderer from the beginning (Jn 8:44)], at this treacherous and tragic juncture in the saga of salvation history (presumptively that period described in Matthew 24:14), maraud the theatre of earthly existence, almost without opposition, as does their father (1Pet 5:9); and in particular, who continue to especially ravage souls & the social order through the activity of the church that stands in the place in which The True and only Roman Catholic Church for so many centuries stood, and through the various branches of the U.S. government and so many political subdivisions thereof, at various levels, particularly in the legal system: and beyond exposing the activity of such iniquity-working malefactors and criminals, to the bring as many of them as possible to justice, or to bring justice to them; , & in so doing to help liberate those countless numbers still presently enslaved - whether by sin, &/or fear, &/or ignorance, &/or afflictions of any & every type, & to prevent preventable grief for such persons by endeavoring to ensure that neither sins that directly unjustifiably injure others, nor crimes committed in contravention of existing civil statutes, remain unpunished, as it is so incontrovertably true that when the guilty go unpunished, it is the innocent who in that condition of non-punishment of the guilty are actually punished, according to the proverbial adage, "Qui parcit nocentibus, innocentes punit" & to help each & all, if there be even the slightest scintilla of hope in a given case, to fulfill his or her true purpose in the larger scheme of things according to the ascertainable "will of God" before the arrival of that last defining moment, at which, to paraphrase the words of "The Apostle", "every knee, voluntarily or otherwise, will be bent at the name of Jesus" (Phil 2:10), and there will not be any tongue acclaiming anything, but that he is the "King of Kings", and the "Lord of Lords", to the glory of God the Father (Phil 2:11). But that glorious day is yet to come & it cannot be claimed that it will not be glorious, even for those who do not succeed in avoiding hell & who thus experience none of that glory, just because of who God is & the glory he deserves. For now, the DNRCPN, representing the preeminent progeny of the Non-counterfeit Roman Catholic Church in the temporal order/earthly theatre, which is of course "The Rule of Law" continues to combat what is Lucifer's preeminent progeny in the same order/theatre, which is of course, "The Reign of Terror" & it is this conflict between the two, which is the source of all that follows in this website, as this conflict constitutes so important a part of the larger competition over the salvation & perdition of souls, which in turn constitutes the unfolding story of human history on the battlefield of the earthly theatre. This website, consecrated through the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Ever-Virgin Mother of God, to the Honor of His Majesty, Christ the King, will ever be under construction just as the "cases for salvation" of each of the DNRCPN's Members will likewise ever be, while each of them continues to labor, sacrifice & suffer in his or her respective temporary earthly tour of duty. Whether any particular individual realizes it or not, & whether any particular individual likes it or not, what it is that each & everyone is in, is a war, with the salvation & perdition of souls in the balance, & it is self-evidently a fact too obvious to even require acknowledgement thereof, that no one in a war survives, much less ultimately prevails, except he who fights carefully and discriminately, without on the other hand, sacrificing any earnestness and vigor by demonstrating what would constitute in a given instance, too great a solicitude for precision and detail- since fights are fights, and battles are battles, and wars are wars, not Sistine Chapel painting projects - and who thus, fights effectively. We are categorically committed to the provision of the most vigorous possible morally legitimate opposition to the Talmud Imposer's Globalist Takeover Agenda that we can provide which given the monstrousness of that agenda and the means by which its advocates seek to accomplish it, certainly does not leave the threshold of moral legitimacy at a terribly high threshold (meaning we do not have to conduct our activity with any more care than that due to the morally best person who might stand to be injured by some course of action we, in a given instance, would sense ourselves bound to follow) to understate the case. On the contrary, we must expect that God will hold every able-bodied person fully accountable for everything that could have been done to prevent the takeover, that on Judgment Day will be demonstrated to have been left undone - a terribly sobering consideration to again understate the case(cf Heb. 10:31). As we have had both technical problems with the insertion and inclusion of documents into the site and problems with the amount of sheer labor needed to both continue to fight the many battles in which we are presently engaged and to chronicle them in the site so that others can benefit from the utilization of formulas which have been useful in our own battles against the iniquity, violence, despotism and criminality that is ubiquitously prevalent around us, we beg your patience in bearing with the lamentably slow pace at which we have been getting documents posted, and would welcome any suggestions and/or other types of assistance that would facilitate our more expeditious posting of documents into the site. We are way behind already, the Luciferian juggernaut continues to plow forward, wreaking havoc in its wake and it must be sabotaged and conquered, at any cost - so let us continue, undaunted and undiscouraged whatsoever should befall us, in the task of accomplishing such objective.

First Priority

Unexpanded Table of Contents

Expanded Table of Contents Newly Updated: as of Wednesday, 22 April 2009, 21:52:49 PM, EDT

Monday, November 16, 2015 update:
G.M.A.C. v. Richard Daniggelis, et al., 07 CH 29738
Amended Notice of Intervention by right, and, in the alternative, Petition for Intervention by Non-attorney, Robert J. More(*.html Webpage format)
Amended Notice of Intervention by right, and, in the alternative, Petition for Intervention by Non-attorney, Robert J. More(PDF format)
Tuesday, October 13, 2015 update:
G.M.A.C. v. Richard Daniggelis, et al., 07 CH 29738
Notice of Motion (*.html Webpage format)
Notice of Motion (PDF format)
Notice of Intervention by right, and, in the alternative, Petition for Intervention by Non-attorney, Robert J. More (*.html Webpage format)
Notice of Intervention by right, and, in the alternative, Petition for Intervention by Non-attorney, Robert J. More (PDF format)

This web-ring includes, but it not limited to, the following:

Subject Index

Contact Us (editor: Robert J. More, aka 'RJM')

To procure updated documents not yet posted in this website at a given juncture, contact any of the email addresses found herein and/or use any phone number(s) listed in the documents accessible from this website, 'Thirst For Justice.'

Contact Us (Webmaster: Gordon Wayne Watts) GordonWayneWatts.com ~ GordonWatts.com


Index of /thirstforjustice

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